» Self-Help » Words Have Power, Dominique Fields [classic novels TXT] 📗

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a very hard time with this in recent years due to the struggle that comes for many people after graduation. After graduation depression is real. Never let anyone tell you it isn’t. But you can beat it and words are an important weapon in doing that. It may seem too simple but everything doesn’t have to be complicated. Speak your goals on yourself. Speak your achievement of dreams on yourself. Speak of love upon yourself. Speak of confidence in yourself.  Because in the end, whatever you think you can do, you are absolutely right.



Each new day is filled with infinite potential and possibility. 






My belief in myself waivers every day. I would be lying if I said I didn’t; every hour sometimes even. One day I can think I will never achieve my dreams and then there are days that I won’t let anyone tell me my limitations…not even myself. Just because you don’t have full steam about your passion at all times doesn’t mean that you are derailing.  It is just a moment in time. Each new day is filled with infinite potential and possibility.  Never forget that.



I am so grateful for my life and its blessings.  





These past couple of years has been hard. No sugar coating, they have been terrible. In this chaos, I have found out things about myself that I never knew before. I also had a  period of extreme self-pity. That didn’t help. I forgot to remember and be thankful for all the good in my life. I had plenty. When we are going through tough times, we can become negative Nancy. Don’t let those tough times win over your good times. Remind yourself to be grateful for life and its many blessings. 



Continue to learn, grow, and evolve with each passing day. 





Suffering from anxiety and depressive episodes takes a huge toll on me. One thing I  learned, though, was that surrendering to help and allowing yourself to be vulnerable in order to get better is a necessity. You can’t do it all on your own. I am lucky to have a  community around me that openly discusses as well as having others who can relate because they suffer the same fate. Once I realized what was going on, I wanted to learn more about it and figure out how to grow from this. One of the reasons I started RueXO was to build a community for people who may not be as lucky as myself to have people to speak to, or for people who are currently trying to figure out what they may be going through, or just for people who want to continue to learn along with me and need a safe space to do it. I use my journey to continue to learn, grow, and evolve with each passing day. No matter what you struggle with, I hope you do too.



I am confident in my talents, strengths, gifts, and abilities. 






Remember that post-graduation depression I was talking about earlier? That can be a  product of a lot of different things. It could be debt acquired, job economy, real-life hitting all at once, etc. For myself, it was/is the debt and job economy. It is actually a  pretty common story amongst college graduates. So many of us go to college like told,  receive a degree that we go into massive debt for, to come out of school and not able to get a job in the field that they spent so much time, money, and energy to pursue. Wild,  right? You do everything they tell you. You network, take on internships, stay on top of your GPA, and have nothing to show for it. It’s a scam if you ask me, but I digress. All that can really affect a person’s mental state. The fields I was in had so many entrepreneurs and rising entrepreneurs whose main reason for starting their business was because no one would hire them. They are killing it. I learned a lot from those people.  Never let anyone influence your ability to see and believe in your talent and never let anyone have complete control of how you make a living. You can and will make it. You may just have to take the initiative. If you’ve been waiting on a sign, this is your sign. It’s time to glow up. Be confident in your talents, strengths, gifts, and abilities.



My life is filled with meaning, purpose, and passion. 





When fighting yourself mentally every day, your worth can seem distorted in the midst of it. You can lose the sense of self, accomplishment, satisfaction, etc. It may take a while but remember that your life is filled with meaning, purpose, and passion. You may be the only one to know what those are but that’s the only person that matters. Self-validation is a major key.




Change your thoughts and change your life. 





I discussed this not too long ago. How you think makes a major impact on your life. Did you know that negative thought can lead to negative results? For example, I can be a  hypochondriac and I try to be better at it because thinking you’re sick all the time can make you physically sick. Really, look it up. So many illnesses are a result of stress. If that doesn’t show you the power of what thoughts can do, I don’t know what will. So,  let’s project positive thoughts and change our lives. 



Don’t invalidate your thoughts, honor them. 





We invalidate our thoughts and beliefs so much sometimes that we don’t even recognize we do it. One of the most popular methods of invalidating ourselves and others is telling them that someone else has it worse. Or, that you have more than others, so you should be appreciative. Yes, appreciate what you have. It doesn’t take away the pain necessarily,  though. Another one is that you can’t get better because of the circumstances you grew up in or were born into. From here on out, no more accepting invalidation from anyone.  We all can do what we put our minds to. Honor your thoughts and believe in yourself.  Period. 


You’ve made it to the end! These are some affirmations and manifestations that changed how I went about my everyday life. I realized that I had to change my thought process before I  could move forward in any way. I understand there are different strokes for different folks and this may not work for everyone. However, it may. I just want to share what helped me with my anxiety-induced and episodic moments. I have heard and seen so many people speak on their testimonies of speaking things into existence. I am a witness. There is power in words.

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