» Self-Help » Words Have Power, Dominique Fields [classic novels TXT] 📗

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after graduation with no income and in three months, would hopefully pass an evaluation where it would turn into a full-time job. Long story short, I didn’t get offered a full-time job, but I got an offer to stay on and work another three months for free. HA, no. My bills weren’t free, so I  couldn’t continue working for free. I am not speaking badly on the company/people in any way. They were great people and I really enjoyed working with them. But again, my bills weren’t free. That’s when the job search got real. I had always been searching but was holding out for that position mainly because I really wanted it. I couldn’t get a job with my two degrees and none of my networking connections were pulling through.  Finally, I got a job copying papers all day (literally), and I was miserable. Every day I  went home drained and uninspired because this wasn’t how I imagined this going. A  month later, I was let go. After that, I wasn’t able to find another job for two months.  Depression and anxiety set in hard. I don’t think I left home much, or even got out of bed. I couldn’t afford to honestly. I soon got another job that wasn’t the best atmosphere mentally but I loved my coworkers so that was a plus. I decided that as long as I could keep a roof over my head and food in my stomach that I would make the most of my struggle. Something had to change. It was clear my circumstance wasn’t so my mind had to. So, I let go of all expectations and focused on the positives in my life. I decided to release all of the ties that bound me to anxiety and depression. My mental state has improved tremendously.



It’s an opportunity to learn something new. 





To take from the story on the page prior, I decided to take this time of struggle and make it an opportunity to learn something new. I took online courses, I created online courses, I  started a blog called RueXO that discusses health and beauty topics with an emphasis on mental health because your inside is just as important as your outside. I chose this time to take on some freelance projects. I took this time to learn what I was really passionate about and set some life goals. I took this time to ignite the go-getter in me. I hustle a lot more now. I let go of anxiety over things I cannot control. I learned that there is no need to put yourself through something twice. I had some epiphanies about my health. Most importantly, I embraced my struggle and let it motivate me to level up. I took this opportunity to learn something new. Whatever season you are in, you should always learn something new.



I’ll tackle it from a different angle. 







I got a new job finally, right? Everything is better, right? Wrong. After being let go from my first job that I hated with a passion, I got another job after another two months of searching. This time I started working for a company that treated me like I had a disease.  Literally, I think I could have won a discrimination lawsuit against them. So this wasn’t the best job either. I remember starting and being disappointed again and the depression came creeping back in again. One day I went into the bathroom randomly and burst into tears. I mean, I did everything I was told and taught in college and I had nothing to show for it. I shortly came to the realization that at that point, I was just living life. I found no joy in it and that wasn’t it; at all. I decided to tackle it from a different angle. My coworkers got treated like crap as well and I figured that building a bond amongst us would make the days go by easier. It did. I decided that if I wasn’t dying from it, then I  wasn’t stressing over it. That simple epiphany changed my whole entire life. It was literally as simple as changing how I thought. Now, it’s not always that easy. I put in earnest work into what I preached but it’s not that easy for everyone and I am in no way implying that. It worked for me, though, and I haven’t been the same since.




I’ll open my channels of communication. 






Self-awareness is a treat. It’s very important. An area I can improve in is communication.  I have always been a people pleaser down to the bone, and so I never want to make anyone feel uncomfortable. I also know that I can be mean when I speak without having resolved my feelings yet. So, I decided to stay to myself when upset. That doesn’t always work. Oh, and I feel every emotion I go through steeply, so it takes me a while to get through my emotions of a situation. Then there is the fact that everyone doesn’t communicate the same and wants you to use their resolution language without trying to understand your own. I have noticed that despite many people expressing that they want to be talked with and expressed to in order to resolve any issues going on, it rarely goes as planned. That’s not my problem and neither is it yours. Express yourself with love and move on. How they choose to intercept that message is their issue.





Take a chance. 





I consider myself a safe person. I do not proclaim to be a risk-taker. I understand that I  love my comfort zone. I think we all can get caught up in our comfort zone afraid of other's opinions, afraid of failing, or maybe just afraid of being vulnerable. 2019 was the year I wanted to step away from all of that. It hadn’t done me any favors as of yet. So, I  decided to start a blog discussing my mental health journey and sharing some knowledge on the topic. The blog is called RueXO. I decided on forcing myself to get out and meet more people, have more experiences since I can be introverted. We may think that taking risks means it has to be more on the extreme side but stepping out of your comfort zone in any way is a taking a risk. So, take a chance. 



I will give it another try. 





If you have not caught on yet, the theme of this book is just to stay calm and never give up. I truly believe in this and live by it. There has been so much rejection in my life, I am sure it overshadows my achievements...insert awkward look here. It makes the achievements much nicer and way more victorious when they do come. No matter how many times you fail or how many times you face rejection, a victory is on the horizon.  You just have to give it another try.



Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right. 





I think that is a quote by Henry Ford. I see a lot of this current day. It is just called manifestation. So, full disclaimer, I used to be a big-time skeptic. I am still fighting off some of those old ways. I also have a self-deprecating sense of humor. I’m one big package of joy if you can’t tell. Words have power. How you speak to yourself and think of yourself determines what you achieve. I have had

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