» Study Aids » Esperanto Self-Taught with Phonetic Pronunciation, William W. Mann [crime books to read TXT] 📗

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quality) delikata dehlee-kah'tah fit (for) taŭga tahw'gah flat plata plah'tah foolish malsaĝa mahl-sah'jah fortunate bonŝanca bohn-shahnt'sah free libera libeh'ra frequent ofta off'tah fresh freŝa freh'shah front antaŭa ahntah'wah full plena pleh'nah gay gaja gah'yah general, usual kutima kootee'ma gentle, polite ĝentila jentee'la good bona boh'nah grand grandioza grahndee-oh'zah great granda grahn'dah happy feliĉa fehlee'chah hard malmola mahl-mo'la heavy peza peh'zah high alta ahl'tah honest honesta honeh'stah hot varmega vahrmeh'ga hungry malsata mahl-sah'tah ill (unwell) malsana mahl-sah'nah important grava grah'va interesting interesa inteh-reh'sah just justa yoos'tah kind bonkora bohn-ko'ra lame lama lah'ma large, vast larĝa lahr'jah last lasta lah'stah late malfrua mahl-froo'ah light luma loo'ma little, small malgranda mahl-grahn'dah long longa lohn'gah loose ne fiksita neh fiksee'tah low (in place) malalta mahl-ahl'tah many multaj mool'tahy mild milda meel'dah muddy kota ko'tah narrow mallarĝa mahl-lahr'jah natural natura nahtoor'ah new nova no'vah nice, tasty bongusta bohn-goo'stah old (not new) malnova mahl-no'vah open malfermita mahl-fehrmee'tah patient pacienca paht-see-ent'sah pleasant agrabla ahgrah'blah poor (not rich) malriĉa mahl-ree'chah poor (to be pitied) kompatinda kompah-teen'dah possible ebla eh'blah pretty beleta beh-leh'tah private privata pree-vah'tah probable probabla probah'blah proud fiera fee-eh'rah public publika pooblee'ka pure, clean pura poo'rah quick, swift rapida rahpee'dah quiet kvieta kvee-eh'tah rich riĉa ree'chah right prava prah-vah — (correct) ĝusta joo'stah ripe matura mahtoo'rah rough (not smooth) malglata mahl-glah'tah round ronda rohn'dah rude malĝentila mahl-jenteela sacred, holy sankta sahnk'tah sad malĝoja mahl-joya safe, secure sekura seh-koo'rah sharp akra ah'krah short mallonga mahl-lohn'ga silent silenta seelehn'tah simple simpla seem'plah slow malrapida mahl-rahpee'dah smooth glata glah'tah soft mola mo'lah sound, reliable fidinda feedeen'dah sour acideca ahtsee-deht'sah square kvadrata kvah-drah'tah straight rekta rehk'tah strange (curious) stranga strahn'gah strong forta fohr'tah stupid, dull stulta stool'tah sufficient sufiĉa soofee'chah sweet dolĉa dohl'chah tall altkreska ahlt-krehs'kah tender (loving) amplena ahm-pleh'nah thick dika dee'kah thin maldika mahl-dee'ka thirsty soifanta so-eefahn'tah tough koherema ko-hehreh'mah true vera veh'rah ugly malbela mahl-beh'la unsettled (weather) necerta neht-sehr'tah useful utila ootee'la usual kutima kootee'ma valuable multvalora mooltvahlo'ra various diversa deevehr'sah warm varma vahr'ma weak malforta mahl-fohr'ta wet malseka mahl-seh'kah whole tuta too'tah willing volonta volohn'tah wise saĝa sah'jah wrong malprava mahl-prah'vah young juna yoo'nah 36. Verbs.

(For Grammatical Notes see p. 81.)

English. Esperanto. Pronunciation. To accept akcepti ahk-tsehp'tee " admire admiri ahdmeer'ee " answer, reply respondi rehspohn'dee " approve aprobi ahpro'bee " arrive alveni ahl-veh'nee " ascend supreniri soo'preh-neer'ee " ask demandi dehman'dee " attract, draw altiri ahl-teer'ee " awake, intr. vekiĝi vehkee'jee " be esti eh'stee " be hungry malsati mahl-sah'tee " be ignorant of nescii nehst-see'ee " be mistaken trompiĝi trohmpee'jee " be quiet, silent silenti seelehn'tee " be thirsty soifi so-ee'fee " beat bati bah'tee " begin, tr. komenci kohment'see " believe kredi kreh'dee " blame mallaŭdi mahl-lahw'dee " boil, intr.; —, tr. boli; boligi bo'lee; bo-lee'ghee " borrow pruntepreni proon'teh-preh'nee " bring alporti ahl-por'tee " build konstrui konstroo'ee " button butonumi bootonoo'mee " buy aĉeti ahcheh'tee " carry porti pohr'tee " catch cold malvarmumi mahl-vahrmoo'mee " chat babili bahbee'lee " climb grimpi grim'pee " compare kompari kohmpah'ree " consent konsenti konsehn'tee " continue, intr. daŭri dahw'ree " cook kuiri koo-ee'ree " cough tusi too'see " cover kovri ko'vree " dance danci dahnt'see " decide decidi deht-see'dee " deny nei neh'ee " depart, go away foriri for-eer'ee " descend malsupreniri mahl-sooprehn-eer'ee " desire, wish (for) deziri deh-zeer'ee " dine ĉefmanĝi chehf-mahn'jee " do, make fari fah'ree " doubt dubi doo'bee " draw, pull tiri teer'ee " dream sonĝi sohn'jee " drink trinki trin'kee " dress vesti veh'stee " dwell, live loĝi lo'jee " eat manĝi mahn'jee " exchange interŝanĝi intehr-shahn'jee " excuse ekskuzi ekskoo'zee " explain komprenigi kompreh-nee'ghee " fall fali fah'lee " feel (by touch) palpi pahl'pee " feel (in mind) senti sehn'tee " find trovi tro'vee " finish, tr. fini fee'nee " follow sekvi sehk'vee " forget forgesi fohr-gheh'see " gather kolekti ko-lehk'tee " get akiri ahkee'ree " get up leviĝi lehvee'jee " give doni doh'nee " go iri eer'ee " go in eniri ehneer'ee " go out eliri ehleer'ee " grow kreski kreh'skee " guide gvidi gvee'dee " hate malami mahlah'mee " have havi hah'vee " hear aŭdi ahw'dee " hesitate heziti heh-zee'tee " hide kaŝi kah'shee " hope esperi espehr'ee " imagine imagi imah'ghee " ignore ignori ignoh'ree " intend intenci intehnt'see " introduce (one) prezenti prehzehn'tee — (a thing) enkonduki ehnkon-doo'kee " joke ŝerci shehrt'see " jump salti sahl'tee " know scii stsee'ee " laugh ridi ree'dee " learn lerni lehr'nee " lend pruntedoni proon'teh-doh'nee " lie down kuŝiĝi koo-shee'jee " live (be alive) vivi vee'vee " look for serĉi sehr'chee " lose perdi pehr'dee " love ami ah'mee " marry, intr. (of a man) edziĝi ehdzee'-jee — (of a woman) edziniĝi ehdzee-nee'jee " meet renkonti rehn-kon'tee " mention aludi ahloo'dee " need, want bezoni behzoh'nee " object oponi opoh'nee " obtain obteni obteh'nee " offend ofendi ofehn'dee " offer proponi pro-po'nee " open malfermi mahl-fehr'mee " order (goods) mendi mehn'dee " order, command ordoni ohrdoh'nee " pack up paki pah'kee " paint pentri pehn'tree " pay; repay pagi; repagi pah'ghee; reh-pah'ghee " plant planti plahn'tee " play ludi loo'dee " plough plugi ploo'ghee " pluck, pick deŝiri deh-sheer'ee " praise laŭdi lahw'dee " prove pruvi proo'vee " read legi leh'ghee " reap rikolti reekohl'tee " reckon, count kalkuli kahl-koo'lee " receive ricevi reetseh'vee " refuse rifuzi ree-foo'zee " regret bedaŭri behdahw'ree " remember memori meh-mohr'ee " repeat ripeti reepeh'tee " rest ripozi reepo'zee " return, come back reveni rehveh'nee — (go back) reiri reh-eer'ee — (give back) redoni reh-doh'nee " ring, tr. sonorigi so-no-ree'ghee " roast rosti roh'stee " run kuri koor'ee " say, tell diri dee'ree " search for serĉi sehr'chee " see vidi vee'dee " sell vendi vehn'dee " serve servi sehr'vee " sew, stitch kudri koo'dree " shave razi rah'zee " shine brili bree'lee " show montri mohn'tree " sign (letter, etc.) subskribi soob-skree'bee " sit down sidiĝi seedee'jee " sleep dormi dohr'mee " sneeze terni tehr'nee " sow (seed) semi seh'mee " speak paroli pahro'lee " spoil, tr. difekti deefehk'tee " steal ŝteli shteh'lee " study studi stoo'dee " swear ĵuri zhoor'ee " take preni preh'nee " take off depreni deh-preh'nee " take a walk promeni pro-meh'nee " taste, tr. gustumi goostoo'mee " tell (a tale) rakonti rahkon'tee " thank danki dahn'kee " think pensi pehn'see " throw ĵeti zheh'tee " touch tuŝi too'shee " translate traduki trahdoo'kee " travel vojaĝi vo-yah'jee " unbutton malbutonumi mahl-bootohnoo'mee " unpack malpaki mahl-pah'kee " wash lavi lah'vee " weep plori plo'ree " weigh, tr.; —, int. pesi; pezi peh'see; peh'zee " will, be willing voli vo'lee " work labori lah-boh'ree " wrap up envolvi ehn-vol'vee " write skribi skree'bee " yield, give way cedi tseh'dee 37. Adverbs, Conjunctions & Prepositions.
(Adverboj, Konjunkcioj kaj Prepozicioj.)

(For Grammatical Notes see p. 77.)

English. Esperanto. Pronunciation. About (nearly) proksimume prokseemoo'meh about (concerning) pri pree above super soo'pehr above all antaŭ ĉio ahn'tahw chee'oh absolutely absolute ahbsoloo'teh according to laŭ lah'w across trans trahnss afresh denove dehno'veh after, next to post pohst afterwards poste pohss'teh again ree reh'eh against kontraŭ kohn'trahw all (of) ĉiom (da) chee'ohm (dah) all at once, suddenly subite soobee'teh almost preskaŭ preh'skahw alone, solely sole so'leh aloud laŭte lahw'teh already jam yahm also, too, besides ankaŭ ahn'kahw although kvankam kvahn'kahm altogether, quite tute too'teh always ĉiam chee'ahm and kaj kah'y anywhere kie ajn kee'eh ah'yn around, round about ĉirkaŭ cheer'kahw as…as tiel…kiel… tee'ehl…kee'ehl… as much, as many tiom tee'ohm as much as tiom kiom tee'ohm kee'ohm as soon as, immediately tuj kiam too'y kee'ahm at ĉe cheh at first unue oonoo'eh at last fine fee'neh at least almenaŭ ahl-meh'nahw at [the] most pleje pleh'yeh at once tuj tooy' at present nune noo'neh badly malbone mahlbo'neh because ĉar chahr before antaŭ ahn'tahw behind post pohst below, under, beneath sub soob besides, beyond krom krohm better pli bone plee bo'neh between, among(st) inter een'tehr beyond preter preh'tehr briefly, shortly mallonge mahl-lohn'geh but sed sehd by the side of apud, flanke de ah'pood, flahn'keh deh by turns laŭvice lahw-veet'seh close to apud ah'pood consequently sekve sehk'veh daily ĉiutage chee-ootah'gheh doubtless sendube sehndoo'beh down (direction) malsupren mahlsoo'prehn down (position) malsupre mahlsoo'preh during dum doom early, betimes frue froo'eh either…or aŭ…aŭ ahw…ahw elsewhere aliloke ahleelo'keh enough (of) sufiĉe (da) soofee'cheh (dah) even if eĉ se ehch seh everywhere ĉie chee'eh exactly precize preht-see'zeh exceedingly treege treh-eh'geh except, prep. escepte est-sehp'teh far, distant malproksime mahl-proksee'meh for, conj. ĉar chahr for, prep. por pohr formerly antaŭe ahntah'weh from de deh full of plena de pleh'nah deh fully plene pleh'neh hardly apenaŭ ahpeh'nahw here ĉi tie, tie ĉi chee tee'eh, tee'eh chee herewith ĉi-kune chee-koo'neh how, like kiel kee'ehl how much? kiom? kee'ohm? however tamen tah'mehn immediately tuj too'y in en ehn in every way ĉiel chee'ehl in front, before antaŭe ahntah'weh in future en la estonteco ehn lah estohn-teht'so in spite of malgraŭ mahl'grahw in the midst of meze de meh'zeh deh indeed vere veh'reh inside interne de, en intehr'neh deh, ehn instead of anstataŭ ahnstaht'ahw late malfrue mahl-froo'eh less malpli mahl'plee little (of) malmulte (da) mahl-mool'teh (dah) little by little iom post iom ee'ohm pohst ee'ohm more pli plee more or less pli malpli plee mahl'plee the more…the more ju pli…des pli yoo plee…dehs plee much, very tre treh mutually reciproke reht'see-pro'keh near; — to proksime; — de prohksee'meh; — deh neither…nor nek…nek nehk…nehk never neniam neh-nee'ahm nevertheless tamen tah'mehn not ne neh not at all
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