» Study Aids » Esperanto Self-Taught with Phonetic Pronunciation, William W. Mann [crime books to read TXT] 📗

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c4">baterio bahteh-ree'oh brake-collar bremsorubando brehm'so-roobahn'doh break down (stop), to panei pahneh'ee cam kamo kah'mo carburator karburatoro karboo-rahtohr'o chain adjustment ĉenĝustigilo chehn-joosti-ghee'lo charge, to ŝargi shahr'ghee chassis ĉasio chah-see'oh chauffeur, driver veturigisto vehtoo-reeghist'oh claw ungo oon'go contact-breaker (trembler) kontakt-rompilo kontahkt'-rompee'lo driving pinion pelrado pehl-rah'doh elbow kubuto kooboo'toh electric motor elektra motoro ehlek'tra motohr'o evaporate, to vaporiĝi vahpohr-ee'jee exhaust gasforfluo gahss-fohrfloo'oh exhaust-box (silencer) silentigujo seelehn-tigoo'yo exhaust-valve forflua valvo fohrfloo'ah vahl'vo feed-pump nutro-pumpilo noo'tro-poompee'lo fill, to plenigi plehnee'ghee flaw difektaĵo difek-tah'zho fly-wheel inertrado in-ehrt-rah'doh garage remizo rehmee'zo gas gaso gah'so generator generatoro ghenehrahtohr'o goggles okulvitroj okool-vee'troy gradient deklivo dehklee'vo handle tenilo tehnee'lo hooter blekilo blehkee'lo horse-power ĉevalpovo chehvahl-po'vo ignition ignito, ignitigilo ignee'toh, igniteeghee'lo leakage ellaso el-lah'so lever levilo lehvee'lo motor motoro mohtohr'o — car aŭtomobilo ahwtomobee'lo — lamp lanterno lahn-tehr'no packing stupo stoo'po petrol petrolo pehtro'lo pressure, high altpremo alt-preh'mo —, low malaltpremo mahlalt-preh'mo rack (lifter) rako rah'ko reservoir, tank rizervujo rizehr-voo'yo reversing lever irmaligilo eer'mahleeghee'lo spare tyre krom-bendo krohm-behn'doh spark sparko spahr'ko sparking-plug sparkilo spahrkee'lo speed, full plena rapideco pleh'na rahpideht'so —, high granda rapideco grahn'da rahpideht'so —, low malgranda rapideco mahlgrahn'da rapideht'so speed-changing gear rapidŝanĝa mekanismo rahpeed-shahn'jah mekanis'mo starting-gear ekiriga mekanismo ekeeree'gah mekanees'mo starting handle ekirigilo eh-keereeghee'lo steering bar gvidstango gveed-stahn'go tap krano krah'no throw into gear, to konekti konek'tee throw out of gear, to malkonekti mahlkonek'tee 25. Photography.
(La Fotografarto.)

(For Conversations see p. 117.)

English. Esperanto. Pronunciation. Amateur amatoro amah-tohr'o background fono fo'no —, cloth tola fono toh'la fo'no backing paper fonpapero fohn-papehr'o bath, positive pozitiva bano pozitee'va bah'no —, silver arĝentbano arjehnt-bah'no bulb bulbo bool'bo bulging konveksigo konvek-see'go burnisher polurilo poloor-ee'lo cameo kameo kameh'o camera fotografilo, kamero foto-grafee'lo, kameh'ro — bellows balgo bahl'go camera, hand mankamero mahnkamehr'o —, stand stativkamero stateev'kamehr'o cutting moulds tranĉkalibrilo trahnch'kalibree'lo dark-room lamp ruĝa lanterno roo'jah lantehr'no dark slide (double) kaseto (duobla) kahseh'toh (doo-oh'bla) developing rivelado reeveh-lah'do dipper trempilo trehm-pee'lo dishes kuvetoj koo-veh'toy — for developing rivelkuvetoj rivehl'koo-veh'toy — for fixing fikskuvetoj fiks-koo-veh'toy — for toning tonigbanoj toh-neeg-bah'noy draining rack sekigilo sekighee'lo dry plates sekaj platoj seh'kahy plah'toy enlargement pligrandigo plee-grandee'go exposure espozo espo'zo —, snap momenta espozo momehn'ta espozo —, time daŭra espozo dahw'rah espo'zo fade, to malnetiĝi mahl-netee'jee flash lamp magnezia lumigilo magneh-zee'ah loomi-ghee'lo films filmoj feel'moy fixing fiksado fik-sah'doh focus fokuso fo-koo'so focus, to enfokusigi enfo-koo-see'ghee focussing glasses lupeo loopeh'o funnel funelo fooneh'lo glass measure gradigita mezurilo gradee-ghee'ta mezoo-ree'lo half-length duonlonga doo-ohn-lohn'gah half-tone duontono doo-ohn-toh'no intensifying densigo den-see'go iris diaphragm irisdiafragmo eereess-dee-afrahg'mo lens lenso lehn'so —, cap of lenskovrilo lehnss-kovree'lo mount, to munti moon'tee negative negativo nehgah-tee'vo over-exposed hiperespozita heepehr-espo-zee'ta photograph fotografaĵo foto-grafah'zho photographer fotografisto foto-grahfist'o plate plato plah'to plate-holder platkaseto plaht-kaseh'toh plate-lifter platlevilo plaht-leh-vee'lo platinotypes platinotipoj plah-teeno-tee'poy printing impresi impreh'see printing frame premkaseto prehm-kaseh'toh printing-out paper senrivela papero sen-reeveh'la papeh'ro scales and weights pesilo kaj peziloj pehsee'loh kahy pehzee'loy sensitised impresebla impreh-seh'blah shutter obturatoro obtoo-rah-tor'o snap-shot maldaŭra kapto mahldahw'rah kahp'toh speed indicator daŭrindikilo dahw'r-indikee'lo spirit-level nivelilo neeveh-lee'lo spot, stain makulo makoo'lo squeegee senakvigilo sen-ahkvee-gee'lo stand stativo statee'vo transparent diafana dee-afah'nah tripods (twofold) tripiedo (faldebla) tree-pee-eh'doh (fahl-deh'bla) under-exposed subespozita soob'espo-zee'tah varnishing lakizo lah-kee'zoh view-finder celilo tseh-lee'lo vignetting-board duonombrigilo doo-ohn'ombrighee'lo 26. Religion.

(For Conversations, see p. 118.)

English. Esperanto. Pronunciation. Absolution absolvo absohl'vo aisle flanknavo flahnk-nah'vo altar altaro altah'ro baptism bapto bahp'toh belfry sonorilejo sonoh-reeleh'yo Bible Biblio biblee'oh breviary breviero brehvee-ehr'o burial enterigo entehree'go cardinal kardinalo kar-deenah'lo cathedral katedralo kateh-drah'lo cemetery tombejo tombeh'yo chapel kapelo kahpeh'lo choir (place) ĥorejo khoreh'yo choir (singers) ĥoro khoh'ro Christian kristano kris-tah'no Christianity kristanismo kristah-nees'mo church preĝejo preh-jeh'yo Church (as a body) la Eklezio la eklehzee'oh clergyman ekleziulo eklehzee-oo'lo Communion komunio komoonee'oh confession konfeso kon-feh'so congregation adorantaro adohrahn-tah'ro convent monaĥejo monakheh'yo Creator, the Kreinto kreh-in'toh cross kruco kroot'so crucifix krucifikso kroot-sifik'so fast-day fastotago fah'sto-tah'go festival festo feh'sto font baptujo bahp-too'yo funeral funebra ceremonio fooneh'brah tsereh-mo-nee'oh God Dio dee'oh heaven ĉielo chee-eh'lo hell infero infehr'o Holy Ghost (Spirit) la Sankta Spirito la sahnk'ta speeree'toh hymn; -book himno; himnaro him'no; him-nah'ro lectern legpupitro lehg-poopee'tro litany litanio litahnee'oh liturgy liturgio litoorghee'oh Lord, the la Sinjoro la sinyoh'ro mass, high alta meso ahl'tah meh'so —, low malalta meso mal-ahl'tah meh'so matins matenpreĝoj mahtehn-preh'joy missal meslibro mehss-lee'bro nave navo nah'vo offertory (R.C.) ofertorio ohfehr-toree'oh — (collection) monkolekto mohn-kolek'toh papal papa pah'pa penance pentofaro pehn'toh-fah'ro pew benko behn'ko Pope Papo pah'po prayer preĝo preh'jo prayer-book preĝaro prehjah'ro priest, pastor pastro pah'stro Protestant Protestanto proteh-stahn'toh pulpit katedro kateh'dro Roman Catholic Romkatoliko rohm'katohlee'ko sacrament sakramento sakrah-mehn'toh salvation savo sah'vo Saviour, the la Savinto la sahveen'toh sermon prediko prehdee'ko service, divine diservo dee-sehr'vo service, evening vespera diservo vespeh'ra dee-sehr'vo —, morning matena diservo mateh'na dee-sehr'vo sitting, seat sidloko seed-lo'ko synagogue sinagogo sinahgo'go tabernacle tabernaklo tabehr-nah'klo transept transepto trahnsehp'toh truth vero vehr'o verger pedelo pehdeh'lo vespers vesperpreĝoj vespehr-preh'joy vestry, sacristy sakristio sakris-tee'oh worship adorado adoh-rah'do worship, to adori adoh'ree 27. Professions and Trades.
(Profesioj kaj Metioj)

(For Shopping, etc., see pp. 108 to 111.)

Note.—The names of workers in the various trades and professions are formed by adding the suffix -ist to the root-word. Thus: vendi, to sell—vendisto, a salesman; lampo, a lamp—lampvendisto, a lamp-seller, lampfaristo, a lamp manufacturer; maro, sea—maristo, a sailor; akrigi, to sharpen—akrigisto, a grinder, etc.

English. Esperanto. Pronunciation. Architect arĥitekto arkhitek'toh artist artisto artist'o baker bakisto bah-kist'o banker bankiero bahnkee-ehr'o barber barbiro barbeer'o bookseller librovendisto lee'bro-vendisto butcher buĉisto boo-chist'o carpenter, joiner ĉarpentisto charr-pehntist'o chambermaid ĉambristino chahmbristee'no chemist farmaciisto fahrmaht-see-ist'o clerk skribisto skreebist'o compositor kompostisto kom-postist'o confectioner konfitisto konfeetist'o consul konsulo kon-soo'lo cook kuirist-o, -ino koo-eerist'-o, -ee'no editor redaktoro redahk-tohr'o engineer inĝeniero injehnee-ehr'o fisherman fiŝkaptisto fish'kaptist'o fishmonger fiŝvendisto fish'vendist'o florist floristo flo-rist'o fruiterer fruktovendisto frook'toh-vendist'o glazier vitristo veetrist'o goldsmith oraĵisto ohrah-zhist'o governess guvernistino goovehr-nistee'no greengrocer legomvendisto legohm'vendist'o grocer spicisto speet-sist'o hairdresser frizisto free-zist'o hatter ĉapelisto chapeh-list'o hosier ŝtrumpaĵisto shtroompah-zhist'o ironmonger feraĵvendisto fehrahzh'vendist'o jeweller juvelisto yoo-veh-list'o journalist ĵurnalisto zhoor-nalist'o labourer penlaboristo pehn'labohrist'o lawyer advokato ahdvokah'toh maid-servant servistino sehr-vistee'no man-servant servisto sehr-vist'o mason masonisto mahsonist'o mechanic maŝinisto mahsheenist'o merchant negocisto negoht-sist'o miller muelisto moo-ehlist'o mother's-help helpistino helpistee'no nurse flegistino fleh-ghistee'no nursemaid vartistino vahrtistee'no optician optikisto opteekist'o plumber plumbisto ploombist'o policeman policano5 polit-sah'no printer presisto preh-sist'o saddler selisto sehlist'o shoemaker ŝuisto shoo-ist'o shopkeeper butikisto bootikist'o smith forĝisto fohrjist'o stationer paperaĵisto pa-perah-zhist'o student studento stoodehn'toh tailor tajloro tahy-loh'ro teacher instruisto instroo-ist'o tobacconist tabakvendisto tabahk'vendist'o tradesman komercisto komehrt-sist'o tutor guvernisto goovehrnist'o waiter, waitress kelnero, kelnerino kelneh'ro, kel-nehr-ee'no workman laboristo labohrist'o

28. Legal Terms.
(Leĝaj Terminoj.)

(For Conversations see p. 123.)

English Esperanto. Pronunciation. Accused, the la akuzato la ahkoozah'toh acquittal malakuzo mahlahkoo'zo to advance (money) pruntedoni proon'teh-doh-nee agreement, an kontrakto kontrahk'toh alibi, an alibio ahleebee'oh allege, to alegi ahleh'ghee apology, an pardonpeto pahrdohn-peh'toh appeal; to — apelo; apeli ahpeh'lo; ahpeh'lee arrangement, agreement interkonsento in'tehr-konsehn'toh arrears restantaj ŝuldoj rehstahn'tahy shool'doy arrest, to aresti ahreh'stee attest, to atesti ahteh'stee attorney prokuratoro prokoorah-toh'ro authorise, to rajtigi rahy-tee'ghee award, an aljuĝo ahl-yoo'jo award, to aljuĝi ahl-yoo'jee bail kaŭcio kahwtsee'oh bailiff juĝplenumisto yooj'plehnoomist'oh bond (for loan) pruntkontrakto proont'kontrahk'toh case (suit) proceso prohtseh'so charge, to akuzi ahkoo'zee client kliento klee-ehn'toh complainant, the la plendanto la plendahn'toh contract kontrakto kontrahk'toh conviction, a kondamno kondahm'noh costs proceskosto prohtsehs-kost'oh court of justice tribunalo treeboonah'lo criminal, a krimulo krim-oo'lo damages monkompenso mohn'kompehn'so decision (of case) decido dehtsee'doh deed akto ahk'toh defend, to defendi dehfehn'dee defendant (in a suit) la akuzato la ahkoozah'toh document dokumento dokoomehn'toh evidence evidenco ehvidehnt'so execution (of deed) subskribigo soobskreebee'go — (of a judgment) plenumo plehnoo'mo executor administranto ahdministrahn'to fee (of office) honorario honoh-rahree'oh fine (penalty) monpuno mohn-poo'no information, to give denunci dehnoont'see informer denunc-anto, -into6 dehnoonts-ahn'toh, -in'toh injunction injunkcio inyoonk-tsee'oh inventory inventario invehn-tahree'oh jail malliberejo mahllibehr-ehyo judge, the juĝisto yoojist'oh jurisdiction juĝorajto yoo'jo-rah'y-toh jurisprudence juro yoo'ro law-suit proceso proht-seh'so non-suit, to malakcepti mahl-ahktsehp'tee oath, to take an fari ĵuron fah'ree zhoor'ohn parchment pergameno pehrgah-meh'no pardon pardono pahrdoh'no penal punebla pooneh'blah perjury falsa ĵuro fahl'sah zhoor'oh petitioner petfarinto peht'fahrin'toh police-office policoficejo pohleet'so-feetseh'yo — officer policano pohleet-sah'no — station policejo pohleet-seh'yo proof pruvo proo'voh prosecute to persekuti pehrsehkoo'tee prosecution (of suit) persekuto pehrsehkoo'toh prosecutor persekut-anto, -isto7 pehrsehkoot-ahn'toh, -ist'oh punishment puno poo'no quash kasacii kahsaht-see'ee robbery rabo rah'bo seal, a sigelo seegeh'lo sentence, a sentenco sehntehnt'so sheriff skabeno skahbeh'no statement (written) deklaro (skribita) dehklah'ro (skreebee'tah) sue, to persekuti pehrsehkoo'tee suit proceso prohtseh'so summons (of court) asigno ahseeg'no testator testamentinto tehstah-mehntin'toh theft ŝtelo shteh'lo thief ŝtel-isto, -into shtehl-ist'oh, -in'toh trial proceso prohtseh'so verdict verdikto vehrdeek'toh witness atestanto ahteh-stahn'toh writ asignordono ahseeg'nordoh'no

29. Commercial Terms.
(Komercaj Terminoj.)

(For Conversations see p. 125.)

English. Esperanto. Pronunciation. Account konto kon'toh —, current kuranta konto koorahn'ta kon'toh —, joint komuna konto komoo'na kon'toh —, to close an fermi konton fehr'mee kon'tohn —, to settle an pagi konton pah'gee kon'tohn acknowledgment ricevavizo ritseh'vahvee'zo agency agentejo ahghen-teh'yo agent agento ahghehn'toh apprentice metilernanto mehtee'lehr-nahn'toh arrear, in malfrue mahlfroo'eh assets aktivo ahktee'voh balance of account saldo de konto sahl'doh deh kon'toh balance-sheet bilanco bilahnt'so bank banko bahn'ko bankrupt; a — bankrotin-ta; -to bahn-krotin'-tah; -toh bankruptcy, failure bankroto bahn-kro'toh bearer portanto portahn'toh bill (account) kalkulo kahlkoo'lo bill (comml. document) bilo bee'lo — at sight kambio je vido kahmbee'oh yeh vee'doh — at 3 months' date kambio je tri monatoj kahmbee'oh yeh tree monah'toy — of exchange kambio kahm-bee'oh — of lading ŝarĝatesto shahr-jah-teh'stoh bond, a obligacio obligaht-see'o bond, in kuŝanta en dogantenejo kooshahn'ta en dogahn'teneh'yo bonded goods komercaĵoj en dogano deponitaj komehrt-sah'zhoy ehn dogah'no depohnee'tahy book-keeper librotenisto lee'bro-tenis'toh branch-establishment
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