» Thriller » Obsessed, Alicyn Night [feel good fiction books .txt] 📗

Book online «Obsessed, Alicyn Night [feel good fiction books .txt] 📗». Author Alicyn Night

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Obsessed (Full Story Original)




Chapter 1- Watched
Chapter 2- Distraught
Chapter 3- Torment
Chapter 4- Bound
Chapter 5- Anguish
Chapter 6- Doubt
Chapter 7- Absence
Chapter 8- Captive
Chapter 9- Chained
Chapter 10- Sanity
Chapter 11- Question
Chapter 12- Passion
Chapter 13- Realved


She sat there quietly immersed inside of the tall-tale she read, her cello case right beside her. Her wavy dark tresses hitting her neck, her Azure eyes captivated by the daydream. He watched her moves carefully, angrily. Did she not know how frail she was, how delicate her wrist were? Why does she haul that monstrous thing with her? He left then angry, but an idea popped into his head, a Cheshire smile came to his face as he left.

Chapter 1

Evelyn watched her best friend Caden buy the ice-cream as she sat at her table, a book by her side. Caden was her only friend in her huge school, but of course Caden was a stand-out kind of guy that’s what drew her to him in the first place. He never went by the dress code and always wore chains and skulls, he had natural fiery red spiky lengthy hair, it stuck out in random places, he had told her one time ‘what’s the point of taming it when it wants to run free?’ He always wore hot-pink rimmed glassed, his hazel eyes always looking golden after a day in the sun.
“Hey Eve? You still there?” Caden waved a hand in her face; her icy eyes had gone blank. He had a grin on his face as she blushed.
“Yeah I’m here, can’t get rid of me that easily.” She smiled back, looking at the ice-cream in his hands, he handed her the mint tea one as he licked the chocolate cone.
“Thanks.” She said gratefully. They ate in silence for a moment as some people came in; Evelyn looked over to her worst nightmare.
“Heyyyy Ev.” Christopher slurred his voice, wrapping an arm over her shoulder, she quickly moved away from him, before he had a tight grip. Christopher was a jockey football player who vowed to get inside every girl’s pants at school, and Evelyn was last on his list.
“Go away you fool.” She hissed, her voice an angry growl of a beast. One of the reasons that the people at school never came near her, was her icy glare and her words, she could insult you in a blank of an eye, she would watch people and understand who they really were.
Caden glared at him, from his glasses, his hazel eyes now a dark shade of green. Christopher looked scared for a moment before licking her ice-cream.
“Can’t wait for you.” He said in a lustful voice, licking her neck, she looked down at him, her Azure eyes a bright sapphire, Caden growled as Christopher backed up into someone. Evelyn looked up to Damien glaring from under his golden locks. His chocolate eyes holding a violent threat of death.
“Watch where you are going.” He seethed, Christopher didn’t look very tough as he scampered away like a little dog. Damien looked to Evelyn with a loving look in his eyes.
“Hello Evelyn.” He smiled, his eyes going soft. She nodded turning her face away, this angered him.
“What do you need?” She asks, turning away from him, her face a slight crimson color, she loved his smiles but the sweetness he treated her with scared her.
He looked at her, a lustful glaze blinding him, her shirt was unbuttoned, showing her breast’s just a little, her skirt was a bit hitched up from Christopher’s encounter, showing her bare thigh.
She turned to him her face a more red, and stopped. He was right in front of her, their lips might have touched if she hadn’t have stopped moving. His deep chocolate brown eyes were staring in hers, her eyes widened.
‘So deep.’ She thought as he smiled.
“Just saying hello.” He whispered to her, his breath smelling like honey-suckle and mint. She wanted to lean in and inhale his wonderful breath, but that would mean kissing him.
“Then hello, and good bye.” She said turning away from him, she looked to Caden for help, he nodded, immersed by the strange yet intense exchange.
“Come on Eve, we got to go to the club room.” Caden pushed past Damien, grabbing a hold of Evelyn’s hand as she followed Caden out the door. That was another reason she loved her friend so much, because he wasn’t afraid of anyone, except his mom who had the power to take away his computer and cell phone.
Damien watched them leave, a sly smile on his lips.
“See you soon.”


Evelyn looked out the bay window, rain trickling down the pane; the birds were not there as she wished them to be. Her lunch sat in front of her. On the desk next to her lunch was a letter that said: ‘Meet me in the English room-Caden

’ she knew what he wanted to ask, it was obvious. It was about Damien, he was getting closer to her and it was freaking both of them out. Another reason she didn’t want to be in the lunch room was because in some eerie way, Damien had the same classes as she. She sighed as she looked at her lunch, it didn’t look even remotely good, another reason she hated being near Damien, it made her appetite go away. Then lights in the room went off. She could hear the complaints of her classmates. But it didn’t matter to her, it was plenty light outside, sure it was mostly grey but there was a bizarre tranquility to it.
The door open and looked up to it, but it wasn’t Caden, Damien stood there all in black, his eyes were closed as he shut the door.
“Hello, Damien.” She said gently, scarred once more.
He looked up to her, his eyes relieved then desperate. She watched him come nearer, slowly, not wanting to scare her.
She glanced down at her desk again looking for some kind of weapon, nothing was there that would aid her.
“Evelyn.” He whispered, angrily. “Why? Why do you torment me so?!” he grabbed her arm, she winced at his cool touch.
“What do you mean?” she asked, her voice shaking. He was in front of her then, ripping her out of her chair, he held her arm tighter. She felt tears build in her eyes, as he grabbed both of her arms.
“Please let go of me, it hurts.” She whimpered, a few tears bubbled out of her eyes.
Why did she want him to let go, couldn’t she see how much he wanted her? Why he would go the end of the earth to shield her? How he loved her so?
He pushed her against the wall, pressing himself to her. She was small and soft, easily breakable.
‘She can be tamed, she can become a bit tougher, and I wouldn’t want to hurt her.

’ He thought, loving the way it felt against her. He wrapped his arms around the small frame of Evelyn, burying his face in her neck, inhaling her.
‘Rain, and sunlight, that’s what she smells like.

’ His arms constricted around her, she gasped at the lack of breath, her face as red as beet root.
“Please!” she yelled, a sob escaping her throat. “Let me go!” he looked at her, wanting her to be his, she would never stray from his side, he slowly, silenced her with his lips, her warm inviting lips that made him want her even more.
She pushed against him, tears running down her face, she hated this; she hated herself for being weak against him. His lips were cold and icy, soft, yet rough against hers; she hated him and hated enjoying his lips.
He licked the bottom of her lower lip, feeling her shiver in pleasure or maybe fear, it confused him, and he wanted more of her, wanted her to call out his name, wanting him as well.
“Evelyn.” He whispered braking away from her; he touched her now swollen mouth, then looked into her eyes. They were filled with tears and fright; he had scared her with his love?
‘But how can that be?!

’ he bellowed in his head, irritation took a hold of him.
“Why don’t you love me?” he growled at her, she froze scarred almost to death.
Silence met his question, she was sobbing.
“I don’t love you, I am sorry.” She sobbed, tears hitting her cheeks. “I can’t love you!” he silenced her maddening talk again with his mouth, his rough hands entangled with her dark locks. Why, why did she not care for him? Why did she say such heart-wrenching words?!
His teeth hit her lips, biting her until he drew her blood. She whimpered at the stinging pain, pushing on his chest to let her go, if he loved her as he said he did, he wouldn’t be doing this. She wanted him to stop.
Caden watched the two lovers in the room, he had sent Evelyn a letter to tell her to meet him here, but she must have seen the two, and stepped out. Her Cellos’ case was in there, and her lunch, so why wasn’t she?
He watched the man pull away, and the site horrified him, Evelyn was one of the two, her lip was bleeding and tears rolled down her cheeks. She was sobbing and the man was Damien.
Anger boiled in his head as he watched him yell at her, he wanted to go in, but was afraid that if he did, Damien would only hurt her more, but he couldn’t let this go on.
“Damien!” he yelled, opening the door. “Let her go!” Caden marched forward as he saw Evelyn fall to the ground, whimpering in the corner where that wicked man had put her in.
Damien smirked, his eyes livid and sadistic.
‘How dare he do this to her!

Caden growled at him, standing still, Damien smiled, a foolish, sickening smile.
“Now why would I let the love of my life go?” he grinned, his eyes a sinister grimy russet.
Evelyn looked up at Caden, he was fighting for her, she stood up and looked at them, growling and at arms with each other, she ran to her cello case, and pulled her black cello out, it was hand-made by her uncle who was a master cello player and had passed it down to her when he had passed. She set it down gently and looked at the heavy metal piece she had put in there to add weight so she would get stronger and took it out, she looked at the boys.
“Move Caden!” she yelled and threw it at Damien’s head. He took the warning to heart and stepped away as the heavy metal piece clashed with Damien’s skull. He fell over, holding his head, yelling curses at Caden, then he turned his head to Evelyn. His eyes desperate.
“Why?” he whispered, his voice pained and saddened, and fell to the darkness, dark dots covered his vision.
Evelyn looked to him, tears forming again in her eyes. Caden hurried to her, embracing her shaking frame.
“Evelyn, Evelyn…” he whispered, it scared him that Damien had gotten to her like that.
“Caden, my mouth hurts.” She sobbed into his chest. “He hurt me, it hurt so much.” She flinched as Caden touched her upper arms, they were red and bruising.
“shh, Evelyn it’s okay, let’s go before he wakes up okay, do you want ice-cream?” he asked, ice-cream always made her happier. She nodded to his

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