» Thriller » Obsessed, Alicyn Night [feel good fiction books .txt] 📗

Book online «Obsessed, Alicyn Night [feel good fiction books .txt] 📗». Author Alicyn Night

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his father’s grip on the tail loosened and the kitten dropping into the sink, one of its legs fell into the hole.
The sound that came from the cat, made Damien shiver in fear, and scream. Blood spurred from the cats leg as it cried loudly.
“I’m going out for dinner, I’ll want this thing gone before I get home!” his father yelled, slamming the door. Damien hurried to shut off the disposal, but being his size, it took him a few minutes before the sound of grinding bones went off. Damien picked up the kitten and hurried to the bathroom.
“Silly Snow I thought I said to stay in the room…” Damien shakily said, trying to bandage the stump up. Sobs came from his throat as he began to cry. He held the kitten tightly to his chest for what seemed like forever.
Damien woke up to the groggy sound of his father coming in. he looked down to the kitten. Its breathing was gone and she wasn’t soft anymore.
More tears gathered in his eyes.
“Snow!” he cried, sobbing into the kitten’s fur. “No…why?”
“You piece of shit get in here and clean this mess up!” his father screamed. Damien came out of the room with the cat bundled in his arms.
“That thing is still here?!” his father screamed, grabbing it and throwing it in the sink again, stuffing the kitten into the disposal, turning it on.
Blood and bones went everywhere as his father grinned in glee, turning back to his disappointment in life all he said was “clean it up.”

Damien sunk to the ground, shaking.
“He shouldn’t have killed her she was just a kitten. My little girl…” Damien looked to the shattered mirror shards.
“I…I need to finish the job.” Damien got up and left the room, walking down the stairs, then walking into the rain.


Evelyn sat in her Living room, her father was in the kitchen, cooking dinner. They had made up, and after she explained what had happened at her school she was let off the hook.
“Having trouble Dad?” she asked, chewing on some plain toast.
“Nah! I’m good Eve.” Then she heard a crash and bang. Looking concerned at the door, her father’s face popped up with a few noodles on his head.
“Take out?” she smiled. He nodded gratefully. She smiled as the T.V. began to blare something other the Invader Zim.
“Breaking New!-
65 yr old Philip Ross’s body was found in his house filled with Stab wounds to his neck and back.



’ Evelyn thought her face going pale. Her father joined her on the sofa, his cell phone in his hands. He looked at her, his face the same color.
“…the main suspect is his son, Damien Ross. Who had killed and murdered Melody Heeren, and kidnapped Caden Mathews. His is no where to be found.


A picture of all three of them popped up. Caden’s High school photo, Melody’s Law office ‘Employee of the month’ photo, and Damien’s high school photo.
Evelyn shivered.
“I’m glad he’s dead.” Evelyn whispered, looking down at her fingers. He father looked at her shocked.
“Why?” his all he asked.
“He’s the veil man that abused Damien, he’s the reason Damien is who he is. Is all because that disgusting veil man…” Evelyn snarled. Evelyn’s father looked at her then back at the T.V. not willing to say more, too scared to find out. Evelyn sighed and stood up, brushing her sweats from the toast crumbs.
“Where you going Hun?” her father asked her. She just stayed silent and walked up the stairs to her room. She knew he would be there.
She sighed as she noticed the lights were off, she had them on all day. But of course Damien had to go to the dark, he always did. She shut her door softly behind her, and looked around her room. That’s when she heard sobbing in her closet. She walked to closet slowly, wondering if he was there to hurt her. Opening the door, she found something that surprised her.
Damien was in the corner of the closet, his hands fisted in his hair. Blood was everywhere on him.
“Damien?” she called softly. He looked up his eyes fearful and mad. His hands shook as he took the knife from his side and moved it away from her.
“I killed him…I killed Sir.” He sobbed, his eyes looking at nothing. The way he said that, the way he was, made her remember when they were younger and his father would always beat him. It scared her.
She crawled to his side as he continued to sob endlessly. Seeing him this way made her want to protect him, and shield him from himself and others. She wrapped her arms around him, as he moved his face to her stomach, lying down. He was completely shaking, the sobs racked his body. His grip on her became harder. His fingers digging into her back.
Hours later he began to calm down as she rubbed his shoulders, soothing him with kind words, Evelyn began to sing a lullaby to him, so that he would calm down more. Hearing her voice was heaven to his ears. She was calming him, caring for him. He never wanted to come to her room but had no choice. He couldn’t stay in his house, his thoughts would kill him and he had no where else to go. Evelyn was his cure, his addiction. He began to feel tired, wanting to forever be in her arms. Resting his head in her lap, he closed his eyes slowly, and fell into deep darkness.
Evelyn watched him sleep; hi face was full of lines. The bags under his eyes were a dark purple color.
“Damien…” she sighed, bushing away the small hairs from his face. “Only if your father wasn’t abusive to you. Then maybe we could have been friends…at least.” She sighed. She rested her hand on his back, and the other one on his head, closing her eyes herself, too tired from metal and physical stress.
‘If only…

’ Was her last thought until dawn

Chapter 8- Captive

Evelyn laid on her bed, once again committed to her room. When she had woken up that morning she was alone on her bed. She and sat up and called him softly.
“Damien?” but on one answered, then she knew that he was gone.
“Hey Eve?” her father came in, his had a tie on with his drown suit. It wasn’t the music note tie she had come to love, but a plain dark blue one.
“Hey.” She said rolling over, running her fingers threw her hair.
“what do you need?” she asked.
“I’m going to a meeting for a few days. I got a cop to stay with you. Be nice.” He kissed her softly.
“Remember your music note tie!” she yelled after him, hearing a "yeah yeah…" she smiled and turned back over to look at her wall. She listened to the person down stairs, not really caring who it was. Then heard her father’s beat up old 1950 BMW roar and drive off, playing Kenny West.
She smiled, shaking her head.
“Stupid freaking country music.” She let a small chuckle out, then went back to her skulking.
After a few hours the cop came up. He was a big black guy, with no hair.
“Are you Evelyn?” he asked in a deep voice. She nodded her head.
“Hey Evelyn I’m Mike. I think you know my wife… Shelly?” Evelyn sat up, and smiled.
“Your Shelly’s husband?” she grinned. He laughed and smiled. “Yup! If you don’t mind, she was going to come over. Bring our kids. I’m not pretty sure your friend isn’t going to be here tonight.” He grinned.
She looked at him confused.
“You mean Damien?”
‘Did he get caught, where was he?

’ she thought as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Last time he was seen was three towns away.” As Evelyn absorbed this,as Mike pulled out his cell phone, calling his wife.
“Hey Hun when are you getting here?” he asked, smiling at a blank Evelyn.
“I’m almost there baby. Anna is really happy to see you.” A familiar female voice called out. Mike grinned.
“Okay hun bye.”
“Bye.” Evelyn looked to Mike.
“You know there’s another Police officer name mike too, I don’t like him very much though…” she mumbled. The big man gave her a hearty laugh.
“Me either, He’s an idiot. Thinks he’s a big shot. He’s just a kid.” He grinned. Evelyn gave him a rare smile.
“Yeah I believe it.” Then she heard the doorbell ring.
“Shelly’s here, want me to call you down when the food is ready?” he asked, she nodded her head and laid back down on her bed as Mike left.
Sighing she looked to her window from habit. All she saw was the Oregon rain and the lush trees that was everywhere. Nowhere did she see the chocolate like eyes that threatened to haunt her forever. She curled
up and stared at the wall, wishing that she could escape even for a moment.


Caden watched Damien pass in front of him, holding the dreaded knife.
“Tell me Caden what would you do to woe Evelyn?” he twirled the knife in his hands, sighing.
“To stop harassing her maybe.” He spat blood into the flooding water. Damien rolled his eyes and sighed again.
“I want to talk to Evelyn.” Caden coughed, Damien shoved a roll into Caden’s mouth.
“Maybe…if you tell me what kind of flowers Evelyn likes!” Caden’s eyes widened.
“She likes lilies. Star gazers and blue waters.” He answered almost immediately. Damien smiled, pondering over this new information. He pulled out a cell phone and dialed.
“Hello Evelyn? Don’t hang up on me! No Caden wants to talk to you.”There was a pause. He smiled.
“Because I want you happy, and if you talk to Caden then maybe you will smile a bit more.” He laughed, then walked over to Caden holding up the phone to his ear.
“Two minutes.” Damien mouthed, then went back to thinking about the flowers.
“Caden?” Evelyn asked, her voice uncertain.
“Evelyn!” Caden about almost cried at the sound of her voice, knowing she was all right, that she was still herself.
“Caden oh god…! What has he done to you are you okay? I miss you somuch! I miss hugging you and kissing you and being idiots together…”
she began to sob in his ear.
“Calm down Eve. Its okay. I’m okay. I miss you too, so much. Evelyn…I love you.” Damien’s head wiped around, as he seethed at Caden.
“I love…” as Damien took away the phone.“Evelyn? Your two minutes are up. Good bye.” Damien threw the phone onto the ground, and glared at him.
“Your punishment is knife.” Damien growled, and began to slice Caden once more.

Evelyn stared at her phone, wondering if she should give the number to the police, then maybe they could save Caden. She saved it into her phone, and held it close to her chest; tears were dripping down her face.
“Caden…” she whispered, hearing his voice again was like a melody of angels! Even though his voice sound strained and coarse, she could hear him, his breath, his voice. It all made her want to jump for joy, until she said that last part to Damien. She had heard him pause and said that their time was up. She felt like an idiot.
She got up and walked to her desk, sitting in the chair, watching the window. She knew he would be there soon, and just knowing that made her shiver in fear.
Hours later she heard Michael and Shelly come in, running up the stairs.

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