» Thriller » Obsessed, Alicyn Night [feel good fiction books .txt] 📗

Book online «Obsessed, Alicyn Night [feel good fiction books .txt] 📗». Author Alicyn Night

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steel, the softness was gone.
“Evelyn don’t you test me…” he hissed, pulling her roughly towards him. She struggled, not daring to lose.
“Damien just…just stop!” she screamed at him, she didn’t want to be held,she didn’t want to be touched. She didn’t want to be with Damien.
Damien watched the girl struggle, not wanting to hurt her, but he knew he had bring her into submission.He dragged her to the bed, throwing her upon it, she tried to escape by
rolling off the comforting, but he grabbed her, pulling her to him. He sat her in his lap. Holding onto her tightly.
“Damien let me go!” she screamed and kicked. He only held onto her tightly.
“Evelyn, there’s no need to be in panic. You’re all right and I will never hurt you…” he mumbled. “Not ever again…” Evelyn kept struggling, not wanting to believe him. Tears swelled in her eyes.
“Stop it!” she screamed, digging her nails into his skin. Small swells of his lifeblood pooled by her fingers. He hissed in pain, and then looked to her.
“No.” he grinded his teeth together so he wouldn’t lash out at her. She became a sobbing mess, struggling against him. He wanted her to
become silent and just rest in his arms, but instead she was trying to get away from him.
After a while Evelyn’s tears turned dry and she laid limp in his arms, he could still hear her rigid breathing, she was still awake, but just not there. Damien moved her onto the pillows, her head falling to the side. Her eyes were blank, he already knew she was excepting her fate with him. He closed her door softly, then turned on his heel, going
downstairs and into the kitchen.
‘She must be hungry after all that, but first I’ll let her sleep.’ He mused, the walked into the parlor. Dusty tabletops and white sheets covered the furniture. The windows covered with the black velvet curtains, the light
only pouring in from where the darkness could not hide it.
Oh how he wanted to go out into the light, if only he wasn’t consumed by the darkness his father had laid upon him, then just maybe he could be with Evelyn. If only his heart wasn’t of ice…
Damien sat on one of the chairs, dust flying around him as he sat, he simple brushed it away and kept watching the sunlight.
‘Is this how Caden felt about the sun? Always wanted to bathe in the warm fiery
glow? I wonder if this is what he feels right now, the longing for sunlight, for

Damien thought humbly as he watched the sunlight die and wither away into the growing night. He began to feel depressed, sitting there unaccompanied. Was he always going to be alone?


Evelyn opened her eyes to nothing. Complete darkness had engulfed the room. The candles were blown out and the fire place wasn’t running. She felt only slight comfort in this.
That’s when she thought for a moment-that in this darkness- she could escape. The thought brought hope to her. Then it died as fast as it came.
She could hear Damien coming up the stairs, his boots thudding against
the emaciated wood. Fear ran threw her very core as she bolted out of the bed. She looked for a place to hide as she heard his keys clang against the lock, so she hide behind the door. As he opened it, she held her breath, her
heart was in her throat. Adrenaline pumping threw her veins.
“Evelyn.” He called softly, almost human like. “I brought you some soup. I hope its okay it’s all I really had at the moment.” She peered from the small crack of where she saw him. He walked toward the bed. Her jumbled up blankets, conveniently looked like a body was in there.
She swallowed, her hands shaking. If he only walked a few more steps then she could escape…
“Evelyn?” he called again, with more gusto in his voice. She took in a breath as he reached for the blankets to pull them back. In one moment she could have a chance to escape, or in one mistake she could lose everything. She knew he would not be happy with this.
His hand gripped around the blankets, and as he pulled them back, she ran.
Damien heard the sound of footsteps by the door, turning his head quickly he had enough time to see Evelyn running out the door. Anger and rage busted out of him in sheer astonishment. The plate of soup fell
to the ground, breaking and shattering. In that one second he was after her, he could he her running but she was going the wrong way, he smirked-running faster to catch up-he knew she wouldn’t find the exit, until she ran towards the parlor.
Evelyn ran down a flight of stairs, her heart drumming in her ears.
‘Please don’t let him find me, please!’

she pleaded silently to herself, or maybe even God himself, as she heard footsteps gaining on her.
“So fucking help me god Evelyn!” Damien screamed. Evelyn’s feet stopped. Afraid to go further, she could hear him coming up after her, she could hear him breathing, his breath matching his feet. Mustering up all the courage she had left, she bolted into a room, with sheets and dust. Quickly she ran under one of the tables, holding her breath as she heard him stop in front of the entry way.
Damien knew she was there; there was no where else for her to go.
‘I know she’s here, I fucking know it!’

he seethed in his mind, he quickly scanned the room, grinning when he saw movement under one of the tables.
“Evelyn…” he cooed softly, the movement stopped, he smirked.“Come here Evelyn like a good girl.” He waited for a moment before
there was no movement what so ever, rage boiled threw him.
“Evelyn get out here now!” he snarled, throwing the table to the side. There was nothing there. That’s when he felt a small breeze come towards him.
The window was open.
Shutting it, he looked around once again, growling under his breath.
“Where the hell are you?!” he screamed. That’s when he heard a small whimper from the corner of the room. He strode over to the table in the
corner soundlessly.
“Evelyn?” he called gently, knowing he had won.
Evelyn watched Damien’s shadow come towards her, she moved into the wall as a pale hand came into her hiding spot. She pulled her legs towards herself, her shaking arms wrapping themselves around her.
“Evelyn…” the demon slurred, his fingers ghosting over her ankle.
His fingers stroked her ankle for a few more seconds, before his hand roughly grabbed her, pulling her from under the table. She screamed ashis other hand came over her thigh, her hands blindly trying to reach for something, anything. Her fingers scraping over the brick from the fire place. Then sliding against the walls.
“Caden!” she screamed, shaking as she pulled at the wooden floor.
“Caden help me please!” she sobbed.
Damien grinned as he saw his prize come from underneath the table. His fingers rubbing against her skin. Oh how wicked he felt for touching her,her skin was so smooth, he would never get over it. Finally he grabbed her by the waist, picking her up.
“you don’t run away!” he snarled at her, barely registering that she was crying. He walked up the stairs, and into her bathroom, sitting her on the sink. He turned around to lock the door.“Don’t you move.” He hissed as he turned on the bath.
Evelyn didn’t see any mist rising from the water as it filled the tub. She shivered as Damien turned on a fan.
Damien walked up to her and ripped the nightgown from her skin, leaving her naked. She screamed but he didn’t care. He picked her up again and threw her into the tub.
When the water touched her skin, she screamed. It was freezingcold. She went to cover herself, until Damien took her hands, tying them together with his belt. He went under the sink, grabbing a scarf and tied
her bound hands above her.
“I was really hoping you were going to wear that. Now is a good time forany. When ever you take a shower, new clothes will be under the sink.”
His face was expressionless as he stood up. He took one look at her and
nodded. Turning on his heel and unlocked the door.
“Next time your punishment will be worse.” He slammed the door behind him and Evelyn began to wail.


Caden listened to the cries of Evelyn. She was right above him. He couldn’t make out what she was saying, but knew Damien had done
something to her.
He heard the basement door unlock as Damien came down the stairs,carrying what Damien called Caden’s dinner. It was green this time.
"What did you do to her?!” He seethed at Damien. Ignoring him, Damien poked a spoonful of the mush into Caden’s mouth. Caden spit it
out, coughing up a fit.
“That is disgusting!” he yelled at Damien as he poked another spoonful in.
“It’s the only thing you’re eating tonight.” He said quietly.
Somehow Damien didn’t look right to Caden. His was drawn down , and the lines that he thought were hardened forever seem to fall. Damien looked older, tired.
“What did you do to Evelyn?” Caden asked slowly. Damien looked away, not able to face Caden’s pondering face.
“Something I terribly regret.” His voice was stained with tears and sobs.
Caden’s eyes widened.
“What did you d…do?!” Caden’s voice broke at the end, tears pricking at eyes.
“I didn’t kill her, I just hurt her…and not rape.” He mumbled, sitting in a chair, running his fingers threw his hair.
“She tried to run away and I got her, but I was so angry that I pt her in a really cold tub of water and tied her up there…” he got tense, ready for Caden to yell at him.
“Well I don’t blame her. Your so mean to her, and you killed her mom…you carved name into her back, then every time you see her, you
practically have sex with her! I would try to run away to.” Caden said truthfully. Damien looked away, pouting.
“I can’t help that I love her.” He whispered. “I mean don’t you want to worship her too?” Caden blushed and looked away.
“I’m not answering that, I’m just saying maybe you should be nicer to her…” realizing his mistakes, Caden wanted to take it back, but seeing thejoy on Damien’s face made him stay quiet.
“So what do you think I should do?” he looked towards Caden in wonder, just like he did when they were kids.
“Do what you think is best.” Caden choked out. Damien smiled at him, and started walking to the door.
“By the way thanks Caden, I promise next time I’ll make you some fried chicken.” He grinned and waved bye, but before he left, he turned on a light so that Caden could see.
Caden shook his head as the door behind Damien closed. Yes it was nicefor the light, but it just made the basement look even creepier. But he was kinda glad to see too.
“Gezz next time I need to keep my mouth shut.” A memory he thought he lost long ago, came back to him.
A ten year old Caden was walking with a nine year old Evelyn. Her hair had been cut short, her eyes raging with revenge.
“I think it looks cute Eve.” Caden smiled at her. Evelyn just blushed and looked away, her eyes trained on something far off.

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