» Thriller » Ultraviolence, patrick heneghan [macos ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Ultraviolence, patrick heneghan [macos ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author patrick heneghan

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tossed into the doorway. A loud screech filled the air as I opened my eyes to see Nina on top of Ezequiel.

then an image of them falling as the metal bars of the balcony was forced out of place. They fell fast. Onto the concrete ground that surrounds the house. I crawl over to the side where the railings were ripped out of the walls to see their bodies. I wish I didn't. Nina's body was contorted and deformed in a mess of Ezequiel's remains and bent metal bars. One had went straight through her chest and her open eyes looked up at me in a frozen, glossy stare.


Screaming, a painful, screeching sound bursting from my lungs as I cried. I wailed like a siren on the shore, salty tears made s their way into my open mouth. They burnt and had an unforgiving touch. Rose ran to my side, she took my into her arms and held me tight.


"It's okay," she sobbed into my shoulder. "I'm here, I'm here."


We rocked back and forth as I wailed uncontrollably into the night. The faint drone of police sirens made its way closer to us as the red and blue lights lit the driveway. Rose helped me up as she looked at the police cars pulling up, and the bodies down below. Her face red and puffy, I assumed my face was the same.


"What do we tell them?" She asked, her voice barely a whisper.


I look around and see a camera up on on the wall looking out on the scene. A single wire winding around the wall. Then, I remembered what I was hiding.


"Come with me, I need to get something." I said as we left the room


I take roses hand and tell her to follow me but I can barely walk. My legs keep buckling under me as we head to the bathroom, the door already wide open from Rose's previous intrusions. I lift open the top of the toilet and fish around inside until I find the DVD and show it to Rose.


"We have video proof?" She asked, shocked and relieved. A slight smile spread across her face as I took her hand once more and led her to the attic.


Carefully, she sat down on the office chair in front of the computer and clicked a small black button and the screen changed to various rooms around the house. Eventually, she rested on one overlooking the balcony and began to burn the footage onto a disc, her eyes scanned the scenario as it played out in front of her. Looking at every moment he made, every time he hurt me and the times I felt like I could no longer survive.


Suddenly, the front door was forced open by two police officers. We could see on the cameras that one of them was a forty year old looking white man in a dark blue uniform and a flash light in his left hand scanning the perimeter. The other was a young Indian woman holding another flash light in her right hand and stopping every few seconds to make sure she has inspected every last inch of the house.


We both scream for help as they run upstairs looking for us, their flashlights illuminating the stair wells in jagged movements as the do so. I look at Rose and she rests her head onto my shoulder as she watches them on the screen, her hair soft on the side of my face.


Cautiously, we began to climb out of the attic as we could hear the police officers make their way up the stairs. Rose gets down first, her feet lands spread out across the floor and she slips a little but helps herself back up. Then I begin to climb down, Rose's hands support my back as I climb down and land next to her. I rest my hand on her forearm and look at her in disbelief.


"Is it really over?" I wonder, my gaze settling on her tears eyes. Everything I had done, Nina's sacrifice. It had to be for something, it had to be over


Rose smiles and nod, her hair dances as the police walk up the final step, after all this time and after all tears and the time so much happened the tears just couldn't come out. Ezequiel was dead, his final breath had escaped his dying body and he lay there silent. After all this time I had hope that it was over, but a doubt lingered in the back of my mind.



Was it really over?

is this happiness?


23rd march

Ezequiel and Nina stood in front of me, beckoning me towards them. Their arms were linked as they floated just above the bloody ground. I moved towards them, one step at a time, ribbons tethered my body like chains connecting me to an unseen wall. With each step the ribbons grew tighter, their crimson tentacles never letting go of my desperate body. They were almost at reach, they were so close.


I wanted to reach Ezequiel to make him pay, death was to sweet of a punishment for him. He deserved much worse. What happened to me, what happened to rose and what happened to Nina ; he was entirely responsible for, he manipulated us and killed us in many ways. He deserves much more than the sweet release of death.


However, Nina, my darling Nina. I wanted to reach her for many reasons. I wanted to touch her, to feel her hands in mine once more. I wanted to tell her that everything was fine now and she could come back to me. I wanted to reach her in a thousand different ways. I love her.


Unfortunately, the ribbons still tightened around my arms like desperate hands, preventing me from reaching my goals. I still pursued them, I still fought against every ribbon that tied me to an unseen enemy.

Forcing myself forward, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. A churning feeling, as if my stomach were pushing itself out of my body. I stilled tried to get closer to them, my enemy and my lover, like my pursuit of revenge and love fought all feeling of pain and common sense.


Suddenly, a sharp pain filled my entire body, I writhed on the ground in pain. I'm limbs were ripped from my body, and I lay helpless on the ground. The last thing I saw before I was ripped from sleep was Ezequiel's smile, which looked like a crescent moon, taking delight in my pain.


I woke up. My body heat at an all time high as I accustomed myself to this unfamiliar setting. The night sky above me twinkled and moved overhead; like the earth itself, always moving, always changing.


I could never tell you what constellations were lay out before me. They all seemed connected to me, each one having some relation to a thousand more. The night sky was never split out into constellations, it is all one magnificent being. I wish I could be like the night sky.


I looked at the sleeping body next to me as we lay together in a field. I can't even remember her name. she had dark brown hair with single ginger strands hiding behind her neck. like the Forrest floor in autumn, a orange and brown blanket lay across the earth, keeping her warm for the winter.


Her body rose and fell into itself as she breathed, it was almost hypnotic. I felt disgusted in myself, for betraying my Nina but this was the only way I could feel something now. I lost count with them, that was never something I could be proud of. Maybe in another life, maybe if things had turned out differently I would have stayed with ginger-brunet girl. I could have watched her sleep and drive back home with her in the morning, feel the wind in my hair and her hand on my thigh. But I am not living that life, I am not healthy, but soon I will be.


Please say I will be


Suddenly, my phone rings in my pocket, I shush it as I saw ginger-brunet girl stir in her sleep. I looked at my phone screen.



(5) missed calls from Rose


I began to put on my clothes, making sure to be quiet as not to wake the sleeping girl. I slid myself into some skinny jeans and pulled a pitch black hoodie over my head and slid my phone into my pocket.


Slowly, I walked home. my legs tired and dull, my head aching with every passing light. I watched my breath project tiny clouds into the air. The streets were completely empty, it felt so safe.


Painfully, my stomach twisted again. I felt like vomiting on the dingy sidewalk but I managed to hold it in. I felt like this for a while, on the brink of vomiting every morning, my stomach always ached.


Then I realised


"No." I mumbled to myself


"No. No. No. No. No" I repeated, throwing my phone to the wall and sinking to the ground.


I looked at it, the upper left side was completely shattered. I made my way to retrieve the phone, then I saw Rose's name again on the screen calling me. I ran up to my glowing phone and stuffed it into my pocket.


Carefully, I looked around until I saw the glowing light of 'pharmacist' and underneath it, 'Open 24 hours.' I Step inside and begin to Scan the brightly lit aisles.


Once I found what I was looking for I gave it to the dark brown haired cashier. I looked down at her name tag 'hello, I'm BRONTE' her name was in all caps with a red sharpie and covered mostly by her long hair. She smiled lightly at me as she handed me my receipt with her bare, long nails gripping the sides.


Quickly, I ran home, my mind racing as with every step. My entire body was in pain but I ran anyway, I needed to get back to my apartment. The stairs passed underneath me at the speed of light as I made my way to the front door. My feet slipping underneath me but I recovered from the fall in seconds.


Suddenly, Rose was standing before me, her arms crossed. She looked mad, her eyes scolded me as I walked through the door, I looked down at my feet in shame. I could feel her judgemental eyes burn into my body, she took one step forward and faced me.


"Where were you?" She whispered, her voice a croak.


I didn't know what to do, my heart ached for her. I didn't mean to do this, I didn't mean to worry her. I sighed back a few tears as Rose watched me before her, my body pale and fragile in the dimly lit apartment.


"I'm so sorry..." I muttered, it was all I could manage at the time. I gripped the carrier bag from the pharmacy right in my hands.


"Where were you?" She asked again, her voice loud and booming.


Slowly, I raised my head to look at her, her curly hair messy and knotted. Every breath she took was deep and desperate like she was gasping for air. I put a single hand into the bag I held at my side. I

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