» Thriller » Ultraviolence, patrick heneghan [macos ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Ultraviolence, patrick heneghan [macos ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author patrick heneghan

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in the eyes
Penetrating my soul like a spear.


"Then...maybe,we can go to the cinema." She suggested shrugging her shoulders


"Why would I want to go to the cinema?" I question brushing my hair out of my face.


Rose looked at me in complete disbelief for a few seconds


"Because its Valentine's Day... and I think you need cheering up, you know, just stop worrying. Plus a movie called 'the choice' is premiering in town and I've heard good things."


"I just wanted to watch bates motel on Netflix" I sighed, giving her the best puppy eyes I could mange.


After a few more disagreements we decided that going outside would be good for me as I haven't seen the outside in a while. My boss decided that it would be better for me to work at home, since I kept feeling nauseous and dizzy at work.


As we sat in our attached red velvet seats at the cinema we watched as the 'best romance film of the year' unfolded in front of us. I would rather bang my head against a brick wall for hours on end then watch this movie but I guess
It was better than sitting at home doing nothing. Rose sat picking up each individual popcorn kernel and placing it into her mouth until the box was half empty. I knew while I was watching the movie that she was watching me to see if I ate anything. So I picked up a handful of popcorn and placed it into my mouth, a greasy, buttery taste exploded over my tongue as I managed to refrain from gagging. She seemed satisfied that I ate it so while she turned away I quietly spat it all out into a napkin and kicked it under my seat and carried on watching the movie.


Once we were making our way out of the theatre and into our apartment complex it seemed that the hallways were only becoming longer wit every step we took, the heels of our feet aching like we had placed hot coals inside of them.
We walked to the white wooden door of our shared apartment, i fumbled with the door keys in my shivering fingers before I managed to turn the key inside the chipped lock and we stepped inside. We were greeted by a frigid breeze which worked its way into our bones and rested there, not a second after did we realise something.  The window at the centre of the wall in front of us was wide open, furthermore so was the door to my bedroom.

We both ran straight inside and saw a pink heart shaped box lying on my pillow, in the centre was a dark red bow  that I gave one gentle tug at and the entire outer layer of pink and red unraveled revealing a box of round milk chocolate. On the inside of the lid was a note written in black ink.


Dearest Amelia


I brought a gift as sweet as you are

Love from

Your valentine


you're blind, i see


27th June 2017




It had been over five months since he broke in and I haven't had a good rest since. I stayed up every night with a flashlight in hand as I stared at the time on my phone, a bright 3;36 like a light house of annoyance in the harsh, unforgiving ocean that is my mind. I started to think about how it could be a one time thing, he broke in once and although I had months of those creepy messages it stopped soon after I called the police.


I guess that I scared him off


Momentarily I brushed that  stupid thought away, he could just as easily be waiting for the suspicion to die down before he strikes again. I felt my eyelids getting heavy before

they slammed shut.




I was standing in a void of absolute darkness, The only light was that of my reflection on the floor parallel to me. The ground looked like a dark ocean, as if I was walking on black ink. I took a step forward and suddenly a spotlight in the distance pointed towards a present rapped in pastel shades of pink and a baby blue ribbon keeping it together . I walked towards it the spotlight growing brighter with each step. I stood right in front of the present now, my hand reaching up to touch it as the light was now blinding.
I held the blue ribbon in my hands tightly. I pulled violently. The wrapping paper burned away as the ashes danced around the darkness, like shooting stars in the night sky, revealing a jet black, gloss rotary phone.

Ring ring
Ring ring
Ring ring

I reached out to touch the phone when, the ringing stopped. I held the phone to my ear. For a few seconds all I could hear was heavy breathing, then I could make out a small sound in the background.

A baby crying.

It grew louder until I was covering my ears. I screamed in pain but I couldn't hear it. The sound felt like it was causing my brain to rot and decay inside my head. It caused my heart to pump so fast and so loud that I could hear it, I could feel it. Then, in the blink of an eye it stopped. I knew that it wasn't the end of it, I began to feel a warm breath down my neck. I span around, hair floating as I did so, like I was buzzing with electricity, but no one was there. At least no one I could see.
Until I looked down.
I saw him in my reflection, he was directly underneath me but I couldn't see his face just a blank canvas of a person.he was naked, his body muscular and tall like a soldier. Suddenly, I felt his hand grab my leg, hard enough I could feel bruises forming and his veins pulsing out of his knuckles. With a sharp tug he pulled me down with him. I felt the ink fill my lungs and stain them as I struggled for breath. The last thing I saw was his dark eyes staring into my soul.


Buzz buzz

I looked over at the time on my phone again '10:00', as I ignored the sea of 'happy birthdays' from the people who couldn't make it, including my parents. I sat up immediately

as rose made her way through my door. As her sickly sweet voice sang.


"Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday dear Amelia,

Happy birthday to you."


She  balanced a round birthday cake on one hand while she held on to a small gift in her hand, making her way over to me placing the cake on my bedside table then, handing me the package.


"Um, thanks..."
I offered unwrapping my gift. The paper unfolded to reveal an iPod with my name engraved on the back, a set of headphones underneath. I crack a smile as I repeat,


"Thank you so much."


"No problem. I know that you don't like celebrating your birthday but you deserve to celebrate."


I look at the cake, it's pink writing sitting on the white icing of the cake like a reminder of everything that has been, and everything that ever will.

Happy 20th birthday


"So what are we doing to celebrate?" I asked since I had no plans of my own.


"I was thinking we could go to the 'olde star' i noticed it a few days ago when I was driving to work and it looked... cozy."


I froze at the name remembering that there is where it begun: the texts, the stalking the break ins. I sat in silence while she stared at me.


"Is something wrong?" She asked with a hint of concern


"No, it's just... what if he finds me again?"


"That was months ago! Anyway you can't live like this, he can't know where you are all the time." She consoled


I slowly began to believe her. I put the cake in the fridge before I began to get dressed. I wore a dark wine coloured dress with a pair of velvet high heels and scarlet lipstick. Rose wore a bubblegum pink dress with a blue feather boa over her shoulders and a pair of Taffy sunglasses.

We walked through the doors of the olde star and a few men wolf whistled at rose calling her 'Lolita' she smiled and laughed at them while touching their shoulders, making her way to the bar. We sat down at the stools as I pulled out my phone and there was still no messages from that guy, yet I still can't give in. Nina was in front of me again, the perfect woman from before, wearing a bright yellow dress with a citrus coloured head wrap laying like a crown on her cranium with a tight knot protruding out the back of her head.


"So what would you lovely ladies like today?" She asked smiling while doing


"I'd li-"


"Four jelly bean shots please." Rose interrupted knowing that I'd just choose water again.


Nina turned around as she gathered the combination of drink bottles required to make the shots.

Rose lent towards me as close as possible and whispered in my ears.


"You like her don't you."


I blushed while trying to deny it but she kept insisting.


"Come on I just know these things, besides you're not that good at hiding it." She teased looking through the corner of her eyes at Nina the entire time.


After a few more shots I felt nauseous and told rose to watch my handbag as I went to the bathroom. I stumbled into the stall and kneeled In front of the toilet. I felt that I needed to vomit but I couldn't, all that came out was blue tinted mucus. I stayed like that for a while, my hair sticking to the side of my face like fur.

After a few minutes I managed to walk out of the bathroom and sit back down at my stool next to rose, who was grinning from ear to ear.


"What are you smiling about?" I muttered.


"Nothin'. She replied, her grin growing wider.


I just sighed, I honestly couldn't be bothered right now and just wanted to go to the comfort of my own bed.

After a moment, we were both walking down the street, stumbling into each other as we turned down an alley We took previously to get here. I suddenly felt like I was being watched, silently I reached for my phone in my bag, my hands explored every crevice and corner of the bag but I still couldn't feel the cold metal if my phone.


"Rose! I thought I told you to look after my bag."




"You were supposed to be watching my bag!" I barked


"Well I was busy." She said smiling


"Busy doing what?" I demanded


"You can thank me later." She said producing a number from her pocket.


Nina's number.


I studied it before looking at her in complete disbelief.


"Thank you and all that, but how am i going to phone her without a phone?" I countered.


She just sighed as we made our way into the apartment complex. We walked the halls in silence, something rose had never done before. I said sorry as we got to our door, she said sorry too but I could tell that she was really beating herself up over what I said to her. To be honest

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