» Thriller » Tesla, Jason Walker [reading cloud ebooks TXT] 📗

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doesn’t. Not lately,” said Darren petulantly. I mean, well—I suppose if you work with someone long enough, you build a relationship of trust. I think things are okay, but she’s worried that this project is going to attract some attention soon if we’re not more careful about who we bring over here. We had an argument about when I need to talk to her about any new discoveries being made here. She doesn’t want the Canadian government finding out what’s been discovered here.”

Are you sure that’s all it is?”

You implying something, mate?

I’m just saying, you seem to be getting awfully close to her,” said Bill. He looked over his shoulder, giving him a teasing smile.

Darren didn’t smile back, so Bill dropped the subject.

The problem was that Bill was right. Darren was growing increasingly fond of his handler, Miss Anna Carpenter . . . and that was not something he wanted to happen.

September 15, 1992

Darren was sent on a mission to China in the fall of 1992 shortly after completing a mission to Israel where he’d had to fly something small back to Los Alamos, New Mexico. The China mission was going to be his second job since leaving the tunnel system in Northern Canada.

He asked his handler, How did this happen, mate? I can’t picture China being open to this sort of thing.”

Anna laughed. God, no. But General Chen has friends in China, Darren.”

I’d like to get to know his story someday.”

General Chen definitely has some connections in the country,” Anna explained. He managed to get us a diplomatic visa to get in but you must be extremely careful.”

Darren shook his head. I don’t get it. That man—he’s something else, isn’t he? Always seemed a little off to me, but the man has tentacles over so many things around the world based on what I’ve seen with my own eyes. It makes me want to ask what he’s doing with all this space-age technology.”

Anna bit at her lower lip. Darren had come to learn that meant she was debating something.

He prodded, What’s on your mind?”

I’m only telling you this because I think it’s pertinent knowledge for a man in your position,” said Anna. You don’t have clearance to know this. I don’t have clearance to tell you. If I find out that this information leaves this room, I’ll shoot you myself.”

Darren swore an oath, promising to keep it secret.

Anna nodded, then said, The reason that Pine Gap was so heavily guarded is that it’s the home of our cloning facilities.”

I’ve heard rumours about them. Genetic engineering and all that.”

The original Chen worked for the US shadow government when it was first started.”

Original,” said Darren. You telling me I’m being bossed around by a clone?”

Anna nodded.

The original General Chen was a part of the American mission to establish anti-gravity technology. He was an American. But after they threw him out, they sent him back to China and he became the grandfather of their secret space program. Now he’s in a deep freeze somewhere.”

Darren shook his head. But why?

Anna looked around. There was no chance anyone else would be there, but she double-checked before explaining that, in 1954, Chen had been fired by the MJ-12 group, and that’s why he had been sent back to China from the United States.

The reason was that the US had mastered anti-gravity in that same year and they didn’t want Chen to send that information back to China. And when they gave him the boot, he felt so betrayed by what they’d done to him that he changed his mind completely and started to reveal what he knew to the Chinese military. What became of all that hostility was the beginnings of the secret space program developed by China beginning in 1954. They’ve been secretly developing their own space program ever since, and they get much of their information from Israel, which steals it from us when we’re not watching what they’re doing. Every time Israel gets caught with its hand in the cookie jar, the case is quickly covered up. It makes me sick that no one will stop it,” she said angrily.

Darren was confused by what she’d just told him. As he scratched his head, he wondered something. “There are so many factions at play here. My first question is, why would the CIA allow a corporation that they control to be run by this guy’s clone?”

Anna smiled. I know it’s confusing, but it all has to do with keeping your enemies close so you can watch what they’re doing out on the playground with the toys that you give them. And now that you’re equipped with this information, you can come back to me with reports on what Chen is developing as he studies the things that you take back to his facilities to be re-engineered.”

Darren had a look of doubt on his face when he said, The Chen in charge of the Orange Corporation is simply a clone of the original Chen? That’s insane. I never would have thought any of this could be even possible.”

Anna smiled at him again and said, That’s the whole point, Darren. People aren’t supposed to believe this could be happening. It would be bad for business if they knew it was real.”

Darren was being sent by General Chen to obtain pictures of an advanced technical device that appeared to be a miniature star gate. It had been discovered underneath the largest pyramid in China. The handsome Australian was amazed at the sheer thought of it. So, while everyone else believes the pyramids of Giza are burial chambers for ancient pharaohs, the Chinese have been digging underneath some of the ones in their own country and they’ve found advanced technology? That’s what you’re telling me?” he attempted to confirm.

Anna nodded her head. That’s right, and they’re not telling us everything they’ve found either. Not by a long shot. But they don’t want to slam the door in our faces either because they know about the secret space programs we’re involved in and they want to be a part of that information chain, too,” she explained.

His wonder only continued to grow when Anna said, There are quite a few pyramids that have been discovered over there. Here, look at this.”

Anna pulled her folder out. She opened it up to reveal several 8x10 photographs.

The first picture showed a pyramid that was a thousand feet tall and over 1500 square feet at the base. It was covered in a white coating of some kind. Anna pointed out the top bit of the pyramid was made of a coloured gemstone of some kind. It appeared to be bigger than the tallest pyramid in Egypt, and it was more intact as well. This is the one you’re going to see,” she said. Next, Anna showed him a picture that had been taken by a US airman in Shensi province in Northern Central China.

That’s just insane, mate,” said Darren. He shook his head as she showed him the second picture.

Anna told him, If you think the pictures are hard to believe, wait until you see it in person. This is going to be different from any job you’ve been on before, Darren. You’re going to need to be careful because I need you to venture into a few areas and tell me what you see.”

“Don’t worry, Birdie,” said Darren. The nickname for Anna comes naturally these days. I’m always careful.”

Anna chided, You’re never careful.”

Darren gave her a charming smile. It’s the thought that counts, right?”

Anna swatted him on the shoulder. Darren laughed and headed on his way.

Once in China, Darren was assigned an escort who doubled as his driver while he was there. The country was massive, and he found the rural areas beautiful as the driver took him over miles of remote, rugged wilderness. For several days he was driven from one city to the next and then out into the remote countryside to see what his handler had shown him in the pictures first hand. Mathews had never seen a pyramid like the one he was going to be allowed to see.

One of the attractions that caught his attention after the first day was the Great Wall running along the mountains. He was shocked at the size of it. The people that it was meant to keep out must have been incredibly dangerous Darren suspected. He asked the driver if he could take a picture. When he was told that it was okay, the car pulled over and Darren got out. The air was good out in the country. It was just the cities where the smog was so bad.

The beauty of the land was marred by the cruelty he saw when passing through the open-air markets in one of the regional towns, where he saw several people throw dogs into boiling water to cook them alive so they would taste better. He was horrified. Fucking mongrels,” he said to himself. “Pure cruelty. That’s all this is.”

He couldn’t just leave it be. That sort of cruelty had to be paid back in full. He asked his guide to take him a few blocks away from the carnage. Then, he spotted a policeman and walked up to him with his guide in tow. He asked his guide to translate what he said, which the man did. Darren explained that he had heard some people openly talking about how the government should be overthrown. After the escort relayed the information, the policeman became alarmed and wanted to know where he’d heard this. When the guide told him that the police officer wanted to know who had said this and where they were now. Darren pointed back towards the dog slaughter that was taking place and described the two men.

The police officer told both of them to stay there so their personal details could be taken down, and then the police officer got on his radio and called in for support. He started walking in the direction that Mathews had pointed as he looked for the suspects.

Once the police officer was gone, the guide took Darren back to the car and quickly drove away. The escort spoke perfect English and advised Darren that the police would now arrest those men for speaking against the Chinese government. Darren was happy to see them taken away after watching them perform such a terrible sight.

I’ll sleep better knowing they’re locked up, mate. I’m not worried about it,” he said as they drove on, feeling satisfied with himself.

After leaving the open-air market behind them, Darren was taken to the location where he was to meet the person that would hand over the pictures of the device. When he met with the researcher of the pyramid, he knew he was privileged to hear the details of what they’d discovered underneath the pyramids inside the safety of his apartment. He paid to see the pictures, and then he took pictures of them with the camera that he’d brought along. Then, his guide was told to take Darren to see the amazing structure in person. Darren, however, wondered how come this was happening so easily when for decades nobody from the West had been allowed to come near to this place. He asked his driver and gave him several thousand dollars as a bribe to tell him. That’s when he learned about the influence of the Red Dragon family who had made the agreement with the

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