» Thriller » Tesla, Jason Walker [reading cloud ebooks TXT] 📗

Book online «Tesla, Jason Walker [reading cloud ebooks TXT] 📗». Author Jason Walker

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fit for hunkering down. Darren was happy to sleep in his tent, and Phil was happy to sleep in his truck. As Darren drifted off, he felt a sense of relief knowing that he had been smart enough to bring two jerry cans of fuel because it would just be enough to get them back to a town that had a refuelling station.

When he returned to the small cottage a few days later, he saw the security team enjoying their time lounging around. They too had been able to relax for a bit and were in good condition. Nobody was sick—yet—which was a good sign.

After a good afternoon meal of fresh fruit, saltenas—savoury pastries filled with minced meat—potatoes, carrots, and peas, all dipped in a spicy gravy and washed down with a couple of beers, Darren gathered the men and showed them where they would be going next.

The next operation would also be a recovery mission. He described the location where the discovery had been made, explaining that they would be leaving Bolivia and heading up into Peru after they finished acclimating. Most of the men hadn’t been acclimatized at higher elevations like the ones that they were about to meet. The past week of rest, hiking, and enjoying the climate and landscape had been a smart move by his handler. You’re going to see some interesting things if what I’ve been told, is true,” Darren finished off saying to the team.

Darren’s remaining week of rest was also to get used, to be accustomed to driving on these mountainous roads in a convoy. But now came the logistics of getting to their actual objective. As he looked at his map, which was unfolded on the hood of the truck, he tried to estimate how far they would have to drive to get into the country that was North of where they were now. Mathews made the wise move following his journey out to the salt block church to obtain additional jerry cans of fuel to take with them before they drove to the border—a lesson that had been well-engrained in spook school.

As they drove around each day on the narrow mountain roads, they were pretty nervous about the soft edges and the potential of going over the side. There were no barriers—not even boulders to hold the road. If you weren’t paying attention to oncoming burros occupying the middle of the road, you’d be doomed, as one wrong turn assured that you would never be seen again.

After they crossed the border, they stopped in the town of Cuzco for the night.

Darren got his first opportunity to stare at the rock walls that had been made by civilizations who left their mark there before the Inca had moved into the area. The group of men broke off into groups and became tourists as they checked out the marvels that Cuzco had to offer.

After a meal of fresh sea bass ceviche, causa rellena, and some Inca Colas, they went their separate ways for a few hours. Darren located a rock wall in the centre of the town, and it stopped him in his tracks. What really puzzled him was how whoever (or whatever) had placed these stones into position so accurately. There were no chips in the stone nor were there any spaces along the stones’ edges. You couldn’t fit a piece of paper between them and these were credited to the Inca? It was seeming more likely the stones were assembled by an ancient civilization during an era long ago and the Inca had moved into the area after they had vanished.

The next day, the team was together again as they set out to find their contact. The site that his handler had asked for him to manage changed the way Darren perceived humanity’s secret past. The stones that they were looking at were massive blocks that weighed many tons each. Yet they were placed on top of each other in such a manner it would be an impossibility that cranes and pulleys had lifted them into position. There was no way. Phil and the others talked among themselves while Darren walked over to the rocks where he was supposed to meet his contact.

At 1 o’clock, a teenage boy asked him if he could take his picture in front of the rock wall that was behind him. Darren was happy to have the young man take his photo. When the boy handed the camera back to him, the boy uttered their password, confirming that he was the one he’d been waiting on. Together they walked back with the young man to their trucks and exited the area. The teen guided the quiet, pensive crew to another town that was several hours away. When they arrived at their destination, off in a little clearing was a helicopter waiting for them.

Up in the air, Darren, Phil, and the crew enjoyed a one-hour flight over the mountains. They flew over the desert region between Naszca and Palpa on what was called the Pampas de Jumana, which lay approximately four hundred miles south of Lima. Phil nudged Darren as he pointed to massive shapes seemingly cast into the sides of the mountains and lines stretching across the plains. These were known as the Naszca lines. You couldn’t see these giant drawings in the sand at ground level but at about 500–1500 feet above the ground you could see all sorts of engravings deeply etched into the surface.

Darren saw a spider carved into the floor of the desert that looked to be at least five hundred meters in circumference. It wasn’t just animals or insects. There were numerous shapes spanning the landscape that only high-flyers would see.

Could these be markers to bring a craft down to the Earth safely?” Phil asked over the intercom in English.

Darren nodded his head. They’re markers. They have to be!”

Look over there,” Darren replied. “The top of the mountains have been cut right off so that a landing strip could be made. Now, who or what did that?”

Eventually, they landed in a remote spot on the edge of the jungle. There was a truck waiting for them when they landed. The pilot expressed his concern about the remoteness because his tank was half empty. They only had enough fuel to get back to the local airport.

The co-pilot left the plane and escorted Phil and Darren over to a driver who then drove them from the landing spot to an even more remote place, deeper into the jungle.

The truck stopped at the base of a mountain and the driver took them to a hole in the ground that was a meter by a meter in size. There was a tarp over it with some stones on each corner. When he lifted the stones and removed the tarp, there appeared a ladder down a shaft. It was twenty feet to the bottom. Then, the vertical shaft joined what looked like a horizontal tunnel. Phil spoke Spanish and was told that there were a number of items for them to see below, so they could choose what was important for them to take back to study.

After fifteen minutes of exploring the horizontal shaft, they came to a burial chamber. Inside the chamber were at least a dozen bodies, which appeared to have elongated skulls. They had been placed into bundles in sitting positions and were swaddled by some kind of woven material. The eye sockets were bigger than a modern-day human’s, and the skull bone seemed to be much thicker as well. This was an incredible find in itself, but it wasn’t a retrieval that Darren would be called in for. So, he wanted to find exactly what they were there to collect. Phil relayed the question, and the guide then nodded his head, taking them to another room where they saw what they’d been sent to collect.

Hovering in the centre of the room was a metal ball that was magically suspended above a granite obelisk. It had symbols on the sides of it, and there were illuminated lights on the stone underneath it.

Be careful,” Phil said to Darren. This thing has been here for thousands of years. This has to be booby-trapped in some way otherwise it would have been taken outta here by now,” he cautioned.

The ball appeared to be made of some kind of foreign metal and it was levitating. Behind it on the walls were various symbols, which resembled some form of ancient writing, but Darren had no idea what it was. The symbols needed to be deciphered because they would explain what this metal ball was for and who its creators had been.

After walking out of the room, the guide told Phil that there were miles of tunnels, most of which yet to be explored. As they began walking down the tunnel system, Darren told Phil to ask the guide the story about how this had all been discovered. The man told Phil in Spanish and then Phil let out a few swear words.

What’d he tell you mate?” Darren asked as he looked through his bag, took out his headlamp, and put it on his head.

Phil looked over at his boss and said, The three men that tried to take the metal ball down were shot by beams of light that came straight out from the walls. They died here,” he explained.

Darren and Phil then knew that this wasn’t going to be a speedy recovery. He needed to get a message back to his handler to request some engineers to the site because this was not something that he was prepared to take on without experts.

This isn’t worth us dying over. I’ll call my mate in—Mitch. He’ll figure things out. I mean, if that thing killed three people then, let’s leave it where it is and call for reinforcements. Give the man his money. We’re going to be here for a while I reckon.”

November 24, 1991

By the end of the year, Darren was starting to settle into his role within the Orange Corporation. He missed his mates from the SAS, and he missed Australia, but he felt a certain thrill about being involved in such earth-changing discoveries.

Syria’s retrieval mission wasn’t for parts. Rather, Darren would be picking up the remains of what they called a Raptor Warrior. It was swaddled in heavy canvas blankets and placed in the back of Darren’s van. The windows were tinted so no one could peer in. The local law officials had been given the license plate number and strict orders not to approach it.

Darren’s curiosity got the best of him while waiting for a light to turn green. He twisted around, reaching into the back seat and pulling back the blankets so he could look at the alien. It resembled a miniature T-Rex but had strange ridges on its head.

According to the report, it had been shot down while trying to abduct humans. They were believed to be this species’ primary food source while they were on earth. As Darren looked at the body, he could see that it had been riddled with 50-calibre explosive-tipped rounds.

Well, shit,” said Darren. He pulled the blanket back over the creature before turning back to sit properly in his seat.

The light turned green. Darren continued driving. The DNA recovered that day was priceless, and there was no doubt that he was on a time crunch so the people in the secret labs underground could harvest living DNA from the body and start experimenting with it.

January 6, 1992
Secret Wet Room

In early 1992, his handler informed Darren that he would soon be sent to

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