» Thriller » Tesla, Jason Walker [reading cloud ebooks TXT] 📗

Book online «Tesla, Jason Walker [reading cloud ebooks TXT] 📗». Author Jason Walker

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the craft. They took a radioactive device from the downed disc and re-boarded the TR3C. The triangular craft then rose off the ground and quickly disappeared into the sky. The manmade technology went further still, ratcheting up into space, headed for a secret base that was situated on Mars.

Not long afterwards, US military personnel arrived in a black Chinook helicopter to set up a perimeter. Men were put on guard to watch out for Islamic extremists and other threats. Other members of Darren’s security team pulled out two dead inter-dimensional beings that had big round heads and very small bodies that were almost dwarf-like in appearance. For the moment, his team had to act without their supervisor, Darren.

Mathews was situated in Iraq too, but he had been sent on a mission with Anna accompanying him. Together, they were out in the scorching Iraqi desert, attempting to find the source of power that was coming from an area that they were searching.

As Darren walked around, Anna sat on the hot ground as she meditated and tried to do some remote viewing. They were on the outskirts of the ancient city of Babylon, and they had been hoping to find Nimrod’s ancient tower of Babel. Inside it, they believed, were still many remnants of an ancient off-world race.

Darren walked with a scintillometer that detected electromagnetic and radiological disturbances in the ground. As he walked around, he was getting some strange readings but nothing that would tip the scales and cause him to freak out. Suddenly Anna spoke up and he looked back at her. She was pointing to an area that he hadn’t walked over to, yet.

You want me to head over there,” Darren confirmed. She nodded as she stood up and walked over to join him. It wasn’t long before they were getting some incredible readings. After walking the scintillometer over the area a few times, they soon determined that they needed to start an excavation so Darren called in for support.

The black Chinook carrying Darren’s security detail showed up after dark. They secured the perimeter, offloaded a bobcat with a digger attachment, and began working immediately in the dark using night-vision goggles.

It took them two hours of excavating before they found the entrance into the infrastructure that lay underground. It would lead them to what had once been an enormous tower that had risen to heights that were out of character for the era. As they walked through the chamber, they realized that no one had been in there for thousands of years and that this place may house more than one object that was worth taking back to the United States to be examined by Orange.

Anna led the way and was pulled forward through the chamber by her uncanny extra ability to sense a target.

There were, indeed, many artifacts in the chamber, which Darren nodded to as the archaeologists followed in behind them. They began working with his security team, while Anna and Darren continued through the corridors arriving at a wall.

You want me to blow it open?” Darren asked.

Anna nodded in agreement, so he went back to the helicopter and retrieved several charges of C4 explosive. When he went back to the subterranean corridors, he was met with a beehive of activity, as the archaeologists were working to box up items, preparing them to be shipped out of Iraq immediately. Others were taking photographs and were busy setting up lights and electric generators.

Darren went past them all and found Anna waiting for him as she was scanning the walls and ceilings of the tunnels. Darren set the charges and blew the wall after making sure that they were clear of any danger. After the dust settled, Darren went back to the gaping hole and cleared the area. Having done so, he was astonished by what he saw emerging from the dust.

What he found would ultimately change his understanding of mankind’s ancient history.

Inside the chamber were several metallic robots that had the shape of a bald humanoid; the metal looked like it had been cast from a blue chrome or stainless steel. There were no links attaching the various pieces of metal. These robots were smooth over their entire surface as if moulded. Yet, the limbs looked flexible as could be.

Did Nimrod have this kind of technology, Anna? Holy shit!”

Your eyes aren’t lying,” she said.

Darren looked around and saw all kinds of records and charts rolled up and stored away on many shelves that were carved into the stone walls. What have we just found in here?” he asked.

As Anna looked around she too was amazed. This is some kind of ancient library. We don’t have enough room in the Chinook to take it all with us in one trip though.”

Darren looked back at the robots and wondered what their purpose was.

“Don’t touch them whatever you do. They might turn on as soon as you touch them and vaporize us or something,” Darren emphasized.

Anna agreed.

This was a major discovery, and it would have to be sealed back up so they could come back to it and figure out what was in all those scrolls.

I see another one over there in the corner. There’s three of them,” she noted as she directed her flashlight beam.

After the area was cleaned up on the surface, Darren introduced himself to the senior pilot of the Chinook, who was standing watch outside of the helicopter while a limited number of things were brought on board from the library being catalogued below. The loading process took less than ten minutes. The pilot said he had to go so Darren shook his hand and watched as he climbed back inside the cockpit of the chopper.

Darren and Anna were put on board and quickly noticed the dead ET bodies that were being guarded by his friend Phil, who was second in command of the security detail assigned to assist them. A few minutes later, the rest of the security team hustled up into the Chinook and slammed the door shut behind them.

As the chopper rose above 1000 feet Darren heard the pilot speaking rather loudly over the headphones. As he looked out the window all he could see was a desert with not a person, and not even a roaming animal in sight. He listened to what was being said through the headphones and then snapped his fingers to get his handler’s attention. He signalled for Anna to listen to the communication headset that she had wrapped around the base of her neck. After putting them on and listening to what was being said, she was soon amazed to learn that the pilot was reporting that something was following them and that it appeared to be a UFO.

The team in the back of the Chinook were tossed around like rag dolls as the chopper tried to evade the discoid craft. Darren looked out one of the smaller side windows and could see a vessel only 100 to 200 meters behind them and it seemed to be flying aggressively back and forth. Anna wasn’t sure what was going on, but then as Darren looked down at the ET bodies, he suddenly had a realization and announced it to Phil.

There’s a UFO out there that’s following us and it wants their dead given back to them. If we’re not going to give them back, we need to call in for some assistance I reckon,” he said as he turned his head and looked at Anna.

She agreed and went on the intercom to speak to the pilot.

Call for support right now!” she shouted.

The pilot nodded his head and started calling in request codes for assistance.

It took ten more minutes of flight before several black jet fighters showed up. They approached the craft by coming in from behind and maintained a presence that the saucer couldn’t ignore. It then stopped its pursuit and was escorted away from the helicopter by the jets who tagged the craft on each side. As it started to retreat, in revenge, the UFO shocked the Chinook’s electrical systems. The communications went instantly dead, losing engine power for a very scary fifteen seconds before the engines kicked up again. By that time, the Chinook was losing altitude and starting to descend to the earth rapidly. Everyone braced for impact, grasping the “holy shit bars” beside their seats.

Thanks to a great deal of luck and skill on the pilot’s part, they were able to stabilize the helicopter and continue back to the CIA helicopter landing vessel that was floating out at sea. It took them several hours to get there, and their fuel supply was quite low. They were approaching the vessel at night, tracing in their landing with night vision, ensuring they wouldn’t be tossed around in the hard winds that were stirring up rough ocean waves below. It was a moderately large ship, with four pads for helicopters to land. Luckily for them, there were no other aircraft on the landing deck as they made their final approach.

After landing successfully, Darren thanked the pilot for his ace flying. He then gave the order to Phil to unload the two dead ET beings and the parts of the crashed spacecraft. Anna then took several scrolls carefully into her possession and walked down the ramp, which had been lowered by the load master.

Anna found an empty briefing room to study what she had brought back from Iraq. Since the war had stopped, numerous artifacts had been brought to the US, allowing them to learn more about the ET races that once lived in the region.

She wondered about the robots that had been in the library she had discovered underground; why did they call out to her?

They’d left them behind out of fear of them being activated and killing every human within ten miles of the Chinook. She wondered if they could recover them somehow without devastating consequences.

The following days were filled with stormy weather as Anna studied the documents on the CIA vessel. Thunder and lightning filled the skies. Rain crashed down in heavy grey sheets. Then, the bad news came when the commander of the vessel announced that Iranian navy ships were in pursuit and it looked like they wanted a fight.

The CIA vessel was headed by a CIA Navy commander named Jessie Alderson. His original plan had been to make a tactical retreat, but the longer the Iranian ships pursued him, the more furious he became. He didn’t like the idea of a strategic withdrawal, but he also didn’t want to attract attention.

The Iranians were trying to enforce security along their borders. Even when he broke radio silence and spoke to them, explaining they’d had a breakdown, they didn’t respond. Alderson’s executive officer spoke up when the Iranians broke their perimeter of safety.

Sir! The Iranian ship is within missile firing range, sir!”

Before Commander Alderson could react, a red warning light came on inside the bridge. An officer monitoring radar announced something that stopped everyone from thinking logically for that split second.

Sir, they’re launching their missiles.”

Mother of God! Lock-on. Activate all countermeasures. Shoot them down!” ordered Alderson.

The executive officer repeated the order.

Fire countermeasures for incoming missiles!”

Several others screamed out the order until the machine guns on deck began pumping out tens of thousands of rounds into the sky.

Darren was in his quarters with the security team. The alarm warning of an inbound missile was blaring in the corridor.

Holy shit!” Phil said out loud as he looked at the red

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