» Adventure » Missions For Hell, Cinnamon Nei [an ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Missions For Hell, Cinnamon Nei [an ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Cinnamon Nei

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prepared to be bewildered. “Well I have to say I’m happy everyone accepts they have powers and doesn’t go on about how nothing like that exists. In a couple of days Dr. Helmand will be coming to test to see which one of you has which power and I do understand that some of the powers need further explanation. But right now does anyone have any questions?”

He paused and looked at us expectantly but we just shook our heads no and he continued.

“Well does anyone need any further explanation on a specific power before I start?”

This time I spoke. “Yeah the one about nature or something.”

“Oh, yes that one is the most difficult to grasp. Well it is quite simple, with the will of one’s hands any different amount of nature thing could happen. Like lightening could come out and shock someone. Or they could blow in your direction and you get blown 50 feet away with a gust of wind. Or they could be being chased and with their hands they could raise a humongous wall of rock and earth to stop their pursuer. This indeed is a dangerous power but none of your powers can be used against each other, only to help. Some other generals of the powers will there are no side affects to help us decide if you have one just the test will. Any questions so far?”

We shook our heads no again and he continued talking.

“You have to be careful. You have to understand that your powers evolve the more you practice and at the beginning your powers will be hard to access because of lack of practice. Also your powers are connected to your emotions. Does everyone understand what that means?”

We shook our heads no again in unison.

“Well if your feeling exceptionally angry then your powers will just happen right then and there. Now you understand?”

We all said yes, and then he dismissed us to our cabins. I walked to mine, on the way I saw a couple of the others try to practice each of the powers they heard to see which one they have. I laughed to myself so they wouldn’t notice and walked into my cabin and lay down. I was just about to fall asleep when Nicole burst through the door and started screaming.


I quickly got up and ran outside with Nicole. Out there Clara was standing to where I couldn’t see her everybody else surrounding her. I pushed my way to the front and stopped dead in my tracks. Clara wasn’t there. Where she had just been standing a second ago, when I came out, there was a rock in her place. I ran to Jacob and quickly tried to get past the three other people trying to swarm him with questions. After a while of not getting his attention I stepped back and screamed at the top of my lungs to get everyone’s attention. Clara even turned back into herself.

“Jacob what just happened to her?” I asked him once everyone was perfectly quiet.

“This means that she has the ability to shape shift into whatever she pleases….well whatever she pleases once she gets control of it. This is good though don’t worry the less people that have to take the actual test the better!”

He said back. Just then Adam spoke up.

“I can read minds.” He said proudly.

“Great! Two down the rest of you to go.” Jacob said as he went back to what he was doing.

I decided to stay outside to see if anything else will happen. But just then I got a need to find out which power I had. The one’s left were the nature thing, moving things with your mind, invisibility, and super strength. I sighed with doubt, there was no way to tell, and I guess I just had to wait for that doctor to arrive. By dinner Conor found out he had super strength and I found out the doctor will be there tomorrow morning. With the end of dinner I sat out and waited outside until everyone had gone to sleep except for Adam. He sat beside me and stayed silent.

“You know you look like you’re a little up there.” I giggled as he looked confused. “Sorry I mean since you announced your power you have had this huge smile on your face.” “Well it’s probably just that I’m happy to finally belong.”
“Well it’s creeping me out and it looks like you’re on something.” I smiled back and went into my cabin and fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up and only Gwen was left in my cabin, I quickly got dressed and went outside with excitement in my step. Today I was going to find out my power. I saw a strange man standing in between Jacob and Thomas. That must be Dr. Helmand. He was lecturing on about how the test was going to be easy and painless and there was nothing to worry about.

“Can we just take the test and figure out our powers?” I screamed from the back of the crowd.

He looked shocked but continued anyways and told the one’s that didn’t know their powers to step to the side. So Nicole, Gwen and I stepped to the side.

“Ok, girls what powers are left to be taken?” Dr. Helmand asked.

Nicole spoke up “Invisibility, the nature thing and moving things with your mind.”

“Now any of you want to try moving things with your mind?” Nicole stepped forward once again.

“Great now just take this pebble and remove it from my hand.”

He gave her instructions as he bent down and grabbed a pebble from the ground. Everyone stared at her as she tried to concentrate and nothing happened. Then she tried closing her eyes and imagining it moving. Still nothing happened and she started getting frustrated with herself. Just as she screamed with anguish the pebble shot out into the crowd and hit Jacob. I tried to stifle a giggle as Nicole and Dr. Helmand got big smiles on their faces. As she joined everyone else he started walking towards me. But abruptly he turned and conjured a tiger going for Gwen, just as it jumped and was about to tackle her she turned invisible with fear. Dr. Helmand got rid of the tiger and smiled once again.

“That means you have the nature thing.”

He said directed to me. I smiled as I finally knew. Then I looked to my side to see if Gwen had reappeared.

“It might take a few minutes for her to come back but she will. Thank you for having me Jacob. Thomas. I will be off.”

He tipped his hat and walked off into the distance. That’s weird to say the least and short; I looked at Jacob and Thomas for instructions on what to do next.

Noticing me stare Jacob spoke up “Oh, of course now that you know your powers go and practice for the next couple of days until we give you further instructions.”

With that he and Jacob went into their cabin. Then I walked to the woods going for a creek, I found when I was exploring. I sat down beside it and put my hands in the water and started concentrating. I wanted to make the water levitate or something but nothing happened. A couple hours must have passed, but I didn’t really notice except for the fact that the sun was making its way across the sky. I closed my eyes, put my hands up and tried to concentrate harder. Everything else disappeared and I tried concentrating harder and harder but nothing was happing. All of a sudden someone tapped me on my shoulder. I screamed, jumped and turned around to see a very wet Clara.

“Why are you wet?” I asked her once I started breathing right.

“You did it. I came to tell you that lunch is ready and someone saw you go into the woods. Then I tapped you on your shoulder and when you turned around this happened!” She explained with shock.

“Awesome that means it worked.”

She just kinda stared at me and nodded her head. I dismissed it and walked back to camp. (End of A chapter maybe)

When I got there everyone was practicing there powers. As Clara and I walked by we got a lot of curious looks. Nicole came up to us and asked

“What happened to you?”

“Oh, this.” I answered her.

I put out my hands and concentrated. As soon I did this a whirlpool appeared in midair. Everyone stared in amazement even Thomas shot me a smile, but I made it disintegrate and let the water fell to the ground. Thomas then whistled to get our attention. We turned and looked at him as he started talking.

“Now that you have practiced your powers you are ready for step 2. This is to go on your first mission. It’s better if you never ask why or how. Just go with it and you will be set. You will be in groups of two that are already assigned by power. So Clara is with Conor, Nicole is with Gwen which means Adam is with McKenzie. Practicing together will be the smartest thing to do.”

He walked off with a smile and the papers he was reading from. I walked over to Adam and waited until he was done asking a question to Thomas and Jacob. Once he was done I sat down with him.

“So how exactly do we practice our powers together?” I asked him. “Well I could tell you which one of your nature things could help and you could do it.”

He answered with a smirk.

“We will see how much that works for our first mission, or whatever, and then if it fails miserably then we will try it my way.”

“And what exactly is ‘your way’?”

“Oh, I don’t know but it will work I know that for sure!”

I continued to work on my power as he got up and went to eat. By dinner I managed to be able to conjure water whenever I want. After dinner I was going to try fire. So I quickly ate and got back to work. Concentrating and concentrating it took me forever. It quickly got dark but I was going to stay out until I got this down. Eventually though I got a little flame by blowing on my finger. Then I let out a sigh of relief as the flame danced on my finger then die down. I silently clapped my hands to myself in victory then got up and turned to head for my cabin. But as I turned I ran right into Adam.

“Geez, how long have you been out here?”

I asked him while rubbing my head in pain.

“Just a couple minutes but you’ve been out here for a long time. So long I think you’ve gotten a migraine from just thinking so hard.”

He laughed to himself as he saw me.

“Haha. Real funny
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