» Adventure » Missions For Hell, Cinnamon Nei [an ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Missions For Hell, Cinnamon Nei [an ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Cinnamon Nei

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his sword, which he must have dropped in the struggle, and started stabbing the bud of the killer plant. Some kind of green ooze started seeping out where I stabbed it. I climbed on top of the flower itself and started cutting Adam out of his cocoon of vines with my metal knuckles. Then I thought that I burning the vines would be easier. But I knew I couldn’t, it might hurt him. So I kept cutting trying to cut it faster and faster. The flower started moving the cocoon to its mouth like a spider would after it wrapped its prey. I held on and kept trying to cut Adam free. Next thing I know we were plunged inside of the flower. There was that green ooze coating the inside layer and made up a little pool at the bottom. I started clawing at the side of the flower with my knuckles. When the green ooze reached my stomach I realized I wasn’t getting anywhere and I had to get Adam out so he can get the flower open. The knives were only about a centimeter long so it took forever. After what seemed like a day the green ooze was up to my neck and I got half of Adam free. Luckily he regained consciousness and with him struggling and me cutting he finally got out. The vines fell to the bottom of the plant and he lifted me up to the top. It only took me a second to cut open a little gap. I pushed my arm through quickly, seeing the ooze rise over Adam’s face. I pulled myself out and managed to pull Adam out half way so he managed to get the rest of him out. We climbed off and ran to the opening outside of the cave. I let Adam climb up first. Then realized we forgot his sword.

“Keep going I’ll be right back.”

I ran back into the cave as he yelled after me. I saw his sword, which was right under the flower. I ran up to it and slid the sword to me. Once I got it in my hands I ran as fast I could to the opening and started climbing as fast as I could. Adam pulled me up the rest of the way just as a vine went to grab for me.

“Forget something?”

I handed him his sword and smiled.

“Yea, but I was busy lifting you out of a flower.”

He said sarcastically, we were both covered in the green ooze and out of breath. But we got up and went the rest of way to the flag and I picked it up out of the snow. When I picked it up the world went dark.
The Otsana

We were instantly transported back to the control room. I saw everyone else there, waiting for us probably. Thomas and Jacob had huge smiles on their faces.

“Good job Adam and McKenzie.”

The tour director told us. I nodded and walked over and stood next to Nicole, who scooted away a little.

“What is that stuff on you two?”

She asked me with disgust on her face.

“It’s a long story.”

Then the tour director started talking again.

“Ok, well you all made it back and alive I see. This means, you all passed a level 4 practice mission. In a real mission you will be traveling to your destination and finding a way back. But you guys are far from that. Now that we know you have the skills to survive something like this then we will move you guys on to learning how to protect yourself. Yes that means fighting without your powers.”

He smiled and walked off and Jacob started talking.

“Ok, that will be tomorrow everybody back into the van so the next group can go in.”

We nodded and walked to the van and climbed in. Once we started driving I fell fast asleep. When I woke up we were parked outside of the campsite and everyone was already asleep, I thought, since they weren’t in the car. They must have let me sleep. I checked the time on my phone and it said 3:30am. I got out of the van and walked to my cabin. Just before I made it to the steps something jumped out of the darkness and tackled me to the ground. I quickly got up and spun around to see who did that. What I was met with was a huge wolf. This is just wonderful! I shot flames at it so it reared away in anger. I unsheathed my knives and started punching it as it tried to stand up. Then all of a sudden I was on the ground and bleeding. My vision started getting blurry but I got up again. I blindly ran into the boy’s cabin and managed to quietly get Adam’s sword. Then I came back out and tried stabbing it in the heart. After a couple tries of dodging its claws and stabbing it I finally got its heart. Right as the sword went through, the werewolf disintegrated and I fainted. When I woke up Thomas, Jacob and Adam were hovering over me.

“What are you doing?”

I asked them as I sat up on the ground.

“What were you attacked by?”

Thomas asked me.

“Oh, you know just a giant wolf. Maybe it was a werewolf, I don‘t care.”

I said casually. Jacob and Thomas exchanged a look. Jacob sighed.

“That was Otsana. A women who can change into a wolf when the moon if full. We shouldn’t have let you stay in the car on such a dangerous night. It’s our fault McKenzie.” Thomas said.

“No, I’m fine I just have to take a shower then go train like we were going to do.”

I told him walking towards the shower. When I got half way I collapsed to the ground.

“Maybe you should just rest.”

Adam said pulling me over to where I was lying before.

“But I need to bathe and we need to train or we’re screwed.”

I told him, as I tried to get back up. But he pulled me back down.

“I don’t think so.”


I told him sitting back and crossing my arms.

Studyies and Screams

Thomas snapped his fingers and I became clean.

“What is the purpose of magic if you can’t use it to your own advantage?” He said with a smile.

“Then why can’t you just heal me so I can’t train?” I said angrily.

“I didn’t study healing powers, later you will understand don’t worry.” He smiled wider and gathered everybody except for Adam and me into the van.

“Oh, that’s sweet that you’re not going for me.” I told him as we watched them pull out of the campsite and onto the road.

“Actually Jacob and Thomas thought that it would be better if we were on the same level and not you behind me.” He told me matter of-factly.

“Oh, thanks that’s cool. Well what are you going to do while you’re stuck here?”

“I’m not stuck here you are, I’ll be wandering yell if anything jumps out and tries to kill you.” He put his sword beside me and walked off. I waited for him to make his way into the woods, and then I conjured up water and moved my finger in a circular motion, turning it into a whirlpool. I put the whirlpool around me so it lifted me up and did the moving for me. Following the path Adam took, I quickly found Adam by a stream. I shifted so I was sitting up comfortably and floated next to him.

“Hey Adam, whatcha doing?”

“Just sitting and being bored, was going to train then realized that I have no idea what everyone else is learning.”

“Oh, depressing.” The whirlpool faded away and soaked into the ground, I sat next to Adam in silence and tried to conjure Thomas. If I could conjure up elements, then I should be able to conjure up a human. I concentrated hard and five minutes later I felt Adam poking me in the arm. When I opened my eyes Thomas was standing in front of us and Adam was looking at me like I was a monster with four eyes.

“Do you need something?” Thomas asked with a huge forced smile.

“Actually now that you bring it up, is there anything we can do while we sit here?” I asked him back.

“Well, yes but you can’t tell the others and you two will just do the book part first. So each of you six has to pick a path of magic to study, you know to further help the world. Your power is just how we find you guys. Anyways some things you could study are warrior, healer, sorcerer, hunter, oceanic, astronomer and many others. You will pick a major and a minor to study, and if you don’t like these you can pick one I haven’t mentioned.” He conjured up a million books that were stacked everywhere. “Now what do you guys want to study?” Thomas asked waiting impatiently. I spoke first “Yeah, I want sorcery as my major and healing as my minor.” Five books popped into my lap as I spoke. Then Adam made up his mind “Major will be warrior and what are some others that you didn’t list?” Three warrior books popped into his lap and Thomas continued talking. “There is archer, animalism, night seeker and monsters…” “Then I want archer.” Adam said finally. Two archer books then popped on top of the warrior ones and Thomas disappeared taking the rest of the books with him. I smiled and looked around. Finding a tree with a branch that could hold me, I made the tree sink into the earth so the branch I spotted was two feet from the ground. I climbed on top and put my back against the trunk and

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