» Adventure » Missions For Hell, Cinnamon Nei [an ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Missions For Hell, Cinnamon Nei [an ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Cinnamon Nei

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The New Life

I didn’t want to go with them. But they told the teacher something in a whisper I barely caught and she had to let me go. I gave a curious look but she pretended to write something on the board. So I got up and walked over to them. I could feel the curious stares my classmates were giving me. The feeling was relieved when I walked to the strange men and closed the door behind me. They were thick, tall bulky men with black suits and shades dark enough I couldn’t see past them. Tall buff guy number one, to my right, took my arm and lead me down the hall. I stopped and pulled my arm away.

“I know how to walk.” I shouted at him and continued walking with my nose in the air.

But I kept wondering as to what they could possibly want from me. I was just an average teenage girl didn’t have overly special talents nor did I care enough to improve them.

“McKenzie we are going to need you to call our mom and tell them you will be seeing Dr. Helmand.”

The guy that had my arm spoke…I think they barely moved their mouths and weren’t even looking at me.

“Ummm how exactly do you know my name?” I asked shakily.

“Just tell her!” Number two screamed at me that time.

I gave him a dirty look behind his back and called my mom and told her what they wanted me to say.

“Ok, there now who is Dr. Helmand? And where are you taking me?”

“You will find out soon enough McKenzie, soon enough.”

Well that couldn’t have answered my question any less I thought to myself as they took me outside and lead me to a blue van.

“My mom told me never to get into a van willingly.” I said like a two year old.

“Well this one you will be safe in.” Number one said with an arrogant tone in his voice and practically rolled his eyes with that sentence.

He probably did I just couldn’t tell. I climbed into the van to see other kids around my age sitting in the seats. There was one left and I guess that was for me, so I quickly sat down and buckled up as I turned away from the constant stares. On my left were a blonde girl with a few freckles and her hair pulled back into a pony tail. Then there was a boy on my right, he had short brown hair and glasses. I almost giggled as I saw him. He tensed up and looked out the window like he could hear me think.

Number two drove the van out and screamed back “You should introduce yourselves now these people will become very important to you in the near future.”

“Ok, can we just cut the cryptic crap and you tell us why we are here and where you are taking us!” I shouted back.

He smiled and stayed silent and kept driving as if I said nothing.

The girl on my left spoke up first “My name is Clara and I have no idea why I’m here.” She said quietly and sat back down and looked away from the constant stares.

The boy on my right went next “My name is Adam and I think I have a pretty good guess why I’m here.”

Then a tanned black haired girl from the back spoke up “My name is Nicole and I don’t know why I’m here.”

Then it was the boy in the back he was just as tan and had hair just as black but his was curly “My name is Conor and I don’t know why I’m here.”

Then it was the last person other then me and she spoke up realizing I wanted to go last “My name is Gwen and I don’t know why I’m here.”

They all sounded shy, almost hesitant like if they said the wrong thing they could get killed.

“My name is McKenzie and I know why I’m here.” I sounded defiant and proud and with a little smirk.

They all stared at me in wonder like she is all powerful. Shows how much all you have to do is sound the part. I really had no idea why I was here with these random people.

I heard a muffled “Hmpf” from Adam. Then I thought a sentence directed to him

‘You can read minds can’t you?’

Eventually I got a reply ‘Yeah I guess so!’

‘Awesome.’ I said back

‘Not really it makes me weirder then awesome.’

‘No what’s weird is how I figured it out and I’m not freaking out.”

We both laughed a little. I started to stare out the window. I saw us leave the city and the scenery change dramatically. Before we left we were surrounded by tall buildings, gray streets and hundreds of people walking the street. Now there are trees and fields lush with wild life. I sat back and eventually fell into a deep sleep. I woke up a while later because Clara was shaking me.

“What?!” I screamed at her.

“We need to get out and follow directions.”

I got up as she pointed to the group waiting for me. I looked around and saw Adam waiting for me to move so he could. Half asleep I made my way to the exit and jumped out. Number two was talking to us as a group.

“Hello, my name is Thomas and my partner here is Jacob. We know you all must be very curious as to we you are here and what we want from you. But tomorrow we will explain everything so it makes sense. Right now you can sleep here and this is where you will be staying for quite sometime.”

He gestured behind him where I just realized three cabins set up.

“Girls get one of the cabins, guys get the other and my partner and I get the last one. Go and rest up for you will need it.”

I walked over to the cabin he assigned for girls and entered behind Clara. I walked in and found four cots set up, I claimed one, lay down and fell asleep immediately.

The Power

It felt like I woke up almost immediately but I was well rested. I checked the time on my phone and it said 5:32. Everyone else was asleep and I sent a mind message to Adam to see if he was awake. As I walked around my room I noticed bags by our beds with each of out names on them, that weren’t there last night. I opened mine and explored to see what was inside. But to my disappointment there was only about a months worth of clothes, a cell phone charger and a bag. I didn’t want to open it before I was aloud to so I set that aside and got dressed then just waited. About an hour later Adam responded with

‘Yea I’m awake anyone else?’

‘No, doesn’t look like it. But I’m gonna go exploring so yeah.’

I walked outside and looked around. It looked just like a regular campground just three regular cabins. It didn’t look like anything special but I doubt something is actually going to be normal about this “trip.” By then Thomas and Jacob came out and looked shocked as he saw me sitting there.

“Sorry to keep you waiting McKenzie.”

Thomas said as if practically kidnapping me was all cool. But my attitude has worn down and I just wanted answers.

“Uhhhh not really everyone is still asleep. Are we getting answers today?” I managed to get out in a stutter.

“Yes you have to get answers today.” He replied cryptically as usual.

So I just sat in my designated area and waited for everyone else to stumble out in a sleepy daze. First Adam walked out, then Clara then Nicole, then Conor and lastly Gwen. About an hour later everyone was out and ready to learn. We all sat kinda distant from each other as if someone could just start shooting up the place.

“Yes everyone has questions and as Thomas gets breakfast ready I will answer the basics of them.” Jacob announced to us after a while. “You all are extremely special. Each of you has a, believe it or not, but a power. One has the ability to shape shift into any object they want. One has the ability to access the power of nature and that one is a little more complicated but I will explain. One has the ability of super strength. One has the ability to read minds. One has the ability to turn themselves and anything they want invisible. And the last one has the ability of moving things with their minds. That’s why you will see Dr. Helmand. But for now breakfast is ready and we will explain more lately.”

Everyone was shocked and just had no idea. I looked at Adam and smiled and he started smiling with relief. Everyone wanted to know which one power they had and which power everyone else had. I grabbed my food and sat alone. As I started eating up came Adam and he sat across from me.

“I guess you know which one you are.” I broke the silence after a couple minutes.

“Yeah, and it feels great not to be an outsider.” He said proudly. I started cracking up. “Sorry but that just sounded so lame. I finally feel like I’m not an outsider and that I belong somewhere.” I mimicked him.

He smiled with embarrassment. “What ever you say now will come back to bite you in the ass later.”

“Sure it will.” I continued to laugh as Clara came up and sat beside me.

“Which power do you have McKenzie?”
She asked thinking I knew. Oh yeah supposedly I do.

“Well I guess it’s a secret until it’s announced however it will be announced.”

She looked at me weird and we all ate in silence. Then Thomas called us all down for more info.

“Come down we have more to explain.” We walked down and

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