» Adventure » Missions For Hell, Cinnamon Nei [an ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Missions For Hell, Cinnamon Nei [an ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Cinnamon Nei

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but it kinda does so shut up! I’m going to bed anyways.”

As I continued to walk I added

“Besides now you better watch what you say, I could light you on fire.”

I walked inside my cabin and climbed over all of the bags and clothes that were thrown all across the floor and fell asleep.

“Hey McKenzie.”

I could swear I was asleep but I knew I heard Clara calling me. After a couple minutes I made myself open my eyes and look at her hovering over me.

“What do you want?”

I said in a groggy voice.

“All of us are up and we thought we should go into the woods and practice, just to see each others powers. I just wanted to know if you wanted to come.”

“Uhhhh yeah give me a minute.”

She sat back down on her cot and watched me as I forced myself up. I looked around the room and saw everyone up and ready to go.

“Alright I’m ready.”
I said with a huge yawn. We silently crept outside and went straight to the woods. Once deep inside I looked at them curiously.
“Ok we are here, now what?”
To answer my question Nicole bent down a thick branch of one of the trees and climbed on, then slowly let it go to its original position. I watched in amazement as she sat down and looked at all of us with a smile. Just then Gwen turned invisible and Clara turned into a bird. I made a whirlpool around my body and lifted myself to the branch Nicole was on. When I reached her I lit my finger and touched the branch, magically making a circle of fire around where she was sitting.


I went back down to the ground and watched as she handled the fire. She started to get a worried face but after a second she moved all of the dew drops of the leaves surrounding her and put out the fire. She stood on the branch and took her hand and made a swift motion going outward towards me. In that second I flew backwards and hit a tree. Clara turned back into herself and Gwen went visible again watching as to what I would do next. I picked myself up and stared at her.

“You’re done.”

I spoke loud enough for everyone to hear and gave a big smile. I conjured up water and washed them over Nicole like she was in the ocean and a huge wave toppled over her head. But instead of a wave I kept the water hovered over her then at the last second pushed the water toward the tree trunk and her with it. Nicole gasped for breathe and slung herself over the tree to gain balance; once she was up she took her hand and threw me once again. This time she didn’t stop with one tree but went onto three. I lay on the ground for a minute then got up. I stood and put my hands but this time I made fire shoot out of my hands at her. She tried running pushing things out of her way as she jumped from tree to tree. Once she jumped to about the fifth one she came to a dead end where the next tree was yards and yards away. It took her a minute to get the branch to her and before she could I shot the fire at her. Then I stopped as I saw her start to burn. Clara gasped as she saw Nicole’s skin. It looked like I drowned her in gasoline instead of water and then set her on fire. But as we watched her I noticed that she healed within a minute. This was odd because Thomas never told us about that. Nicole looked just as shocked as we did but got over it quickly. She flung me back again, like a rag doll. I was practically flying but she was controlling and making me run into bushed trees and then the ground. As I tried to get up and regain my strength she picked me up and slammed me to the ground again. Then she left me alone to see what I would so. I didn’t get up immediately though. Five minutes passed then ten then fifteen. Finally I got up and looked at my stomach. Everyone else was looking at me as well. There was a branch stuck through my stomach. Near the branch was a pool of blood on my shirt. I pulled it out then threw it on the ground beside me, as everybody stared at me to see what would happen. The opened wound cleared quickly and no blood was left. I looked up at Nicole still on a tree and motioned my hand towards her to shoot water at her to push her off, I was so angry. But instead of water, lightening came out and as it slapped her she fell from the tree and landed on her back. Everyone rushed over to her side to see how much damage it caused. She was burnt and unconscious. After ten minutes of watching to see what happened next, the burnt marks slowly faded and she woke up. At first she was breathing heavily but she got up and smiled. I smiled back and in silence we walked back to the campsite. Once we got there it had been early morning where Thomas and Jacob were just now getting up. We walked back into the cabin and passed out. I ended up on my cot hung over the edge a little. Gwen was on the floor next to her cot, Clara was leaning against the wall in a deep sleep and Nicole on a ledge where we kept our stuff…most of the time.
Thomas and Jacob walked in probably going to wake us up. After Thomas had a good laugh he walked around waking us up one after the other. I woke up yawning and looking around.

“What time is it?” I asked to anyone with an answer.

“Well after when you girls were supposed to find out what to do next.” Thomas answered with sarcasm and an annoyed glare. Seeing it we sped up and got outside, ready to work in 10 minutes. Conor and Adam were waiting for us, impatiently by the looks on their face.
“Ok, as the girls stagger out I’ll explain what’s going to happen.”
Jacob announced as we sat down next to our partners.
“Ok, as you know we have been here now for three days and we should have started yesterday but we had to wait for Dr. Helmand. Anyways we will be going somewhere today so after we are done we will be loading into the van and going there. But I want to tell you that you’re going to need all the energy you have. Oh and have fun, so let’s go.”

He started walking towards the van and climbed into the passenger seat. Thomas took the driver’s seat and we piled into the back like when we first came to the campsite. Once we were all buckled up Thomas started driving.
The First Trial

“Holy crap.”

Adam whispered behind me. We walked right into the middle of snow and hills. It looked like it was the Artic. Even with the snow on the ground that came up to our knees it was snowing like we were in a blizzard. I quickly started shivering and rubbing my arms for warmth. All I had on was a short sleeve tee and jeans. Adam had the same thing plus a sweatshirt and he seemed fine. So I powered on.

“Ok, that tour dude or whatever said to capture the flag.”

I had to scream so Adam could hear me.

“Then let’s start looking I guess.”

He screamed back. I nodded and we started walking in one direction. After about an hour or so, from the knee down I was soaking wet and I was cold as crap. I was shivering and now so was Adam. But just then I also saw a little waving flag in the distance.

“Hey Adam, over there it’s the flag. It’s up there.”

I shrieked at him in excitement. He smiled and nodded. We trudged on faster almost running, if the snow hadn’t been there. As we were running we came up to a ditch and we both fell though the sheet of snow.


I whispered once we hit the ground. We were in a little cave. There was a big hole where we fell through. The cave went back and under the ground we were just on. Immediately I tried climbing up the side of the cave. I got just under the opening and slipped off and landed on my back. Adam made sure I was ok and he tried climbing. He got to the opening and managed to pull himself out.

“Show off.”

I said loud enough for him to hear. He smiled and reached out his hand to help me get out. I climbed up and just as I went to grab his hand something wrapped around my ankle and swiftly pulled me backwards onto the ground. As I fell to the stone hard earth again I screamed and I saw Adam pull out his sword.

“I think I just slipped or something I’m fine.”

I screamed up to him. As I put my hands on the side to start climbing something wrapped around my waist and pulled me back into the dark cave. As I flew backwards I saw Adam jump down from the ledge with his sword ready. I started feeling for the thing around my waist. Once I found it I made a fist and cut it, whatever it was, with the knives that came from the my new knuckles. I fell face first as it dropped me and quickly retreated deeper into the cave. I quickly got up and ran towards the opening. I ran right into Adam and fell again.

“We have to go, before it comes back, go now!”

I screamed at him out of fear and practically ran up the side. I pulled myself out of the opening, got back onto the ground and got a couple feet away from it. I saw Adam reach his hand over the edge then suddenly it disappeared. Dang it! I jumped back down and nothing was there. I ran into the cave and heard him scream. I followed the sound of his scream to a giant flower living at the end of the tunnel. It had Adam entangled in thousands of vines and it was pulling Adam into the flower part, eating him almost. I grabbed

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