» Adventure » Prenominal, Kayla Godkin [world of reading .TXT] 📗

Book online «Prenominal, Kayla Godkin [world of reading .TXT] 📗». Author Kayla Godkin

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"Take her and run!" I screamed while awaking from a dream. Suddenly I was in a strange room, the walls and ceiling were covered with mirrors and I laid on top of a steel table. I sat up slowly in extreme pain darting through my body and straight to my head. The pain slowly became subtle and I could now roll myself off the table. I fell straight to the floor and my arm suddenly took over the pain. Once I hit the floor, I could feel something stuck in my right wrist. I bit my tongue to keep me from screaming. When I turned to see what it was, my blood dripped from the wires. It is so deep in my arm and was so thick that I could feel it trailing up to the back of my neck.


My head suddenly began to burn as if it was on fire, I couldn't help but scream. It gave me that slight relief but as my throat became dry, I could no longer scream. There was nothing to help me. I grabbed my head and rolled myself back on the steel table. The mirrors above me showed my face slowly being disfigured. The right side of my face looked like as if it were slowly burnt off. I brought myself to try and feel if it were real, I touched my cheek that no longer had skin. My tears stung my temple and bits of my hair began to shed.


Hours went by and the pain didn't leave, I have laid here but had no more strength to do anything about it. Attempts to sleep were impossible, as soon as I try the wire electrocute me. The monster in the mirror did not over take my left side, it was as if I triggered something by pulling against the wires.


A door swung open and behind it was a feline figure wearing a leather jacket and four others followed behind her holding trays of tools. She forced me to look at her in the eye, her eyes were glowing green and her fur on her head flowed down to her shoulders. "You screwed up my testing tubes!" She slurred her words and looked towards the others. They passed over different surgery tools and she began to operate on my left shoulder.


I could feel the scalpel opening me up but it didn't match the pain in my head. Instead it worked as a distraction from the torture. "Lady Charlie, here is the next serum." I looked towards the creature covered in scales. He had the face of an eel but fins replacing his ears. He gave her a vile that was filled with bright orange goo, she shoved a long tube up my left wrist and once it reach my shoulder she tugged on it to go faster.


Never mind my head anymore, I could no longer breathe and then I slowly began to become dizzy. Why couldn't I have felt this before, as a few minutes went by my body couldn't take it anymore. "Lady Charlie, she is falling asleep!" the eel face sounded alarmed.


"Let her, we will know when she wakes up next time."



The stories were true, this is a complete wasteland. No signs of life, even if there were. They are probably just hanging onto the edge from falling into death. Brooklyn possessed a human that looked similar to her wolf form, she had dark brown hair that fell to her shoulders. Brown eyes and had olive skin. Sunotics became taller than his normal form. His long dark hair was the same shade as his wolf fur, his eyes are hazel and had a long beard. As soon as Brooklyn saw his facial feature she laughed, he kept whipping his long locks back but only ended back on his face.


I had blue eyes with dirty blond hair that was also long, my beard also was the same length as Sunotics. Seemed like the first owner of Brooklyn's body actually knew how to groom themselves. We lost some of our senses as a Werewolf, my sense of sight dimmed dramatically as well as my smell. However I am not sure whether it is because there is nothing around but sand that kept blowing into our eyes.


The bodies had supply of food and water but only enough to last a night. Judging from my extreme need for them meant I have been holding back for a long time. Brooklyn looked healthy though, lucky. Brooklyn looked confused and scratched her head. "I can't change." I watched as she tried to shift into a werewolf, only to leave her looking like she was chucking a fit.


Sunotics patted her on the head and shook his head. "Earth may be dying but we still can't use our strength freely." I nodded and looked up to the sky.


"Hey Brooklyn, wasn't the sky meant to be well.. Blue?" I asked, it had an endless brown colour and the clouds were dark. My mouth is dry and my skin began to peel.


"That was before the war, I expected a little green or something. It was meant to look like our realm except with more buildings. And mortals." Sunotics continued to walk, Brooklyn and I followed behind him. The sand filled our boots that we found from a group of dead mortals who hid under small buildings. They didn’t look like they were there for long either.


Days go by and we continue with no food or water, I always check the moon in case if we change. No use though, the damn dust in the sky blurs the moonlight. I am not even sure if we can shift with or without the full moon. Only time can tell.


Brooklyn doesn't look the best, without any supplies to start us off it left us weak. I laid down against a boulder and Sunotics did the same, Brooklyn licked her dry lips and wiped her sweat from her forehead. As I slowly tried to sleep, she quickly shook me. I sat up in a snap, to find Brooklyn holding her hands up. A man held a weapon that pointed straight at us, he also had others with him.


Sunotics did the same and I stepped forward. "Halt!" I growled at the mortal standing before me. "You three don't look so well. State your name." the mortal placed his blade on my neck, I flinched and he took it as fear. There was something really unbearable about this weapon.


Silver? Surely he doesn't know. Brooklyn stepped forward and tried to pull a smile. Instead she shook, it made her look more vulnerable. The mortal didn't move his blade from me, instead he glanced at her then back to me. The rest of the herd of mortals concentrated on Brooklyn and Sunotics. "My name is Brooklyn, this is my brother Proteus and friend Sunotics." I growled at her, how easily she could just give our names away.


I knew we shouldn't have taken her with us. Brooklyn straightened her back and the human approached her. Another human aimed a gun to my face and I held in anger. Even if I could shift into my wolf form it may leave Brooklyn in great danger. "Pleased to meet you Brooklyn, I am Harris and this is my crew. Picking up survivors, but before we can consider you. I must apologise but we must test you."


"We don't want to be a part of whatever it is you want us to be a part of." A tall human rammed the stock of his rifle against the back of my head. I growled at him and he tilted his head down to me and went to grab something out of his pocket but Harris placed his hand on the tall human's shoulder.


"I am sorry, my brother can be a little protective." Brooklyn tried to explain my behaviour, it only aggravated me more. As if she was the older sister, typical her though.


Harris chuckled and held up his hand then pointed to the ground. The rest of the human flock pointed their weapons down, two humans however did not respond and kept aiming at Sunotics and I. "Well you aren't going to survive out here without food or water. Unless of course-" He stopped talking and walked towards me, he began stroking his blade and kissed the hilt. In a swift move he grabbed the back of my head and forced me to look down to the blade that was coated in silver. "you are one of the immortals. We never know with the dark ones anymore, since the sun has been covered you might be blood suckers."


I saw my reflection and I saw a hint of glow in my eyes, I quickly closed my eyes and took a deep breathe. Obviously the wolf inside me will still give me away, even this unbearable anger was controlling me. "If you must, you can test me." I didn't look him in the eye but his grip loosened.


"How brave." Harris finally took his hand off me and waved over another human. He didn't look like a warrior though, he held bags filled with things that all I could think of could contain things that would harm creatures other than humans.


"Why would I need to be brave if there is nothing to be afraid of?" I smirked, he grinned and kept staring at me in the eye.


"William, you first." Harris nudged the tall man and he smiled down at me. He grabbed an army knife and plunged it into my arm. I bit my tongue, my eyes widened and dug my fingers into the ground.


"You said it was a test!" I heard Brooklyn call out.


"See Brooklyn, we needed to check if he would flinch. If not we know he is definitely possessed by a Shadow Keeper or Spirit. Now that blade if actually only carved Silver, so this will give him extraordinary pain. He will shift slightly without even wanting to. Meaning he would be a Werewolf or Shape Shifter-" He kept going about the responses of tests. 


I held it in all I could, the silver continued to sting and burn my arm from the inside. They began to wipe wet cloths against my wound and press different symbols against my skin. I had a sudden urge to howl but closed my eyes to prevent me from being revealed. These humans are going to die, Sunotics and I can take them on. Unfortunately their weapons are strong against us. I smiled once the test came to a close. Harris waved over the same human who held the bags filled with the weapons.


"Levi, pack it up." the human stumbled down to the weapons and packed them all in his bag. Harris tilted his head to me and reached out his hand, I hesitated for a few seconds and stared at his hand. I grabbed onto his hand and he helped me up onto my feet. He patted my back and smiled then he looked over my shoulder.


I turned to find him staring at

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