» Adventure » Prenominal, Kayla Godkin [world of reading .TXT] 📗

Book online «Prenominal, Kayla Godkin [world of reading .TXT] 📗». Author Kayla Godkin

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and grabbed his throat and slammed him against the wall. Travis flashed his razor sharp teeth at my brother and I got up but Sunotics held me back.


"Travis, your plan didn't work let's just fix this problem now." I growled.


"No, this can work to our advantage." Travis backed away from Benjamin as tried to catch his breath. "Proteus, I am sending you. Choose your two companions wisely. When you do go past Mortalis, I want you to slaughter the leaders of each realm, along with every Mortal so then the gates will surely never close."


We all turned to each other in shock. "Are you going insane Travis, this will cause a bigger war than what you are bargaining for." Sunotics plead, Travis grinned psychotically. He walked over to me and I hesitated to speak, I could no longer look into his eyes. Travis was using his Alpha instincts to cower me away, I bowed down to him and he chuckled. Sunotics tried to pull me up but he did the same to him.


"You two will do as I say, I don't want any of you to bring back any Mortals. Wait for us to meet you on the other side."


"If you're like this, why not leave it to the other packs. Surely they will go!" Benjamin told him and Travis growled again.


"Because the others will do as they're told, instead of eliminating the threat. They think this realm is safe enough. No, there will be a day when those filthy creatures will break through the gates and slaughter our children. I seek eternal peace, and this is the only way. I trust you will do as I say Proteus." I shook on my knees then I finally nodded. "Say It!" He yelled at me.


"Yes Alpha!" I yelled back, I looked up to him and he grinned again.







I sat in a wooden chair, nothing but a little ceiling light. Swinging from side to side, like a typical torture room. It was blurry, I could only see a child laid on the floor on the other side of the room. As soon as my vision fixed on the child, I realised it was Kelis. Blood streamed down her head and I tried to get up but realised I was bonded to a chair, suddenly I heard something drop, it came from a window. Shape Shifting teenagers were there holding notebooks and taking down some notes, I heard a door unlock and I saw a man in a lab jacket. He pushed a cart over to me that was holding needles and blades. I tried my best to break from my bonds but it was no use.


"Class, this here is what we call a 'Mortal'." He grabbed my chin and forced me to look at the teenagers. Some of the females jumped, as if he was a professional handling a beast. "They are very rare children, this one is like me. He is fully grown like an average adult. I'd say he would be around three thousand years old, we don't know the life span of a Mortal."


"Twenty six, thank you very much." The man wiped me with his plastic glove and I watched the teenagers taking down notes.


"It talks sir?" one of the students asked and I grinned.


"Yes but it has no idea what it is saying, for you class I would like you to name him." the professor walked over to the window and the teenagers talked amongst each other. I frowned and turned back to Kelis, I tried using my feet but they were secured in a heavy container.


Names were thrown at the professor, some like Jayden, Koby, Gregory, Dallas, Peter. "Sir, can we see the Mortal?"


"No not this one, but its child you can. It is currently unconscious, it is laying right here. I will warn you though, we don't know what it is capable of when it wakes up. So I suggest you give it some distance if it wakes up." The professor gestures the guards so then they could walk into the room. Some of the young boys began poking Kelis in her sleep.


"Leave her alone!" I yelled at them, the girls jumped and they all began to clap.


"Hey Mortal, is that your name?" one of the students snapped his fingers. "Is-That-Your-Name?"


"No, it is not my name. Why? Is Shape Shifter your name?" I snarled and they all began to laugh, some took down more notes. "My name is Matthew, now leave her alone."


They all nodded in interest and one of the students grabbed a needle and stabbed it into my leg. I flinched and groaned as she began to inject purple ooze into me. They began to study me as I started to hallucinate, the room turned into the field. I was no longer in a chair and instead I sat on a tree stump, Melinda and Kelis were picking Dandelions from the field. The sky was dark but I could see every detail of the field and the girls clearly. Kelis ran towards me and wrapped her arms around me. "Are you okay Matt?" I clung onto her and kissed her forehead.


I couldn't feel her, it was like a dream. "I'm fine, are you Kelis?" I asked and she nodded. She snuggled against me and hid her face on my chest. I looked out to the field again, Melinda walked towards us but she was followed by a wave of water. It surrounded her and rose to the sky. "Melinda!"


"Take her and run!" I got up and began to run towards her. Suddenly the water crashed down onto her and I got hit by the impact. Kelis grabbed hold of my hand and surrounded us with a shield, I was still dazed. As if that was the only thing that I could feel. Melinda's screams echoed in my head. "Wake up Matt! She is in trouble!"


I woke up to find myself back in the room surrounded by students, they were still taking down notes. The professor strapped down Kelis to a chair on the other side of the room still unconscious. He also injected the same substance into her, I tried to break through the bonds but still nothing. I felt so helpless, Kelis sat there and I couldn't do anything to help her. One of the students plucked a piece of hair off my head and I tried to shout but something filled my mouth, it didn't feel dry. It was more as if I had a mouthful of jelly and almost choking on the substance.


My efforts of spitting it out didn't help either, instead it grew bigger inside my mouth. Kelis finally woke up but she was delusional, she began to scream for her brother and Melinda. The last name she called was me, she began to cry and sobbed. She couldn't see anyone, suddenly she stopped screaming and began to talk to an invisible figure we couldn't see. Her eyes changed colour as well as her body.


"Ok everyone, it is time for you to leave." I jumped to the sound of a woman's voice, I couldn't turn my head to see who it was but it sounded so familiar.


"My Princesses, please we need more study." the professor pleaded and coward away, the princesses walked into my sight. She had brown hair with a black streak along her fringe, her hair fell to her hips and she had a slender figure. I glared at her and then she pull out the substance in my mouth piece by piece.


"I want them both caged up together, also out of their bonds." the professor nodded and the princess began to walk away.


"Wait! Wait, the other girl! Where is she?"  the princess came back and took off the brace holding my neck. She placed her hand on my shoulder and smiled.


"She will be waiting for you." I nodded, she also did the same then turned back to Kelis. The princess wore a gown that fell to the floor and her pale skin did not go with the lime green shawl hanging from her shoulders. "She looks just like her, how amazing you humans. You can actually see who is your kin, however you look nothing like them."


"They aren't my blood, but they are the only family I have got." she smirked and walked towards the exit.


"Professor, if I see them with a single scratch when I visit. The blame is on you." he bowed and excused his class. They all groaned while they exited the room, the professor waited for everyone to leave and once again injected me with the purple drug.



The entrance to the gate of the mortal world war, it was ajar. I saw a hand print on our side, it was in the shape of a human. That cannot be possible, unless if a human was hiding on this side all this time. We would have found this out though, everything in each realm are reported to each other. Closest to this human like print is a werewolf, could it be? Hadyn grabbed my shoulder and I turned to him to find five werewolves walking towards us, I recognised the alpha. He seemed confident, is he going through the gate with his pack left without their alpha? His right hand is here as well, he doesn't strike me to be in second in charge of a pack.


I looked around to find Aura, but it seems she headed straight back to our realm. My warriors surrounded the small pack and watched their every move as they approached me. I held up my hand that was wrapped with a string of fire, they all backed away slowly. The alpha grinned and his pack bowed down to me, he is very snobby to not bow down to me. Every alpha I have met have responded respectfully to me, as soon as they all stood straight I folded my arms.


"Vasuman, my name is Travis. The Alpha of my pack, the members of my pack here are Proteus, Sunotics, Brooklyn and Kimberly. We have responded to one of your ally's request, only my right hand Proteus, Sunotics and Brooklyn will enter through the gate that is under your protection." He turned to his right hand and he didn't seem too confident in his alpha, that is very strange. A right hand never questions or second guesses their alpha, what is this puppy hiding?

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