» Adventure » Prenominal, Kayla Godkin [world of reading .TXT] 📗

Book online «Prenominal, Kayla Godkin [world of reading .TXT] 📗». Author Kayla Godkin

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changed making me look like a pig with stripes and floppy ears.  I threw myself onto Mel's favourite lounge and I took off my shoes. There was a knock on my door and I frowned, no one really knows us. I opened up the door and no one was behind it, a platter of cookies were left on the door step. I picked them up and walked towards the road then looked around the street to find a group of young mothers giggling and blushing when I found them.


Politely I waved and it only seemed to make them more nervous, I turned to my door and locked it. The cookies smelt beautiful, unfortunately it reminded me a little of Mel and Kel's mother. She used to make cookies for us and I loved them very much. Our mothers would talk to each other so much, they were a little cold hearted to everyone but we loved them. My father died not so far off but Mel's seemed to replace him even though I barely saw him because he was divorced with Mel's mother.


We were close back then and now Melinda and Kelis is all I have now. I couldn't protect my family or theirs, so I must try to keep them safe at all times. I sat down and took a small bite from the cookies, I could tell they were freshly baked. The texture was soft and a little chewy, the chocolate chips melted in my mouth as soon as they touched my tongue. It was sweet and I couldn't help but to shove more into my mouth. I sat back down onto the lounge and switched on the channel, it felt like how it was back at home just filled with shape shifters.


I flicked through the channels and couldn't find anything to watch. I got up and went to Melinda's room, her room wasn't neat. Her clothes were lying on the floor along with her sneakers. Some of her old clothes were hung on the edge of her bed frame. Her bag was wide open and I decided to have a little snoop. Some CD's were hidden in between her old clothes back on Earth, I took a look at some of the albums. 'Lady Gaga', 'Beyoncé', 'Chris Brown', 'Rihanna' and 'Britney Spears' was place on top of her stack. I never knew she liked them, I continued to look through and found some of the CD's that were coated with more wrapping paper.


I took out the stack that was wrapped together and looked at the covers. These were her father's old CD's, he loved his old school and so did she. Normally when you see someone her age you'd expect all the things like the first albums I first saw. 'Earth, Wind and Fire', 'Bee Gees', 'Chaka Khan' and 'Michael Jackson' was their kind of style. I grabbed one of the albums and placed it into a stereo player. It played a song called 'Flashlight' by the Parliament. I smiled to the old school sounds, I shook my head and sat back down.


The funky tune set into my system and I started dancing stupid, I turned up the music and I continued dancing around the house. Suddenly I found myself dancing with our family, acting like no one was watching. My brother clicking his fingers to the beat with Melinda's father controlling the music. Melinda sitting beside her father shaking her head as her two siblings embarrassed her with their dance moves. My mother setting out some sausages and bread rolls, and I sat with Melinda as she leaned forward to kiss my cheek.


"I hope this never ends." she said to me, I looked back to our families. My brother and her father slowly faded and disappeared. Soon her brother vanished as well as my mother and her cooking. Kelis was left dancing as if her brother was still there, she hugged him tight with a bright smile. I turned back to Melinda laughing and smiling, the face I haven't seen in a long time.


"I thought it never would Mel." She looked into my eyes and continued to smile then faded away along with Kelis. I looked down and brushed my hair back then sighed. The next song began to play it was called 'Georgy Porgy' by Toto. Melinda appeared again and wore a dress she wore at her parent's wedding, she held her hand out and I took it. She smiled and hung her arms over my shoulders, I wrapped my arms around her and we swayed side to side.


She looked up to me and didn't have the smile she had before, it was like how she was back when she was with our families. "Take her and run." I frowned and she began to cry. "Wake up Matt, she's in trouble."


Melinda raised her voice and I woke up, she wasn't here. I walked around the house and turned off the stereo. She's in trouble? Who? Is it Melinda? Or Kelis? I grabbed my shoes and quickly put them on, I sprinted out the door without locking it. The neighbours watched me run along the street. Melinda and Kelis's school wasn't too far ahead, I ran faster and darted to the doors. I ran into the office doors and the office ladies jumped.


"I need to see Melinda and Kelis Bay, it is urgent."


"Sir, calm down. We cannot allow you to know their where about unless-" I chucked my wallet at her to show I am their care giver. The lady behind her was in a human form, with a pink streak along her fringe.


"What is the emergency?" she asked and I rolled my eyes.


"Please I need to see them right now." She frowned and walked into the principal's office. I groaned and ran into the school through the office. Children were playing in the courtyard and I found Kelis skipping on a rope with a young boy. I ran to her and she smiled running towards me. "Kel, where is your sister?"


She shrugged her shoulders and looked around the playground. "Last I saw, she was around there." she pointed towards an old oak tree. I leaned down and kissed her head.


"Come with me Kel, your sister may be in trouble." She ran with me and I found her alone, Mel was sketching on the back of her book without realising I was there. I grabbed hold of her and she jumped from how rough I held her. She gently rubbed my arms and she turned into her human form. I turned to Kelis, shocked as she stroked our arms. "Kelis, quickly change us back."


"Look." she pointed to the students who were all in a human form with a streak or highlights in their hair. "Think it is a new trend." she giggled.


Melinda grinned down to her then she brought her attention back to me. She walked closer to me and laid her head on my shoulder. "What happened Matt?" I shook against her, then she wrapped her arms around her. Kelis also did the same.


"Nothing, I thought something happened." Mel leaned towards my cheek and now I could feel her kiss. She stayed there for a little longer, then stroked my other cheek.


"We are fine Matt."


"Come home, please Mel." She laughed and turned to Kelis.


"Go play with your mate Kel." Melinda messed her hair and Kelis pushed her away. She then looked up to me for my approval and I nodded. The students around us were watching me make a huge unnecessary situation.


"I'll come home today, but tomorrow you can't do this." she held my hand and I nodded again. Melinda turned to pack up her things and we headed towards the office again. The office ladies ran towards us and pulled Melinda away from me.


"Stay away from her!"


"Hold on, I am sorry about him. I texted him, forgetting I had an appointment today." Melinda walked up to me and punched my shoulder. "I told you that I can have it another day. Didn't have to do it today." The office ladies looked to each other and slowly went back to their desks.


"Well mister Bay, please just let us know and we could have notified the teachers on duty." I scratched the back of my head and chuckled. Some of the ladies were winking at me which made me feel a little uncomfortable. "Please sign this."


I took the pen and signed my very old signature and wrapped my arm around Melinda's shoulders. "I'm sorry, I just panicked." They all nodded and we walked out of the office then towards the exit of the school. Melinda was shaking her head at me and laughed again. "I was scared okay, I didn't want you hurt."


"Look, I appreciate it but I never go without protection. Neither does Kelis."


"Yeah well sadly, you are the one who is more of risk to be tortured than the three of us." Melinda backed away from me and frowned. She grew silent and stared at the ground while we walked home. "I'm sorry it is the truth."


"Don't have to say it, I know I am not as strong as any of you." I grabbed her hand and pulled her back but she pulled away again. "Back off man."


I rolled my eyes, and chocked on my words. Melinda continued to walk home and I threw my arms in the air. "Women." I watched her walk towards the front door and she hesitated to walk inside. She slowly grabbed hold of the door and opened it, Melinda walked inside and suddenly I heard a scream but it wasn't Melinda's.


A woman ran out of the house with nothing but underwear, Melinda threw some clothes out of the door and glared at me. "Seriously?"


I stood still and couldn't speak, all I could do is make groaning noises and pointed to the woman running and the house then shrugging my shoulders. Melinda raised her brow then shook her head at me again. "Why!" I threw my arms again and massaged my head.


"Matthew! Why the hell is my stuff out of my room!"


Children ran around me in nothing but shorts, the boys were on all fours tackling each other. I smiled and the youngest was nibbling on my shoes. This is my little nephew. Oddly looked just like me, had all of my features except my nose. His was small like a cherry, but my bridge was big. We both had dirty blond hair and blue eyes, our skin was fair and our strong jaw line were the same as well. He is very young, and couldn't speak yet.


There was a knock on the door and it was my mother with my sister carrying ingredients for roasts and salads. I walked over with my cousins and nephew following me. My nephew Zeus ran to my sister Brooklyn, she looked down to her nephew and smile. "How have you been Zeus? I haven't seen you for a while!" she picked him up and nuzzled her nose into his chest. He began to laugh and wave his hands back and forth.


My three cousins ran to my mother as she

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