» Adventure » Prenominal, Kayla Godkin [world of reading .TXT] 📗

Book online «Prenominal, Kayla Godkin [world of reading .TXT] 📗». Author Kayla Godkin

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from the fruit as well and placed the fruit on the roots, like Aura.


"I God Vasuman, announce my warriors and my destruction is under your command." We all did the same and it was Demeter left.


"I Goddess Demeter, announce my protectors and my life is under your command." The tree then shined brightly, stinging our eyes with its light. We all stood up and there was voice within the tree.


"My servants, we have a terrible crisis on our hands. A siren has been sounded, this siren was never meant to be heard. One of our allies has disturbed the peace we created centuries ago, if this siren has been heard Chaos would surely have heard this." We all looked at each other in shock, Aura covered her mouth in fear and shook her head.


"That is impossible, none of our allies would have done this on purpose. It would have only been the werewolves, surely it would have." Demeter cried and we waited for the Tree to speak again.


"I unfortunately have another quest for you all, for now Gaia is no longer in your concern. The lives of our people and the werewolves are in danger, we need to seal the doors to Mortalis before any further action is taken." I took a step forward in confusion.


"Those gates can only be closed by the blood of a human, we eliminated the remains of the race. We have no other choice." The others knew I was right, they were all filled with fear.


"That is why I need one of you to take a living being into Mortalis, Aura this is your quest. Find worthy warriors who can live within the atmosphere of Mortalis, any of our Allies will do and once you have completed your duty come back to Gaia and protect it until you can no longer live. Demeter and Anat collect all of the people in the realm and bring them here. Vasuman, you are very important. Take your best warriors and make sure nothing but werewolf, elemental or angel comes through the crack." We all nodded and bowed down to the Tree of Life. "I wish you luck, we may not be able to see each other if war begins."


"That is impossible, none of our allies would have done this on purpose. It would have only been the werewolves, surely it would have." Demeter cried and we waited for the Tree to speak again.


"I unfortunately have another quest for you all, for now Gaia is no longer in your concern. The lives of our people and the werewolves are in danger, we need to seal the doors to Mortalis before any further action is taken." I took a step forward in confusion.


"Those gates can only be closed by the blood of a human, we eliminated the remains of the race. We have no other choice." The others knew I was right, they were all filled with fear.


"That is why I need one of you to take a living being into Mortalis, Aura this is your quest. Find worthy warriors who can live within the atmosphere of Mortalis, any of our Allies will do and once you have completed your duty come back to Gaia and protect it until you can no longer live. Demeter and Anat collect all of the people in the realm and bring them here. Vasuman, you are very important. Take your best warriors and make sure nothing in but werewolf, elemental or angel comes through the crack." We all nodded and bowed down to the Tree of Life. "I wish you luck, we may not be able to see each other if war begins."



My family sat on the table while my sisters placed plates, knives and forks on the table. Cooper hopped up and down on the seat and I put my hand on his shoulder, shaking my head. "Aunty Kim, how many worlds are there?" Sam asked. I looked over to my mother Kimberly, she smiled while she dished out the food.


"There are a few out there Sammy, we only know of a few but who knows there may be more. How many do you know?"


"Gaia, Heaven, Sliterum and our home Anivilac." Leo blurted out.


"I want to go to Gaia to meet the Goddesses of the Elementals, have you ever met one Aunty Kim?" Sam asked and Kimberly shook her head.


"Hey how about Mortalis?" Brooklyn smiled and looked around the table. The young ones scratched their heads, they all looked to Kimberly to explain and she sighed. Once she placed the plates in front of every seat she took a deep breath.


"Mortalis is no longer a realm any more, it is a waste land." Brooklyn frowned and waited for her to continue. "There are ten realms we know of, the four we all know. Gaia, Heaven, Sliterum and Anivilac but there are six more. We are all enemies to the five realms but Mortalis was created right in between of our realms, it was like a bridge to walk through to reach the others. The other realms are called Shrift, Hell, Vlory, Limbo and the Abyss. Once we were civil with each other until our commander wanted a treaty, now all of them are signed with either blood or simple promise.

But Mortalis was the treaty, our ancestors placed a piece of their powers onto the world. For example Gaia gave their habitat, Heaven gave bodies mixed with Sliterum's ability to form souls. Then we  gave them evolution. During the time they were Immortal, the first creations were named Adam and Eve. Named after the two higher beings who command our Lord."


I looked down to the three boys who have barely eaten, Kimberly stopped and began to eat. "I don't get it, a world with just our realms and now it is a waste land?" Brooklyn tried to seek more information but Kimberly continued to eat.


"Not only our realms signed the treaty, the others did as well. Hell brought Chaos into the world, Vlory changed them into mortal which caused them to be able to die. It was like the mortals were their source of food to get stronger which led to addiction, the Shape Shifters cloaked them with the ability to sneak into each realms without anyone noticing. This started to become out of control and the Abyss caused them to be vulnerable, filled with fear and couldn't be controlled." I began to cut into my vegetables and shoved it down my throat, it became very quiet and I didn't realise that everyone was waiting for me to continue.


"Mortals are freaks of nature, to them we were strangers but they were the strangers. Soon they learned about us all and as time passed we all visited the Mortals, the only problem was. They were afraid of how different we were, so instead of learning about us, they hunted us."


"So they are killers?" Sam asked and I nodded.


"We are lucky to be alive today." I smiled and we all continued to eat but Brooklyn seemed a little confused still.


"We are lucky to be alive, but we took part in slaughtering families who weren't given the chance to learn more." I threw my plate across the room with the food spilt on the floor. Brooklyn stood up and growled at me, I did the same.


"You two stop it!" Kimberly growled and my sisters grabbed the boys and took them to another room. Suddenly the front door swung open and Travis ran in followed by his pack, I looked over and we stood there in silence. Travis walked in without permission and the whole pack followed. My best friend Sunotics stood by my side and he seemed a little nervous, my twin brother Benjamin stood with Travis and then sat at the dining table.


He turned to Kimberly then greeted her. "Mother, if we may. Can we please use this room, it is very urgent." she nodded then kissed his forehead. She wrapped her arm around Brooklyn and took themselves out of the room. The last two members entered the room and sat along with Benjamin. Travis sat at the end of the table and Sunotics and I did the same.


"We have a visitor, may they enter your home Proteus?" Travis asked.


"Of course." The door slightly opened then closed, there was no one to be seen. I waited for them to reveal themselves but Travis looked towards the empty seats. Three wooden chairs were pulled back and the table cloth was scrunched up a little.


"Thank you Proteus, we are all pleased to meet you." I squinted to find a young woman who you could barely see, she had dark hair and dark eyes. Her skin was pale and I couldn't tell what her expression was like, the two others were harder to see. It was like three ghosts entered my house.


"As I am for you." I looked towards Travis and he smiled.


"Please Aura, continue your message." Travis gestured and I frowned. Aura? The Aura? Goddess of Air?


"Thank you Travis, we have come to deliver not a message but a quest for a willing warrior of your kind to enter Mortalis." We all looked towards Travis and he seemed a little uneasy. "The gates have been opened by one of our allies, however we do not know who that may be. From this, a siren has alerted all of the realms. Now we all know this gate can only be opened from our side, that means the siren may have triggered a warning to the other realms. Causing them to think we are going for war, this is the opposite of what we want."


I watched Travis's reaction and I could hear his heartbeat fastened. "So what is this quest you are offering?" Sunotics asked.


"I am not reassured enough to believe that one of your kind will be able to make it through the gates. Your bloodlines are part of the Mortals, meaning you will be able to sneak through each realm. We need a Mortal, to close the gates once again." Aura leaned forward and we all looked at each other.


"A Mortal? They are long gone my Goddess, they were all destroyed a long time ago. Beside why a Mortal?" The youngest of the pack rubbed his chin and we all turned to him confused.


"The gates are made out of Mortal souls, only Mortal blood can close it." Travis announced, we all nodded and turned back to Aura.


"We need a leader, someone the others will listen to. Someone who knows about the other realms and someone to deliver the Mortal." Aura requested and we all agreed with her. Travis sighed and turned to me.


"I will deliver the three to you before midnight Aura, for now I would like to discuss this with my pack." Aura and the two invisible Elementals stood up and walked outside.


Travis waited for a few minutes after they left and he started growling, I shook my head. "They are shutting our opportunity for us, we can't let this happen to us."


"Maybe there is something more to this Travis, it may be safe for the gates to keep closed." Benjamin put in his opinion, Travis leaped across the table

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