» Adventure » Prenominal, Kayla Godkin [world of reading .TXT] 📗

Book online «Prenominal, Kayla Godkin [world of reading .TXT] 📗». Author Kayla Godkin

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placed her groceries on the bench, Cooper, Sam and Leo hugged her from the behind. I walked away from the group and sat on the lounge. Brooklyn walked into the lounge room and set out a pile of books. I frowned and looked at the titles, I chuckled and shook my head. "Brook, those things are extinct I'm pretty sure."


Brooklyn held onto one of the books and showed me the cover. It was called 'The History of Mortalis', then she pointed to the picture with a mortal man on one knee while a mortal woman held onto her face. I couldn't tell if she was scared or happy, he held a box with something bright inside. "It doesn't say what this means, it is interesting don't you think?" I shrugged my shoulders and our mother walked into the room.


"Mortalis again Brooklyn?" Brooklyn nodded and showed her mother the same thing she showed me. She scratched her head and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't think we will ever know what it means."


"But people from our past knew of this, as if they were there."


"It is possible they went to Mortalis, any being could enter there before the gates closed."


"Why did they close?"


"Actually they are opening them back up again, but it is only to pass through to go to war." Brooklyn looked to me and I nodded.


"You're going to war on Mortalis?" Brooklyn looked confused, I shook my head and looked up to my mother for approval. She then nodded her head and I took a deep breath.


"Travis is wanting to eliminate all of the realms in Chaos so then we know Anivilac will be peaceful for all eternity." Brooklyn didn't seem to agree with my statement. Travis is our alpha, the one who commands us all. There are only four alpha's in this realm, but the pack has been bigger than ever.


I got up and walked outside, Travis was at the end of the field. 'Proteus, you need to come with me.' I heard his voice in my head. I ran over to him and he turned away waiting for me to meet with him. He seemed to be a little troubled. I didn't say anything and waited for him to speak. "I went to Mortalis, it is just like how they are said. Filled with filth and nothing left but corpses rotting into nothing." I hesitated to speak and slowly processed what he said.


"Mortalis was said to be like this centuries ago, what is troubling you? This can't be it."


"The stories were true, in our home realm we are normal beings. We look just like mortals, here and there. Except their moon is like a beam of energy, much stronger than our moon."


"How is that possible?"


"Here we can shift into a monster whenever we wish, but over there a full moon forces us. Not even I can control my wrath, no matter how much I try. Proteus, it is dangerous for us all to go without trying to control this power first."


"No one has controlled it Travis, if you are going according to the stories past down. We can't be saved from the moon. That was why we were hunted by the mortals, they were a threat. Now that-"


"They weren't a threat Proteus, we were the ones who murdered and slaughtered their families. Our own ancestors joined with the realms to destroy the remains of human kind. All because our leaders were told that it was the right thing to do as mortals had too much freedom and found their way into other realms."


I shrugged my shoulders and sighed. "Don't underestimate the will of a human, they are stronger and wiser than you may think."


"Well they are all dead, it isn't like we will ever know the missing parts of history."


"No, there are more out there. If the stories were really true the stubbornness and will of their spirits won't give up there. Yes I believe there are more than what we assume." I watched Travis stare up to the moon and I did the same.


I closed my eyes and sat in front of my mirror, I slowly opened them back up and I stroked my cheek looking closely for any changes. Praying that this would work, but nothing changed. I punched the mirror only for me to gain the pain as it stood there without a crack. I fell onto my back and groaned, finding Matthew with his arms folded. "Get out."


"You're not a witch Melinda, Kelis is gifted. Just like your brother-"


"Get out." He sighed and laid beside me, I stared up to the pink roses blooming in my room. "Pink, why pink?"


Matthew chuckled and looked over to me and I faced him. "You're not like them Melinda, you need to be very careful with the risks you make." I nodded and he rubbed my shoulder.


"The feeling of being hopeless isn't my thing Matt, Kelis is my sister. I was meant to protect her."


"Sometimes you can't do everything for us, you're will is strong but you can be a little unpredictable."


I laughed and shook my head. "Isn't that a good thing?"


"Not if your intentions are in the wrong."


I sat up and rubbed my eyes, then a siren came from out of nowhere. Matthew and I looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders, we walked towards our front door and the police vehicles sped down the streets. Some approached some of the local folk's houses and dragged them into their cars, Matthew held me close as we watched a hand full of families frightened of the sudden situation. Our neighbour ran over to us and looked back to the police officers. "Do you know what is going on?" she was dressed in a plumbing uniform and she was slender, she also was in a form of a human.


It was like it is a new thing, ever since the sisters came into the picture with a local school. "No, we just heard the siren." The neighbour nodded and we all watched the officers run back into their vehicles heading towards the school, followed by school busses half-filled with children. A police officer patrolling the area saw me.


"Matt." I gripped harder to his arm. He pulled me behind him and the officer human formed shifted into a large snake. His tail flung towards Matt but wrapped itself around my waist. "Matthew!" I was pulled towards the snake and he covered my mouth. Matthew ran after me as I began to suffocate in the grip of the Shape Shifter. No I can't suffocate, Shape Shifters don't breathe. They are going to find out, I can't pass out! I can't.


I glided through the skies and made my way to the Garden of Eden, behind me were my warriors Tyson and Hadyn. They are very loyal to me, and were the best of my kind. Tyson couldn't glide, instead travelled under the crust of Gaia. We were travelling to the most ancient and prized location in this realm, that I prefer not to enter. 'Eden', all mixed with earth, wind, fire and water in one. It is so precious, we have to be careful with our surroundings. "Vasuman, do you know what is going on?"


Hadyn turned to me and I shook my head. "It must be important if we were summoned." He nodded and from the distance I saw three little figures down on land sprinting through the trees and mountains. A large gust pushed us, giving us a little boost into our speed. Hadyn spun around in circles losing control of his gliding skills. I turned back to find three more transparent beings.  Hadyn became a little startled and I rolled my eyes.


"Why hello Vasuman, you were called too?" one of the beings slowly appeared in a solid form. "This seems serious." It was Aura, she is the Goddess of the Air. The wisest out of all elementals. She pointed towards the ocean as a tsunami rolled along the land, causing trees to tumble over.


"We were all called." I began to worry. Normally it would only be one of us summoned to the garden, but this time all of the gods were called. More mountains began to form beneath us and I watched as Tyson slowly formed some of the mountains into active volcanoes. Aura flew faster and I tried to keep us but she was too fast, Hadyn finally controlled his flight but we were almost there anyway. A large sphere formed around the garden, we all then met at the entrance of the gates to Eden. "Anat, Demeter." I bowed down to the two other Goddesses. Anat is the Goddess of Water, she is in a form of a mermaid. Contained in a bubble filled with water, her two followers was a serpent and the other was an octopus.


Demeter wore nothing but a short dress made out of daisies and roses. Ivy was wrapped around her arms and legs with sunflowers formed into a crown. Her followers were in the form of a wolf and the other was a falcon. They all smiled and greeted Hadyn, I waited for Tyson but he was nowhere to be found. Finally he erupted out of nowhere and was in the form of a salamander. "Shall we enter?" Demeter asked and all of us nodded. As soon as we arrived into the garden, all of our powers were taken from us and were now in the form of a Mortal. We found the tree of life and each picked a fruit from the tree. It had the colour of silver, inside was like pure white. It had the texture of a pear but the taste of a mixture of mango and rock melon. I haven't tasted this for a long time, I couldn't wait to eat the fruit. We all knelt down to the tree and bowed our heads. "Our commander, the Tree of Life. You have summoned us all here today, we will all eat from your cherished tree and announce our existence is under your command." Demeter nodded to Aura and then closed her eyes.


"I Goddess Aura, announce my guardians and my wisdom is under your command." Aura and the other two Elementals bit into the fruit and a light glow formed around them. They once again bowed their heads and placed the remains of the fruit on top of the Tree's roots.


"I Goddess Anat, announce my creators and my beauty is under your command." Anat ate

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