» Adventure » Prenominal, Kayla Godkin [world of reading .TXT] 📗

Book online «Prenominal, Kayla Godkin [world of reading .TXT] 📗». Author Kayla Godkin

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my sister and the other humans grabbed her arms and forced her to fall to her needs. Sunotics was held back and I attempted to attack but Harris held me back. Even though I have so much strength somehow this human could restrain me. That isn't possible, unless if I am still weak from the silver. "I took your bloody test! She is fine!" I growled.


"You did take the test but she needs to as well. You cannot test one person and assume the rest are human, surely you'd know that." I stopped moving and he finally let me go, Brooklyn is going to give us away just by the first test. She won't even be able to restrain herself.


Another voice was heard and the humans looked at each other in shock. They took their hands off Brooklyn and ran to Levi. Levi grabbed out a little box that had buttons on the side and something shiny and long coming out of the top. The voice spoke again but it wasn't clear at all, you could only hear a few words. "Help ------ code black! I ----- black! ----- no weapons ----- through ----- main gate! All crews report ------ city!" A sudden crash was heard and screams echoed through the box. Sunotics helped up Brooklyn and I quickly checked up on her.


"We have to go now." Levi announced, the group began to run over a hill and Levi stopped for a little and turned to us. "I am going behind what I always say, but we could really use all the help what we can get. Harris will allow you to have food, water and shelter."


"You will go behind your leader's back just for us to help?" Sunotics frowned.


"My family is there, if we ever need back up we could use some werewolves." We all took a step back and glared at him. "You don't hide very well, but I know werewolves reaction. You hid yourself very well but you can't control what your body does." He pointed to my arm and it was already healed, only a slight sting was left. Levi bit onto his long sleeved shirt and grabbed a knife. He cut into my arm and I growled at him.


"What do you think you are doing?" I asked.


"You can't be patched up with no evidence you were cut. Well stabbed." Blood began to drip and he wrapped his piece of clothing around my arm. He held out his hand to Sunotics and Brooklyn. "I need you both to do this."


They looked towards me and I nodded, Brooklyn held out her hand and she flinched. Once he was finished she smiled and for some reason said thank you. Sunotics was next and he kept his eye on me. "Levi what are you doing?" Harris called and saw Levi patching up Sunotics's arm. He smiled and waved us over. Once we climbed over the hill Harris patted Brooklyn's shoulder and grinned. "He went easy on you didn't he?" Brooklyn giggled and shrugged her shoulders.


"Still hurts really bad." she continued to smile and followed the group. William stood in front of a huge thing that seemed to have four wheels on the bottom. "You have a car? Thought they run on petrol. You still able to get all of that?"


"Actually it is a van and it runs on energy, basically it is running off the sun but since the sun isn't showing to good we have to be careful." Levi held up his hand and Harris nodded. William opened it up like a door and Brooklyn didn't hesitate to dive into the back seat. Sunotics and I followed and Levi went through the back entrance where the rest of the group were.


The 'van' began to move and Harris called out to Levi to give Sunotics, Brooklyn and I weapons. He passed us over guns and gave Brooklyn daggers. Brooklyn suddenly became worried, she has never fought in her life. She is always into her books but nothing else. The voice from the box started making sounds again. "Hello, anyone there over?" Levi asked and there was no more sound. "Hello, this is Levi. We are heading your way over."


"Hello Levi." A chilling female voice echoed through the voice box. "we can't wait to meet you." Levi shook and William snatched off his hands.


"Who is this over?" William and the rest of the group stayed quiet.


"Lilith." she suddenly made a hissing sound and someone was screaming in the background.


"Vampire! Vampires!"


No more voices came from the box and the group sat in silence, only leaving Sunotics, Brooklyn and I with our heads down. I slightly turned my head to Sunotics and Brooklyn who gripped onto their weapons tight with a large grin spread across their faces.



The view of the Earth from Gaia looks like it is rotting to the core, I can't remember how long I have seen the world from here. I mean I have passed through the gate to fight there but it used to be the only planet that was both bright and colourful. During the night it would light up with white and yellow colours. Earth always caused a problem for everyone. I stand outside of the Garden of Eden, Earth looks like a brown sphere that spins close to the Sun. "Vasuman, I have a report." I turned to find Tyson bowing down to me. He got up straight to his feet in a second and by the look of his expression, he seemed concerned. "Lady Anat, has sent her maiden Nerina over to Anivilac to watch over Hadyn."


"What? Why would she be sending over another Elemental. The more Elementals there are, the more they'd would be noticed." I growled and closed my fists. Rings of fire blazed around my body and I stormed over to the closest lake. As I assumed, Anat was swimming in the water along with her slimy, eight-legged hand maiden. "Anat!" She turned to me and pushed herself out of the clear blue lake.


"Dear brother, what is the matter?" she reached out to touch my hand and only to be scolded. "Calm down."


I growled louder and all I could think of is to rip her head off. Anat was never the serious person, she was more like Demeter. Acting like nothing is wrong except Demeter acts more like a child than a lady. "Don't you see, those werewolves aren't like us! They are only loyal to themselves and once they think there is a threat, they will attack!"


"So you send one of your own Elemental and by the way is one of your closest and best warriors. I send a hand maiden and you are worried she will cause them to attack us?" She laughed and I was lost for words. Anat was right, but her hand maiden wouldn't be able to protect herself in case if something did happen.


"I sent my closest warrior because I trust him more than all of my other followers!" someone coughed beside me and Tyson folded his arms. "You're good too, it's not what I meant."


Anat laughed and continued to watch her water Elementals swim together as if they were dancing. Mixtures of fish, frogs and turtles. "My sister has aided the packs before in Anivilac, she will be fine." Naida tried to reassure me.


"You need to stop thinking these are the peaceful times! Now is not the time to assume all of the realms are good with us. Now you need to grow up Anat and understand that everyone is no longer safe." I tried to plea but she was too absorbed in her performing Elementals.


Anat began twirling her fingers in the air causing the water to form a whirlpool, some Elementals swimming and some hiding on land swam and dived right into the pool. Tyson got pushed by one of the water elementals and threw up his arms. "Shouldn't you be, I don't know. Watching the gate anyway Vasuman? Or did you leave one of your other closest warriors to watch it for you?"


"I don't need anyone to do my duties, they know their duty. So must you Anat, you are a god not an Elemental anymore." she rolled her eyes and began to swim towards the whirlpool. All of the Elementals who entered didn't return. She probably had set a portal back into the ocean.


"I'll see you soon Vasuman, send someone to notify me when you hear anything about Nerina ok." I growled at her and before she dived into the pool she formed a large bubble filled with water and threw it in my direction.


I quickly moved aside but it collided with Tyson, he was thrown back and steam formed around his body. "Seriously?" he yelled at her then threw his fist, Anat's hand maiden Naida formed another bubble but not as big as Anat's then threw it at Tyson. He tried moving as fast as me but only for the bubble to push him sideways.


Naida giggled before she finally left. "You don't speak to a god like that Tyson, you know this." I walked over to the wet slimy Salamander and he held out his hand. He was soaked. I went to take his hand but pulled away before he could grab on.


"Ha, Ha, very funny." he continued to hold out his hand.


"Yes, it is." I laughed and walked away from Tyson. Once he eventually got to his feet, he finally caught up to me. His skin continued to let off steam. I went back to the gates of Eden and Tyson began to huff and puff.


He fell to the ground and rolled onto his back. "Surely they'd be fine Vasuman, Nerina isn't a stupid Elemental." I screamed and began punching trees. They all fell from the rings of flames formed around my hands. I need to hit something, how stupid could Anat honestly be? I kept punching but I couldn't hit anything, I haven't felt this much anger in a while.


I kept going for a long time, I couldn't tell. Minutes? Hours? Whenever I stopped for a second, I turned to find Tyson sitting down and watching me release my anger. I finally stopped and Tyson no longer watched me and instead had someone or something catch his eye. I turned to find all different Elementals gathered around away from me. Aura and her two followers flew over the still standing trees and had their heads down.


Demeter also came and placed her hand on my shoulder but I tried pulling away even though I was burning her. "Where is Anat?" Demeter asked and a bubble flew over the trees and I saw Anat and Naida confused. I looked to the Elementals as they made a pathway.


Further through the aisle of Elementals, wings were spread  from one side to the other of the Elemental walls. I looked closer to find Hadyn, carrying a body. Hadyn looked up to see us four gods and our followers beside us. I turned to see Anat covering her mouth but Naida continued to look confused. As Hadyn came closer, I finally heard Naida sob. A large serpent was lying in his arm, blue blood continued to flow down the

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