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- the best form of charity that aims to bring solace to one's ancestors wherever they may be; in whatever form. Deepavali is the anniversary celebration of the efforts of charity of every human being within one's own limited capacity. Prudence is in celebrating this anniversary of charity by focusing our festive spending on efforts that benefit humanity.

Hail Deepavali!

The Ultimatum

The Ultimatum

© Sabari Ganesh; “All Rights Reserved”


            A retrospection of the development of human race evidence the presence of two categories of people - the theists and the atheists. The substratum of the theists is the dictum in the revered holy texts of their religion. The intellectual development and ability to reason is the substratum of the atheist. History has always confirmed the inherent antipathetic disposition between the subscribers of these two ideologies. However, there can be no element of discrepancy in the verity that regardless of ideologies, the substratum of every human effort is to attain peace.

            It is human nature to remain in oscillation amidst various emotions. The sense of reasoning and logic is the substratum of every emotion; else a lunatic. Among all sorts of emotions, and every effort of man to attain peace; the reality is the discomfited condition of the common man. The greatest folly of mankind is the belief and notion that happiness and peace are superposable. The certainty reigns that peace and happiness are two different and distinct entities altogether. Mankind is yet to realise this subtle finality.

            Happiness is a derivative of materialisation of desires. The substratum of desire is the acceptance of the psychologically deficient stature of the mind. Desires focus on the gratification of the senses of man. The senses of man are designed to extraneous flow; hence the reason for man to seek happiness from external sources. However, as the source of happiness is extrinsic and beyond the control of man, everlasting elation is intangible, impractical and impossible.

            Even so, in the event of attaining the much desired state of joy and pleasure; eventually displaces the mortal comfort and consequently the psychological state of comfiness upon traversing the tolerable limits. It hence can be inferred that any emotion whether quested after or otherwise; causes discomfort to the human body and mind. On the contrary, peace is a state when the mind is devoid of desire. A desire free mind is the result of detachment arising out of understanding the inherent impermanency of external pursuits of life.

            The intrinsic ephemerality of external objects indicate the existence of a singular entity that forms the everlasting substratum for all the ostensible melodrame. The holy texts of every religion has made a clear and unambiguous reference to the existence of an all pervading entity that is the singular principle of every superficial diversity. The atheists, driven by intellectual reasoning have also unanimously agreed to the fact that whether matter or energy; the substratum is unique and ubiquitous.

            Developments in atomic science have proved the homogeny of every matter and energy at the sub-atomic level. However the worldly experience of common man is multiple subjects and distinct situations. As long as a person remains superficial in perception, duality exists. The moment one perceives duality, the seed to emotions is sown. The presence of emotions indicate the bubbling of desires in the mind. Modern science falls short in assisting man to surpass duality. Hence the need and indispensability of the Veda.

            The worldly experience of every person is encapsulated by the factors - Space and Time. The Veda promulgates that the all pervading singular entity transcends Space and Time. It is therefore imperative for one, aspiring peace to transcend the duple limiting factors - Space and Time. The psychological proximity of a person to an external entity based on the factors - Space and Time is the substratum of emotional effervescence. The limiting factor - Space is transcended the moment one accomplishes detachment - 'Horizon'!

            Similarly, when a person transcends the factor - Time; remains in peace. One gets affected by events that are relatively closer in time. However, as time passes by, the impact of the event is minimised and eventually nullified. For instance; remembering now, the death of our close relative that occurred a decade ago would not incite at the moment the same response it did then. When one gains the ability to remain unaffected by the proximity of the factors - Space and Time; one attains peace.

            Events that occur in this world affect any individual as long as one claims psychological proximity based on the factors, Space and Time. The substratum of a person's emotional propinquity to an adversity or success springs out of the thought of performance and possession. Each human being discards the thought of performance and possession every night inadvertently, during sleep. Precisely the reason that affirms the physical and psychological rejuvenation effected by sleep.

            Peace is attainable when one is able to detach the intellect from the thought of performance and possession as in sleep; though remaining awake. The resultant is the person becoming a witness to the activities that occur around; and even through one's own mortal frame. The solitary way to remain psychologically detached is to focus one's intellect on the substratum and origin of the mind - thoughts. The moment the origin of mind is analysed and the relevance of thoughts questioned; one stops reacting.

            The intellect eventually gets focused on the practical essentiality of actions in expression and endeavour. The person becomes emotionally stable to just execute and effectuate irrespective of the external elicitation; based on echt need that benefits humanity. As a matter of fact, even the benefit to a society and humanity out of one's actions is relative to the factors - Space and Time. Nevertheless, that the intent of the person becoming absolute with no reference to, and independent of the factors - Space and Time; attains Peace.

            The constancy of a person to remain anchored in peace is when one matures from being relative to absolute in thoughts, word and deed. An ordinary human being is one who remains relative in attitude, articulation and action to external stimulus. Absoluteness is the nature of a person self-centred with wisdom in spiritual sense. The easiest way to attain the stature of psychological absoluteness is to surrender oneself to a GURU or a form of GOD; and remain so immaterial of the temporal benefit-loss calculations.

            The fugacious, ephemeral and transitory nature of the benefit-loss calculations of materialistic pursuits and consequential life is apparent. Surrendering to a singular form of a perceived superior and inimitable entity termed GURU or GOD would provide an impetus in stabilising one's focus and thoughts on absolute reality; resultant is eternal peace. Adwaitham Aanandham - The Ultimatum!

blueY splice Xanthous

blueY splice Xanthous

© Sabari Ganesh; “All Rights Reserved”


            The sublime masculinity and empyreal lordship of nature over all its life forms, including human race is inherent in every sense but in an implicit manner. Nature has always impressed mankind with its spectacular array of colours, textures and fragrance. Among all the colours in the palette of nature; though the intellect of man has accorded every colour specific significance based on a chosen theme; the colour 'Green' stands tall and handsome as the only colour chosen by nature to represent it in all grandeur and glory.

            The colour Green commands much significance due to the grievous issue of environmentalism. Rising population, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation are the terzetto threats that impinge the health of the planet. The superiority of humans among all the life forms on earth is due to the incidence of the sense of discrimination. The effect is the choice to decide between the easy and the just method in performing any activity. Man has always misused the sense of discrimination by being retroactive.

            Efforts of man and the resultant scientific developments has been remarkably myopic in perceiving the impelling detrimental effects of disturbing nature. The deposits that have been chosen by earth to remain under its cover are excavated by man and put to use in the name of development. The deadly duple combo that hurts people and the planet is the burning of coal for electricity and gasoline for transportation. The combustion of natural resources to be used as fuel exhausts thrice their quantity of oxygen.

            Deforestation, desertification, defilement are the prime vexations that threaten the survival of every life form on earth. Use of chemical fertilizers as a means to fulfill the agricultural demands of ever proliferating human population has gravely threatened the ecological balance and the natural food chain. Development of industries, related wastes, and synthetic products resulting in landfills, global warming; profaning the atmosphere and water bodies has rendered most of the species of other life forms extinct.

            The real estate construction activities of man to satiate exponential demands of nuclear families; in the name of development impelling encroachment imperil nature. Buildings are lasting entities that demand electricity and potable water; generate wastes and the consequential carbon-dioxide emissions exert a negative impact on the environment. Studies state that an equal quantity of carbon-dioxide is added to the atmosphere in the process of manufacturing cement.

            The exhaustion of oxygen and heaving carbonic gases in the atmosphere is a well established potent threat to the conducive environment suitable for human life. Trees are the only source of free oxygen due to photosynthesis; and water as rain that would balance the carbon cycle to sustain life. The scientific developments and materialistic comforts as elements of modernisation are insidious and pernicious. Real development and progress is in ensuring that the basic essentials of human sustenance are free and galore.

            Industrial development in its efforts to enhance the comfiness of materialistic life has resulted in water becoming a business commodity; no element of surprise if it becomes the case with oxygen too. The prime reason is the profligate misuse of oxygen by manufacturing establishments that is capable of sapping atmospheric oxygen. Going green is no longer a matter of preference or an element of extravagance but an unavoidable obligation of every stake holder of the society as an ineludible ethical conscientiousness to preserve nature.   

            Human race despite its diversity, as one entity has obstinately paraded from free, unclaimed and surplus water to packaged, ozonised drinking water. Prudence is in reversing this stride by increasing the green cover of the earth; else the day of canned oxygen is a proximal reality. The focus of

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