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the efforts of every individual and the management of every establishment must be to reduce, reprocess and reclaim thereby minimise wastes and conserve the existing natural resources.

            The endeavour of companies going green transcends the publicity of the positive image gained out of the crusades of corporate social responsibility; as an ineluctable attempt to save one's own assortment on this planet. The efforts of the governments too must provide an impetus to research activities that bring down to the reach of the common man renewable and clean energy to sustain development. The efforts in going green without forsaking development demands astute and perspicacious decision making by the leaders of the society.

            Companies investing in research to churn out ecologically amicable products reign the future. Such products that claim to preserve nature with tangible scientific evidence is the future of a firm's competitiveness in an era of saturation of brands. The ethical stance of any corporate enterprise must inescapably focus on people and planet to reap profits; else fade away in obsolescence. The evaluation parameters of a corporate endeavour is based on the perceived economical, environmental and élite benefits to the enunciated target segment.

            The effectiveness of the reverse channel system is inevitable for companies to position themselves as an ecologically conscious entity. The roles of the traditional buyer and seller are swapped which in effect integrates the allied and supplementary industries. The outcome is a reduction in the price of the products by cashing in the savings on virgin raw materials. Innovation, and creativity in application is a prerequisite to vouch the quality of products manufactured from redeemed discarded elements of primary products.

            For instance; bagasse - the waste product of crushing sugarcane to manufacture sugar; used as a raw material to manufacture paper is the result of creativity in application that conserves forest. Innovations in flexible packaging like transparent barrier films, shrink packaging technique, intelligent packaging systems incorporating ethylene/moisture/oxygen scavengers; humidity indicating cards; and edible coatings are eco-friendly that chop down a major chunk of rigid packaging and its associated waste generation.

            Informing and educating the consumer on the individual and societal benefits of the initiatives taken by the company towards going green is a vital prerequisite that ascertains demand. The direct channel of communication between the consumer and manufacturer powered by technology and the linked integrated transport systems that lower the cost of logistics; are tools that keep a check on the cost factors; enabling competitive pricing of the product with its 'non-green' rivals.

            The future belongs to Viridity and Verdure; the progeny of Bluey and Xanthous. Our ability and sensitivity to adapt and pelt along; chumming up the successors, in the natural possible way shall ensure our survival and prosperity. The sooner, the better. May everyone of us prove our sensibility by befriending Viridity and Verdure!



© Sabari Ganesh; “All Rights Reserved”


            The crux of Sanathana Dharma is Adwaitham. It indicates singularity of the Aathma. The worldly experience of any individual driven by ego, is the perception of multiple entities and the universe; hence Dwaitham. Transcending individual ego; a person matures to Vishishtadwaitham. The stature of enlightened human being is to remain transfixed in the unity at the substratum. The developments in atomic science eliciting homogeny at the sub-atomic level minimises the conflict of ideas in the minds of the atheists too.

            Any commoner perceives three distinct phenomenon - The Paramaathma; the Jivaathma and the Universe. Scientific developments based solely on intellectual reasoning disappoints in assisting man to surpass duality; hence the indispensability of the Veda. The practical application of the Veda is the focus of the Dharmasastras. Every activity of man is streamlined by the Dharmasastras. The activities to be performed by the common man as propounded by the Dharmasastras are found to be profoundly contradicting!

            For instance; Sumptuous meal during religious celebrations like Deepavali, while complete fasting on certain occasions like Ekadasi; Social performance of art forms during temple festivities, whereas maintaining inaction of the senses on specific days; Polytheistic rituals to please multifarious deities whilst Vedanta propounding Adwaitham that transcends name and form. An incisive contemplation indicates that the extremes in activities counselled, is the unique feature and sublime perspicacity of the Dharmasastras.

            Psychologically, the nature of human mind is to remain in oscillation between opposites. Any practice thrust upon is perceived as curtailing freedom and every opportunity seized to surpass. The human mind is designed to extraneous flow towards sensual pleasures. The Veda has proclaimed that Adwaitham is the ultimate truth; however is impossible for the one driven by senses to gain real time experience. The objective of the Veda is to pioneer the commoner from the intelligible to the inexplicable in mind and word.

            The elegance of the Veda is in its focus and ability to intertwine the human mind entangled in sensual pleasures with the thought and remembrance of the unity at the substratum; thereby effectively guiding it towards realising the ultimate truth. Activities though sensual, when performed in an organised and sensible manner, that alternates the extremes effectively, as decreed by Dharmasastras, in remembrance of the ultimate; balances the weigh-scale of psychological steadiness. It is termed moderation.

            Attaining moderation in attitude, articulation and actions is the vital link that connects the known materialistic worldly experience called Dwaitham and the unknown ultimate termed Adwaitham; the eternal substratum. The ability of the common man, to gain control over the senses systematically, thereby expressing a measured behaviour, that minimises the wavering quest of the mind, to remain in peace is the result of successful implementation of the Vedic principles in one's life.

            Accomplishment of moderation on every aspect that includes the sensual and religious exercises, effectively minimises the vacillation of mind to analyse and comprehend the inherent impermanency of selfish materialistic pursuits. The result is the ability gained by the person to utilise every available resource and energy on activities that benefit humanity and in the course; cherish emotional contentment. The satisfaction experienced by a person in moderation gradually and inadvertently withdraws the mind from sensual pursuits.

            The psychological discipline demonstrated by a person through measured behaviour in attitude, expression and activities exerts a positive influence on the observers to confine and channelise their efforts in the betterment of the society. The primary effort to achieve moderation is to rationalise acquisitive amenities based on inevitable necessity. Peace of mind achieved by downplaying materialistic comforts grants psychological freedom to remain stable even during phases of inevitable emotional turbulence of sorts.

            The materialistic developments experienced in the recent times originated from the west. India has always been known and identified for its spiritual elegance and prosperity. Agriculture was the prime activity of the people in India, a century ago. Money had their real value in material. Even so, the use of money was only among the celestial layers of the realm. Trade elsewhere was executed in the barter system. The property of any person; though segregated based on Varnaashramaas was similar and simple.

            The barter system of trade based on mutual coincidence of needs, eventually negated the possibility of illegitimate hoarding of the food grains and consumables. Every activity of people was flavoured with religious fervour. The temples were centers of trade, tradition and culture. The surplus food was offered to the divine and distributed to the people visiting the temples. When every activity was performed with the remembrance of the supreme divinity, ethical stature was effortless and vivid.

            Art forms of the region - Lalithakala, in the purpose of revivifying the mind, performed as decreed by Gandharva Veda; were spun with divine tales and traditional lore that constantly reminded the commoner the ethical values of life and liability to the divine. The education too was based on the Ashtaadasa Vidhya that hailed the supremacy of the divine. When Artha and Kaama were encapsulated by Dharma to aspire Moksha; simplicity in practice was effortless and the wavering of mind minimised.

            The intellectual development of today's people has only resulted in accumulation of materialistic luxury, sacrificing the subtle niceties of traditional values and customs. The invention of paper money and valuations of every product based on it, has resulted in immoral and irrational accumulation of wealth. The evident result is the colossal scrapping of activities that fulfilled the basic needs of people. The social divide and the resultant intensification of ego are the prime causes for the proliferation of evil in a society.

            The greatest folly of mankind is the public demonstration of one's affluence. India has always been identified as the land of sages and saints. Even the kings of ancient India were dependent on and guided by these sages, who inhabited the forest in a hermitage. The primary quality of the wise is to minimise materialistic comforts. The ability of the human mind to remain focused on the eternal reality is the result. The accumulation of property merely results in losing one's peace of mind for fear of theft, injury or calamity.

            Moderation of passion in any field is the solution to and rationale behind a contented life. The limit is highly individualistic though is determined by the fulfilment of the basic needs. The reason being, anything that is imposed by force would trigger the natural human instinct to oppose. The result is the orchestrated functioning of the body, mind and intellect devoid of negative qualities; realising the inherent impermanency of materialism; eventually marching towards eternal bliss in symphony. Aparigraham!

Personal Branding

Personal Branding

© Sabari Ganesh; “All Rights Reserved”


            Planet earth has witnessed multitude variety of life forms even before the existence of humans. The phenomenal success of humans in achieving rapid development, evolution and edification could not be met by any other. The ability of man to unite and function as a huddle is the unique substratum of refinement. Propelled by the incisive ability to precise communication, the fundamental attribute is the focus to create value for the entire team. Distinguished efforts of man along this sphere of activity are now termed Personal Branding.

            The primal requisite to any effort on personal branding is the psychological aptness to consecrate the resources within one’s reach and command in the betterment of others. Contemplated efforts to position one’s professional and personal self as unique as possible in the light of positive value addition to the society observes the advent of personal branding. The palpable result is the identification and development of specific qualities and virtuosities in oneself as potential secernments amidst competition to elevate

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