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be able to fix this in one night. He decided to go with Justin on this one, he knew his friend would be able to handle the situation at the emergency room better than he would. 

It was after midnight when Justin dropped his friend at his house, they had not spoken the entire trip, and greeted each other awkwardly as Ryan slipped from the car. Not one of the boys even registered that Justin was driving Ryan's car. Justin pulled the car into his driveway on autopilot, he snapped back to reality and let out a curse when he closed the door and finally realized he had Ryan's car. He decided he would drop it of at his friends house the next day when no one was home and then he'd walk home. 




Ryan had been admitted that morning. It was just after eleven and Jake and Justin were on their way to the institute. May had assured Justin that she would keep a close eye on Jake's body and that she would let them know if she was worried about anything.

Justin had his jaw set and Jake could see that he was barely keeping his cool.

Justin glanced at Jake and asked him if Dr Chambers would let anyone harm Ryan. Jake closed his eyes and replied honestly that he didn't know. He explained that he had trusted the doctor for a long time, and he had been devastated when the doctor revealed his plans for Ryan.

He wanted to believe that the doctor had his brothers best interests at heart but he was not that naive.

Justin just nodded and slammed his deformed left hand against the steering wheel. When he spoke again Jake could hear the self loathing in the young mans voice. He brokenly told Jake that Ryan didn't break his hand in a bicycle accident. He admitted shamefully that he had broken his best friends hand that night, just after Jake left.

To Justin's utter surprise Jake said that he knew, or rather he had his suspicions the entire time. Justin looked at him, feeling completely lost.

Jake took pity on the young man and told him that his reaction that night was born from years of abuse and neglect. He told him that he had seen the loss and devastation in his expression. But he also knew that his brother could handle himself, and more importantly, he trusted Justin. Jake looked him in the eye and told him that he trusted Ryan with him, and that he knew he would keep his brother safe no matter what. He went on to tell him that Ryan also trusted him, probably more than he did his own brother.

Justin was reeling at the confession, not only had Jake known that he had broken his brothers hand, he didn't blame him. Justin was having some trouble concentrating on the road with all of the thoughts going through his mind. Jake put a steadying hand on the steering wheel and gave Justin a look.

Justin snapped back to reality as he thought how pissed his best friend would be if he traumatized his brother by crashing on his way to the institute. 

He didn't need to add anything else to the very long list of things his best friend already had reason to be mad about. 

Jake decided that a change of topic was necessary and with some hesitation confessed that he missed his brother. He told Justin that he missed talking to him and that he missed his brothers calming presence. He went on to tell him quite animatedly that Justin was the only other person who had ever helped him avoid a meltdown. Jake went quiet after the last confession. After an uncomfortable pause Jake told him that he knew he was selfish, and that his need for his brother was going to destroy the life of the person he cared for most. 

Justin was taken aback by the complete desolation in Jake's voice. He thought darkly that he had never met a person with an equal amount of self hatred until he met Jake. 

Justin shook his head and gave a dry chuckle, telling Jake that they were quite the pair. He told him sincerely that he had misjudged him. He went on to say that he could honestly tell him that Ryan had never thought of him as a burden. And that he was glad to have had the opportunity to get to know his best friends brother as well as he had. He gave him a small shove and told him that he now also knew that he was not a burden.

As Justin pulled into the parking lot of the institute he gave a small shudder and told Jake honestly that he was scared for Ryan. That he was worried about all the unknown factors the doctor had not bothered to share with them.

Jake nodded sadly in agreement but told his friend that the two of them would not let anyone hurt Ryan. 






Publication Date: 01-21-2020

All Rights Reserved

This book is not complete yet. I will update regularly and will mark it as complete as soon as. To my wonderful boys. All 3 of them.

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