» Family & Relationships » Brothers, Elsa Pieterse [motivational books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Brothers, Elsa Pieterse [motivational books to read TXT] 📗». Author Elsa Pieterse

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that Jake understood anything she said, she had seen and heard some unbelievable things while taking care of the amazing young man. She had also kept the brothers' shared dreams and Jake's abilities secret. Crouching down to his eye level, May took one of Jake's hands in hers and gave it a squeeze. She felt a stab of sadness as Jake withdrew his hand, not able to tolerate the touch.

May stood up and walked towards the door, telling Jake about her plans for dinner over her shoulder. As May worked on preparing dinner her thoughts went to Jake and Ryan. She knew how strong the brothers' bond was, she also knew that it had weakened in the last two years. She had observed sadly the deterioration of their relationship.


She prayed that Jake would be able to reach his brother through their connection because she wouldn't risk calling him the conventional way. The safest way to contact him was through the siblings' shared dreams.


Ryan had arrived at his parents' house late that afternoon. After a tense dinner, he had excused himself, telling his mother he was tired after the two-hour drive home.


During the dinner, Liz and Stan took turns bringing him up to date on the last two years of his brother's life. They told him that Jake was doing really well at the institute and that the new medicines had done wonders to calm and stabilize him. They also expressed their shock and disbelief at his disappearance. Saying that they had no idea who would want to kidnap a handicapped young man.


Ryan slammed the door shut and started to pace his childhood room. He had no idea how his parents could be so clueless. He wasn't blind, he knew what Jake looked like to most people. He looked like an invalid, a handicapped person who would need help with basic activities for the rest of his life. And they were right, he would need assistance for the rest of his life. But they didn't look closely, they didn't bother to get to know him. If they did, they would see what Lily and May saw. An amazing young man who brought only joy to the people lucky enough to really see him.


Ryan felt sad for his parents. They never allowed themselves to get close enough to really see Jake, to see the Jake hiding behind the outer layers.


Ryan had showered and popped two sleeping pills into his mouth. He dry-swallowed them and climbed onto his bed, not even bothering to climb under the covers. He had made an attempt at meditation but after a few minutes gave up on that idea. As he settled on his back he started to quiet his mind. Slowly, purposefully, he calmed his breathing.


It was about 10 minutes after Ryan had calmed his breathing, and he was already fast asleep. The years of shared dreams had taught Ryan a few tricks.


He could be asleep within a minute of hitting his pillow. It had taken a bit longer this time as he had not interacted with Jake in their sleep in years. Another trick he had learned in the years of shared dreams was that he could usually predict where they would meet, at his place or at the institute. But he was pretty sure his brother would not be at the institute and he was worried they would meet at the kidnappers place. On the other hand, it could give him an opportunity to look around and maybe find some clue as to his brother's whereabouts.


Ryan looked around him suspiciously, the room he was in looked familiar. Before he could look around further he heard his brother's shy voice from the door.


"I'm okay Ry." Jake's voice was steady and he had a smile on his face. "It was May, she staged the kidnapping to keep me safe".


Ryan listened skeptically as his brother explained the Matrons involvement.


The morning of 7 January, May had intercepted a file with a criptic note attached. It mentioned several patients who were involved in clinical trials not sanctioned by the FDA, and Jake was one of them.


A photo of Jake accompanied the note. The note mentioned new therapies they were to start on Jake. May didn't know anything else. After reading the note she had grabbed a few items from Jake's room and had slipped him out via the back exit.


Jake didn't know how his brother would react to the next bit of news. May didn't want him to make any real contact with them yet.


May had warned him that they didn't know who was behind the threat and that she didn't want to involve Ryan unnecessarily. Jake agreed that his brothers safety was the most important thing.


He was unsure if his brother would want to be involved anyway, he knew his brother loved him but he was uncertain of a lot of things. Ryan had stopped all their interactions and had stopped visiting him two years ago. He knew it was because of what happened at the Roseville Heroes ball and that Ryan had been terrified he would lose his brother but Jake really missed him.


Ryan nodded slowly, saying that it was probably for the best and that he agreed they couldn't trust anyone, not even their parents.


Ryan had been wondering how he would react when he saw his big brother again. He was afraid he would give in to his desire to have that special bond with Jake again. He was however going to do everything in his power to keep his brother safe. Their abilities was too dangerous to Jake's health and he would not put his brother's life in jeopardy again.


5 May 2018


Jake was impatiently tapping his shoe against the floor in his room at the institute, his brother was taking his time to go to sleep and Jake was not a patient person under the best of circumstances. And these were definitely not the best of circumstances.


Unwillingly a memory flashed in his mind and he felt the familiar shame overwhelm him.


They were all busy getting ready to go out and Jake needed some help with his shoes. The eight-year-old walked with some difficulty over to his mom but he had forgotten to bring the shoes with him. He spent the following ten minutes trying to get his mother to understand what he wanted, he finally lost his patience and, giving his mother a shove he rushed out of the room as quickly as his wobbly legs would carry him.


Returning to the present Jake felt the uncertainty start to overwhelm him. The brothers' abilities were growing and Jake didn't know why or how this was possible. He needed to brainstorm ways to implement these new ability developments with Ryan.


To make matters worse he had a vision of his brother getting beaten up by some guys a few hours before the big dance thing.


Jake was about to go looking for his brother when he felt his familiar presence behind him.


"You took your time tonight". Jake said turning around to face his brother, unable to keep the annoyance out of his voice. Ryan just gave a shrug which served to further annoy him.


Ryan had recognized his big brothers' foul mood the moment he saw him. He had seen Jake in all his moods many times and was an expert on what made his big brother tick.


Ryan decided to bait him a bit more, being the expert in Jake that he was, he knew how far he could push without his brother going over the edge.


"I was busy helping with the preparations for the fancy ball tomorrow night, you know the one you're the star of..." Ryan was in his brother's face as he said the last words. The brothers had a staring contest until Ryan took pity on his brother and broke eye contact first. He took a seat on the couch in his brother's room and pointed for him to do the same. Ryan knew that Jake had never been a fan of crowds and that the ball was going to be hell for him. He had pleaded with his parents not to subject Jake to the ball but they had ignored him and had gone even further by making him the guest of honor. Jake had made Ryan promise to be there to help him get ready and had thereby ensured his brother's calming presence. A presence Jake was very grateful for at that moment.


Ryan saw the fear in his brothers' eyes and instinctively knew something was wrong. The only time Jake felt fear was when Ryan was in danger. Jake did not fear for himself or anyone else.


Ryan waited patiently for his brother, he knew he would speak when ready.


Jake finally seemed to come back from whatever dark thoughts consumed him and told his brother quite bluntly that four guys were going to ambush him next to the post office in the alley and that they were going to beat him up.


He went on to explain that the guys didn't look familiar to him.


Ryan was quiet for a bit. He stood up and paced around the rather small room. He needed some time to process all the new developments. He knew Jake was worried about his safety, but that was the last thing on his mind. He knew he could hold his own in a fight and if needed he knew someone who would be more than happy to back him up. His  friend was just a phone call away. This had been the second vision his brother had and he was intrigued. He really wanted to find out what triggered the visions.


He thought about his promise to be at the institute just after lunch to help Jake physically but much more so emotionally. He was angry as it now seemed something was going to interfere with his well thought out plan to keep his big brother calm (and out of the limelight their mother seemed to want for him so much).


Jake could read his brother like a book. He could see the little worry Ryan may have had for his own life change into worry for his brother and he felt the familiar self-loathing creep up on him. He was a burden to everyone around him, but especially to his little brother. Ryan was meant for great things, he was brilliant, funny and he had the biggest heart. Jake was sure Ryan was destined to change the world (or at least their small town) if his big brother didn't manage to mess up his life too.


Suppressing his self-hatred for the moment, Jake stood up just as his brother turned around at the edge of the couch. The brothers just managed to avoid a collision, Jake falling back on the couch and Ryan tripping over his brother's feet. Ryan gave a laugh as he turned around to sit on his bum on his brother's bedroom floor. Jake let out a snort and was grateful for the rather rude reminder of more pressing matters than his own personal demons.


"Okay kid, I guess tomorrow is as good a time as any to give our enhanced abilities a try." Jake said this in a tone that clearly stated it was non-negotiable. He was going to watch his brothers back, at least in spirit.


Ryan knew better than to argue when his brother used that tone so he settled on a resigned nod.


Truth be told, Ryan was itching to try out the newly unlocked ability to have Jake with him when he took on the four guys his brother had seen in the vision. Although he knew Jake would not be there in physical form, he would see and hear everything Ryan did and maybe they could unlock something else. The younger boy quickly reigned in his thoughts, not wanting to get ahead of himself.


Jake was pleased to see his brother's mood pick up even if it was at the mention of their first fight "together." Jake used the lighter moment

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