» Family & Relationships » Brothers, Elsa Pieterse [motivational books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Brothers, Elsa Pieterse [motivational books to read TXT] 📗». Author Elsa Pieterse

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from the scene by his brothers excited voice but he knew that it would haunt him for a while.

Ryan tried his best to give his brother a reassuring smile but was sure he failed miserably. Jake smiled back weakly and said that the next thing he wanted to show him took some more energy out of him but that it was worth it.

Ryan was about to object but Jake had already closed his eyes and was taking his hand in his. Before Ryan could pull his hand back Jake gave a choked gasp and dropped his brothers hand. He looked at Ryan sharply and asked him where he had been two days ago. Ryan mentally added psychometry to his brothers list of abilities and knew he was busted.

Jake turned to May and told her that Ryan had seen Mason and that he told him about the Mentalite gene.

Ryan spoke up heatedly, telling them both that they should have told him and that he shouldn't have heard it from Mason.

Jake looked at May guiltily who in turn didn't look in the least bit guilty only angry. She got into Ryan's face and heatedly asked him what he was doing at Mason's in the first place.

May had known about the young man's visit to Dr Chambers as she had someone keeping an eye on Ryan. Mason had an unnatural interest in the youngest brother and she was worried what the two of them may have planned for Jake. 


The younger brothers own anger took hold and he ignored the matron. Instead, he turned away from her, which only added to her anger, and asked his brother how long he had to live if he kept using his abilities the way he did. He decided that blunt honesty would be the only thing that could possibly get through to his stubborn brother. 

Jake paled a bit at the blunt question and stuttered that he didn't know, no one could predict the speed of degeneration. Ryan told him what Mason had said about the enhanced brain activity. May had been listening and she immediately spoke up and angrily asked Ryan how Mason knew about the abilities. 

Ryan shrugged and told her that he hadn't mentioned anything, that the doctor already knew. May didn't believe him though and it was evident on her face. 

Jake placed a hand on May's shoulder and asked her for a few minutes alone with his brother. She wanted to object but only nodded angrily and headed inside. She was more suspicious of Ryan than ever. 

Jake looked at his brother seriously and contemplated the words he could use to convey his feelings. 

"Ry, please listen to me, and listen to my heart. The fight for me, for my life, it's all you've ever known and that's not fair. It's not fair to you". Jake spoke to his brother like he was a wounded animal. He went on to tell him that he deserved his own life and that he deserved to study and do what he wanted with the rest of his life. 

At the last part Ryan gave him a sharp look and asked him what he meant. Jake told him that he knew he wasn't happy studying neuroscience. 

Ryan gaped at him as he retreated, he didn't know how to respond. 

His voice shook as he said: "You don't know what you're talking about. You couldn't be bothered to contact me for almost two years, I feel like I barely know you and now all of a sudden you're an expert on my life." 

Ryan had reached the front of Mays house and was climbing into his car as he told his older brothers astral projection that he was going back to his parents house and that he would come see him if he found out anything. 

They both knew that was a lie, but then again they were getting good at lying to each other. 


Jake was left staring at his brothers car speeding away and felt like things were spiraling out of control and he had no way to stop the spinning before someone got hurt. He was afraid that he was only pushing his brother further away and he didn't know how to stop that from happening. 


April 2019


Ryan did a double take and headed towards the curly blonde haired girl standing to his right. He was at the NYRE (national yearly robotics expo) which was hosted in Roseville that year.

Lily was one of the last people Ryan expected to see at a Robotics expo. And he told her as much after greeting her awkwardly.

Lily smiled warmly after the initial shock passed.

Ryan gave her a shy smile and asked if she wanted to walk through the expo with him. He was very aware that the last things he had said to her were not friendly or kind. 

Trying not to seem to eager, Lily nodded shyly.

The young woman was enthralled with the passion in Ryan's whole being while he gave her a tour. She could tell by his choice of terminology that he knew what he was talking about.

When they came to the last exhibition Ryan stopped and introduced Lily to its owner. Justin gave Ryan a sideways glance but gave Lily a wink and asked her what she was doing with a dork like Ryan.

Ryan in turn feigned a mortal wound and collapsed dramatically in front of the thankfully thinning crowd.

Lily giggled at the two friends antics and she was thankful for this glimpse at an unfamiliar Ryan. A relaxed and cheerful seventeen year old who acted his age, not the stressed, worried and wise beyond his years version of Ryan she usually got to see.

Lily hated to admit but some part of her agreed with May about keeping Jake's growing abilities a secret from Ryan. She knew it would only add more worries to the very long list the young man already had. But deep down she knew that they were wrong keeping it from him. She had however promised not to tell him and she was not in the habit of breaking promises. 




Ryan drove to the small house in the shadier side of Roseville and wondered if he was making a mistake. He really needed to speak to his best friend but he wasn't sure if he was welcome anymore. The fallout after Ryan decided to go ahead with his studies in neuroscience had been epic. Justin felt betrayed as they had been planning their shared studies in electical engineering and robotics for years, but Ryan in the end couldn't give up on his research to help his brother, and the neuroscience program promised some amazing potential for treatment. He had not spoken to Justin in months but he had no one else he could talk to and found himself in the familiar driveway. 


Ryan had just locked his car when the front door swung open and Justin's very drunk father came stumbling towards him. Ryan just managed to sidestep him when Mr Simon tripped over an imaginary obstacle and lay sprawled on the lawn, fast asleep.

Ryan was about to check on him when he heard his best friends voice from the door telling him to leave the dead beat and to come in.

Ryan went into the house and saw Mrs Simon hurriedly cleaning up broken glass in the small lounge area. Justin rushed past him and told his mom to leave the mess, that he would clean up. The nineteen year old took his mom's hand and escorted her to the bedroom. He rummaged in her nightstand and took out two pills, he poured some water in a glass and gave her the medicine while tucking her into bed.

Ryan was silent while he watched the scene, he was impressed with his friends ease of movement as he balanced the glass with his deformed left hand while closing the tap with his right. He however quickly remembered that his friend was much more than a simple birth defect. 

He had seen similar scenes a few times while he had been friends with Justin and knew not to say anything until his friend was finished with the ritual. And it had become a ritual. The meaning of ritual as found in the dictionary is: a religious or solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order. And that was what Justin did everytime his dad went over the edge. First he locked his dad out of the house. He then took care of his mother, and after that he cleaned up the mess his father left. And these actions were performed according to the prescribed order everytime.

Ryan knew if he interrupted the ritual he would only push his friend further away and he really needed him back on his side. And from the scene he had just witnessed he knew his friend could use someone in his corner as well.

Ryan was pulled from his musings by Justin's voice. And from the look his friend gave him, he had not heard him for a while.

Justin pushed a beer into his hand and showed him to sit down.

"So, the prodigal friend returns". Said the dark haired nineteen year old engineering student while playing with the lone pinky on his left hand.

Ryan snorted and took a sip of his beer. He knew his friend well enough to know that that was his queue to tell him the reason for his visit.

Justin knew about Jake and their shared abilities, he knew everything Ryan did up to four months ago. Therefor it didn't take a lot of time to bring Justin up to speed on the Mentalite gene or Jake's "disappearance".

Justin seemed to take the latest events in his stride.

His first question threw Ryan off balance a bit. He wanted to know what he thought of Dr Chambers. 

Ryan gave a sigh and put his head in his hands, it felt good being back. It felt like he was finally home for the first time in months. 

He answered honestly that he didn't know what to think of the man. He didn't trust him, the doctor was to smooth. He explained that it felt like he had a response ready for any situation. 

But on the other hand the doctor hadn't called the police when he caught him red handed in his office. He also told him about the Mentalite gene and the side effects when his own brother hadn't said anything. 

Justin had been quiet while Ryan answered his question. The silence stretched on until Ryan threw his hands in the air and irritated, asked him if he had any insights.

Justin put his hands up in mock surrender, knowing full well he had pushed his friends buttons with his lack of response. Patience was not a virtue Ryan had a lot of. The boys had always enjoyed an interesting friendship, they told each other everything but also enjoyed the healthy competitive nature they shared. 

Justin smiled slyly, enjoying the little victory of wills.

He didn't know Dr Chambers very well, and he had some trouble forming an opinion of the man. He did however trust his friends instincts completely and knew if Ryan felt apprehensive about the doctor he had good reason.

Justin told him that he thought the doctor sounded a bit dodgy and that he thought Ryan should stay clear of the man. Justin futher told his friend that he thought Ryan should talk to his brother about everything on his mind. He told him that he remembered how close the brothers once were and that they could have that again. Justin could see the havoc the brothers troubled relationship was wreaking with his best friends emotions. 


The friends came to an agreement and it was decided that they would meet at May's house the next morning. Ryan felt that a new perspective would help, especially from his genius best friend. Justin on the other hand wanted to make sure the brothers got a chance to really talk to each other. He knew they had a lot to catch up on and

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