» Family & Relationships » Brothers, Elsa Pieterse [motivational books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Brothers, Elsa Pieterse [motivational books to read TXT] 📗». Author Elsa Pieterse

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instant exactly what had upset his brother. Their mother had ordered a suit for Jake's special occasion. Ryan felt fury and a pinch of sadness as he went to look for a plain t-shirt and pants without a zip. He knew his brother couldn't tolerate the material, his skin was too fragile for the fabric of the suit. The fact that his mother had not considered any of this only added to the resentment he felt towards her.


Jake had been watching his brother the entire time and had calmed down enough to change into the clothes his brother picked without much help.


Giving his big brother a wide grin Ryan opened the bedroom door and ushered Jake out. Arms linked together, Ryan slowly assisted his brother out of the institute.


As they approached the car, Ryan peeked into the back and saw with some relief his parents had brought the wheelchair. It would come in handy at the city hall. Jake got tired very easily and his breathing could become labored if he was too active.


Liz let out an anguished cry when she saw Jake. She immediately turned to Ryan and demanded an explanation for his brother's attire. Barely able to remain civil, Ryan explained to his irate mother that the suit material was too rough for his brother's skin, and continued to throw in her face that she should have thought about that before spending so much money on a suit.


6 May 2018


Ryan nervously looked at his brother who sat next to him in their mother's expensive new SUV. Ryan couldn't care less about his mom's expensive new midlife crisis on wheels. He was worried about what Jake's reaction would be to the news of Lily being back in the picture. He remembered vividly what her disappearance from their lives did to his brother and he wouldn't blame Jake if he had a meltdown, which was exactly what would happen if he saw Lily before Ryan could prepare him for her return. Especially after the near-meltdown at the institute, he knew he had to keep Jake calm.


He also knew he couldn't risk speaking to Jake about Lily while his parents were within earshot. The older boy would definitely start a scene and Ryan would not risk a meltdown. Period. He knew how much Jake hated himself after his meltdowns, especially if there were witnesses. Ryan had his own theories about the meltdowns. He knew that they happened when Jake was overly emotional. He had also noticed a strange sensation in his own brain everytime his brother did meltdown. He had not mentioned anything to his brother yet, he first wanted to do his own investigations before he involved his brother.


Ryan decided to rather rehearse the ways he could give his brother the news of Lily's return.


He knew he would need to get him alone, away from all distractions. He would start with an innocent memory of Lily and then try to go from there.


Ryan was about to start going through his memories for a safe choice when the car came to a stop before the impressive entry to the Roseville City Hall.


Liz was the first one out of the car and was already waiting impatiently at the back for Stan to get the wheelchair out.


Ryan was on his dad's heels as they both reached to open the door at Jake's side of the car. Ryan felt a childish kind of glee as he opened the door before his dad could. He helped Jake settle into the wheelchair and gave him what he hoped came across as an encouraging wink. Ryan pushed his brother towards the intimidating entrance. With his one hand on the wheelchairs handle and the other on his brother's shoulder, Ryan looked up and froze in his tracks as he saw Lily wave and practically run towards them. Ryan had come to a stop in the middle of the walkway and was watching the scene unfold, frozen in horror.


Ryan saw the exact moment Jake recognized Lily. His curious expression turned into astonished recognition and then his eyes closed. When Jake opened them again he had a look of such betrayal on his face that Ryan was snapped out of his frozen state and he took a step back.


Unfortunately that was the moment Jake went into full meltdown mode. He was hitting his head with his hands while rocking back and forth in his chair. Liz was yelling at Stan to do something. Just as Stan was about to forcefully push Jake away from the crowd that had formed, Ryan stepped in the way. He took his brother's hands from the wheels just in time to avoid his fingers getting caught. Giving his dad a heated look Ryan turned all his attention to Jake and spoke to him calmly and clearly. Ryan took his brothers hands in his and made sure to keep his eyes level with Jake's. He calmly told him that it was over and that he was going to get him away from the crowd. He knew that Jake would make eye contact when he was calm enough to return to reality. Ryan let out a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding as brilliant blue eyes locked with his. Ryan gave his brother's hands a squeeze and stood up straight. He gave one look at the people still around and told them to leave, his voice turned ice-cold as he told them the show was over. He abruptly turned his brother away from the prying eyes and pushed the wheelchair into the nearest deserted room.


Ryan's heart broke when he finally got a good look at his brother. Jake was quietly sobbing, and refused to make eye contact with his brother again. 


Ryan still had the strange tingling feeling in his brain, and distractedly noted that it was the first time it had lasted that long.


He had theorized that their brains were somehow connected and that was why they could communicate in ways Jake couldn't with anyone else. He could feel his brothers frustration when he couldn't communicate his needs to someone, and their almost telepathic bond was growing stronger. He was picking up on his brothers moods more strongly and it was sometimes almost crippling. It was overwhelming Ryan now and he had to take a breath to calm himself.


January 2020


Ryan may have promised May not to make direct contact with Jake, but that didn't mean he couldn't snoop around the institute on his own a bit. He wanted to confront Dr Chambers, he had a few questions for the doctor.


Ryan saw Dr Chambers approach and turned his head away. He gave a step to the right and in so doing walked into the doctor. Faking surprise he greeted the doctor eagerly, telling him that it had been too long. He was about to ask the doctor about his brothers disappearance when he saw a ghostly hand take the doctors office keys from his scrubs pocket.


Ryan gave a choked off exclamation of surprise and quickly grabbed the doctors hand to distract him as he looked into his brothers face. He mumbled something about missing his brother and sputtered an apology as he excused himself and made an escape before the doctor had a chance to catch up.


Ducking into a broom closet Ryan switched on the light and whispered his brothers name furiously. He was sure his brother would hear him. A blushing Jake appeared and apologized, not looking at his brothers face.


Ryan was however not interested in apologies, he instead asked his brother how he was able to be here with him, after the last time had turned out disastrous. Before Jake could answer however, Ryan told him to go, he didn't want to risk his brothers health unnecessarily. Ryan left the closet without a backward glance.


It was two hours later and Ryan had slipped into the institute's admin building. He was going to break into Dr Chambers office and see if he could find anything suspicious. Ryan stood in front of the doctors office, trying to convince himself he could do this, when Jake appeared next to him. Giving an exasperated sigh, he toyed with the keys in his hands.


"You shouldn't be here". Ryan whispered to his irritatingly cheerful older brother. Jake just gave a laugh, which did not improve his younger brothers mood.


Ryan was regretting his brilliant plan as he stood outside Dr Chambers office.


The psychiatrists office was in the institutes admin building. Ryan had turned left at the entrance, and the brothers were now standing at the third door to the right.


Jake had trouble understanding his brothers foul mood. Sure, there was some risks to his health when he astral projected but in some instances the risk was worth the reward. And it was definitely worth the risk if it meant he could watch his brothers back like older brothers was supposed to. And if he was honest with himself he wondered if maybe Ryan just didn't miss their bond as much as he did.


Ryan had his own thoughts haunting him as he slipped into the office and sat down behind the lone desk. He put the flashdrive into the desktop computer and started searching through the files for anything suspicious.


His mind however was filled with flashbacks of his brother's convulsing body after their last encounter together ended with Jake in a medically induced coma for a week. After that nearly fatal incident, Ryan had distanced himself from their shared abilities. He stopped going to the institute, and eventually stopped their shared dreams altogether.


Ryan let out a frustrated sigh and was about to give up when a file grabbed his attention. It read: PROJECT MENTALITE. Before he could open it his brother appeared at the table and told him to get out, and just as soon disappeared. Ryan quickly copied the file to the flashdrive and hurried for the door. He was about to open the door when he heard his brother's voice in his head telling him to stay put for five minutes and then to leave the building asap.


Jake, who had been keeping an eye outside the office, saw Dr Chambers approach from his right. The doctor was hurriedly walking towards his office. He knew his brother would be caught, so thinking quickly he astral projected on the other side of the approaching doctor. Mason sensed someone behind him and turning around he froze. Jake stared at him blankly and after a minute turned around slowly and then just as slowly walked towards the therapy area, further into the building. He hoped his brother would take the time to slip out unseen.


Ryan stared at his stubbornly slow ticking watch and tapped it to make sure it wasn't broken. Five minutes couldnt take that long, right? He was worried about what his brother might do as a distraction to get Dr Chambers away from his office.


But he also knew it was only Jake that could get him out of this predicament of his own making.


Ryan felt the sensation in his brain, and marveled at the familiar sense of belonging it brought. He knew his brother was using his ability and decided that five minutes was an estimate given. Ryan peeked around the door and saw Jake slowly turn around and just as slowly walk, all the while Dr Chambers was speaking to his back in a tone you would use on an invilid.


The young man was torn between following the doctor (and his brother) as they headed deeper into the building and making his get away.


Before he could make a decision either way he saw his brothers back stiffen, the next moment he started to seize and then Jake disappeared before their eyes.


Mason and Ryan both gasped, turning around, Dr Chambers saw the younger man's ashen face, a stricken look on his face. Before the doctor could say anything Ryan had turned around and ran to the exit.


As Ryan jumped into his car, memories of his brothers lifeless body, hooked to countless

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