» Fantasy » Forbidden Love, D M Broadfield [best romance ebooks .TXT] 📗

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hair from my face. She cradled me and rocked me slowly as she stroked my back.
It reminded me of when I was a young girl and she used to cradle me when I woke from a nightmare, but this dream felt far worse than any dream I had before.
“It’s ok baby...breath...that’s it,” she said I complied the best I could “what happened?” she asked in a soothing calm voice.
I was still unable to talk I lowered my head on her shoulder and sobbed, I still felt a sense of abandonment, I grieved for my wolf I wanted to make sure he was ok, yet I knew it was a dream.
My mother ordered Gareth back to bed; he nodded with agreement casting one look of concern over me before he left my room.
My father spoke slowly and in calming way
“Baby, was it the white wolf?”
Shocked I looked up. “What? How did you know?” I stammered.
The earlier argument seemed so far aware now as if it never happened all I could see was the deep concern in his eyes.
He frowned and looked even more stressed as he answered “a few people on the council have had the same premonition baby, it wasn’t a nightmare”
I froze so this was something from the future, I had premonitions before but never so intense, usually they were something trivial, never a life and death moment.
“But it was my death also,” I replied so quietly it was almost a whisper
“I know baby, I saw it too,” my mother said as she slowly stroked my back, she looked down at me her wide eyes couldn’t hide the fear from me.
I felt so confused by it all, but then I realised for the first time, not only did I see my death, but also Yas was a Were wolf, and that his death I also witnessed.
I began to cry again, not because of the thought of myself dying, but that of Yas I didn’t want to think that this was a possibility of his impending death, I should have been distraught knowing I was in love with were wolf but I wasn’t, it was losing him that I was terrified of.
My father knelt down by my knees and rubbed my knees.
“Baby, don’t worry, just because so many of us had the premonition, doesn’t mean it will happen, we can prevent this,” I knew he was just trying to pacify me.
“I won’t let anything happen to you baby,” my mother spoke with strong conviction
“Is this why you were all so angry about Yas?”I asked.
Even though I knew the answer instantly, I sat up on my bed, I don’t know why but I felt a sense of anger.
I noticed that my father looked up to my mother and they both looked at each other as if they was having a conversation in their heads, my mother nodded and my dad took a deep breath as he sat up next to me on my other side.
“Yes baby, we have known for a long time about Yas, and that he is a wolf, that’s why I flipped out the way I did, I’m so sorry baby.” He explained his voice was almost a whisper.
So everyone knew Yas was a wolf yet I didn’t
“Does he know what we are?” I asked, suddenly I felt panicked what if he didn’t want me if he knew I was a Vampire.
The way I felt about him would never change, them last moments we had last night under the shelter where he confessed his love for me filled my heart, and how could I abandon him. My heart broke with the idea of going back to being strangers, I knew then I couldn’t.
“No baby, he doesn’t know, but his mother strongly suspects us,” my mother answered this time. My father looked away towards the window, he seemed in deep thought, I could tell he was about to say something I wasn’t going to want to hear.
“What are you hiding from me, dad?” I asked as I pulled away from my mother’s arms, as she tried to comfort me, it was obvious they were hiding something.
“Ok baby, calm down ok, just, we saw this coming, we know that if you continue to see Yas, this,” he was struggling with the words, I could see the pain in his eyes, “if you continue to see Yas, then the premonition will....happen,”
He looked down at his hands, they were fisted on his lap, I have never seen my father scared before, and even though I should share the same feeling of fear about my likely death , all I could feel was anger, there was no way I could walk away from Yas, especially now.
I knew if I voiced my thoughts it would end up in a row, so I just nodded with agreement. I didn’t want to carry on the discussion, I was angry everyone knew everything before I did, I was angry that they kept this from as if I was a stupid child unable to make rational decisions for myself, this was my life my future and most importantly my soul mate.
“I think I need to be alone,” I said, hoping they would leave me.
“Are you sure you don’t want to talk about it baby?” my mother seemed surprised about my request and her face was full of concern.
“What’s there to discuss mother, no disrespect, but you guys have had, what, weeks to come to terms with this, I’ve had what mere minutes, I need to be on my own, and I need to think this through.” I answered with an acid tone.
I didn’t want to snap at them but I was infuriated by them at the moment.
“Baby, I can’t let you see Yas again, do you understand, I won’t lose you like that, I still stand by my decision, and you are forbidden to see Yas again!” my father snapped at me in a bitter tone, his face was starting to change colour from the soft pale white to deep pink as his temper rose.
“Now honey, calm down, we can discuss this in the morning, I think Carrie-ann is right, we should leave her be for a while, let her think things through...come on,” my mother said as she stood up and reached for my father’s hand.
I could tell by her face she was in agreement with my father, but she also knew the more he pushed me into a corner I was more like to rebel.
My father rose from my bed giving me one long glance before he nodded and walked out my room.
“Try and get some rest Carrie, things will work out for the better, you’ll see.” She said as she kissed me softly on my head, she then turned and walked swiftly out my room shutting the door behind her.
I laid down back on my bed and stared out the window, I realised that the white wolf I had been secretly stalking was Yas, now I understood what he meant when he said he passed by my house daily.
Even though I couldn’t sense him in his wolf form, my subconscious must of known and that’s why I was strangely comforted by his howl.
Now I was panicking about how I was going to tell Yas I was a vampire, did he already suspect it because of his mother? Would he still want me like I wanted him?
I didn’t know how I was going to approach the subject, but I needed to tell him before we got any more serious.
The one thing I was worried about was if we decided it didn’t matter and that our love would be strong enough, then what, purebloods and Were beasts were suppose to stick to their own species, never in any of histories had there been a couple like us, I don’t even know if we are compatible and what about the consequences of us.
I knew the council will condemn our relationship, so maybe we would have to run away, leave Port Townsend, start a new somewhere different.
I felt my heart break at the thought of leaving my family, but the loss of my soul mate hurt more, I knew they would be angry and hurt by my actions, but I knew I would one day contact them and maybe one day me and Yas would be accepted.
First I had to speak to Yas, I was thinking way too far ahead, I needed to be sure he still would want me when he discovers I am part of his natural enemy, would he still love me.
I fell back to sleep worrying and with images of Yas saying good bye.

Chapter 5 – Confessions

I woke up later than I expected, I rushed my shower and dressed quickly, I planned to rush to school and confront Yas, he needed to know, we both needed to know one way or the other.
I decided if he didn’t want me I was going to leave Port Townsend anyway. In the premonition it was my scent that lead the part bloods to Yas, so if I got far away he would be safe regardless and that was more important than whether or not he wanted to be with me. I couldn’t function if I knew my existence caused his violent and vicious death.
I headed downstairs to grab a glass of blood, I noticed there must have been a late night delivery as the fridge was full of new blood bags, I grabbed one and pierced the bag and fill a sauce pan and put it on the hob on low heat.
Father had fixed the worked top, and the microwave that I broken yesterday had been removed from the kitchen, no doubt thrown out with the garbage.
I stirred the blood in the pan, trying to stop it from congealing, this was always a problem warming blood up by the hob, but I still couldn’t drink cold blood like Gareth.
As I was stirring I wondered whether my supplementary diet would bother Yas, no doubt it would, it’s one of the hugest disgusts the humans have about us Vampires, the fact that we drink blood.
I checked the temperature and was satisfied it was ok, I grabbed my glass and poured the warmed blood into it as my father walked into the kitchen.
He was still in his dressing gown and he didn’t look as though he slept a wink last night, his hair was all over the place and his dark burgundy eyes looked tired and shadowed from lack of sleep and worry.
I said a brief good morning as I sipped my drink, he nodded and grabbed some bread out the bread bin and popped them in the toaster as he switched on the coffee machine.
His face was still full of concern and worry, and then he turned and leaned against the counter as he spoke to me “Carrie, I spoke to the council last night about my fears for your safety, they have agreed with my decision to pull you out of school, there is no longer the need to keep up the pretence, your safety is top priority,”
I choked on my drink as I took the words in, he took me out of PTH without even discussing this with me, and did he seriously think I wouldn’t take special precautions after last night’s nightmare.
“Dad, do you think I would take unnecessary risks, knowing what I know now?”
“Baby, I know you better than yourself, I have watched you grow, since the day you were born, and I can see that you’re in love with this, this Yas!”

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