» Fantasy » Forbidden Love, D M Broadfield [best romance ebooks .TXT] 📗

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rinsed the cold water over my face and soothing my tired and blushed cheeks, when I heard my mobile vibrate in the next room. Confused to who would be sending me a text, I walked back to my room drying my face on the way.
I lifted the door back up and swiftly fixed the hinges, it wasn’t perfect but it would do for now, I needed privacy from preying eyes and ears.
I turned and picked up my phone and read the text message, it was off Yas asking if it was ok if he could phone me. My heart stuttered with excitement, at least he wasn’t scared off and I desperately needed to hear a kind voice, and I realised in that second it was Yas I needed.
I didn’t text him back instead I called him, I hit return call on my mobile and waited impatiently for his answer, I didn’t have to wait long, the second ring and he answered his superb tenor voice greeted me on the other end.
“Carrie, I’m so glad you called, are you ok?” he asked in a rush, I could tell he was relieved to get my call.
“Hi Yas, yes... I’m ok, don’t worry, I just had to leave early I couldn’t handle Gareth,” I explained.
“When I heard you walked out the school Carrie, I was worried sick, I didn’t know where you would have gone, I didn’t know whether you would still want to see me. I don’t want to come between you and your family Carrie,” again he spoke in a rushed way; I could almost hear his heart break at the thought of me choosing to ignore him.
“Yas, I want to be with you, I have from the very first moment I saw you that morning on my first day at school, don’t you remember?”
He laughed and sighed in relief “of course I remember I still have the bruise,”
“Can you sneak out?” he added
“Ermm yeah sure, where do you want to meet?” I asked.
I have to admit I was slightly thrilled at the idea of sneaking out to meet Yas.
“How about... Chetzemoka Park? By the small bridge?”
“Yeah I know it, I’ll meet you there in five minutes ok?”
“Sure, see you there.” Then the phone line was dead.
I quickly applied some make up, and changed my clothes into more suitable style for the weather.
I grabbed my thick coat out my wardrobe, and I locked my bedroom door and I turned my stereo on and turned the volume down to low mellow back ground noise in case anyone try to disturb me while I was absent from my room.
I turned and climbed out my bedroom window pushing it shut slightly so I could get back when I returned. Silently I jumped from my window sill, down to my side of our front garden; I paused for a few seconds to check to see if anyone had noticed. Happy that no one had I sprinted as fast as I could in the shadows to the park.
I slowed down once the bridge came into view and walked in a normal humans pace.
I leaned against the dark wooden bridge, I was dripping wet the rain was coming down really heavy I wanted to find shelter, but I wanted to wait for Yas.
After a few minutes I heard heavy footsteps running up to me, my heart raced as I turned and saw Yas, his long hair was soaked and sticking to his face, he looked wonderful, his cheeks were slightly flushed from the run.
As he approached me his smiled reached his eyes, he grabbed me and swung me round in a bear hug, I giggled as he kissed me my cheeks repeatedly
“I’m so glad you made it!” he said excitedly. I laughed “would I let you down?” I asked
He looked down and stared at me again, deep into my eyes, and I looked up to meet his stare, the rain poured down over my face yet I never blinked I was scared of missing a moment his beautiful blue eyes.
He leaned even closer, concentrating deeply into my eyes, and then his eyes closed as his lips met mine. I couldn’t control my actions; I thrust my hands through his wet hair and wrapped my body around him as our tongues danced. I never felt anything like it before, our bodies fitted together.
I felt our hearts race as our months moved in synchronisation and our tongues danced, he tasted like nothing I have ever imagined before. Gasping as he released me, and I stumbled I struggled to capture my breath, Yas seemed to struggle to.
“We need to find shelter before you catch your death,” he whispered, all I could do was nod and let him lead me to the small gathering of trees on the far side. I could smell the salty air from the neighbouring beaches as we came into the shelter of the tall thick trees. Most of the trees had lost their leaves due to the winter season, but they were so close together the formed a natural woven roof covering us for the first winter storm.
I leaned against a tree I could feel the rough bark through my coat as I leant back. Yas looked at me; his image was perfect his muscles seemed to stand out more through his wet clothes even more so than I ever noticed before.
He moved slowly like a predator after his prey as in he moved into me again.
I noticed his scent was more potent when he was wet, just him being so close sent a thrill down my spine and my heart swell with an excitement I had never felt before.
“Carrie since the day you ran into me literally... you changed my world; all I can ever think about is you, I'm drawn to you, it’s almost like your soul calls to me”
The way my heart swelled with them words that he spoke I knew in an instant he was being honest and speaking from his soul.
“Yas, I didn’t think you felt the same way, I too feel that way,” I said with a smile. We couldn’t speak anymore words, I felt the urge to kiss him again, he must have felt the same way because our lips instantly met and we fell back into the passion of the kiss.


Chapter 4 -Premonition

I snuck home swiftly and managed to get back in before anyone noticed I was gone.
I decided to have a shower, as I was soaked through from the rain but I didn’t want to lose Yas’s scent off my clothes. I ran myself a shower, and stepped in, I didn’t realise how cold I must have been the water felt so hot on my skin, I closed my eyes as I tilted my face up to the spray from the shower. I was imagining Yas’s lips on my neck, and the good bye kiss he gave me when I left and his promise of ringing me first thing in the morning.
My heart tightened with the images of Yas, and the way the water felt as it ran down my back reminded me of his tender touches and then it hit me. I was more than in love with Yas and he was with me, I found my soul mate. That’s why I couldn’t read his thoughts that’s why our mutual attraction was so strong we had a bond we both felt it, and that’s when I realised no one will ever will stop us being together ever.
I quickly finished my shower and dried my hair, I dressed in my pyjamas and climbed into bed and I grabbed my phone and text Yas, “good night, I love you.” I typed and sent it with a kiss, almost instantly I received a text back from saying “good night baby, can’t wait till tomorrow, love you too.”
I smiled and rolled over into my bed and stared at my phoned till the light died out and I fell asleep with a smile on my face.
I knew I was dreaming, yet I couldn’t wake myself, I was walking along the wooden bridge in Chetzemoka Park, the same bridge where I met Yas earlier, but it felt different, not as if I was waiting excitingly for my lover but more like an impending doom, an impossible fight, that I knew I couldn’t win, as if I knew I was going to die.
It was early evening, the sun was just setting and the air felt damp from an earlier rain shower, the leaves were full in the tree’s and I could hear them rustling above me, I could hear small animals scurrying past, and the occasional hoot from an owl in the distance.
It must have been early spring as the air felt slightly warmer than this afternoon, not that it helped me with my feelings of dread.
I tried to grab the last bit of warmth from the setting sun; the chill in the air wasn’t just from the weather it was more to do with the feelings of dread I felt, my fear was confirmed when all went silent, the animals that I was just listening to seem to disappear. No more hoots or scurrying footsteps, just a deadly silence, just the noise from the trees as they softly danced in the breeze.
I began shaking with fear, the darkness seemed to descend over me as if someone was dimming the lights, and I sensed that I wasn’t alone.
I could smell the stench of body odour mixed with dry stale blood, several types blending with the acidy smell, with an added fresh scent of blood, slightly sweeter but it was tainted with the mixed bloods and body odour it made my stomach turn.
It seemed closer than I expected, the rancid smell seemed to get stronger as the chilly breeze hit me, it made my stomach turn even more, my mouth watered as if I was going to vomit.
I never thought death had such a rancid smell, I always imagined it would be sweeter not so revolting.
I spun around suddenly when hearing slight shuffling of feet and paws behind me, my heart leapt into my throat and my blood ran cold as I saw several things simultaneously at once. Yas’s mother screaming in rage, pulling at her long black hair shaking as she was standing in the shelter where Yas and I confessed our love, the fear in her eyes scared me beyond belief, and two part bloods covered in blood, their faces were almost completely concealed by the matted blood.
Their clothes were torn and filthy, I found the source of the retched smell it was them, one female and one male. they flashed an evil smile at each other as they turned quickly and looked towards a huge bush about twenty feet away from me, I followed their stare and that’s when I felt my heart accelerate and my blood turned to ice.
My heart it felt as though it came to a sudden stop as if someone froze it.
It was the most horrific image I saw; it was that of my white wolf.
He came out limping and yelping, staggering slowly, walking unevenly, His white soft fur was matted together in blood, his back leg seemed twisted in an unnatural way, he held it up, unable to put any weight on to it, and his breathing scared me more than anything else, it was ragged and uneven.
I gasped as I saw the bastards attacked my wolf again. The two part bloods charged at him, they moved so quickly he had no chance to escape, they knocked him to the ground, the sounds of

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