» Fantasy » Forbidden Love, D M Broadfield [best romance ebooks .TXT] 📗

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effects of the day, and really starting to crave the need for blood.
I didn’t expect to see Yas waiting outside the school for me, standing there leaning up the wall, my breath caught, and I admit, my heart pathetically raced, as he waved for me to join him.
As I approached a native Indian woman pulled up next to him and ordered him to get in the car, she was beautiful, her hair matched Yas’s long and deep black, her eyes were a deep chocolate brown but the way she gazed at me, chilled me to the bone. It was a warning, a warning that confused me; did she know what I was?
Yas gave her a confused look but obeyed and climbed in the car, he waved to me shyly, trying to hide his embarrassment. Struck by confusion I waved pathetically back as I watched them drive off at a dangerously speed.
Finally able to move I headed home, I almost growled as I saw Gareth drive pass with one of the cheerleaders from my gym class.
I walked home slightly quicker than I normally would have, with the confusion from Yas’s mother’s reaction and my temper at my brother.
Walking through the doors of my new home, I headed to the front room where I found my mother.
“How was your first day honey?”
She was sitting reading one of her favourite books, as I slumped down next to her on the long sofa.
“Don’t even go there mother,” I sighed.
“Aww it couldn’t have been that bad?” she answered half concerned half lost in her book.
“No mother it was fine honest...I’m going to grab something to eat and crack on with my coursework, ok?” she just nodded drawn back into her book, I lightly kissed her on her head and left the room.
Grabbing a light snack and a small glass of blood, I headed to my room. I sat at my laptop for a few hours drafting Mr Dean’s project, before I got bored and gave up.
I decided to call it a night, changing into my pyjamas I went to bed. Another night of howling wind and pelting rain I soon fell asleep.


Chapter 3 - Mutual Attraction

The following months passed by so quickly, and my family and I had settled well in Port Townsend, amazingly well too.
Gareth had got into the football team alongside the gorgeous Yas; and my father was now part of the Council.
The council contain immortals and Were beasts alike; they set the rules for us all to abide by. They are very much like the police, basically they are to us all, and if we broke any of the rules they will and without mercy punish us.
Father was very low down in the ranks he is relative young in comparison to the higher ranking council members, he is only 632 years old, and no one is quite sure how old the highest ranking member is.
He had literally taken his role very seriously, he constantly rambled on about new decisions the council members were discussing and possible changes in the law, one I found myself cringing at was “arranged marriage,” Father was thrilled with this and they are all seriously considering it, to help the immortal population. Like we needed it.
Mother was lost in her writing; her latest novel was taking up all her time, so she were literally lost in her fantasy world, only rising from her work when she was desperately thirsty for blood.
It isn’t the first time she has done this, she usually gets lost in her own little fantasy‘s for months on end, something Gareth and I got used to over the years.
I settled in ok, I still hadn’t made any friends, but I was comfortable with that.
I although had discovered my favourite spots in the local area, and when I needed alone time, the pebble beach that overlooked the tall lighthouse was my favourite of all. So secluded and full of wildlife and that’s where I could be found most days, when I was just out to daydream.
Yas still stared at me from time to time; sometimes I wasn’t sure it was me staring first or him. Gareth never told me the details in the end, but if Yas did find me attractive he hadn’t done anything to make me aware of that. So I gave up on the delusion, so I just enjoyed my physical attraction for him from a distance.


I just woken up and glanced out my window, the morning was better in some ways, the weather was overcast and the radio weather forecaster said that showers are to be expected on and off for most of the day. So I was glad I didn’t have to dress up so much to cover me from the winter sun.
On the negative side it was a school day still, so dragging myself out of bed I showered and dressed ready for the dreaded day ahead. I decided to wear my short sleeve white t-shirt and new light blue hipster jeans.
I knew the weather was turning wintry but we don’t feel the cold like humans do so I didn’t have to wrap us to much, mother bought me the jeans apparently these are the latest craze. My mother had purchased them for me while she was out shopping one of the few times she escaped her little study to shop. Trying to make it easier for me to fit in no doubt. Strangely they did feel rather comfortable, not like the usual denim, they were slightly softer.
Grabbing my light weight jacket, I headed for school.
Gareth agreed to drop me off a few streets away because of the weather, which was a surprise for me, that he would even consider it. Normally he would make me walk to school, but the last few weeks he had been dropping me off a few streets away, very out of character for him.
He drove like a mad man, well its nothing new he always drove a little chaotic, and I was glad when he finally dropped me off on Garfield Street.
I walked briskly to school; with the stupid illusion the quicker I got there the quicker it will be over.
Finally walking through the school corridors I strolled into my first lesson as the bell rung.
I was happy to see that Yas, looking just as luscious has he always been. Today he was wearing a short sleeve black v-neck top, and loose black faded jeans, I found my mouth watering at his image.
Tearing my eyes from him, I took a seat at my now usual spots, the back of the class, furthest anyway from the windows. Nobody usually sits with me, and this suited me fine, I can normally deter people from me with just a glance, and after spending two months already at this high school, nobody apart from Yas, was I even remotely interested in saying more than two words to.
I settled down, draping my jacket over my chair and reaching down to my bag to grab my pad and pen, when I heard the chair next to mine being dragged out. I was shocked when I looked up and saw Yas had joined me at my desk.
“Do you mind if I join you?” he asked.
Like the pathetic fool I was I just nodded and shrugged my shoulders in a casual way trying to hide the fact I were unable to speak, as his superb tenor voice knocked me speechless.
He smiled and sat down leaning back casually, he smelt wonderful, masculine, with a scent of aftershave and hint of soap. I pulled myself together and placed my books on the desk.
I tried to concentrate on what was written on the board at the front of the class, but I was totally conscious of Yas, he was staring at me.
“Ermm... is there something wrong?” I asked secretly hoping I never had pen of my face of something in between my teeth
“Oh no, sorry, it’s’re... so amazingly beautiful, Carrie,” he replied in a seductive tone.
I instantly blushed, I felt the blood rush to my pale white cheeks, and felt my stomach flip with excitement, he found me attractive and it made my heart melt.
“Oh...thank you,” I replied shyly, I couldn’t hide my smile and the excitement in my eyes. He returned an awesome smile flashing his perfected formed white glistening teeth.
I was about to try and say something just as complimenting and intelligent, but I was interrupted by our supply teacher as she strolled in, carrying a huge bag full of text books. She had been in PTH for the past three weeks, and she seemed to always be staring at me as if expecting something.
She looked around mid forty, she was unnaturally attractive, tall, dark brunette with a hint of greying hair, what got me most was her eyes; they had a slight purple colouration, I knew she was a pureblood.
I was slightly taken back that Port Townsend high school had purebloods working on their staff payroll; father hadn’t mentioned that the council were allocating jobs in the schools. Normally we Vampires worked in less crowed facilities, I wondered if they even knew what she was.
Mrs Demurray approached our desk, “Miss Smyth, Mr. Springwater, I think it be wise if you two were separated whilst in my class, Mr. Springwater you can seat over there by Shanice.” She indicated to the front of the class.
I was appalled and instantly raged I stood up to confront her “what do you mean by separating us? What have we done that’s caused you to have reasons to be concerned?” I was infuriated by her, why was she being so disrespectful.
Yas stood up next to me towering over us both; Mrs. Demurray took a step back as she felt panicked “good!” I thought so she should.
What surprised me was that Yas grabbed his bag and turned to me and said “don’t worry Carrie, it’s not you she has the problem with, I will chat to you after class,” he turned and headed over to sit by shanice giving Mrs. Demurray a cold glare as he passed her.
The evil woman continued the lesson; I tried not to glance over in Yas’s direction throughout the whole hour.
I was surprised that Yas wanted to speak me after class, since his mother pulled up and demanded he get into the car he hadn’t said anything to me since.
I wasn’t sure whether it was the drone of her voice or the fact I was made to feel like a 12 year old separated for no reason at all, but the lesson seemed to drag on.
Finally at last, the bell rang and I was up out my seat and almost out the door when I heard the teacher call me back.
“Miss Smyth, may I have a word with you please?”
Sighing I turned round and watched the class walk past me, Yas stared at me and nodded as he also walked past me and left. Finally alone she leant against her desk folding her hands together and rested them on her lap as she began her lecture
“Carrie-Ann, as a member of the pureblood council and a member of the staff here, it’s my duty to officially inform you about dating and possible cross breeding.”
I was absolutely gob smacked, what the hell “I beg your pardon?” I said shocked “how did you get from a couple of students sitting together for class, into the subject of cross breeding? Are you insane? And do you make it a habit going round cornering purebloods about their dating

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