» Fantasy » Forbidden Love, D M Broadfield [best romance ebooks .TXT] 📗

Book online «Forbidden Love, D M Broadfield [best romance ebooks .TXT] 📗». Author D M Broadfield

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walked ahead to the kitchen to grab a quick drink of A positive.
One of the many flaws of being a Vampire is the constant need of fresh blood, unlike the stories that you may have read, we can live off a normal human diet, and we only need blood to help regenerate our dying cells from exposure to the sun and other elements.
Our scientists have been trying to uncover an antidote to a genetic disability for centuries but as of yet nothing has been substantial, so we have to use blood of our closest living relatives humans. Up till roughly 50 years ago we had to hunt and drink the blood from the jugular vein of the humans, but now due to modern science and interventions we now order the blood in bulk load from designated blood banks situated throughout the world.
“Wow - mom, look at this!” I called back to her.
The kitchen was very modern considering the exterior of the house looked old, long dark granite work tops , and chrome appliances surrounded the room, with white tiled walls and grey slated floors it was gorgeous.
“Oh my,” my mother sighed “it’s wonderful.”
I nodded with agreement as I opened the tall fridge and grabbed one of the blood bags hanging from the top shelf. Gareth and my father entered as I pulled a glass from one of the nearby cupboards, piecing the blood bag with one of my long manicured nails.
I filled my glass and warmed it up a touch in the microwave.
“Eww Gareth!” I complained as I watched him grab a bag and savagely bite into it, “that’s disgusting can’t you drink out of a glass like civilized people do!”
I dry heaved at the thought of cold blood rushing down my throat, how Gareth could drink like that was beyond me.
“Beats nuked blood any day,” he replied with a shrug of his large shoulders, flashing his blood soaked fangs.
“Well I don’t know how any of you can function on that bagged stuff, I prefer the thrill of the hunt and it tastes sweeter too!” father added with a sinister grin.
Mother sighed and joined me with a glass of A positive. “ok everyone, calm down, we not going to start the discussion of eating habits again, and Gareth you will start drinking from glass, I brought you up better than that young man!” mother ordered as she lightly tapped him on the back of his head.
“Well I’m off out to check the neighbourhood, and see what’s going on in the area,” Gareth said as he discarded his now empty blood bag on the kitchen side.
Before mother or father could call him back to help unpack his belongings, he shot out the room almost instantaneously we heard the front door slam shut.
Another one of the many advantages of being a pureblood Vampire is the speed, 0-60mph in less than a second and Gareth loved the chance to show off exactly how fast he was. Every time manual labour was involved he would race off out at lightning speed.
“Looks like it’s just us again,” I sighed as I turned towards my parents.
My mother had her hands on her hips shaking her head as she looked where Gareth had just departed, and my father was swilling the glasses we had just used.
“That’s ok baby, you go and check your room out – it’s the one at the back overlooking the park, me and your mother will sort things out down here,” father told me I agreed and left my parents to unpack downstairs.
Climbing the huge white carpeted stairs I found my room, it was a good size and had its own bathroom that lead off to the door on the right. Lightly painted lilac walls and cream chiffon curtains, and lightly varnished wooden floors it was very feminine and delicate looking.
Glad to see my bed already made up I sat down and looked around. My bed was central in the room and my computer table complete with lap top were already set up in the far corner; built in mirrored wardrobes reflected the room back and somehow made it look longer and more lighter.
I could see the Chetzemoka Park clearly from my window as father had mentioned and I could faintly see the long beach’s past the edges of the park.
I opened my windows wide letting the summer breeze air my room, the scents of pine and the salt sea air were refreshing, deeply inhaling I decided to unpack my boxes.


Finally putting the last of my belongings and clothes away father knocked my door.
“All settled baby?” he asked as he popped his head round my door.
“Yes, I think so, just going to grab a bite to eat then head off to bed.” I replied.
“Ermm, baby, I need to talk you about something,” he said as walked slowly through my door, this didn’t sound promising.
Deciding to sit on the bed, I was sure that whatever he were about to tell me I wasn’t going to approve
“Ok shoot,” I replied
“Well one of the conditions of living in Port Townsend was that we all try and maintain an almost human way of life,”
“Eh huh, go on,”
He looked uncomfortable and was shifting his feet, staring away from me with a guilty expression on his face; I was definitely not going to like this news.
“Ok, I enrolled you and Gareth into the high school here.” he said in an apologetic rush.
Automatically I stood up from my bed and started pacing my room.
“Oh! Dad, why! I have been there done that god knows how many times! Can’t I just get a job here somewhere? Anywhere, just don’t make me do high school again!” I pleaded.
I couldn’t believe he had done this to me; high school was the only hell of my existence, in all the high schools I have ever attended not one did I fit in and belong. I was always the outcast and not because of my genetic status but because I was a geek as everyone seemed to refer to me as.
“Sorry baby, but all purebloods under 220 years old, have to attend school, it’s a new council rule,” he explained
“Well that’s pathetic! I could teach the students of all ages here, what with the amount of schooling I have had, and I can’t believe they have changed the rules ... yet again I may add!”I argued.
But I knew by the expression on his face that I was not going to win this argument, and I knew Gareth wouldn’t be thrilled about the idea either.
“Baby come on, help your old man out here, this may be the only place left for us all to finally settle down in for good, we all have to make sacrifices baby, go will only have to do a year at the most... Do it for me? Please,” he pleaded.
How could I deny my father’s wishes? For as long as I could remember my parents went out their way to protect Gareth and me. So reluctantly I accepted.
“Fine, when do I have to start?” I asked, giving in with a high exasperated sigh as I sat back down on my bed.
“Not till the 8th of September, just over a week from tomorrow, you have a few days to yourselves before you have to go,”
Great just over a week left of freedom before I have to endure the torture of mortal adolescents, great, I sighed and rose off the bed, not at all happy with this new revelation.
I decided to put it to the back of my mind for now and enjoy the last few days of freedom at least.
“Ok dad... Let’s go eat before Gareth returns and eats us out of house and home,”
Dad laughed and threw his arm around my shoulder and kissing me softly on the top of my head as we left my room.
“Thank you baby,” he said as we left my room.


After dinner and listening to Gareth kick off with the news about our new high school I decided to escape to the confines of my new room to have an early night.
All the travelling over the past few days really drained me out, I grab another glass of blood then I headed up to my room.
After a few sips of my drink I began to feel much better and alert. Too late to go out, and just not mellow enough to sleep I decided to read.
I dimed my lights and turn on my stereo, turning the volume down to just a low back ground noise I changed into my comfy pyjamas and grabbed one of my favourite books and lay on my stomach to read.
I was just getting past chapter 10 when I heard an eerie howl from the park, the hairs on my body stood on end, and my fangs automatically descended over my lower lip as I hissed in defence, my whole body shook.
Gareth appeared in my room instantly.
Gareth could always sense when I felt scared or threaten we thought it were a Vampire thing, but we discovered it was more to do with being twins.
We also had the advantage of hearing peoples thoughts, but we self taught ourselves to block it from each other. But every time I felt scared my brother Gareth was always at my side.
“What the hell was that?” I stammered
“Werewolves, I met a few, and apparently the wolves like to hang out around these parts,” he explained.
More howling continued from several different locations around the park. I hadn’t had the pleasure of meeting any Were beasts up till now. Unlike us they never evolved, legends said that their genetics were mixed by ancient advanced scientists trying to create an ultimate fighting machine.
They had mixed genes from humans and a few predatory animals to create Were beasts. But their creations backed fired and resulted in them being savagely killing their very own creations.
Luckily for us over the centuries they became more civilised, and were able to mix well with mortals.
Realising for the first time, that I will most likely be meeting some I shivered.
“Don’t worry Carrie,” Gareth said as he sat on my bed and hugged me.
I am ashamed to admit I am an absolute disgrace to pureblood history, I am the most unlikely person to fight and I hate all forms of violence, it’s one of the reasons I was eager to change to bagged blood instead of the alternative.
“I met a few earlier, they seem nice enough,” Gareth said in a nonchalant manner
“What were they like? - Are the stories true?” I asked.
Stories claimed that they were very untrustworthy and went around in packs, like their animal relatives, fighting to the death if they felt threaten.
“Nahh, nothing like the stories mom and dad told us to scare us, believe me, I have seen scarier tom cats, nahh they pretty much like us, the girls are hotter though,” he trailed off.
Even so I was more confused by his description and the one our parents told us.
The howling ceased and Gareth stood up and looked out my window.
The night sky was clear and the moon was glowing in the sky causing a ray of shadows that danced across the street below from the tall ferns that shadowed our home.
“Sounds like they are planning a hunt ,” Gareth said as he turned to leave the room , “maybe I will join them

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