» Fantasy » Forbidden Love, D M Broadfield [best romance ebooks .TXT] 📗

Book online «Forbidden Love, D M Broadfield [best romance ebooks .TXT] 📗». Author D M Broadfield

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we approached the school main office I turned to him and said “well it was very nice to meet you Yas, I have to go get my lesson schedule so I will see you around?” I hoped that I didn’t seem too eager when I added the last bit in; I would definitely want to see more of this Yas
“No problem, I will catch you later,” he answered as he strolled off up the long corridors.
I knocked the office door, and I heard a deep male voice telling me to enter. Sitting behind a huge counter was a tall grey haired man, his half moon spectacles were resting on his nose as he raised his head up from his book, and smiled warmly at me.
The room wasn’t very large and few posters and announcements were pinned to the walls and a sad looking little cactus plant was on the counter beside a pile of letters.
As I approached the counter I couldn’t suppress a cringe of disgust, as I heard his thoughts
“Wow, they are getting hotter each year!”
Interrupting his thoughts I introduced myself
“Hello my name is Carrie-Ann Smyth; my father enrolled me here just a little over a week ago,”
“Oh yes that’s right, I’m Mr. Davies the attendance officer here at Port Townsend high, anything you need just ask” he answered.
I heard his thoughts as he remembered my father, pleased that my father had made an impression on him, he soon took a back track with his X-rated thoughts about me.
My father had quite a subtle way of embedding fear into those who he disliked just by his posture.
“I have your time table here, and the list of your teachers, if you hang on one moment I will get you your copy of the student hand book,”
“Ok thank you,” I replied.
I watched him walk off to the room on the right, must be some sort of stock room. Standing there I filled in all the medical forms and emergency contact details in lightning speed, I tend to do these mundane assignments at a slightly quicker rate.
After a few moments he returned, smiling as he passed me a slightly dusty copy, he wished me well as I left.
I walked to my first class, social studies with a Mr. Dean; luckily I arrived on time, sitting furthest away from the big huge windows , I sat by the endless book cases.
On the white board, already written out was today’s assignment.
Country Profile Portfolio: create a summary of all key information about your country.
I was instantly relived; at least it was something relevantly fresh.
The classroom started to fill, up as the bell rang for first class to begin. To my surprise Yas strolled in, his back pack was slung casually over his shoulder, he wasn’t wearing his jacket now, and his dark navy blue t-shirt was clung to his perfectly sculptured body, his muscles flexed as he approached his desk.
He must have sensed me staring as he looked over, he met my stare and nodded; I pathetically blushed again, thankful that the teacher walked in and diverted the class attention.
I went over and briefly introduced myself to Mr. Dean before returning to my seat.
Mr Dean went on to explain the coursework details as I zoned out, and I had already done similar projects before so I knew what was expected.
I couldn’t keep my eyes of Yas something about him called to me, I gave up trying to read his thoughts there was something there blocking me, it sounded like an unturned radio frequency, I had never came across anything like it before, and it was giving me a headache. Maybe that’s why I was so drawn to him, I have been able to hear and manipulate everyone I have ever met, even my own parents when I was younger. Something I soon learnt to block, especially Gareth’s thoughts when we went through puberty, not a pleasant place to be.
I couldn’t help but notice that Yas seemed just as bored as I were; he seemed to be doodling in his exercise book, as his neighbour lent over to take notes.
He glanced over and offered a shy smile, his perfectly white teeth gleamed invitingly; I returned the smile and turn to face Mr. Dean as he approached my desk.
“Miss Smyth, please repeat the outline of the task I have set, starting with the last sentence I said...for the whole class to hear,” he said rudely and sarcastically. I instantly took a disliking to him, he had a rather harsh tone, and his thoughts were that he was superior to everyone else. Deciding to toy with the little fool I answered smugly “Which part sir? The part where you discussed economy? Or what are major imports and exports, big industries? Weaknesses? Or you would you prefer me to discuss the insights on international conflicts, what issues are currently at the forefront of public discussion, War, Regional conflict and tension? Or the inner conflict you have knowing that a student on her first day as more understanding on this subject than yourself and the fact you get off on causing unnecessary tension on your students?”
Realising that I went a little over board I stopped, damn I hated the fact I let my temper rule me, but I have always hated pompous teachers that were nowhere near educated enough to teach the subjects they are paid to teach.
I watched as his face turned beetroot red, and gulped as I heard his thoughts, the feeling was mutual; he hated me as much as I did him.
“Miss Smyth, do you have trouble understanding simple instructions? Or just English language in general?”
“I have perfect understanding of the language sir! And I can fully appreciate your little instructions, the last sentence you spoke to me was, ‘Each person should complete two of the following four sections’!”
“Very well, now eyes forward,” he said as he turned to walk from me.
Yas stuck his thumb up at me and stifling a laugh, I grinned back and turn to face Mr. Dean as he continued to drool on.
The bell finally rung, I packed my books away as quick as I could without causing unwanted attention , I stood up to leave when I found Yas by my side.
He giggled as he said “I loved the way you knocked him down a peg a two,”
“Thanks, he deserved it,” I returned a smile.
“What lesson do you have next?” he asked.
I loved the way he stared at my eyes, as if he were feeling the same attraction I was, looking down at my schedule I noticed it was gym.
“Gym,” I sighed.
It wasn’t that I hated gym, I just found it hard to keep at a humans pace, something I still haven’t perfected , the more I concentrate on my movements the more I messed up .
“Me too, can I walk with you?”
“Yeah sure,” I replied thrilled that he wanted to.
I couldn’t help noticed the other students staring at us, I occasionally pick through their thoughts shocked by their feelings
“What the hell does she see in him?”
“Wow he is so hot, what as she got that I haven’t?”
“Just look at his blue eyes so damn lush!”
Most of the students stopped and stared, a lot of the boys felt threaten by Yas height and how muscular he was, I hadn’t felt the threat but saying that I was blinded by his beauty and masculinity.
Arriving at the gym he smiled “see you in there.”
I nodded in response and headed for the girls changing rooms.
I walked through the cloud of intoxicating perfume and hair spray as I watched cheerleaders dress down in the gym gear. I could hardly breath , the bitter taste held to my taste buds and filled my lungs, coughing I moved to the furthest corner away from the vain blonde beauties. I changed quickly into my gym gear, and headed out to the gym.
The smell of the polished floor was just as overwhelming as the hairspray and perfume, with just a slight hint of male perspiration from the previous class, the joys of over sensitive sense of smell.
The teacher instructed us all to sit at the benches; luckily today’s lesson wasn’t going to be so daunting.
All the girls were on one side and the boys of the other. To even refer to Gareth and Yas as ‘boy’ seemed ludicrous as they both strolled in they clearly towered over the rest.
Gareth blatantly ignored me as usual , I projected a thought at him “you arrogant pig!”, just as my thoughts left my head Yas stared over in my direction , confused as if he had heard my exact thought. I swiftly turned away to face the teacher as he informed us of this year’s tasks, goals and schedules.
To say I was confused by Yas’s reaction was clearly an understatement, and I had to admit I were shocked to see my brother and him getting on so well.
The teacher put up a list for those that wanted to try out for the football team, Gareth and Yas high fived each other I just rolled my eyes.
No way was I willing to participate in any group activities with the girls in my gym class, all of them vain and bitchy and I couldn’t help suppress a hint of jealousy over their thoughts over Yas.
After 20 minutes of listening to the gym teacher go on about different activities and criteria for the year he instructed us all to do ten laps of the gym before heading off to the showers.
“Finally,” I thought relived that the hour was passing quickly.
Just as I was running on my 8th lap, Gareth slowed down for me, knowing he wasn’t going to speak to me in front of the blonde cheer leaders, I read his thoughts “looks like you have a admirer sis, I'm shocked!” his thoughts were teasing and rather smug.
“What you on about?” I replied I was a little confused I hadn’t really spoken to anyone.
“Yas you fool!” he answered.
I instantly stopped, a gangly girl ran into me and I turned to apologise, she gave me and nasty look as she rubbed her arm and carried on.
Gareth just shook his head and continued jogging on.
“Wait, what did he say?” I shouted at him through my thoughts.
“Oh wait, ermm, can’t remember,” he answered and laughed as he ran off.
Damn I knew he had no intentions of telling me, he would find it funny making me squirm.
“Fine!” I thought he can play that game all he likes, but he will be playing alone.
The lesson finally ended, I glanced over at Yas and he left the gym heading towards the boys locker rooms, amazed he was glancing my way. I waved and turned to walk into the girls changing rooms when I slammed straight into the door frame. The crowd behind me erupted into howls of laughter, Yas looked a little concerned, I gestured that I was ok as my face flamed red with embarrassment he seemed reassured and we both left at the same time.
The rest of the day just seemed to drag, a couple of guys tried to speak to me, whom I ignored instantly after I read their minds. Teenage boys and their hormones, they should be tagged with a health warning. I was glad when the final bell of the day rang.
Grabbing my bag I headed home, I started to feel the
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