» Fantasy » Forbidden Love, D M Broadfield [best romance ebooks .TXT] 📗

Book online «Forbidden Love, D M Broadfield [best romance ebooks .TXT] 📗». Author D M Broadfield

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their bodies colliding with him sent a chill down my spine, and it was like huge boulders smashing together.
They laughed as they battered his body, and bit and tore at his back and neck, the blood was horrendous as so was the howls of pain, I was frozen to the spot, unable to move, my temper rising.
It was literally seconds, but it felt like everything was going in slow motion, and then finally as though they were bored they ripped his throat open and drank his blood.
The male was toying and poking his long dirty blood stained fingers into the wolf’s injuries as he drank, they didn’t even seem aware that Yas’s mother and myself was there. We both were staring in horror and disbelief as they drank from his open wounds.
Yas’s mother screamed she wasn’t close enough to save the wolf. I couldn’t understand why she never ran in fear before they turned on her.
The male part blood lifted his head as her scream distracted him from his feed.
My stomach turned as I saw the white wolf’s flesh hanging from his mouth, a slow wide smile stretched over his face as he looked at her, instantly I knew she was going to be next, he spat the piece of flesh to the ground and stood up in a crouch ready to pounce at her.
I tried to run to her to protect her, but my body felt sluggish, my legs still unable to move properly, it was like I was running through thick wet sand I couldn’t get any traction. I tried calling to her to run, but she acted as though she never acknowledge me, and then I witnessed something that terrified me more than the part bloods. I watched her body shake with temper, and then she leapt at the male one of the part bloods changing mid flight into the black wolf I had seen so many times.
Her eyes were pitch black, soulless, but full of rage, she sprinted at the male, his face filled with a taunting grin, he seemed to want the battle, the blood lust was driving him crazy, he crouched down further ready to pounce at her.
I wanted to close my eyes, no way could she take on a part blood, their strength, their speed and they psychotic tendencies she wouldn’t stand a chance.
I screamed again “NOOOO!” but the sound was drowned by the taunted laughter of the female.
In one leap she knocked the part blood male flying they rolled across the grass I heard the screams of pain as she tore through his flesh, the sound of crushing and snapping bones as she battered his bloody body, her growls and teeth slamming together, then the female part blood, stood up as she too watched the battle, her crazed eyes danced with the movements of the fight.
Her body moving in a low crouch, as if she was eager to join the blood bath, she never took her eyes off the wolf.
Just when the male screamed so loud that I had cover my ears to drain out the sound of his pain. When he fell silent, she crouched down further to attack the black wolf while her body was turned away.
My fangs fully descended in rage, no way was I going to let them attack her while back was turned especially.
I felt the adrenalin rush through my blood, melting the cold ice it felt earlier, now it burned, and burning blood full of anger raced through my body, fuelling my rage.
The scene before me went a tinted red as my eyes changed to my natural vampire shade of red, all the objects around me were now deep burgundy’s and red shades.
I turned to look at my wolf that lay dying, his blood looked black, my rage finally peeked as I saw the white wolf shudder and sigh one last breath as he died.
A piecing scream was echoed off the tree tops, the remaining birds that surrounded me fled in fear, only then did I realise it was my scream.
Yas’s mother paused as she seemed to sense the white wolf had left us in spirit, she threw her head back and let out a howl of pain and lost.
I had not ever felt anything like it before, I wanted to wake up now the feeling an ultimate lost caused gaping hole in my heart, and the pain in my chest was unbelievable as though I had been staked through the heart with a red hot poker.
I turned to the female part blood and I didn’t even think about what I was going to do, I knew I wasn’t violent but the rage I felt was too potent and strong for me to fight, I needed to release my wrath on this evil bitch.
I attacked without thought to the last standing part blood just as she leapt at the black wolf; I met her head on in mid air, knocking her to the ground.
The sound of our collision ricocheted of the surrounding trees, it sounded like a deep roar of thunder.
I rolled with her as she tried to wrap her arms around me, I was stronger I pinned her down, using my knees pushing them deep within her rib cage, I felt them break under the force and then I bit into her throat tearing her flesh away. I could taste the bitterness of her warm blood as it soaked my lips and chin, hearing the sound of her flesh as I ripped it from her throat.
The way her blood squirted out from her jugular vein as it hit me in the face, felt a warm blood shower over my face as it ran down towards my neck.
Her gurgled screams made me even angrier I wanted her dead.
The sound of her skin as my fangs pieced her; it was like a stretching pop. I bit her arms as she tried to hit me, biting through the muscle and hitting the bone, I felt her bones crush under the force of my jaw as I continued to bite her arm and shoulders, tearing her arm from the socket, the click, twist and pop, echoed throughout the park she screamed in pain.
I spat it out on the ground next to us and I turned and snapped her other arm back, forcing it out of its socket, when I released it, it just swung lifeless at her side, only held together by her thin greying skin.
The feel of my teeth as their puncture her skin as I tore at her face felt like I was biting into rubber it was such a satisfying feeling to feel it the puncture and tear.
Her screams were deafening as I continued to pound and tear at her body, I never thought my rage was going to subside; every breath she breathed was like it was fuelling my temper.
I never felt such rage or hatred in my life and each punch I smashed into her body wasn’t satisfying enough for me, I wanted to pulverise her into nothing, no matter how hard I hit, how deep I bit into her it wasn’t bringing my wolf back, and I wanted her to feel each wound before I took her lastly worthless breath.
I turned for a brief second to make sure Yas’s mother was fine, I had a brief moment of relief when I noticed she had already demolished what was left of the other part blood, puddles of blood and body parts surrounded her and the part bloods torso lay on the floor in a disgusting heap, her long black fur was dripping with blood and her eyes were on me staring, they were still dark and soulless and full of hatred whether for me or the she part blood I couldn’t tell.
Finally I snapped the neck of the one I was holding, has if it was nothing more than a dried out twig, I could feel her neck bones grind together as I twisted them and then hearing the satisfying click as they snapped, she was instantly limp in my arms.
I threw her away from me with disgust and with so much force she smacked across the nearest tree, her back snapped as she almost folded round the tree and the sound was so high pitched the birds scattered from the tree tops a distance away, her body fell to the floor where she lay in a dishevelled heap, blood forming shallow puddles at her side.
Everywhere was silent for a few seconds all you could hear were the short deep ragged breaths coming from the black wolf and myself, and then the worst pain I ever felt exploded in my chest.
I couldn’t breathe as I felt the hot tears rinse my face of the bitch’s blood, I fell to my knees next to the white wolf, whose body was stained dark black from his blood and the dirt from the woods where he was attacked.
His beautiful face was battered and I could just see his perfect blue crystal eyes, but they were lifeless.
Crying I held him tightly to my chest and started rocking, my hands stroked the damp wet fur of his coat, but it felt wrong, he was no longer warm and soft he was cold and wet and almost solid.
I have never felt such abandonment in my existence, the white wolf died along with my heart.
I continued to cradle him rocking him slowly in my arms, whispering prayers in between my sobs, wishing I could turn back time and bring him back, wishing I could see him run past my window once more.
I didn’t notice Yas’s mother approaching in her human form until she stood before me and my wolf towering over us, with pure hatred in her eyes.
Her clothes were torn and hanging loosely, her hands were fisted as if she was planning to attack, she was still covered in blood and dirt, and her hair messed up and fell in knots covered in congealing blood and mud.
What scared me most were her eyes, they were still black and soulless and the hatred in them as she stared at me was beyond anything I had ever seen before.
Her mouth was covered in drying blood and she looked down on me with so much hatred I couldn’t hide the fear that ran down my spine and straight to the tips of my toes, as if someone a pour ice blood through my veins.
She turned at me and ripped the wolf from my arms, with such force I didn’t think it was possible, she was stronger than I anticipated.
She cradled him in her arms as if he was an infant, yet he was so huge against her small figure, she turned to me and looked even more evil than the part bloods “This is your entirely fault!” she shouted with bitter venom in her voice “I told you to stay away from him, it was your rotten scent that lead them to my boy, now he is gone!” and with that she dropped my wolf at her feet and lunged from my throat.


I instantly woke up, I screamed so loud that my parents and Gareth all simultaneously ran into my room, my fathers and Gareth’s fangs had descended and their fists were raise as if prepared for battle.
I couldn’t breathe my heart was racing and I was shaking so much, I reached for my neck , checking to make sure it was still in one piece, even when I found it was it didn’t give me a sense of relief.
My mother looked panic stricken as she sat on the edge of my bed, stroking the loose strands of my

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