» Fantasy » Forbidden Love, D M Broadfield [best romance ebooks .TXT] 📗

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status and choice of partner?”
I couldn’t believe the woman and her nerve
“Carrie-Ann it’s not a lecture, I’m just looking out for your well being and that of our society, I don’t want you to make a it prevention,” she continued in a pompous tone
“Prevention, I call it bloody insanity! Now if that’s all I’m going to be late for my next lesson!” I shouted not caring who she was; all I knew was this woman was ludicrously insane.
I stormed out the class without giving her chance to respond, how she dare make assumptions from, well nothing. Poor Yas he really thought it was something to do with him, how can I explain it’s not him; it’s me, the fact that I am a vampire.
I didn’t realise Yas was waiting around the corner for me and I almost stumbled into him again.
“Oh, hi!” I said, shocked by the look of concern on his face.
“Are you ok? You look as though you have been crying your eyes look slightly bloodshot,” he asked me as he reached up and cupped my face. His hands felt warm, and they felt as though they belonged there, his face was full of concern.
I knew instantly what the problem was, my eyes must be changing shade to their most natural colour red, most likely due to the fact my temper went with Miss Dulally (my new nickname for her).
“No, I'm fine, just my eyes feel a little sore I will be ok,”
I tried to change the subject I didn’t want him to be too aware of my eyes, “have you been waiting for me?” I continued, trying to be as nonchalant as possible.
“Yes...Well, as long as you’re sure,” he answered; he wasn’t convinced I could tell by the way he looked at me.
“Yes, honestly I’m fine, Miss Dulally just gave me a lecture course work and this year’s targets,” I explained.
I hoped that the little white lie would be enough, he laughed at my new nickname I gave the witch.
As his gorgeous laugh settled he began to look really nervous, he nervously raked his hands through his long black hair as he stared at me, I tried once more to read his thoughts but again as I expected nothing.
“So... I was wondering would you like to hang out sometime?” he nervously asked, my heart skipped
“I would love to!”I answered quickly. I was unable to hide the excitement in my voice; he smiled and draped his arm around my shoulders as he led me outside for our first break.
We sat on the on the damp grass behind the tall trees that faced the baseball field, he past me a coke as he sat down
“Ermm... I wanted to apologise for my mother from before you know, she was in one of her little moods,” he said quietly looking away as If he was ashamed.
It wasn’t as if I had forgotten the incident but the fact he brought it up confirmed my deep inner thoughts that it were obviously about me.
“It’s ok, my mother gets the same now and again, but if you don’t mind, what was it about? Was it me?” I replied, I wondered if he would tell me.
He looked away again, as if he didn’t want to answer, “No honestly, it was more to do with me than you,” he looked back at me and smiled
“So where do you want to go?” he instantly changed the subject and that was fine with me I didn’t really want to have it confirmed that his mother didn’t like me for whatever reason she had.
“What about the pizza factory down by the harbour? I heard it’s pretty good.” I suggested.
I was kind of glad of the subject change, I didn’t like seeing him nervous, I loved his smile and the way his eyes held mine as if he was searching my soul and loving what he found there.
“Yeah, sure...ok Friday? About 7 o’clock?” he replied.
“Cool, here’s my number, in case you change your mind,” I said as I scribbled my mobile number on a scrap of paper I pulled off the back of my pad.
As I handed him the piece of paper our hands brushed, I loved the feel of his soft skin, it shouldn’t be so soft, and it was like warm silk. I blushed when he glanced up smiling at me, my heart skipped as I looked into his usual blue eyes.
“I wouldn’t hold your breath Carrie, I have no intentions of cancelling, I have been meaning to ask you out for a while, but I just didn’t know how you would react, I seen you with the other guys in our year,”
It was true, most of the lads in PTH had asked me out over the last month or so, but I refused and I think now looking back I may have been a tad harsh with some.
“Yas, you’re the only one I have been interested in,” I said trying to prove to him how much he appealed to me.
His beaming smile was wonderful, I couldn’t help but smile back, he draped his long arm around my shoulders and I leant my head on his shoulder as we watched the baseball team practice.
I inhaled deeply, Yas’s scent was wonderful, and I was savouring the scent so I could revisit the memory of the smell later when I would be without him.
We both sat there for what seemed like hours, I felt so comfortable around him and I gave up trying to read his mind completely.
After a while we had to leave for our next class. He stood up and helped me up by holding my hand he leant down and picked up my bag, then as He turned to me I expected him to do something there was a glint in his eyes, but the bell rang for next lesson interrupting his move.
He shook his head and then he cupped my face and leaned in and kiss me softly on my pale cheek, my skin tingled where his soft lips kissed me, and I blushed, my heart raced dangerously high.
He laughed at my reaction and pulled away as he put his arm around my waist as he led me back into the school. My heart was racing the whole time.
We walked in silence down the corridors, which were filled with students rushing to the next lessons; I reached the door to my next class when Yas pulled me in to his arms.
He kissed me softly but passionately on the lips, the feelings I felt at the moment were new and so overwhelming I had never ever been kissed like this before. His taste was wonderful, and I could barely taste the lingering cherry cola he drank back at the fields.
The heat from his body as mine pressed against his sent my heart into mini spasms. He released me slowly and I saw that we shared the same excitement in each other’s eyes as mine reflected back in his stare.
In the corner of my vision I saw Gareth watching me, his face was furious I heard him hiss all the way across the corridor.
I pulled up quick out of Yas’s arms, as he too turned to the sound of Gareth as he came storming over in a slightly faster speed than a human.
I noticed that Yas’s eyebrows dipped down as he acknowledged Gareth’s speed and temper, and I was well aware of the students and teachers alike turned to see what the commotion was.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing? Get your hands off her!” Gareth yelled.
His eyes were almost on the verge of changing colour and his face was bright red in temper, he didn’t seem to care about the huge audience that was gathering.
“Gareth, who do you think you are? This has nothing to do with you, just back off!” I shouted back. What was with everyone today, it seemed as though I was getting verbally attacked by everyone, me and Yas have a mutual attraction, but what was it to do with anyone else?
Yas held his arms up and stood in between me and Gareth as if he was protecting me. “Gareth, mate, I like Carrie, I thought you knew?” Yas said politely but firmly, he never argued back as I expected
“Yeah well so does half of the school, yet I don’t see any of them trying their sleazy moves out, only you and I thought you also understood she’s off limits MATE!” Gareth replied sarcastically and pushed Yas across the corridor.
Yas straightened himself out, for a split second I thought I saw some sort of animal characteristics in his eyes.
Through temper his jaw clench shut and his hands fisted next to his side as if he was refraining himself from losing it.
I stood frozen to the spot, I was sure they were both about to fight, and I knew deep down no matter how big and muscular Yas was he was no match for Gareth. Gareth would be able to him kill in a heartbeat because of his immortal strength.
I couldn’t believe Gareth had gone so far.
Yas straightened himself up and shook his head he seemed if he was trying to clear his thoughts and calm himself, I relax a touch.
“I’m not going to fight you Gareth!” he said looking directly at Gareth.
Gareth laughed at the idea that Yas could fight him at any chance.
Yas turned to me and looked deep in my eyes “I will ring you later Carrie.” Yas said, he voice was almost a whisper, he looked down in shame as he spoke, I watched him walk away, I felt a lump rise in my throat as my temper rose. Gareth was still laughing at Yas as he walked away.
I was so angry I could feel my fangs trying to descend; I pushed Gareth and yelled “just get out my life! It’s nothing do with you who I date, do I ever butt into your affairs?”I never gave him chance to argue back, I stormed out the school as fast as I could without drawing too much attention.


I didn’t want to go home yet, I had to calm down, and so I went to my favourite spot the beach, which overlooks the lighthouse.
I sat on the damp pebbles as I watched the sky darkening in the distance. The rain that was forecast looked as though it were definitely on its way.
I sighed to myself as I thought about Gareth and Miss Dulally’s comments today, in my whole existence I have never been attracted to anyone, never dated, not even flirted, so why is everyone jumping on the bandwagon.
I watched as the eagles flew low over the sea, and in the distance I could see the small Orca whales.
There were a small family of them. The locals regularly took boat rides to watch and study the small family.
I watched how peaceful they were and closely they played together the scene was lovely and calming. but not enough.
No matter how hard I tried to calm down I couldn’t shake my temper I knew my eyes were probably red by now, so I removed my sunglasses from my inside pocket and popped them on, it would probably be best if I headed home. Especially how the weather was changing I could sense a storm in the area and the animals around me were acting strange. Whether it was down to me being the most highly predator on the beach or the storm that was brewing in I wasn’t sure.
I got up and brushed

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