» Fantasy » Forbidden Love, D M Broadfield [best romance ebooks .TXT] 📗

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and teach them a few tricks,” he added as he walked out.
As Gareth left, I jumped out the bed to glance out my window, I couldn’t see much across the park even with my excellent vision, and I could however hear the shuffling of paws and sniffing loud enough as if it were in the room with me.
Moving away from the window I turned my lights off, as I headed for my bed I caught the glimpse of a beautiful white wolf racing around the edge of the park heading for the beach, he was accompanied by another wolf that was the darkest shade of black I had ever seen. They raced so fast that it became a blur and they were soon out of my line of sight.
Feeling like a fool, for being jumpy and nervous I surrendered to my bed, pulling my thick quilt over my head and falling asleep listening to the wind and the leaves on the trees outside my window.


Chapter 2 – High school

The following week was spent sightseeing; the pebble beach’s were immaculate. Logs of drift wood lay scatter across the beach, I could easily imagine being lost in another world here, the area seemed untouched in some parts and I savoured the images and smells.
It was the first place I have ever lived where I felt comfortable, it had such a homely atmosphere and the people were mostly polite and charming, which surprised me immensely.
Normally new comers were never really made welcome in small towns and cities, well not by my previous experience, yet here in Port Townsend the regulars made me feel part of the town and in such a short space of time.
It was Sunday night; Gareth was off out somewhere again, he makes friends way quicker than anyone I know. Mother and father had gone out for a meal down on Water Street that overlooks the bays, at night with the harbour lights and the sound of the waves it felt like a romantic setting for a movie.
Grabbing a snack from the kitchen I headed to my room, I sat at my window staring over at the park, it didn’t seem as foreboding as it did on my first day, I managed to fit in a quick walk around it earlier in the week , it’s quite remarkable, beautiful and calm.
I was secretly hoping to catch a glimpse of the wolves, especially the white one, I saw him a few times speed past the park , he ran with such fluency it was almost as if he was gliding.
Unfortunately the weather took a turn for the worst, the rain poured down so heavily it was as though I were looking through a waterfall instead of my window.
I gave up my little quest and went to bed, hoping that tomorrow went by quickly as possible.
I fell asleep listening to the heavy rain drops pelting against my windows, in the distance I heard the deep howling of a wolf, strangely I felt comforted and drifted off into a deep dreamless sleep.


The neon green lights flashed September the 8th annoyingly from my alarm clock, sighing I got up and looked out my window.
The sky was dull grey, and cloudy, blocking most of the sun rays, relived that I didn’t have to wrap up to much I went for a shower.
Washing my hair in with my favourite apple scented shampoo, I started to unwind. I had been dreading this day all week; the hot shower massaged my skin and sent chills down my spine.
I soon finished even though I didn’t want to, I stepped out of my shower and dried myself off, trying my hardest not to think about school.

Finally showered and dressed and wearing my new high school sweatshirt that my father sarcastically bought for Gareth and me, I headed for the kitchen.
I poured myself a bowl of cereal and a huge pint glass of blood.
I don’t normally have to consume huge amounts on a daily basis, but under the circumstances I thought it would be wise to make sure I had enough, especially being around humans.
Mother was still in bed, she was up most of the night working on her new novel, and father had left early, off out sightseeing, so the house was relatively quiet.
Just as I was half way through my cereal, Gareth strolled in.
“I feel like a complete idiot,” he complained as he bit into a fresh bag of blood.
“I agree, I hope this year goes fast,” I replied ignoring his filthy eating habits.
Neither of us was used to wearing casual clothes, and we both hated denim, the rough feel of it across our sensitive skins. The only time we dressed down were when we had to blend in with our human cousins.
“How are you getting to school?” I noticed how he turned from me when he asked. He usually does this at the beginning of an argument.
“Same way as you I presume, why?” I was a little confused to why he was asking we always went to school together.
“Huh huh, you’re going to have to find another way sis... I’m taking the Jeep and I can’t have you ruining my rep before I even walk through the doors!” he informed me in a pompous tone.
Gareth has always been a little egotistic, especially when it came to the opposite sex, he would have disowned me over a century ago if he could, me being the boring geek and him the charming sex god as he would always claim us to be.
“What!” I yelled “well love you too!” not hiding the anger in my voice
“Look, I’m not being funny, just... yeah I have my eyes on a few of the girls here and I don’t want them thinking your my girlfriend or something ok?”
I shouldn’t have been so surprised with his reasons, when it came to women he would have abandoned his parents in the dead of night if he thought it would prevent him from pulling.
“Fine, I‘ll walk, but you will have no problem ruining your rep, you vain fool!” slamming my bowl into the sink and quickly finishing the last of my drink, I stormed out the room Grabbing my bag as I rushed out the house without even saying bye.
Deciding it were probably best to calm down and walk at a slow humans pace I headed to the school.
Pulling the hood of my sweater up and popping on my sunglasses to try and block as much of the sun out as possible.
I headed towards Jackson Street which runs along the park near our home. Sticking to the shadows I tried to calm down, knowing that if I remained hyped up and angry I were likely to bite someone’s head off... literally.
Lost in my mood and listening to my iPod I wasn’t really concentrating on what was ahead of me. Blocking out the groans and moans of passing people’s thoughts I were just focusing on the lyrics of the song I was listening to when I collided with him.
He had the most beautiful face I had ever seen in all my two hundred plus years, mesmerised by his beauty I lost my thoughts completely.
So tall he must have been close to 6’8 towering over my pathetic 5’5 with long straight black hair, it was so smooth looking, like silk, crying out to be stroked. What grasped my attention so much were his sapphire blue eyes, for a Native American Indian it was unusual, and his skin was so pale too.
He grabbed my arm as I stumbled into him
“I’m really sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was ok?” I apologised, stammering like a love struck teenager, which I have never been so definitely the first.
He laughed at my lame apology “Sure I'm cool,” he answered in a voice that would make ice melt instantly along with my over pulsating heart. I straightened myself out and turned my iPod off, as he said “I haven’t seen you round here before,” he spoke with a questioning tone,
“No, my family and I only just moved here about a week ago, my name is Carrie-Ann nice to bump into you,” I said as I held my hand out to shake his.
He shook my hand and smiled down at me, I instantly blushed, my heart continued to race and I hadn’t realised I was still holding onto his hand until he said “Ermm can I have my hand back please, and my name is Yas,”
Feeling like a complete idiot I released his firm but soft skinned hand.
“So you’re heading off to P T H?” he asked me as we started to walk ahead
“Ermm yes, how did you know?”I replied a little taken back.
I couldn’t hear his thoughts which shocked me and worried me a little.
He laughed, “Your sweatshirt” the sound of his laugh made my heart melt even more.
I had never been attracted to anyone before, no one made me quiver inside as he did.
“Oh yeah,” I answered stupidly how could I have forgotten I was wearing it, blushing again because of my idiocy I asked “do you go there to?”
“Yeah started about six months ago, when my mother and I moved into the area, it’s not so bad,”
“Cool,” I answered, hoping that a suitable teenaged response, he just laughed
“So where did you move from?” I continued his voice was so deep and smooth I wanted to hear more
“Oh just some small town you haven’t probably heard of it, Centralia,” he answered “Centralia? The ghost town?”
Shocked that anyone still lived there; the numbers in population had dwindled dramatically over the years. Officials had said the cause was due to a mine fire that had been burning since 1962; in fact it was due to part bloods slaughtering the residents. Luckily part of the pureblood council had strong gifts, mind manipulation. And they managed to block memories of the incidents. I was used to holding little random facts in my mind, the sufferings of living with a father that thrived on geographical facts.
“Ermm yeah that’s the one, what about you where did you move from?” he asked.
I had noticed he seemed reluctant to speak any more about his previous home town and I wasn’t about to start prying, knowing exactly what it was like to keep your identity hidden.
“Florence, Wisconsin,” I answered
“I hear it’s nice up there why did you move here?” he continued questioning me. Not prepared to go into details I used the same story my whole family were prepped with.
“My parents are fiction writers, so we constantly move from town to town, it’s a way they find their inspiration, like music artists travelling on the road, it’s pretty much similar,”
I explained the best I could, I tried to be nonchalant about it all, and I could tell he was thinking about that.
Frustrated that I couldn’t hear his thoughts I try to change the subject.
“So what do us youth of Port Townsend do for fun around here?”
“I wouldn’t know I don’t tend to hang out much, maybe just around the park and beach,” he replied in a standoffish sort of way. Shocked by his tone, and the way he stared at me in a frustrated manner, almost probing. I replied “cool,” and let the subject drop
We continued all the way to the school in silence, I was lost for words I couldn’t get over his beauty, and I didn’t want to make myself look even more foolish.
Just before

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