» Fantasy » Forbidden Love, D M Broadfield [best romance ebooks .TXT] 📗

Book online «Forbidden Love, D M Broadfield [best romance ebooks .TXT] 📗». Author D M Broadfield

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plate, moving the cauliflower around with my fork.
I hadn’t noticed my family had stopped talking , I glanced up to see them all staring at me with concern and pain in their eyes, all except Gareth, his face portrayed that of anger.
I didn’t realise I was crying. My father looked ill at ease and I tried to sort myself out, so much for false pretences.
“You’re pathetic! It’s just a dog! Maybe we should get her a Shih Tzu and be done with it!” Gareth yelled across the table.
“Don’t you understand Gareth, when an immortal finds their soul mate, everything changes, whether its 5 minutes of knowing them or longer. Your whole universe changes, instead of two souls , you become one, and when one splits as Yas has, you feel dismembered as if a part of you is dead, don’t you understand your sisters pain. I know Yas felt the same shift, his mother informed us.” My father explained in my defence.
“What a load of bull...” Gareth was interrupted by my mother as she shouted “Gareth go to your room NOW!” She was annoyed at his lack of sensitivity.
“No, I’ll go, I’m not hungry any more.” I never waited for an answer I just got up and left the room and headed for the kitchen.
I scrapped my plate and placed it in the dishwasher. I could hear the slight mumble of whispered conversation in the room I just left. A great opportunity to stock up on the blood, I wasn’t sure when I’d be able to get my next fix (pardon the definition).
I consumed four bags, feeling a little slushy and definitely full I bagged four more in a portable ice box, just small enough to fit in my back pack. I sped up to my room and shut my door. All I had to do now was wait.


I phoned the coach station that was situated on Harrison Street, some twenty minutes away from my home. I booked my coach tickets from Port Townsend to Hoodsport, the coach didn’t go all the way to Centralia, then a ticket from there to my final stopping point.
Relived the tickets were booked and ready, departure was thankfully at 4:00am, excellent timing. To kill time I decided to write a letter to my parents, explaining why I had left without a simple good bye. So I opened up word on my laptop and began typing.

Dear Mother & Father,
I am so sorry that I have broken your trust as well as your hearts, especially without saying a simple good bye, but I have to do this. I have to protect you all.
Try not to worry too much, I have a property that I have purchased, I’m sure I can make it home soon enough; I will send you all the details in time.
I want you both to understand that I love you both very much and I want to thank you for being the most wonderful parents anyone could wish for, and also putting up with me over all the years.
I love you both
Can you please pass on the attached latter to Tohopka for me.
Thank you x x x

I began typing Yas’s mother’s letter when I heard my family retiring to their bedrooms.
I swiftly minimized the office document and opened up my media player and selected mellow calming music to play.
I heard a pause at my door, I knew it was mother I could smell her lavender scented perfume.
She lightly tapped the door and popped her head from round.
“Are you ok baby?” she asked, her tone was almost a whisper.
“Yes, I’m fine; I’m just choosing some relaxing music to listen to as I unwind.”I replied. She smiled but I knew she wasn’t convinced.
“Ok honey, good night.” She blew me a kiss as she shut the door to.
Gareth was playing his metal music in his room, I recognized the band, as the song chewed at my heart, it was a new band from England Clowncorps, both Gareth and Yas had seemed too locked onto them. Just hearing the screaming lyrics of the song seem to portray how my heart was feeling.
I had to pull myself together as I would have succumbed to the pain and torment again and become a useless wreck.
I maximised the document I was typing Yas’s mother’s letter on and began writing again.

Dear Tohopka,
I know the last person you want to hear from is me, but I am writing to let you know I am leaving Port Townsend.
I know me being here it will draw the evil part bloods to town and the thought of them here and even worst if that dreaded premonition were to become true, well I just couldn’t live with that.
I am doing this not just for the people of Port Townsend, but more for the people I love and hold dear to my heart.
Yas I love more than anything, I need to protect him, even though he doesn’t want me, so me leaving is the only answer.
So please, if he gets in touch and I am sure he will, please reassure him that I love him and that I have left and that I don’t blame him or anything at all.
Good bye



Amazingly after three long hours all was quiet, I know had to check that they were asleep.
I let my mind wonder to check their thoughts, something mother had taught me to do; she used to lie there watching my dreams when I was little.
I was right, Gareth was dreaming about the new red headed cheerleader, which I swiftly slipped right out of. Mother was worrying about me, even in her dreams I invaded her like some retched disease. I felt guilty that I was having such a depressing effect on her.
I check fathers last, it was always harder to read his thoughts, it was only easier tonight because he was deeply asleep, but the effort still gave me a headache.
He was dreaming of regret, he regretted moving here and mo so I sensed that he deeply regretted not being able to protect me from the pain I was feeling.
My decision to leave seemed even more ideal by the second.


I dressed down as I planned to leave, trainers, jeans an old t-shirt and sweatshirt and my warm winter bomber jacket (not that I needed it). I grabbed my purse making sure I had plenty of cash and rechecking to make sure I had my ID and credit cards.
Satisfied I loaded the heavy (for a human) back pack on my back and leapt silently from my bedroom window. I sped round the front of the house and posted the letters addressed to my parents and Yas’s mother through the mail box, so they would receive them first thing.


There didn’t seem to be a moon tonight, the sky was completely overcast blocking the usual bright moon.
Not a soul in sight I raced at lightning speed to Harrison St. Time was of the essence I only had 15 minutes to get there.
Five minutes later and I arrived at the coach station. The exhaust fumes and the strong smell of diesel burnt my nostrils as I inhaled.
The ticket clerk was a very spotty overly eager hormonal teenage boy to say the least eagerly served me my tickets trying to make conversation, I simply cut him off with simple “thank you.” And walked away leaving the ginger headed boy drooling.
I made my way to the coach and boarded the huge bus, ignoring the stares of the other passengers, which weren’t many, not surprising this early in the morning. I made my way to the back of the bus and lowered the back to the floor behind my legs as I took my seat.
Finally comfortable I leaned my face against the cool window, as I waited for the coach to depart. Now I could think openingly and not have to worry about upsetting my family.
Thoughts of Yas and the future we could of had raced through my mind, perfect images I had saved of his face flash before me.
My thoughts were disrupted for a second as the coach began to move; at last I was on my way to solitary.
I return to my wondering thoughts of Yas and my family, imagining my father welcoming Yas into the family with open arms.
I must of let my imagination run wild because as the coach turned off Harrison Street I swore I saw my white wolf on the corner, staring directly at me as we passed by.
I shook my head to clear my mind as I swivelled back in my seat and took another look out the back window, definitely my imagination , there wasn’t any white wolf there now.
I turned back and re-laid my head against the window, my mind now blank as the bus continued its journey.
After a few moments later the coach came to a sudden stop, I almost bashed my face off the front head rest in front of me.
I heard the driver shout a line of profanities as I looked up to see what the commotion was about, when the driver opened the doors.
As soon as the doors opened my body acted strangely. It was almost if an electric charge of static ran over my body from tip to toe, and my heart swelled.
I couldn’t understand the reaction to my body, and it confused me that my body should react this way at all.
And that’s when I saw the answer. I heard my own intake of sudden brief and felt my tears overlap the edges of my eyes, as my heart pounded with joy and excitement.
Standing there as if a gift from god was Yas.

Chapter 7

I couldn’t believe my eyes; that he was standing there it felt as if I was hallucinating. His face filled with pain his jaw tight. His beautiful ocean blue eyes locked on mine if I was an anchor for him. Feeling the breath catching in my throat by his perfect image, god I wanted to cry.
“Excuse me, but we waiting to leave kid,” said the driver, yas turned to him nodded and strolled right up to me grabbing my bag and hand.
“You’re not going anywhere, at least not till we talk,” he said as he pulled me from the back of the coach. I just stumbled unable to talk I was to amazed that he was here, his warm soft hand in mine.
I walked awkwardly down the coach ignoring complaining passengers just completely focused on Yas, He held my hand as we stepped down from the steps of the coach the driver spoke and I barely understood his words.
“Will you be ok love?” he asked his voice full of concern, I nodded and he shut the doors with a sigh and started on his way.
I watched as the coached turned the corner and disappearing around the buildings, I took a deep breath and looked back at Yas, his eyes were clouded by tears, my heart bled at the sight I reached for his face taking it gently in my hands.
“Baby what is it?” I panicked I hate seeing him hurting and even though there was no physical evidence of pain I knew he was hurting it radiated of him with each of his torn breaths.
“You really were leaving?” his voice broken, not a question but a statement of fact, I dropped my hands and sat down on the kerb.
“Baby I had no choice, I need to leave if they are following my scent for whatever reason I need to leave

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