» Fantasy » Wet Eyes, Callie Catherine Brice [popular books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Wet Eyes, Callie Catherine Brice [popular books to read txt] 📗». Author Callie Catherine Brice

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am sorry Charlie. I did not know that it would be painful for a human.”
“You didn’t think that an electric bolt of magic transforming every bit and bone of his body wouldn’t hurt him?!”
“You didn’t seem to remember either. You willingly let go of him, letting me go on with my job.” He looked at me with a you-know-I’m-right look.
“Alright, whatever Nohrinn. You are still the one who actually did it you know.” I look at Ray resting like there is nothing better than sleep. “Damn. I bet that hurt so bad. Poor thing.”
Kallina walks in through the light with a man about my height. He has brown hair with a slight shade of gray growing. I stand in front of where Ray is laying.
“This is Ron. He was a doctor before he died. He lives in the Rocks. I told him our situation and he agreed to take a look at Ray.”
“Kallina, if we tell anymore people it’s going to get around the council.” I glare at her.
“Oh trust me, the council won’t be hearing from me.” Ron says putting out his hand to shake mine.
“How can I be so sure?” I give his hand a slight shake. “Charlie.” I said with a nod.
“Well Charlie, the council… they aren’t my biggest fans.”
“Ron fulfilled his duty and learned every step of his Eternal Form, the council asks him to look after the living and go back to the real world, but instead of going back to the real world he stayed here. They have been hunting him ever since.” Kallina says. “I knew his Warden.”
“Ah, Dr. Sager.” Nohrinn reaches his hand out for a shake. “It’s okay. Your secret is safe with me.” They shake hands.
“I didn’t expect to see you here.” Dr. Sager says with an uneasy tone.
“I have my own ways.” Nohrinn says.
“Now, Charlie, May I?” He says to me nodding at Ray. I move to the side, letting him get though. He puts his right hand on Ray’s head. “Wow, he is burning up. Nohrinn, can you show me exactly where you struck him?” Nohrinn leans in to Ray, lifting his shirt up to examine the area. I look at Kallina and we walk out of the wall of light and into the woods.
“It’s getting dark; he has been sleeping all day.” She says to me. I walk over to the fire pit. This was the first thing I ever built. “I know you are angry with me, but anyone that knows is in there right now. No one else. A doctor can be a lot of help to us because Ray will be training but with the sensitivity of a human being. He will get hurt a lot.”
I look at her easy dark eyes. “I can’t ever be mad at you. You have a point; it will be hard on him.” I put my hand out in front of me and a small strike of fire extends from my fingers and into the pit. “We need food. I have some rice in the cupboard but I’m running out. We need to go to Valbourne to get some more food and water for him.”
She laughs. “No. I don’t think it’s a good idea to go back to the main city, especially sense that is where the council is.” We walk through the grassy door and into my small vine house. I open the cupboard made of oak, and grab a bag of rice. On the left of the cupboard there was a small cabinet with a few pots and pans and some utensils that I bought from the city. I turn to the table in the middle of the room and picked up a cup and bowl. Kallina takes what I can’t carry and we walk out together toward the fire.
“They don’t know what’s going on. They know nothing about Ray… and wouldn’t it look weird if I didn’t come in for food every once in a while?” I say to her as we put everything on a small table built of oak wood in front of the fire. She sits on the stool watching me.
“Well, yeah, but they know you left. The council called you in for a meeting a while you were gone. I told them I would tell you about it… clearly you didn’t show up. That never happens... so they know you had to be somewhere. They even checked your house.”
“So if they see me they will want to talk to me.” I was waving the pot around like that indicated something and turned around to walk down the hill to a small creek a few yards away from the house. She follows picking up the cup with the utensils in it and the bowl.
“Did they ask you about me?” I kneel down and start to scoop water in the pot. Kallina hands me the bowl to wash.
“No. I think they know that if you were up to something I would be in on it too… and clearly I am.” She says kneeling down to wash the spoon and the cup. We pick everything up and walk back towards the fire. Nohrinn was now sitting in a chair in front of the burning flames. I set the pot full of water above the fire.
“Rice… again?” He says to me.
“I like it…” I say pouring the rice into the simmering water.
“You are going to get sick of it soon. If you are going to eat at least get vegetables or fruit.”
“It’s not like I need it Nohrinn.” I sit next to him on the stool.
“Ray will. Especially because he is going to go through training.” Says Kallina.
“Charlie.” Dr. Sager come out of the lighten dome. “He’s cooling off which is good. You might want to wait a few days before you start training so he can fully recover. He should wake up in a few hours. Would you like me to stay?”
“That would be great. Just to make sure everything is okay when he wakes up.” Kallina interrupts me but then gives me a look of apology. She leans in towards me and whispers “It’s for the best. Just for safety measures.”
“There was a small scar left on his body. It might go away but I’m not sure.” Dr. Sager says.
Nohrinn stands up. “May I see it?”
“Of course.” They both walk back into the lighten shelter. I stare at Kallina giving her a little smirk.
“What?” She asks. I start to walk back into the room for some spices; she fallows and asks again “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
I open the cupboard where the rice was and take out a small handmade bowl full of salt. “You like him…” I say with a smile.
“Who? Dr. Sager? Ron? No. He’s human.”
“Yeah mmhm.”
“I seriously don’t like him. Don’t start this teenaged googly eye crap with me. This is just business and it is good to have a doctor here. He worked with humans so he knows what he is doing.”
I stand there with the bowl in my hand and smile at her. “So what’s his story? You said he was hiding from the council because he didn’t want to go back to the real world.”
“He truly doesn’t. He hated his life and is much happier here. The council picks a chosen few to go back to the real world to look after the living, but didn’t. So he is on top of the councils list. He says hiding from them is like an adventure and its fun.” I grab a bowl full of fresh water sitting on the counter top and a few more empty bowls. We start walking back out to the boiling pot of rice. She takes the salt from me.
“He wanted to die?”
“No. He thought he was happy with his life but now that he has had this experience he doesn’t want to go back. That’s why we don’t let humans know about this until they die.” She gives me a look as she adds a pinch of salt to the water and then tastes it.
“What’s his form?”
“A Ram.” She says. I laugh at this. “Stop it. Ram’s are cool.”
“Yeah but the name is kind of funny.”
“Anyway, that’s why he lives in the Rocks.”
“So where is his Warden?” I take the pot off the fire and poor some of the rice into the separate bowls.
“Oh.” Her face drops. “He got caught helping Ron hide. If he didn’t turn himself in they would of captured Ron.”
“Oh wow.” I poor the fresh water into the cups. “That’s sad.”
“Wardens have strong connections to their humans. Especially after they have gone through the last lesson in training.” She looks at me. “Ron! Nohrinn!”
“I’ve noticed… I don’t know what I would do if you did that for me. I bet he is hurting a lot.”
“Yeah. Ron has been trying to find him but he always gets too close to getting caught and has to give up.” She looks down.
I let out a huge gasp.
“What?!” Kallina instantly gets her protective face on. “Are you okay? What is It Charlie?” The men start to come out.
“You’re in love with his warden!” She looks at me with shock as I give her a huge smile.
“Yummy, the town’s rice is always good.” Dr. Sager says sitting down on the ground. I sit on the chair and Kallina sits on the stool. Nohrinn grabs his bowl and goes back into the dome.
“What is he doing?” I ask Dr. Sager.
“He is really interested in the scar it left. It’s getting bigger as he heals.” He pops in a spoon full of rice.
“Whoa. That’s… weird.” I stand up and turn to the light just as Nohrinn comes back out.
“Charlie, he’s awake.”
I look at Kallina and she nods in permission. I half way run to Ray. I kneel down and my eyes meet his. He looks so tired and weak.
“Charlie.” Ray says with a smile. His throat sounds dry. He tries to sit up.
“No no. Lay back down. You need to relax.” I tell him as he lifts up his hand for mine. I put my fingers through his and kiss the back of his hand. Kallina walks in with a bowl of rice and water. “You need to drink and eat.”
“I’m so thirsty.” He takes the water and I pull his head up so he is able to drink.
“Hello Ray. Long time no see.” Kallina says as I help him move his body around so he can lean against the tree.”
“I’m sorry. I don’t recognize you.” Rays says then takes another drink of water.
“Ray this is Kallina. She is my Warden. Remember that wolf?”
“Oh, you’re the wolf.”
Kallina hands him the bowl of rice and a spoon.
“Thank you.” He says as Nohrinn and Dr. Sager come in.
“Nohrinn. I remember you.” Ray says with a chuckle.
“How are you doing Ray?”
“I’m just really hot and thirsty.” As he says this Dr. Sager puts his hand on his head.
“Your temperature has gone down a lot but is still high for a human. May I?” Dr. Sager lifts up his shirt to take a look at his scar. It is nothing I have ever seen before. The scar was just one thick line going from his chest to his right rib. Ray looks at it with shock. “It’s just a scar from the transformation. I’m not sure if
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