» Fantasy » Wet Eyes, Callie Catherine Brice [popular books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Wet Eyes, Callie Catherine Brice [popular books to read txt] 📗». Author Callie Catherine Brice

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hit the wet rock. We walked for a few minutes in silence. I still did not see Sager. After a moment of walking, Kallina turns a corner. I start to see some light. We start to enter an opening in the cave. As we all piled in my eyes widened astonished. There are two glowing figures in front of me. Bellow both was part of the cave coming out of the earth, like a stalagmite, one on the right to the back, the other more to the front on the left. At about stomach level the two stalagmites stopped and flattened out forming a base just big enough for the two figures. They are both floating slightly above the base. One of them, the one closer to the front, is purple and green. It was a four sided diamond, which I believe is called an octahedron. God damn geometry. It was turning on its axis to the right at a slow pace.
“This is the map of the Eternal world.” Kallina says. She walks to the glowing object and motions me to fallow. “It is an octahedron. It turns on its axis to the right at a slow pace. It doesn’t tilt or rotate. It just spins and stays in the same place. This is why we have different areas with different climates and that area’s weather never changes.”
I could feel Charlie looking at me. I felt like this was unbelievable but I am starting to get use to this feeling. It just seems like there is more and more and more and more.
“This is amazing Kallina.” I said as I inspected the globe.
“Look.” Charlie approaches the map and sticks out a figure. She pokes the top part of the map and that section pops out into a box right in front of her. It is like a transparent screen.
“This is where the snow is. Look, you can see the different humans and wardens.”
The map showed a valley full of snow below mountains. Charlie hits another area on the map. There was a huge lake with grass lands all around. Different creatures from snakes and frogs, to giraffes and lions lying in the sun. Charlie hit another area. A field of flowers with all different colors appeared. There were butterflies, crickets, and bees.
“This is where I live” I jump; I turn around and see sager right behind us. He walks around the globe and lightly touches a certain area. A cave was in front of us, surrounded by rocks. “Home sweet home.”
“And this is where we live.” Kallina now chooses. The little house Charlie built pops up, right next to the small creek. “Look at this” Kallina touches the square in front of us and moves her hand to the left. The area changes, as it goes through all the trees. It stops at a certain spot. “This is where our neighbors live. Two bears. Hm, I’m not sure where they are now though.”
“Wow.” I say with a smile. “So why is the map of the world hidden in a cave? You would think it would be in the city somewhere.”
“This is only for the council to see. This is how they watch the world.” Sager says.
“Right, so again, wouldn’t you think it would be in the city?” I ask.
“If something went wrong on the map, the public would know. They don’t want that. It is only for the councils eyes only.” Kallina explains. “This is also the only place that isn’t on the map. When they bring the deparched up here they close this off so they won’t see and they will never be able to find it again.”
“What are-“
“New people that just died.” Charlie answers for me. “Yeah, it’s kind of weird to think about.”
“Anyway, they only let them see the Symbol of Life. Over here.” We all walk towards the other glowing figure. I was so interested in the map I nearly forgot about it. This one just looks like a flame of gold and blue coming from the stand.
“It’s not really a symbol per say, it’s more of a machine type of thing… all though it doesn’t run on electronics or anything, so it’s more lik- “
“Dr. Sager. Please, we can explain.” Kallina cuts in. “This is the life of the entire world. It gets energy from the core and transports it up to here. This is where wardens are born. It’s time for you to get one now Ray.”
My eyes widened. “How do I do that?”
“Well, that’s the thing. We aren’t really sure. Normally we would put our light into the fire and our warden would be chosen.” Charlie says
“Is that what you did? I don’t have light.” I reply
“I was already chosen before Charlie even killed herself. They came down to your world and took a strand of her hair, then put it in the fire, but we aren’t sure if that will work for you or not. Her being in the Temporal world means she was alive. Although you have not died yet, you are still in the Eternal world so your body might have the ‘dead’ features.” Kallina takes a step towards me “But we are going to try.” She lifts her hand up to my head and takes just one little piece of my hair and pops it out. She takes a step back and turns around facing the flame then drops the hair in. It burnt but then nothing. Nothing happened.
“Well, I guess not.” Sager turns around and starts to walk out.
“Sager, we have to give it some time.” Charlie says. “If this doesn’t work then what do we do?” She says to Kallina.
“We will figure something out.” Kallina whispers to Charlie. “Let’s just wait for a few minutes and if nothing happens then we will come back another time with something new.”
“What are you doing?” We all jump and turn around, Kallina and Charlie instantly get into the eternal forms and sager takes a knife from his pants.
“Oh, Nohrinn, it’s just you.” Sager says as he lets down his stance. Charlie and Kallina quickly come back to their temporal forms.
“You scared us. Why are you back?” Kallina says.
“Well, the council sent me ahead because Vaanar could feel something tampering with the map, and I’m guessing I should found out what that something was.” His blue glow over powered the room.
“We were just showing Ray.” Charlie says. “It’s time he gets his Warden, but it’s not working.”
“We put hair in like you did with Charlie but nothing seems to be happening.” Kallina motions to the flames. “Is there anything else we have to do?”
“No. That should have done it.” Nohrinn looks at me. “It’s not working because he is in the Eternal world. We need his light.”
“That’s what we were thinking too.” Sager says.
“I don’t have any.” I say.
“No, you do. When I gave you your eternal form, I also gave you light. You just don’t know how to use it.”
“Well if I learned...”
“That’s the thing, it’s hard to teach something how to use light, and it comes naturally. Like babies naturally know how to cry, you don’t teach them.”
“Wait, Nohrinn, are you thinking of Ensnare are you?” Kallina asks.
“What’s that?” I ask.
“I think it’s the only way we can do it.” Nohrinn says to Kallina.
“No. I’m going to let him get hurt again.” Charlie cuts in.
“It doesn’t have to hurt. The herbs we got from Peirce we can use now and he won’t feel a thing.” Peirce says.
“But those are for training. He will need those for training.”
“What?” I ask again.
“This will be more painful, and we can get more herbs when we see Peirce again next months. We just have to ration it so we don’t run out.” Kallina says. “Charlie it’s your call.”
“I feel this is the only way we can get his warden.” Nohrinn says to her.
“Why isn’t it my call?” I ask.
“Fine. We’ll do it. Ray lay down.” Charlie demands me. I lay on the hard wet floor. It made me shiver. Sager goes through Kallina’s bag and pulls out a small bag of herbs. He picks out a few and hands them to me.
“Eat them.” He says. I put them in my mouth and start to chew, the taste is awful, I can’t even get it down my throat. Uhg. I had to, so I force myself to swallow it.
Nohrinn leans over me. “Ensnare is a method. It’s when someone is in need of light but can’t get it out. It rarely happens and should never be used even if it’s needed. Only a warden or a really powerful human can reach into to the soul and pull out the light and power. People get sent to Ethyrius for this. It’s like taking someone’s powers away from them. This method is used a lot for revenge or in a fight, but this is different. We are only taking a little of your light and you will regain it. Hopefully it won’t hurt.”
“Ray. Let me tell you something before we do this. If this works and your warden is made. You will feel something you have never felt before. You will feel the deepest bond and connection that has ever hit your soul. All wardens have a bond connected to their human. It’s very strong and at first it’s hard to deal with. Just be prepared.”
I nod at Charlie. Nohrinn stands in front of me. He puts his hands out and towards my chest. He makes a movement with his hands. He looked like he was reaching in and digging out. He put his whole body into it and all of his power. I thought he would strike me with something but nothing came out of his hands. Suddenly I feel something. I looked down to the chore of my chest and line of silver light came from my chest. Nohrinn takes it out and forms into a small ball. He then pushes it towards then flames and drops it in. the flames burst and crack. They started to spin and made a spiral that shoots up to the top of the cave. Electric bolts fly everywhere and the whole room was spinning with light. Then the bolts of light hit the ground and start to creep up forming a figure. They soon dropped to the ground and in front of us was a man. He was tall and strong. He had the same form as Nohrinn but different features. This man is bald with a scar on his head. The scar is a thin line making a loop in the middle of his head. He has the same scar on both of his hands and feet, also in the middle of his stomach. All the light in his room instantly went and he starts to fall but Nohrinn quickly caught him. His eyes were closed and Nohrinn looks up. They all look confused.
“What’s wrong?” I say as I stand up. They stay quiet but still look in shock. “What’s wrong?” I say again.
“Ray…” Kallina says. “This isn’t a warden.”
I look at Nohrinn. He is inspecting the man. “This is the son of Vaanar. The head of the council. He was the first one to ever set foot in the Eternal world. He created it.”
“Before Vaanar created the eternal world. All the spirits would be traveling the temporal world. Vaanar noticed there was not enough space for both the living and the dead. It wasn’t a good idea either.
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