» Fantasy » Wet Eyes, Callie Catherine Brice [popular books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Wet Eyes, Callie Catherine Brice [popular books to read txt] 📗». Author Callie Catherine Brice

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Having both in one world could risk the chance of the temporal finding out about us. So he created this world.” Kallina explains. “He wanted everyone and everything to be equal so he made each part of the world stay the same. That’s why the world doesn’t tilt.” She motioned to the map. “Vaanar knew that when people die they are expecting freedom. So that’s just what he did. He gave us our Eternal forms so we can have the freedom we wanted. Once he opened the world to the dead and everyone had their forms and power, the temporal world became strictly for only the living.”
Sager cuts in. “After a while things became hectic. Humans would use their eternal forms to fight one enough and instead stopped using their light for good. Vaanar quickly realized he needed help. So he made this, The Symbol of Life. He created the council with this. Ytaani, Wayylon, Fayylon and Nohrinn. He called them Wardens.”
“But we weren’t enough.” Nohrinn says. “We did have a lot of power and did a lot for the world, but it wasn’t enough. Vaanar called for a meeting. We discussed what we needed to do. We decided on making more Wardens but something happened during this meeting. His son died. Vaanar could feel it. He ran out of the Moonlight hall and found his son. He came to us that night with his son and told us to get ready for the plan. We came here and started to make wardens while his son watched. The boy asked to try and Vaanar denied his question, but he went ahead and did it. Vaanar’s son tried to use his light when we were in the mist of making a warden. It back fired.”
“His name was Braedinn.” Charlie says. “When he used his light on the Symbol of Life it was too powerful and sucked him in. Within an instant he was gone.
Nohrinn. “Vaanar froze at that moment. We could feel his emotions. He was lonely and sad, but overall he was angry. At that moment he transformed into his eternal form and flew to the gates of the world. He smashed them down and created The Mass, then The Void. He said he wanted everyone to feel the pain of death before they live in a world like this. His anger over powered him and made him a different human. His color was gold but after that night it became gray and hasn’t changed since. That was when he personally asked me to give the humans their eternal forms and that he knew he wouldn’t be fair with it. I took this job in honor.”
“It has been over a thousand years since then and he still waits for the one human that will get his son out of the Symbol of Life.” Charlie says. “And you just did.”
They all look at me. I was confused and astonished. I felt the need to say something but I couldn’t. I was still not sure exactly what I did or how.
“We need to get you out of here. I’m not sure if Vaanar knows yet or not but they are almost back in the city. They will know something is going on in here once they hit the moonlight hall. Come on.” Nohrinn says.


“Is he ever going to wake up?”
“Charlie, give it time. Its only be been two hours.” I say. “He was in there for years and years. Give him time to relax.” I sit next to her and put my hand on her back. We were at Sager’s house. It was made of rock but cozy… I guess. We had a small fire going and Braedinn was sleeping next to it covered in a blanket. His scars were glowing gold. “Shouldn’t he have hair?”
“Most Wardens do. But remember, Vaanar and his son aren’t wardens. They just have the same features.” Sager says. “Is anyone hungry?”
“I’d love to stay for food Kallina but I have to go to town. I’ll be back.” Nohrinn says as he starts to run off.
I haven’t thought of food for hours. I didn’t realize how hungry my stomach was.
“I’ll get something started.” Kallina says as she goes through the supplies we bought from Pierrce.
I stand up to help Kallina but then feel something. It seems like my head is full of clouds. I feel dizzy and- a sharp pain in my chest. The pain darts to my spine. I can feel it quickly run down my back; it hits all my bones to the ends of my feet and the tips of my fingers.
“Ray!” I feel Charlie catch me as I fall. “Are you okay?” The pain stops. I look up at her and everyone else surrounding me.
“I’m fine.” I sit up. “I don’t know what just happened, but it hurt, a lot.”
“Where did the pain start?” Sager asks.
“On my chest.” I lift up my shirt and the scar that Nohrinn left me was even more. It wrapped around my back and was starting to creep up my neck.
“Oh my. It’s gotten worse. The pain you felt must have been it growing. We will give you some medicine.” Sager says.
“Doctor, he’s waking up.” Kallina says. We all look at Braedinn. He sits up calmly with crossed legs and a straight spine and looks back at us.
“You must be the one who got me out.” His voice was soft and deep. He nods at me.
“Braedinn, I’m Doctor Sager. Is there anything I can do to help?”
“Well, you can find a spot for me and Ray to start training. We don’t want to get caught now do we?” He says.
“You know that we are in hiding?” Charlie asks.
“I know everyone who is in hiding. I helped them out. Seeing that you are with Sager I was just taking a guess. Trust me though; I don’t want my father finding me.”
“I’m sorry but do you not realize that you have been trapped in the Symbol of Life for over a thousand years?” Kallina cuts in.
“I do, and I’ve learned a lot. Let’s get started shall we?” He says to me.
Sager walks towards me “Ray just experienced some pain, so he might want to wait-“
“If you want to wait then you might want to find another Warden.” Braedinn says.
“But you’re my warden, we have a bond.” I say as I stand up.
“Do you feel a bond?” he asks. I think about it and in no way do I feel a strong connection.
“No.” I say. He looks at me. “Uhm, okay. Let’s go.”
“Well first we need to find you a place, and I think I know the perfect spot.” Kallina says. “It will be a long walk though. Shall we pass him out again and run?”
“No.” Says Braedinn. “We need to do as much as we can to make him stronger physically, being human means that training for his form will be very painful. The stronger we make him the less pain he will feel. Let’s walk.”
“Braedinn, it will take about 3 days to get there.” Sager says.
“So? Wouldn’t you rather him be in less misery while he trains? Personally, I’d prefer less.”
“Okay. Then let’s go. Grab whatever you can. Make sure it can last us 3 days, maybe even more.” Says Kallina.
“Should we go back to Peirrce?” I ask.
“We can’t. The council’s in town. When Nohrinn comes back we will ask him about supplies.”


We walk for the next two days. Only stopping once to sleep. Tonight will be the second time we set up camp. Braedinn kept talking about if we stop I won’t grow physically. We are now trying to find a good spot to camp.
“Charlie?” She looks behind her shoulder.
“Oh one second” She finishes talking to Kallina and comes to hug me. “What’s up?”
“I want to stay here.”

Long pause.

“Excuse me?”
“Charlie, I don’t want to go back. I really don’t.”
“Do I have to show you what this place does to the dead?”
“Kallina. Can we go see him?”
“I really rather not.” Kallina replies.
“He wants to stay here.” Kallina rolls her eyes.
“Fine.” She instantly hits my neck and once again, I pass out.

I wake up on Nohrinn’s back almost startled. I jump off as fast as I can.
“Sorry, you wouldn’t wake up.” Nohrinn says.
“Well don’t make me pass out every time!” I said “When did you show up?”
“I was watching you on the map. You all went off coarse so I wanted to check in.”
I felt something familiar. Something I have experience before. Burning hot heat radiating from the ground. I look around me. We are in a desert. The dust trails up every step we take. Living in Texas makes me used to this heat. I could walk for miles.
I look in front of us, to see where we are going. Then I see something. It looks almost like an upside-down boat.
“What is that?” I ask.
“It’s our friend’s home.” Charlie says to me.
“Oh, who?”
“No one important.” Says Kallina.
“It’s her ex boyfriend, bad, bad break up. Don’t ever bring it up to her.” Charlie whispers to me.
“What happened?” I ask Charlie exchanging the whisper.
“He’s an ass, cheated on her with a lizard.” Charlie replies.
We all duck down to enter the home of Kallina’s ex. To my surprise the small opening turns into a huge tunnel carved out of sand. We are able to stand now and make our way through this tunnel having the wardens light our way through. I start to see light a little way into the tunnel. Then we enter a huge room carved out of the sand. There’s a couch made out of sand, a table, a dresser, even a lamp.
“There he is.” Kallina says. I look to where she points and in the far corner of the room there is a

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