» Fantasy » Wet Eyes, Callie Catherine Brice [popular books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Wet Eyes, Callie Catherine Brice [popular books to read txt] 📗». Author Callie Catherine Brice

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3am and toked out?” She says to me. I close my eyes as I think about this, it was last year, three months before she- well, you know. We purposely woke up at three in the morning, and drove over there to smoke green. We laid out on a huge blanket and held each other like there was no tomorrow. I felt her hand grab mine and I open my eyes to look at her beauty. The smallest but most precious smile came onto her face looking at me straight in the eyes. Then she looked forward to the city. “Watch Ray.” I turn my head. The sun is almost down making a small glow at the top of the city. I watch it has it shrinks into the sky like I do at home. The sight of it relaxes me so much I want to close my eyes and fall asleep. That pink glow starts to show up as the sun gets lower and lower then right when the top of it went away a silver light pops up into the sky. It swerved all around the sky.
“What is that?” I say, standing up in astonishment. Charlie stands up with me. Wardens from all different directions enter the city. They are all different colors, not only just yellow, red, and purple, but colors that you would never think of like mauve, citrus, even a vanilla white. I see a group of Wardens walk into the city. They’re colors are all different shades of blue; Dark blue, ocean blue, cyan blue, royal blue, duke blue even baby blue. The entire city looks mottled. This was amazing.
I watch one Warden. His color is green. His scar was on his leg, I could tell because it was shining through his thin cloth pants. He heads down the dry path. He steps off into the dead grass; this is where the unused space is between the buildings. He sits with his legs crossed over each other and straightens his back. He points his hand to one side of him and light shoots out of his finger. He moves his hand up, keeping his arm straight. The light makes a half circle around him and he finishes at the other end. The skinny line then breaks into ribbons of light forming a dome, much like Charlie’s. The dome was green and I could see rustling going on inside of it. Suddenly it sparked with silver light and a window opens up. A sign appears next to it saying “Fresh Bread”. Charlie nudges my arm. I look at her and she motions for me to look at the rest of the city. No less than thirty domes were being made by wardens. The paths were glowing with a hinted light. The fountain bursts out with sparkling water. Even the grass bellow us gets soft and green.
“You see the glowing dust floating all around?” Charlie asks me and I nod. “That’s my favorite part.” She lifts her hand up to feel the dust in the air.
I feel a huge dust of wind pass me and I see a Rhino running by. Then a cheetah, a few snakes, and a panda. Humans in their eternal forms were coming from all around they would change right when they got to the city. This is amazing. The Moonlight Hall starts to glow the slightest bit. It looked like diamonds were covering it.
“The Hall shines brighter the more moonlight it soaks up.”Charlie speaks with a soft tone. She turns to Kallina and Sager. “Can I show him around now?”
“Yes, just remember, these people are the ones in hiding so be careful. They are dangerous.” Kallina replies.
“Doesn’t that make us dangerous too?” I ask. No one replies.
“Come on!” We start to walk down the hill. As the city got closer and close I got more and more excited. “So, we aren’t buying anything. Mainly because we don’t have anything to trade, but also because we can’t make it completely obvious you’re here by talking to someone.”
“What do you trade?” I ask as the city gets bigger.
“Things. Trade goods, you know, what the world used to do until we decided to make green paper. I still don’t understand why that is a huge deal. It’s just green.”
“Well it’s actually cloth-“
“I know! Shut up. I went school. Anyway, I can carve. So I trade things that I make for the things I need.” We enter the city. We pass wardens selling all types of items. Foods, pots and pans, clothes, but they were also selling things you would never think of like wax, gasoline and oil, cloth, there was even a warden selling alcohol.
“These places are really specific.” I say as we pass by a warden screaming “Free shot with every bottle you buy!”
“Things get really specific. Take Kallina for example, she needs a certain brush to brush her fur, or it will literally get everywhere. Damn wolf. Also, she stays a wolf for a while at a time. We eat differently while in our eternal forms. Wolfs eat things like rabbits and deer or anything they can catch. Well, she can’t eat a rabbit here, because it’s a human or a warden. So we buy it here. These Wardens go back and forth from here to the temporal world to get things and sell them.”
“Isn’t that like, stealing from earth?” I ask.
“Well think about it. Who do you think was here first?”
“So it’s like a chain reaction type of thing? Or natural… something? Or the circle of li-“
“Then what? How does this all tie into the real world?”
“You mean what’s the connection?”
“They won’t tell anyone.”
“Who won’t tell?”
“The council.”
“Why? How do they know?”
“You are being annoying.”
I stop asking questions. “Sorry.”
She leads me to the bridge going over the huge pond that wasn’t there before. The fountain was in the middle of it now. It was very pretty; we stopped and leaned over the rail to watch the water.
“Every time I needed something, I would make a carving like a chair or something. But ever since I left to find you I stopped and got everything for free.” She says to me.
“Isn’t that better?” I say with a small laugh behind it.
“Well, no. It is awful food but good enough to fulfill our wants.”
“Where did you learn to carve?”
“Well I learned to carve wood when I was going through the steps. I learned to carve stone when I got Kallina. It’s her favorite.”
The moonlight hall was behind the fountain, glowing with a type of light you could only see in dreams. I still had a lot of questions for Charlie. I wanted to the answer of all but I knew if I asked it would build up her emotions. The question had to be asked sometime. I inhale and then release.
“Please don’t be mad at me Charlie.” I start out. I see her roll her eyes.
“Ray, if you think this is going to upset me, then please do not say anything.”
“I just don’t understand why.” I turn to her looking at her straight. She feels my eyes on her but does not look at me. “I knew some part of it was because of me.”
She instantly turns to me and gives me the worst look I have ever seen from her. Her face red, her hands in a fist, her body tensing up, and her eyes wet and red. She puts her hands on her face and grabs her hair. He eyes tighten shut and tears start to trail down her face. “Charlie…” Her hand moves from her body and I feel a strike against my right cheek. Her nails into my skin and then I feel a push against my shoulders.
“IF YOU EVER” Another push
“I WILL STOP LOVING YOU!” Then a bunch to my head. The force of her fist made me fall against the railing of the bridge. The hit was so hard I became dizzy, my eyes were looping around in my head and I couldn’t catch my breath. Finally a inhale and straighten my body out. My eyes stay shut worried she would hurt me. I open them after nothing happens and I look towards her. Her head on the railing and her hands pulling her hair. Her tears were like rainfall on a dark day. My head still hurt but I still had the energy to love her. I put my hand on her back, making her cry even harder. Then I wrapped my arms around her stomach and held her. Charlie lifted herself up and put her arms on mine. She looked at me as she rested her head on my shoulder. She gave me a kiss on the neck. I looked at her and she kissed me with her soft lips.
“Come on.” She says. “We have to be there soon.”
“You’ll see.”
We walk through the city one more time. Watching all the beautiful light jumping around us. We walked up the hill again to meet Kallina and Sager.
“That was amazing.” I say to Kallina as she stands up to great us.
“I know. That’s what everyone says.” She replies back to me.
“So.” Charlie starts out. She looks on the floor and finds Sager sleeping away. “Should we walk or make him go through hell again?”
“What?!” I ask with wide eyes.
“Hm, I’m thinking hell.”
“What?!” I ask again. Kallina stretches her hand out and her lightning bolts from her hand to my chest. Everything goes black.

I wake up with a rush this time. I can feel my heart pounding out of my chest. I sit up drastically and instantly pull off my shirt.
“Ray, it didn’t make a mark.” Charlie says
“Oh. Then… what the hell?! I would have rather walked!”
“Trust me, you would not want to walk that far.” Kallina says
“Where are we?” I ask
“Luminous.” I hear Doctor Sager’s voice from a far. I try to find him but couldn’t see anything.
“Well shall we go on now that he is awake?” Kallina says to Charlie. She says this in a whispering voice, but not like she was trying to hide anything.
“Go where?” I stand trying to hold my balance.
“Sh! – Just follow us.” Charlie says as Kallina starts to walk. I follow.
I am not sure where we are. It is cold in here and I could barely see the walls, but they seemed to look like some sort of rock. I’m guessing we are in a cave. Only the small light Kallina gave out was helping me see where I step. It was drippy and cold. I can smell a damp, rotting, and stale fragrance. The walls are so tight and narrow every time I turn i

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