» Fantasy » Wet Eyes, Callie Catherine Brice [popular books to read txt] 📗

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council.” Kallina replies.
“Why not?”
“If the council isn’t here, then anything can pass through. This place can get dangerous. This is when the people… like us… who are hiding from the council can get their supplies and things they need. Most of them are unsafe to be around.”
“That’s why we need to stay unseen. Tonight will be better though, everyone will be gone by then.” I say. “Uhg, this place is death. Literally. It’s so dull and like,-“
“Boring.” Kallina says for me. We pass by a few abandoned cottages and walk down the long cobblestone path with nothing but dirt around us. It was like the city caught fire or something.
“Here we are. The Trade Center.” Kallina says to Ray.
More life was around us, with one warden at every cart. There were a few others buying and selling. We make our way through not talking, everything was quiet, and I keep Ray close to me.
“We need to get to Pierrce” I remind Kallina with a whisper. She nods and gives us a little wave to turn down another road with lined up carts. They are all different, handmade with different types of wood and rocks but still dull. We walked down the path until it ended with a rock wall. It was the back of the Moonlight hall.
“Uhm.” I say.
“Why are we standing in front of a rock?” Ray asks.
“This is where doctor said he would be.” Kallina response.
“Okay well, I don’t think this does anything…” I put my hand on the wall. “I can’t feel a door or anything.” I knock on it.
“No but I’m pretty sure this is the place. Nohrinn showed me a trick to get in from here.” She waved us to step back and rubbed her hands together. Sparks come out of her hands. I forgot about her electric. The light she makes with her energy is crystallized. Kallina was one of those rare wardens that were here before assigned to a human. I was lucky to get her as my warden though to this day she has yet to tell me anything about her past. Her light was silver and sparked every time she used it. It’s rare when she uses her light. The magic takes up her energy, as it does for most wardens and humans, but hers is different, it’s more powerful.
She places her hands on the rock wall and takes in a deep breath then exhales. As she exhales all the energy from her body released into the rocks. Silver electric bolts form around the entire wall. A few seconds pass and then she stops. She takes a step back.
“Wow.” Says Ray.
“Nothing happened.” I say. Suddenly the rocks start to move. I look at it with confusion. “It’s melting.” They start to form into the wall and sink down, like lava. It formed a perfect arch in the rocks. The melting stone went down into a crack on the ground. We stepped over it and headed in the dark room it opened for us. The air gets cold and wet. “Are we in a cave?”
“No. This is just a clearing in the back of the Moonlight hall.” We all swiftly turn around to see where the voice had come from.
“Pierrce?” Kallina says walking towards him.
“Mmhm that’s me!” He says. His voice isn’t as soft and mellow as the other wardens. He doesn’t have that feel of calmness around him. His scar wraps around his arm and makes all around him glow white. His eyes had a white glaze over it and his hair was like white fire. “The Doctor is here, he told me you would be coming. Told me the story about Ray.” He looks at Ray and steps towards him. “You might want to let me look at that scar, not to brag but I know a little more than the doctor.” He lifts up his hand and closes his palm. Rocks fall from atop of the door filling the hole we created. Everything went cold and black. Only Pierrce is the one who glowed.
“Why aren’t you glowing Kallina?” Ray asks.
“My color is black. That’s why I have black hair.” She replies. Pierrce turns and starts to walk, Kallina fallows.
“When you saw her in your backyard with me, you couldn’t see her scar because it blended in with the night.” I say to Ray. We walk together behind Kallina.
Pierrce leads us into a sitting room with a fireplace lighting the area. Doctor Sager is sitting on a worn out couch in front of the fire sipping tea. Ray and I sit next to him as Kallina goes straight to the kitchen which opened to the area.
“Good afternoon. What took so long?” Doctor Sager asks.
“Kallina decided to go through the woods.” I say.
“It was a smart decision, don’t judge me.” She says from behind us.
“Yeah well, it took forever.” Pierrce hands me a cup of tea. “We need food for Ray. He is human and about to do training. All he has been eating is Rice.”
“Mmhm, Ron already filled me in; I set out some bowls of food for him over there.” He points to a table top next to Kallina, she starts to inspect them. “So Ray, May I?” He says looking at Ray’s stomach.
“He is very interested Ray. He has seen more than I have. Everything that happens to Wardens and Humans, even Eternal forms. He might help you out more than I can.” Doctor Sager says.
“Uhm, sure.” Ray stands up and lifts his shirt up just too where you can see the scar. Pierrce almost jumps to him, pushing him back down on his seat. His hands clutching Ray’s body like a cat grabbing a mouse. Sager and I both stand up and Kallina turns her head to attention.
“I’ve never seen anything like it.” He traces the scar with his hand obviously putting Ray in pain. “It’s so beautiful. It looks like a human scar, no glowing or sparkling, so clearly not a Wardens scar, but the way it is formed like a warden’s scar. Has it moved at all?” He asks violently looking at Sager.
“It’s been growing. Sometimes it stops.”
“I wonder what makes it move.” Pierrce grabs his wrist and inspects his veins. “If I just could just get a blood sample.” He looks up at Kallina. “There are needles in the drawer to right-“
“Okay! I think that’s enough for today Pierrce. All we needed was the supplies which I think we got now” Sager looks up at Kallina and she nods. Pierrce lets go of Ray and stands.
“Doctor, this is very interesting, there is much more to it than just a scar.” He says.
“What?” Ray cuts in. “If it’s not a scar then what the hell is it?”
“No Ray, it is just a scar. Pierrce I think you need to lie down. You know how much you over think things. It is just a scar.” Sager guides him to a chair and sits him down. Pierrce starts to play with his hands and tap his foot vigorously.
“Yeah, it Is just a scar. It’s just a scar.” He repeats as we all gather to walk out.
“We will see you next month?” Kallina says to Pierrce, and he nods still telling himself it is just a scar. We all walk out letting the daylight pierce our eyes.
“Don’t worry Ray. I thought he could help us, but sometimes he just gets carried away. Pierrce has been through a lot. Sometimes, in the Temporal world-“
“Real world” I whisper to Ray.
“-Doctors, if they have been through a lot of surgeries or seen a lot of injuries, they start to get a little… messed up in the head, if I may. They get obsessed with every little thing. There was one human that got a cut on her finger, and he almost chopped it off so he could get a ‘closer look’” Sager says with the hand quotes fallowing. “That’s why they kicked him out of the Moonlight hall. It was bad. He was supposed to go back to the Temporal world to get his mind off of things like this, but he didn’t want to go back. So now he is in hiding, obviously. Anyway, I’m so sorry about that, I had no idea how he was going to react.”
Ray lifts up his shirt and had pink hand prints on his chest.
“Oh, poor thing.” I say tracing it with my finger.
“It’s just a print, doesn’t hurt – as long as it is just a scar.” He looks right into Sager’s eyes as he says this.
Sager laughs. “I think it will be fine. Let’s just keep checking on it every day. Okay?” Ray nods.
“So, Lunch?” Kallin

Charlie took me around the entire city. It was very dull, and not many things were there. Not many shops or stores, not any hotels or restaurants. Very blank and boring. We are now walking to the park for dinner. We got off the trail and walked on the dead grass. It was rough and had a brown color to it.
“Charlie!” Sager’s voice came from the right of us. He and Kallina already have the food out. We walk towards them waving. “Good evening, how was the rest of your day?” Charlie and I both sat down on the rough grass next to them looking onto the city. The Moonlight Hall was right in the middle and the tallest building. There were dying trees around it and the small broken down buildings. There were mostly unused areas so the dull grass stood out.
“I showed him around. Not much to see.” Charlie says. “At least not yet.” She starts to nibble on a piece of bread.
“The sun is going to down, so it won’t be long. Are we going to go through the back?” Kallina asks.
“Wait, what? The back of where?” I ask.
“No, the front should be fine since the council is gone.” Sager reply’s to them… not me.
“When do they come back?” Charlie asks
“Midnight, maybe later.” Kallina says.
“May I ask what we are doing? Y’all are kind of freaking me out here.” I say, throwing my hands up in the air.
“Oh my, I haven’t heard that word in so long… y’all – I love it. Sounds like home.” Charlie says with a smile.
“You are from Texas Charlie.” I say
“Where in Texas?” Sager asks.
“Austin. Not only the capital of Texas, but the music capital of the world! Oh how I miss ACL, with the heat and the amazing ice tea they sell.” Charlie licks her lips. This got me thinking about home and how many wonderful experiences we had together. “Remember when went to Zilker at

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