» Fantasy » Wet Eyes, Callie Catherine Brice [popular books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Wet Eyes, Callie Catherine Brice [popular books to read txt] 📗». Author Callie Catherine Brice

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it’s going to go away or not. It stopped growing at least.” He puts down his shirt and steps away.
“It was growing?” Ray says still in shock.
“Oh good, your sounding better. Yes it was growing. Nothing to worry about. Again, it’s just a scar.”
“This is doctor Sager. He has been taking care of you while you were sleeping and will check up on you until you recover.” Says Kallina.
“Thank you Doctor.” Ray nods towards him.
“Ray” Nohrinn cuts in “I am so sorry. I didn’t know what would happen.”
“Nohrinn its okay. I know you didn’t know.”
I kiss Ray on the cheek. “Are you feeling okay?”
“I feel fine. Nothing hurts and I-“
I put my hand on his mouth “Don’t talk with your mouth full.” He chews and swallows.
“…don’t feel sick. The only thing is that I feel a little weak and I’m so hungry.” He says as he stuffs rice into his mouth.
I look up at Dr. Sager. “Your hiding from the council, how do you get food?”
“I wait until the council goes to Ethyrius and then stock up for a month.” We all look at Nohrinn.
“Ah that’s smart. We go every month.”
“There is this warden there that sells everything you could think of. He also stays quiet.”
“Pierrce. He has a little shop in the back of town. We questioned him about you and he seemed uneasy but didn’t spill. He-+ Nohrinn looks up. “I’m getting called. I got to go.”
“Why? What’s wrong?” Kallina asks.
“I’m not sure, they aren’t saying anything more. I’ll be back soon to check up on everything. Feel better Ray.” He walks out of the dome and transforms then flies off into the night. We heard has the flapping sound got distant.
“Charlie. I’m going to go and check the area. Doctor, I can walk you home.” Kallina says escorting the doctor out. “I’ll be back soon.”
“Get some rest.” He says towards Ray “Goodnight all.” They leave and Ray looks up at me. I kiss him and look into his eyes. I was so happy he woke up, although if he died nothing would be different.
“How long was I asleep for?” He asks setting his bowl aside. He touched and caressed my face.
“Almost twenty four hours. I was so worried.” I kiss his forehead.
“You should never be worried about me sweetie. Nothing could ever change the amount of love I have for you.” He reaches up to kiss me. It was a nice slow kiss. His hand wraps around my waist and he turns around to squeeze me against him. I let my fingers glide through his hair. He kisses my neck and rests his head on my shoulder. “I love you.” He says. “Tell me about them.”
“Everyone that I just met.”
“Well, you know about Kallina.” I smile.
“She is your Warden. The wolf.”
“Right. We are very close. She is my best friend. The other Warden was Nohrinn. You know about him too.”
“What was he talking about when he left? Who was calling him?”
“The council. He is on the council.” I stroke his hair.
“What’s the council?”
“They are five Wardens that take care of the Eternal world. If something goes wrong they are there to correct it. If anyone breaks rules they will find them and punish them. That’s what Dr. Sager was talking about. Any rule breakers get sent to Ethyrius. It’s an awful place.”
“So he is hiding from the council?”
“Mmhm. He came to full strength of the Eternal World. You have to be here a long time for that to happen. So the council asked him to go back to the real world to watch over those in need. He didn’t want to go back. Now he is hiding out, and if they catch him they will send him to Ethyrius and if they catch us they will send us there too. Vaanar, Ytaani, Wayylon, Fayylon, and Nohrinn are the council members. Vaanar is the leader, he is understanding but strict. Ytaani, she can talk Vaanar into anything. Wayylon and Fayylon are the twins, they take nothing seriously. They check up on me constantly because I don’t have a full form. So we need to watch out.” I look down at Ray and see him asleep in my arms.

“Charlie… Charlie.” I wake up to Nohrinns voice. It’s been two days since Ray got here. He has been getting know everyone quite well. The Doctor is constantly here checking in on Ray. Kallina escorts him to his place and back. Nohrinn hasn’t been here since he left the other day. I think I actually heard him come in late last night, talking to Kallina, after Ray and I went to bed.
“What?” I sit up still tired. “Where’s Ray?” I look around.
“He is outside. They just ate. The Doctor came over this morning to check on him. Come on.” He says. His voice made me want to go straight back to sleep but I forced myself up.
I walk out to find everyone sitting around the fire pit once again. Kallina is watching as Dr. Sager inspects Ray.
“Morning Charlie.” Says Dr. Sager.
“Good morning. Are you feeling better?” I say towards Ray. He gives me a kiss on the cheek and nods.
“Charlie, I woke you up so I could talk to you before I have to leave again.” Nohrinn says.
“You are leaving again? I haven’t seen you for two days.” I say as I move towards Kallina to feel that warming sensation she gives me.
“The Council is going to Ethyrius today. We will be back tomorrow morning. I would take this as an opportunity to show Ray around the main city and get food. Tonight might also be a good night to take him to Luminious.” Nohrinn looks at me “But be careful. Make sure nobody see’s you. Not many people are there during the evening so wait until it gets late.” He straightens his body and looks up. “They are calling me. Wait a while before you go, it takes time for us to get the twins to settle before we leave. Good luck and remember, be careful.” Nohrinn runs down the hill and towards the river, soon out of sight.
“I’m excited.” Ray says with a smile. His voice seemed different.
“What’s wrong?” I say looking at him with distraught in my eyes.
“Oh it’s the medicine.” Says Dr. Sager. “I haven’t used it on anyone before so I’m not exactly sure what the side effects are, but it’s been a month since I have been to the city and I had to give him something for the pain. It should last all day.”
“What pain?” I demand.
“My scar Nohrinn left me. It randomly started to hurt during breakfast. The medicine made me clam down and the pain went away.” Say’s Ray.
“If he dies from this…” I stare at Sager “…I will kill you.” I hear Ray laugh.
“Calm down. Clearly he is fine. We need to get ready for the day. Get your bags and change, you smell bad.” Says Kallina as she sniffs me.
“Right, ill head home to get ready and meet you there.” He walks away from us and transforms into his Eternal form. His four legs come out of the afterglow he left. His hoofs were black and led up to his body being light brown. He has a black nose but white was surrounding it. His black eyes reflected off his large, strong, thick horns that curved into the air.
“I don’t think I am ever going to get used to that.” Say’s Ray.
I laugh “Well you better; because you are capable of doing it” I say “and you will do it soon.”
The next hour or so we spent making a list for what we need and talking about what to do when we got into the city. After Ray washed up we started to walk.
“This is where your eternal form would come in handy, we wouldn’t have to walk.” I say to Ray.
“I don’t know how to turn myself into a tiger, and I don’t know if I even want to.” He says.
“It’s not painful or anything. At least I don’t think it will be.” Kallina says turning to me. We both look at each other in question.
“Great.” He says.
Kallina and I decided to stay in the forest our entire way there, which would mean we wouldn’t have so much explaining to do to Ray. Which I didn’t really understand because we would have to explain everything eventually. The reason I picked this area to live in is because it fit to Kallina’s form well. For me it doesn’t really matter where I live, I can get by with any climate. That’s one of the things I was excited about telling Ray. Once we get to the Luminious he will get to see the entire world. That’s my favorite thing about this place, the map.
We were starting to see the opening where the city stood. I could tell Ray was getting excited about this, not so much me though. If I got caught they could do so many things to Ray that I didn’t even want to think about. I couldn’t tell him though. I wanted him to feel happy and thrilled about this whole thing, I didn’t want him to see anything but the good and when its time he can see the bad.
The path that trails throughout the entire city was starting to form from bellow us.
“Here we are.” Kallina said. “This isn’t the front entrance-“
“So it’s not as exciting…” I cut in
“But we will show you every bit of this place. No worries.” Kallina takes a left at the fork in the path. “First, food.”
We walked around until we were completely out of the forest and headed for trading carts. Walking into this City was the worst feeling. It’s like that mood you get when you walk into school first thing in the morning. You just do not, under any circumstances, want to be on that damn educate-until-you-die-under-your-own-will property. Valbourne has a gloomy overcast look to it during the day, it is much better at night. Right now only the carts and the main building were open. The main building is where the members of the council live, also called Moonlight Hall. To me that’s a stupid name, I mean you have the leaders of the freaking eternal world, who have power over anything and everything, and they live in a place called Moonlight Hall. Anyway, Valbourne looks like any other normal city with a fountain in the middle of it (of course). It takes place between The Rocks and The Forrest. Two climates that are not over populated.
“No one’s here.” Says Ray.
“Yeah, that’s because no one likes to be here without the

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