» Fantasy » Wet Eyes, Callie Catherine Brice [popular books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Wet Eyes, Callie Catherine Brice [popular books to read txt] 📗». Author Callie Catherine Brice

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something instead of doing the stupid things Braedinn makes him do.” She puts a few spices in along with some herbs. “Sager has been taking care of him too, so if he really hurts himself Sager knows what to do. Don’t worry Charlie.”
“So who are you rooting for?” I ask trying to change the subject so I don’t start breaking down in tears.
“I like the green guy.” Kallina says.
“There is two of them, which one?” I start to stir the stew.
“The one with the really sexy Human. Oh man I would go for that.” Kallina says. I roll my eyes.
Kallina has been with a lot of men, she flirts with every creature we meet, and she doesn’t take no for answer. I remember her talking about the love of her life a few times, which, from what I’ve put together is Sager’s Warden. She hasn’t talked about since Ray arrived but I have been thinking about it.
“Kallina.” I say. “Who is Sager’s Warden?” I look at her as I ask, her face drops.
“Remember when I told you that Sager’s Warden was helping him hide?” She says
“Yes.” I look her straight in the eyes.
“That connection me and you have. The connection that a Warden and a Human have, was lost when the council came and captured his Warden. Sager was so hurt and so weak when it happened, he forgot absolutely everything from before that moment. He forgot who I was, he doesn’t remember his Warden at all. This would happen to anyone, even if I left you, you would forget me and everything that involved me.
I remember it clearly. We were outside of their house, all three of us together. This was of course before you came. Sager was looking at new herbs he bought that morning, trying to see the difference and what they could do. Sager was asked by the council to go back to the real world to make sure everything was in order, but Sager didn’t want to go back. So he and his Warden went into hiding. I was the only person who knew about this. Anyway, while we were outside his warden and I were laying in the grass talking about you actually. I was telling him what I knew about you. Then we saw the council in the sky, flying closer and closer to us. I could tell from the bright yellow of Wayylon and Fayylon that they were the council but the second I realized Sinn took my arm and was running into their home screaming Sager’s name.”
“His name was Sinn?” I ask.
“Sinnakar. Everyone called him Sinn because he and Sager were always getting into trouble, but Ytaani always let them off the hook. They were never sent to Ethyrius.”
“I thought Vaanar made the choice of if they were sent or not. Isn’t Vaanar the head of the council?” I ask.
“Yes, but they all make the choice. Wayylon, Fayylon, Ytaani, Vaanar, and Nohrinn all make the choice together. The twins, Wayylon and Fayylon, they just goof around, so their choice doesn’t really do anything, but Ytaani completely owns Vaanar. He does whatever she says. Charlie, Wardens aren’t supposed to have feelings. They only have the feeling of their human, one of the reasons for the connection. Since I was made before you came, I didn’t have the connection we have now, so I was able to form feelings. I fell in love with Sinn and the moment I realized it, he was taken away.
Sinn hid me and Sager. We heard the council enter and Sinn greeted them. They said they knew that Sager was here and they have to take him to be fair to the world. Sinn then told them that he lost Sager; he hasn’t been with him in weeks. He told Vaanar that it was his choice, he didn’t want to help him go against the council, but Sinn knew that this was something you could never do. Choosing to be away from your human is one of the worst things a Warden could ever do. It’s worse than being in hiding from the council. This is definitely a one way trip to Ethyrius.
Me and Sager listened as he was taken away. I held Sager because I knew what was going to happen. The second Sinn was in Ethyrius the connection ripped apart. Sager looked at me and then ran. I don’t know where he ran too but he just ran and ran and ran and never stopped. I was left in their home. I sat at the table where we all ate together every night, realizing how much I loved Sinn. That’s when I met Nohrinn. He came in, and I was shocked. I didn’t know what to do; I thought he would question me. All he did was sit by me and put his hand on my back as I cried.”
I could feel her pain, her sadness as she told me this story. I could feel it deep in my gut and my eyes started to tear. She looked at me.
“Sorry. It’s why I didn’t want to tell you, It’s the worst emotional pain I have ever felt, and I didn’t want you to experience it. I kept myself from thinking about it. After you showed it really got my mind off of it. “She says. I look at her and see so much misery in her eyes.
“Vaanar is in love Ytaani.” I say, to change the subject. “Because he was the first one here, he isn’t really a Warden, so he has emotions.”
“Exactly.” She says. “I am able to have emotions because I was created before I had a human connection. I know the guys I’m with don’t have feelings for me either, but I mainly just use them to buy me things.” She says with a smile.
“YUM!” We both jump realizing that Braedinn is over the stew sniffing in the smell of the spices.
“Hold on, it’s almost ready, just not quite hot enough.” Kallina says. She stirs the stew more as the boys line up to be served.
Nohrinn flies under the stadium his owl form always amazes me. I only see it every once in a while. Usually when he leaves he will run or walk a while before he transforms. He perches himself on the ground and then transforms back into his normal self.
“I had to get here fast.” He says. We all freeze and think the same thing. That the council found out and they are on our way to get us.
“I could smell Kallina stew from the city. Mmm can’t wait to dig in!” We all sigh with relief. Kallina starts to fill bowls that have been used and washed countless times. Luckily near the stadium is a huge river. It hard to find a spot where no one was at, the fish and the wardens that lived there too, but we did. The river trails off into a tiny ditch that is perfect for cleaning.
“Boys don’t be gross.” Kallina says looking at them. The boys all quickly eat, stuffing their face with the spoon they use, almost drinking straight out of the bowl. “Ray don’t eat too much, we don’t want you getting sick.”
“Oh yeah, today is your big day isn’t it Ray?” Nohrinn says.
“He is ready.” Braedinn cuts in.
“I’m excited.” Ray says with a full face. “It’s going to be great!”
Kallina looks at me knowing how I’m feeling and then hands me a bowl.
“Thanks I say. Ray, don’t be disappointed if it doesn’t work.” I say
“It won’t.” Braedinn says. “It won’t work the first time Ray. The more you try to transform the closer and closer you get to the actual transformation. It might days before you can do it.”
“I know, you already told me all of this, but I feel ready. I feel like I can do it.”
“Let’s wait until the game starts Okay? That will give the food some time to settle and for you to rest before you go into such a big deed.” Says Braedinn. Ray nods his head.
“The game will start in at least 30 minutes.” Sager says. “We should get some meds in you before you start.”

We hear the crowd start to gather in the stands preparing themselves for the big night. Just what we were doing. We walk away from camp. I try to keep myself from panicking. I can feel my heart start to pound with worry. The audience for the game gets louder and louder.
“5 minutes.” Sager says.
We all wait anxiously.
“Charlie I’ll be fine.” Ray says to me.
“It’s going to hurt Ray, a lot.” I say.
“I know everyone keeps telling me that. I know that y’all. Stop.”
“No, Ray. This isn’t like falling or scrapping you knee. Ray this is worse than breaking your arm or getting shot by a freaking bullet in the chest.” I say getting aggravated.
“Trust me Charlie; he has gained a lot of strength.” Says Braedinn.
“Welcome!” We all jump. “To the finals!” The announcer with a deep voice starts. “We have six competitors today! On the far right we have Chris and his warden Stannlic, GREEN!
“Are you ready?” Braedinn asks looking at Ray. Ray nods his head.
“Ian and his warden Toccle! MAGENTA!” The announcer keeps going, not knowing what’s about to happen.
“Arc your back.” Braedinn instructs.
“and his warden Lannce! BROWN!”
“Bend your legs and look straight at me.”
“Aubrey and her warden Callie! AQUA!”
“Take a deep breath in and close your eyes.”
“Brice and his warden Bonnic! AMBER!”
“Think of your place, the one we talked about. The one place that makes you feel at peace. Focus on it, deep breaths in and out-“
“Mae and her warden Ruddy! COPPER!” the crowd bursts.
“Go.” Braedinn watches with intensity. Ray instantly leaps out like a lion catching its prey. His body moves throughout the air. Within seconds his nose crushes into his face and his hair starts to change color, white with black stripes. His cheeks develop hair and whiskers and the growing of the hair pattern reaches his neck. His fingers crunch into his hands and his legs bend into his body. But then he is pushed back by some force. Like a strong wave of air hit him or some barrier he ran into. Ray flies back into the cracks of the stands almost stopping the crowds cheer. Nohrinn, Sager, and Braedinn run after him.
“Looks like we have one more competitor.” The announcer says. The crowd confused.
“What’s your name son?” Ray stands up in shier pain.
“Ray.” He says with barely any energy.
“And who is your Warden?”
Braedinn walks next to Ray. “I am. This was a mistake we didn’t mean to come into the boundaries, we aren’t

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