» Fantasy » Wet Eyes, Callie Catherine Brice [popular books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Wet Eyes, Callie Catherine Brice [popular books to read txt] 📗». Author Callie Catherine Brice

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apart of the game nor have we trained at all, just big fans.”
“Oh! Well wouldn’t it be fun to have a go? You must have learned something from being big fans. Let’s see how it goes!” The crowd cheers at this and starts to chant Ray’s name. They walk into the gamming field and sit on an extra spot put out for them. All of the wardens and humans are in a complete circle facing each other getting ready for a battle.
“When the bell rings you may start! Players are you ready?” All the players raise their right hand, as do Ray and Braedinn. We all watch scared out of our minds from behind the bleachers. One, two, three rings and bell is hit. All the players suddenly connect with their wardens. A streak of lightening connecting mouth to mouth, hitting their souls inside their body. Braedinn and Ray do what they see.
“Relax. Try to connect with me. Think of the place. The place that makes your soul set.” Braedinn says. They both close their eyes using as much energy as they can to connect but it doesn’t work. Braedinn opens his eyes to check Ray. Suddenly a bolt of lightning comes from Ray’s mouth but shoots across the playing field. All of the players stop almost angry at him for interrupting the game. The players, the announcer, and the audience follow the lightening.
Then I hear Nohrinn shriek, like he was in pain. I look at him fixing my eyes off of Ray. The lightening coming from Ray’s soul hits Nohrinn. Reaching down his body to connect their souls together. We are then spotted by the entire stadium. Everyone looking straight at us.
Both Nohrinn and Ray’s eyes start to glow a neon blue color, Nohrinn’s color. Ray’s hair shoot up like wind is coming from bellow. Him and Nohrinn’s hair glow bright with blue, Nohrinn’s scar on his neck inching down his body glows. The scar he gave Ray glows brightly from under his shirt.
I see Braedinn tugging on Ray’s arm but Ray is frozen. Braedinn points to the crowd and I look straight across from his finger. Then I see him. Vaanar is standing in the crowd looking straight at me.
“Shit.” I say. We all notice him in the crowd. Ray and Nohrinn still frozen, Kallina tries to get Nohrinn out the stance. If one of them stops they both will.
“Their connection is too strong; usually you can get them out of this meditation!” Kallina screams over all the fuss from the crowd. “Charlie you have to get out and help Braedinn with Ray. I turn around determined to get Ray but then I freeze in my steps. Fayylon and Wayylon are standing behind us, watching us. I turn again to look at Ray. Ytaani has her arm on Braedinn’s shoulder and holding Ray’s arm.
“Shit.” I say.

I wake up.
Surrounded by green grass and trees that shaded me. I look to my left and there waiting for me to come home is my house. The amazing house that my life took place in. The house that me and Charlie watched movies in and slept together. The house that my mother cooked in and my brother showered in. The house that my sister used to live in. I am lying in my hammock. The hammock I did my homework in. The hammock Charlie and I sat in to watch the day become the night.
I sit up, and see my bag and school work all sprawled across the ground; I must have been sleeping all night. I gather it all together and threw my bag over my shoulder.
I walk. Through grass to the stone steps I was sitting in when I first saw Charlie. I walked up the wooden stairs leading to my deck with a white railing. I leaned against the rail and looked across to see the place that made me feel at peace. The place I thought about when Braedinn was teaching me how to immune the pain I was going to feel. The place that I was thinking about when Nohrinn and I connected.
I always have these dreams about Charlie, but nothing like this one. Normally I wake up sweating and in tears wanting her back so badly. This dream made me feel her again and all I can do is be happy that she was there. This dream was a story, a clear story, maybe I’ll write about it someday. It would be a nice book.
I walk through the back door surprised it’s unlocked. I see my dog sleeping in the middle of the floor. My mom is in the kitchen cooking.
“Hey mom.” I say. The phone rings. She rushes to it.
“Hello?” she says. “Did you find him?!... oh, okay. Thank you sheriff.” She looks down disappointed and cries softly. “Everyone’s left me.” She says.
“She can’t hear you.” Nohrinn’s voice comes from my right. He is sitting in one of the dining room tables. He looked the same as always.
“What’s going on?” I ask. I tear up.
“Come sit next to me Ray.” I do as told. He puts his hand on my arm and I felt something the second he touched me. I felt warmness, like everything was going to be okay. My tears trail back into my eyes and I give him a small smile. “Isn’t that nice?” He says. “The way your warden makes you feel?”
“Why are we here?” I ask.
“Ray. This is one place that makes your heart enlighten. You didn’t know that at first but now you do.”
“I don’t really understand. My brother is dying inside and hates me, my dad left me, my sister died, and my mom has always been lonely and look at her now.” Although this is all true my heart didn’t drop, I still felt peaceful with his hand on me.
“Ray. Home is what you thought about, not your backyard, your home and your family. This is what brought you peace when you and Braedinn were training and this is what you instantly thought about when we connected. You feel like you are at home when I’m near you and when we connect.” Nohrinn doesn’t lift a finger.
“I never realized.” I say.
“That happens. Once people die they then realize what they really loved and what they took advantage of.” He says.
“Are they looking for me? Is that what the call was about?”
“They have searching for over three months and can’t find a trace of you. Your friends feel guilty because they were too drunk to notice you were gone that night.” He says.
“I can’t imagine what my mother feels like. She has already lost so much.” I look at her clearing her tears as she cooks.
“Your dog has been sad too.” He says.
“Nohrinn, I’m not really dead though. I can come back right?”
“That was Charlie’s plan. To send you back the moment you experienced everything. She loves you a lot Ray and knows that you happy with your life even though you were sad over her loss. But now, the council won’t do that. We got caught Ray. They won’t let you come back, they can’t.”
“Your apart of the council.”
“I lost a lot of power when they saw me. I’m sorry Ray but I can’t do anything.” He still didn’t let go of my arm. Even though I hated hearing this I didn’t feel sad. “There is one thing I can let you do. Well, I’m not supposed to let you but we are busted anyway so why not?”
“What is that?”
“You can write a letter to your mom and she will be able to see it.”
I look at my mom, opening the oven to put a large casserole in. It looked like green bean, my brother’s favorite.
“Okay, I’ll write a letter. I want to put it on her bed so she can read before she sleeps.”

I’m okay. Please stop worrying. I am doing great and I have experienced so much. I promise I’ll be back soon. I have so much to do before I can come back.
I made a friend, his name is Nohrinn, we are closer than you can imagine. He says hi. I wish I could hug you mom, and see you every morning before school.
I love you so much and I am so sorry for leaving you but this was something I could not turn down. Please stop being scared, stop crying. Trust me, I’m happy and I want to see you happy too. I’ll be back, enjoy your life. Tell Mike I said hi and to not go in my room. He is such a good brother, I miss him too.
I love this mom, where I am right now. It is so amazing and one day you will experience it too. I haven’t seen Maggie yet but I know she is there somewhere. I know for a fact she didn’t want to leave us, she died of a disease and couldn’t help it. Don’t forget about us.
Again, I promise I’ll be back; I love you mom. I love you so much.
~Ray Alan Hush

As she reads the letter all she can do is smile. Nohrinn and I watch her, with his hand on my shoulder. I hear a knocking sound and look in the doorway. My brother stands at the door.
“Look.” My mother says. “He wrote us a letter.” My mother’s smile was so beautiful. She hands him the piece of paper I wrote on and Mike takes it. Looking at it scanning it top to bottom.
“Mom, there is nothing on it.” Mike hands it back to her and sits next to her rubbing her shoulders.
“He’s going to come back Mike.” She says.
“Wouldn’t that be great?” Mike says “I miss him too mom. I love you, and we haven’t lost each other.” My mother lets out a huge smile. She lies back on her bed and laughs.
“See? That gave her hope. She is happy now and can move on.” Nohrinn says.
“How do you know?” I ask.
“Well I can’t be sure of it but-“ My house starts shaking like an earthquake hit. My mother doesn’t seem to notice. I close my eyes trying to keep myself steady on the ground.
I open my eyes. I was in the kitchen again still with Nohrinn’s hand on my shoulder. I see my brother and my mother eating dinner with two people I did not know. They were all laughing and talking. The girl my brother sat by was holding his hand.
“Your mom made friends with that woman at work. She really let herself out there once she saw your letter and she is happy. That is her daughter only a year younger than Mike but they fell for each

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