» Fantasy » The Girl with Silver Eyes, Kaitlyn Fetterman [speed reading book .TXT] 📗

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of place. Huh, that was weird. I shrugged and went downstairs to eat but once I saw the food I had no desire to eat it. Huh, that was ever more weird.
Going back upstairs, I put on a long sleeve hot pink shirt and skinny jeans with knee length boots. I grabbed my bag and hopped in Josh's car and we were off to school. I had no idea how I was going to get away with wearing sunglasses all day but somehow I needed to find a way. I could not let people see me like this. Josh seemed to agree because he kept glancing at me from the corner of his eye.
He parked in his parking spot and picked me up out of the car and put me down on the ground steadily. Smiling at me, he closed the door and put an arm around my shoulder. We walked to my locker so I could put my books in it then to my first class. I was lucky, no one had seen me yet because we had gotten here extra early. I was the first in the class and I used that extra time to search things up on the web. They had nothing for what to do if you wake up one morning and you look like a goddess. Me being a vampire had crossed my mind a few times but I was out in the sunlight a few minutes ago and I was fine so that idea was junk.
Plus, vampires had strength and speed and I have neither so that idea was definitely out of the picture.
When the teacher walked in she stared at me which I was trying to avoid. I put my hand up to wave, and as soon as she saw it she turned away and didn't glance up from her desk again. I huffed. Huh, weird. I shook my head. This isn't happening right now, I don't have silver eyes, I'm not pale and I did not just make that teacher look away from me.
The rest of the class came in one at a time, each taking their turn to stare at me. I was relived when someone called the classroom and told them to talk me out of class, that someone had to talk to me. I didn't care who it was, I just wanted to get out of that classroom.
When I reached the office they showed me to an old man that I had never seen before. He had grey hair, grey beard and lots of wrinkles on his face. I noticed he didn't have a cane or a walker but he did have sunglasses on. When he saw me he stood up and shook my hand.
"Pleasure to meet you, Emma. I've waited 15 years to see the day you grew up and needed my help, and now you do" he said in a low voice. How did he know my name? "Emma, we have much to discuss and if you would prefer somewhere more private that could be arranged."
I shook my head. "Who are you and what do you want?"
He smiled a warm smiled and took my hand. He led me outside onto one of the benches and we sat down. "I'm Herald, Herald Monroe. Now, let's take this glasses off so I can see who you really are" He reached over and took off my sunglasses and then his. His eyes were white, just pure white. It was weird. "Now, let's see where do I begin. What about at the beginning. You are a spirit, Emma. You have powers of a vampire, a werewolf, shape-shifter and some of a ghost. From your pale skin and hot temperature, I'd say you are a combination of a vampire and werewolf mostly."
"What are you talking about?" I asked confused. I am pale and I do have a very hot temperature but what he is saying makes no sense.
"Alright, last night ten minutes before midnight you felt fire burning through your veins, your eyes hurt and you heard a loud bang then you blacked out. When you woke up you looked like this." he said gesturing to my body. "Now, I understand that it is a lot to take in at one time but it will get easier."
"Okay" I said trying to understand. "So, what's so good about me?"
He chuckled. "The looks for one. But no, you can shift into any creature you want once you get practice, when you get really mad you can turn into a huge wolf and run somewhere, you have the strength and speed of a vampire so everything about you is good. If you really try and concentrate you can turn into a ghost, and walk through walls."
"That's scary" I said honestly. I still didn't really believe him considering I'm just a normal human that happens to have silver eyes and pale skin. I shrugged, maybe I'll find out on my own. "So what do I eat? I had no desire to eat my breakfast this morning"
"Well, that's tricky. Sometimes you may want human food, sometimes you may want animal blood and sometimes you might want an animal like a deer or something. It depends on what you crave. Let me tell you one thing, whatever you crave is what you eat, never eat anything but what you crave, it's dangerous"
"How's it dangerous?" I asked suddenly interested.
"You'll learn as time goes on. Now, here" he said handing me a piece or paper with a number on one side and an address on the other. "If you need me, that's how to contact me, goodbye now"
Then like magic, he was gone, nowhere to be seen. I shrugged as I put the paper in my pocket and walked back into school. I put my sunglasses back on and went upstairs to my classroom. I was pretty sure that what had just happened was obviously hard to take in and I was sort of thinking it was a joke. Well, I had until he described what happened to me last night.
I really hoped that this was all just a dream and that when I pinched myself this morning it just didn't work. You can feel pain in a dream, right? I shook my head to get all thoughts about this weird and stupid new life out of my head. Unfortunately, that didn't work.
In my third period class, I was trying my best to pay attention to the lesson when the fire in my veins returned. I only felt it for a few seconds but it felt almost as if someone have put just my veins on my fire and the blood was spreading the fire. When it passed, I had a strange craving for something, something I would never eat in my entire life. It disgusted me to even think about eating it, never mind actually doing it. I shuddered at the thought.
At the end of the day, I went home and thought back to all the things that Herald had said. Well, for one thing I knew I had to get some animal blood in me, because it would be 'dangerous' if I didn't.
I decided to try something. I went outside and started running back into the woods. I was amazed when I saw everything around me fly by me in a blur. I finally found a deer wondering around, and from that moment on I wasn't myself anymore. My senses took over and by the time I got home I had drained 3 deer of blood and I was disgusted by that but was also delighted. I had never done anything like it before and I knew that it wasn't going to be my last time.
I went upstairs to take a shower, to clear my mind and hopefully feel more human. When I saw myself in the mirror, my eyes were lighter then this morning and my hair still looked perfect. Must be because I'm part vampire, I thought. It was weird to think that.
After my shower, I looked 'spirits' up online and found nothing about silver and blue eyes or running very quickly. Huh, maybe no one knows about us. Well, that would be just great, I wouldn't be able to tell anyone or let anyone see me. That would suck.
My mind wondered off to what Josh would think. I hadn't seen him since lunch and that was very abnormal for him. If me being a 'spirit' messes up me being able to have a boyfriend and friends then whoever made me one can make me a normal human again.
What about my family? how would they feel? Let's see, my mom and dad hate abnormal things and my siblings love abnormal so I would have half of my family on my side. That lightened my spirits a little.
I slowly walked over to my couch and unzipped my backpack. As I looked to see what I have for homework, Herald popped into my room. He was sitting on my bed, looking around my room as if committing it to memory. I found I had a worksheet and a few pages to be read in my textbook. I was about to get started on it but he spoke up.
"How was your hunt?" he asked in a solid voice. It was almost like a glass voice that echoed throughout the room for a moment after he spoke.
I had a lot of smart remarks to say to that but I didn't use any. "Fine."
He nodded and walked over to sit next to me. "I know this may sound a bit odd, but I want to see your wolf."
I raised my eyebrows. "My what?"
"Remember how I said your a werewolf and vampire mostly. Well, that means that you can turn into a big wolf. I want to see it"
"Sure, but how?"
"Your boyfriend cheated on you" he said out of the blue.
"WHAT!?" I screamed. I was mad, no I was nine miles past mad. I felt my bones crack and then shift. My eyes burned like before and within two seconds I was a wolf. I had four paws, ears like a dog and a tail. Huh, maybe I could turn into a wolf.
"Wow" he exclaimed. I took a look and I saw a huge snow white wolf from the stomach down. My tail was white at the connecting part to my bum, but got darker the farther down you looked and was pitch black at the tip. My paws were the same as my tail and now that I took a better look, my stomach/waist had some spots of grey. I was beautiful.
I wanted to talk but all that came out was a bark. That will take some getting used to, considering I liked talking not barking.
"Well, that is a magnificent wolf you have" he said. "Now, I must tell you some bad things about being a werewolf. First of all, now that you have been a wolf once your powers as a wolf are in tact. Now, you have a mate that the Wolf Spirits picked for you, you two are perfect for each other. It doesn't have to be a werewolf, it could be a human or anything. You will also have to join the pack around here and you will have a mind link with them. Meaning, you can talk while you are a wolf to them through your mind. They will explain other things like rules and whatnot but you need to know who the Alpha is. He is the leader of the pack and controls everyone in it. He is an all black wolf with no other colors." he explained. "Now, I must leave you"
He opened the window then left
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