» Fantasy » The Girl with Silver Eyes, Kaitlyn Fetterman [speed reading book .TXT] 📗

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of him.

he said and left my head. I really wanted to know what he was going to say but I suppose I could drop the subject.
It was almost the end of the lesson when I stopped my little conversation with Carter. Emily tried to ask what it was about but I didn’t answer, and surprisingly she was okay with that.
The rest of that day flew by, except for lunch which was usually my only period with Josh but I was ignoring him and all the other humans. After our last period, Emily dropped me off at my house so I could do my homework, then I’m assuming she drove to her house. I finished my homework in half an hour, took a shower and changed into clothes that I wouldn’t mind if I never saw them again.
I hopped out my window and shifted. I started running for the Pack house as soon as I had changed and surprisingly I wasn’t the first one there. In fact, I think I was the last. I shrugged, Carter doesn’t get mad at me so I’m good.
“Alright, now I know this isn’t what your expecting to here but we have to go to Cape Breton in Canada. You have one hour to pack a bag then we are leaving. Let me make myself clear, not all of us are going” Carter explained. “Me, Emily, Vincent, Dylan, Nathan, and Emma.”
“I’m sorry did you say Canada?” Vincent asked full of surprise.
“Yes” Carter answered.
What? I could not go to Canada, not only did I not want to but it was so far away and would take at least two days to get there if we ran. Plus, not that I had anything against any of them or anything but being stuck in Canada with four boys was going to be Hell.
Turns out we were taking a plane, and a private jet at that. Within the first hour, Carter and I were the only ones awake. He had been having a conversation to the person in charge back home, and I had been reading To Kill a Mockingbird, one of my favorites. As I got to the tenth chapter I decided to take a break and see if I could get Carter to tell me who his mate was.
“Who you talking to?” I asked causally. I didn’t know what he was saying or how he was ordering something but his face got tense. After a minute he snapped back into reality and turned to face me.
“Why don’t you ask me the question you really want to ask me?” he asked. Man, I couldn’t sneak anything past him.
“You won’t tell me”
“Try me”
“Who’s your mate?” I asked in a low voice but I knew he had heard me. I watched him for a minute as he considered telling me, and when he turned back to face me he smiled.
“You really want to know? No matter who it may be?” he questioned. I could tell he wanted me to change my mind, but it wasn’t going to work. Well, it would if I didn’t want to know so badly, if I didn’t want him to be my mate.
He sighed. “Okay, how about this. You guess who it may be”
“I don’t know half the girls you know, probably not even a fourth.”
“I guarantee you know her”
“Alright.” I said considering some of the girls in the pack. “Is she in the pack?”
He looked over at me and smiled. “Yes”
I was surprised to hear that considering if she was in the pack, she would know he was her mate. “Is she pretty?”
“No, she’s gorgeous. The most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on.” he said chuckling a little.
I hated knowing that someone out there is lucky enough to have him as a mate. Huh, I probably got a geek. “Is it Heather?”
“No, she’s a lot prettier than her.” he said.
I hated his little inside joke. But right as I said that his voice filled my mind and I almost died laughing.
‘She’s prettier than Emily’ he said. I had a really hard time believing that considering she could be the hottest girl in the world.
‘Who? You do realize you are driving me insane here, right?’
‘How so?’ he asked in a concerned voice.
Maybe I didn’t want him as a mate, he was so stubborn. ‘You won’t tell me who your mate is’
‘Why do you care so much?’
That stopped me from answering. That stopped me from doing anything. That was the last sentence he said to me on the plane.
When we finally got off the plane, I was relived and Emily was as well. Me and Emily shared a Hotel room and the boys shared one as well. It was nice and roomy but way too white and light, like a hospital room or something. It had a bed, couch, table, kitchen, TV and a little more entertaining things.
‘Emma, do you really want to know?’

Carter asked.
‘More then anything. I don’t see why you’re keeping it from everyone, I mean she’s just some girl’
‘It’s you. You’re my mate, Emma’

he said.
Wait, what? I can’t be his mate, can I? No, no, no I cant be, I was meant to have a nice, charming and non-stubborn mate, not Carter. The Alpha of my pack was my mate? No, that didn’t make any sense, non at all. I couldn’t even put into words my feelings towards him right now. Pain. Hate. Anger. More Pain.

he questioned after a moment of silence. I didn’t answer him. I didn’t answer Emily when she asked me what was wrong.
He came through the door to the Hotel room and starred at me with wide eyes. “Ignoring me, now?”
I didn’t answer him, not only because I didn’t want to but because I wasn’t completely sure I could talk without yelling at him. Shouldn’t I have known he was my mate? Shouldn’t he have told me?
‘You’re right, I should have told you, but I knew you would be angry with me. So I didn’t. You can understand that right?’

He said after he went back to his room.
“What was that all about?” she asked.
I shrugged. “Who knows how he works”
She laughed. “You know, I like you, you’re really funny. Whoever your mate is will definitely in for it”
That got me back into my no talking mode, no talking to anyone. Carter didn’t like her saying that one bit.
‘Would you shut it, Emily! Can’t you see she’s in a bad mood about something, no need to bring up her mate’

He demanded.
‘Wait, so she has a mate already. Who?’

She said. Shit, he had seriously messed up because Emily will not let this go now.

He said.
Emily jerked her head in my direction and smiled. “You’re mate is Carter, why didn’t you tell me?”
‘Emily Smith, leave her alone about it!’

Carter ordered in his Alpha voice. I smiled at that but hid it from Emily.
‘No, she doesn’t have to. She just wants to know why I didn’t tell her.’

I said. I needed him to know that if I wanted her to shut it, I could tell her myself. ‘It’s not like I’m embossed that you’re my mate’

‘You make it seem that way, sometimes.’

I snapped back at him.
I heard him talking to the boys in the other room. ‘Man, you got your hands full, she practically hates you’
‘No, need to rub it in, Nathan. I get that I should have told her yesterday, but come on she can cut me some slack right?’

Why should I, what has he done for me? Argh, he was really getting under my skin and he was annoying.
“So, when’d he tell you?” Emily asked me, snapping me out of my daze. I shrugged and went back to ignoring the world.
I was just about to turn the light off to go to bed, when Carter came in. I shut off the lights but he only turned them back on. Argh, he is so difficult, and I only knew him for two days.
“I would like to go bed, if you don’t mind” I said as a smart remark. Of course, he didn’t like that at all.
“Don’t give me a smart remark” he warned and turned the lights back on after I tried again. This time he kept his abnormally large hand, on the light switch so I couldn’t move it.
“I’ll give whoever I want, a smart remark” I said. I was about to say something else but Emily had sat up and glared at us.
“Will you two please turn the lights off? I really need my beauty sleep. You can flirt with each other in the morning.”
I frowned at her. “I sure as hell am not flirting with him, and he won’t let me turn the lights off.”
"Carter” Emily groaned laying back down and putting a pillow over her head. “Go to sleep”
“Not until she agrees to actually talk to me, instead of ignoring me.” he said staring at me with those gorgeous blue eyes. I shook my head instead of string back.
“I’m talking to you right now” I reminded him. “Unless you have a different definition of talking then I do”
Emily laughed and the crowd of boys at the door did too.
“She’s going to be able to control him. He’s not even getting mad at her, wow she has it good.” Nathan said and they all agreed with him.
“Shut up, Nathan.” Carter warned. “I meant willingly talking to me, not just talking to me because you want the lights off.”
“Don’t hold your breath” I said going and laying down in my bed. “Fine, if you won’t turn the lights off, I’ll sleep with them on”
He sighed. “Why are you so difficult? And stubborn?”
“I’m not difficult, you’re the one that is difficult. I’m not stubborn, that’s you, Alpha”
“I told you, you don’t have to call me that” he smirked.
“If I said what I really wanted to, I would so I’m saving myself the trouble.” I finally told him.
“I bet you don’t have the guts to tell me what you really want to tell me” he mumbled.
I sat up and walked over to him. “Fine. You’re a stubborn, difficult person that shouldn’t even be the Alpha because you’re a child!”
He raised his eyebrows. “You have some nerve, telling me that. I can kick you out of this pack, just as quickly as I put you in it!”
“I’m not scared of you” I told him.
He dropped the hand on the light switch and took a step towards me. “And now?”
“I would say no, but then you’d just step closer to me again and I don’t want that” I said. I reached around him and turned the lights off then went to lay down in my bed. “Thank you”
He growled lowly at me. “You are difficult, Emma”
He growled again but I heard them all go into the other room and Carter slam the door. Probably shaking it off the hinges. I laughed at the thought of him breaking the door on a hotel room.
I fell asleep that night with no problem, surprisingly.

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