» Fantasy » The Girl with Silver Eyes, Kaitlyn Fetterman [speed reading book .TXT] 📗

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I'm Sorry Did you Say Canada?

‘Everyone get your butt’s up, we have to go on a trip. So get up and we will all meet in the woods. Emily, show Emma where we always meet in the mornings. Be there in five minutes.’

Carter’s voice filled my mind.
It got me up but not by choice or will. I looked at the clock and it was 2AM, who in there right mind would wake a pack up at that hour. I regretted saying that a moment later.

Carter warned in a very frightening voice. ‘I did hear that. Just get your ass up!’

Well, I did as I was told. I found a few great shirts in the closet and pulled a red v-neck shirt over my head and skinny jeans. I knew it wouldn’t matter what I wore if I was going in my wolf form but oh well. I had three minutes, so I used my vampire speed to run around my bathroom and room getting ready. It came in handy. I got my shoes on, make-up done and hair brushed in one minute then another to brush my teeth.
Emily and I were almost there when her mater, Lucas came up behind her and attacked her. I laughed but Carter didn’t find it too funny at all. He ended up using his Alpha tone with then and it was funny but I kept myself from laughing.
“Morning everyone.” he said. Some people said morning or mumbled hi but most stayed quiet. I could get used to this, it was nice to be able to have so many people around you. “Wake up, your not in bed anymore”
We all just listened as he told us what we were doing today. I was going to go back to the pack house, work out to get stronger until six. At six I was to go to my house get ready to go to school then go to school. After school, I would do my homework then return to the pack house where Carter would be waiting to tell all of us about the trip.
“Wait, before we all go our separate ways, I would like Emily, Dylan, Nathan and Vincent to show Emma the Territory.” he said.
“Emma, shift into wolf form, we’ll go that way.” she said.
I shifted into wolf form as I was told and it was relaxing to do so. The bones stretching out, muscles flexing and to be a wolf, it was all an amazing feeling. Emily lead the way, out farther into the woods. When I started to smell a different scent she started running right before the scent got strong, making sure to never cross over.
‘What do you think, pretty big right?’

she asked while we were running. I still couldn’t believe that I had a mind link with all of the people in this pack, it was a lot to wrap your finger around.

I said describing two things at once. ‘It’s huge. Aren’t we almost done, Emily?’

‘No. Emma, just a warning don’t ever let Carter hear you complain like that or you will be in some serious trouble’

Vincent answered.
‘Am I not allowed to complain?’
‘Well, it depends on what you are complaining about’ Nathan put in. ‘If you complain about his orders then you will be in trouble’

‘But if you complain about food or something unrelated to him you won’t have a problem’

Dylan finished. It was weird talking without opening my mouth, and even more so because I was in wolf form. Just plain weird.
‘So, I’m allowed to complain as long as it has nothing to do with Carter or his orders?’

‘You got that right, Em!’

Emily smirked.
I smirked back. ‘Em? Where did that come from?’
‘Well, your name is Emma, so I took the first two letters and made it your nickname. It’s pretty common actually’

‘I like it’

Dylan said smiling.
I growled at the two of them. ‘Whatever’

‘Don’t whatever me, I’ll have your head for it’

Dylan warned.
I turned my head to look at him. He was baring his teeth at me with Nathan behind him just looking around, ignoring us. ‘Sure, should I be scared of him Em?’
‘Whoa, who said you could call me Em? I came up with that for you. Not for me, for you’

‘If you don’t call me it then I won’t call you it’ I said.
‘Deal and no, you shouldn’t be afraid of him…’

Carter cut her off. He sounded mad as mad could get.
‘Emma, Nathan, Emily, Vincent and Dylan get back here right now! You should have been back ages ago!’

he shouted.
We didn’t say another word the entire time we were running though I know we all wanted to. When we got back to the pack house, we shifted back and we were all naked in front of another. The others didn’t mind but I sure did, I didn’t want two teenage boys seeing me naked.
I jumped into the window of my room with the vampire abilities in me and quickly pulled something on. It was a tee and shorts, buy hey it’s better then nothing, right.
Carter had the four of us working out harder because we weren’t there on time but it didn’t bother me, I was using my vampire strength. That had all of them looking at me like I was a maniac because I was at the highest weight and it wasn’t hard. I probably should have used only my real strength but this was fun.
Finally, it was six o’clock and I ran home to get ready. My parents weren’t there and I don’t think either of my siblings were either but I couldn’t be positive. After, I was one hundred percent positive I looked like a normal fifteen year old girl, I hoped into Emily’s car that was waiting out front and she drove to school.
“So, what’s it like having a mate?” I asked.
She gave me a weird look before answering. “Well, it’s the most wonderful thing in the world if you ask me. I mean we go into heat like a cat and it’s really weird but other then that it’s great. He will do anything for you and you’d do anything for him. The males are always really protective and defensive and it’s annoying but it’s worth it. Then, once you complete the mating process it’s like you two are inseparable.”
“What’s the mating process?” I asked not sure if I really wanted to know.
“Step #1: The meet. Step #2: The marking. Step #3: The sex” she explained quickly.
“He’ll bite you on your neck, well in between your neck and your shoulder. It’s a little painful but it’s worth it”
I tried to picture someone biting me, biting my neck but no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t. “How do you tell if he’s your mate?”
“Well, you have this feeling whenever he’s near you that you have to go to him. And when he touches you, you get shivers up and down your spine and when he kisses you the whole world goes away and it’s just you and him. Everyone disappears from sight and it’s the best feeling in the world, well second best”
I knew what the best was and I wasn’t going to ask to make her tell me. “So, in school do you use your mind link a lot?”
“Oh, yes all the time. It’s how we communicate without anyone else hearing, it’s quite useful”
I nodded as she pulled into the parking lot. I wasn’t ready to not talk to Josh or Vanessa or any of them but I had to, Alpha’s orders.
‘Remember no human contact’

Carter reminded me. I loved that voice of his, it was deep and sexy.
‘Okay, Alpha’

I said.
‘No, call me Carter. I only make the annoying ones call me Alpha’

he said.
It felt nice to hear him say that I’m not annoying even if that wasn’t his exact words. ‘Well, thanks. I try not to be annoying’

He chuckled. ‘Well, you succeed. Now, stop talking to me and get to class.’

I shook my head. ‘I’m not technically talking to you’

‘Stop while your ahead!’

He warned. “Before you have to call me Alpha. I’d really rather not make you’

I didn’t say anything else to him while I went to first period and sat next to Emily instead of Vanessa. She wasn’t very happy about it, but when she saw who I was sitting with she didn’t argue.
‘Quite the friend you have there’

Emily said.
I elbowed her in the ribs causing her to groan. ‘I know I’m not allowed to have human contact but don’t insult my friends, they aren’t bad once you get to know them. Don’t judge a book by it’s cover’

I heard someone chuckle and I think it was Carter but I wasn’t positive. Carter was definitely not one of the ones I would expect to laugh at something like that. Or laugh at all even.

’ I asked.
‘Yes, Emma.’

‘Who is mated in the pack?’

I asked.
‘Me and Lucas, Dylan and Marbella, Vincent and Amy, Thomas and Jamie and Wyatt and Regina’

she answered. I was surprised to hear that Carter didn’t have a mate.
‘Carter doesn’t have one?’
‘That’s hard to tell. He says he has one but he wont tell us who. A few of us think it’s you but Carter denied that.’

She explained in a low voice. It was just loud enough for me to hear the teacher and her at the same time.
‘I think I know who it is’

Nathan said.
I turned around to glare at him in surprise. ‘Well, don’t just sit there and listen to the teacher. Who?’

Carter then filled my mind. ‘Wouldn’t you like to know. You know you shouldn’t ask questions you don’t want to know the answer to.’
‘But I do want to know, I don’t know why but I do’

I said a little louder then I had meant to.
‘I think it’s you’

Nathan said.
‘Oh most definitely’

Dylan agreed.
‘Emma, why are you so stubborn?’

Carter asked me. I wonder how he did that, only talk to one person at a time.
‘I’m not stubborn, I may be annoying at times but not stubborn’

I argued. I knew I shouldn’t argue with the Alpha but I was not stubborn and I was going to win this.
‘Oh Emma, you think your annoying but you aren’t. If you were I would be having your ass for being late and I’d make you call me Alpha. Now, do I do that?’

He said in a soft, loving voice. It was still the deep, sexy voice I loved but just softer.
‘No, but I swear I can be annoying at times. Maybe, I can be stubborn but only to some people’

I said.
‘Are we really having this conversation, Ms. Redford?’

He asked in the same soft voice. It made me feel like I meant something to him, other then a pack member.
‘I believe we are Mr. what’s your last name?’

‘Get back to concentrating on school. I can’t be mean, it’s not how I am with a… I mean you’
‘If you don’t mind me asking what were you going to say?’

I knew he was going to say something that he didn’t want me to know but I was going to get it out

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