» Fantasy » The Girl with Silver Eyes, Kaitlyn Fetterman [speed reading book .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Girl with Silver Eyes, Kaitlyn Fetterman [speed reading book .TXT] 📗». Author Kaitlyn Fetterman

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Perfect Day

The bright sunshine glared through my window, telling me it was time to wake up and get ready for school. It's not that I didn't want to go to school, I just didn't want to get out of my soft, warm bed. Once I brought myself to get up, I regretted it because I remembered I had a big Chapter test today and I couldn't fail it. I groaned but walked zombie-like into my bathroom. My bathroom door was right next to my bedside table so I didn't have to go very far. It was a blood red and a cream color in the bathtub, my mirror over the white sink was outlined in red and the toilet was cream with a red rug surrounding it. I was used to expensive things because all my life I had lived in big, expensive houses that anyone would love to live in.
After taking a shower and doing my hair, make-up and dressing I walked slowly downstairs to the kitchen. Our kitchen was black and white, if one counter was black then the things on either side of it were white. It was our way of staying awake, by looking at stripes. My sister, Lillian was already down here eating her cereal and toast. As soon as I sat down I was served the same by Ms. Helen our cook.
"Morning my little angels" Dad said walking into the room kissing us on our heads. "How is breakfast?"
I gave him a thumbs up and continued eating. Everyday I had the same thing for breakfast and everyday Dad would ask how it was.
After finishing my food, I went back to my bathroom and brushed my teeth. I walked back downstairs, grabbed my backpack and met Dad in the car. He always drove me, Lillian and Byrant to school because Byrant was too lazy to do and I didn't have my license. Byrant was the oldest, 18, I'm the middle, 15 and Lillian is 13. Me and her were really close but Byrant and I are miles apart.
As he pulled into the High School to drop me and Byrant off, my boyfriend walked up to the car and opened the door for me. I blushed, got out of the car and hugged him as he closed the door behind me. Joshua, has been my boyfriend for about two years and he was amazing. He was nice, generous, caring, honest and I could go on forever with compliments.
"Morning, Em. How did you sleep?" he asked. I loved his husky voice, it reminded me of Jacob from Twilight.
"Not bad, what about you?" I asked pulling away from him. He put his arm around my shoulder and we started walking towards the school. Byrant was already in the school because he didn't want to see me and Josh together.
"The same." he smirked. I laughed at his face, it was funny. "Why do you always laugh when I do that?"
"You look funny when you smirk. I'm sorry if you got the wrong idea out of it but I think it's funny, if you saw your face, I know you would laugh too." I explained. He would never understand.
"Sure I would, babe, sure I would" he said nodding. I laughed at that too and he spun me around so I was facing him. We were inside now and at my first class. He pecked my forehead and left me to go to his class, History.
I walked inside and sat in my normal seat next to Jason. He was Josh's brother and was super annoying. He would always ask me strange and absurd questions about me and Josh's relationship but I tried my hardest to ignore him.
In between all my morning classes I would gat a hug or a kiss from Josh and that always pushed me to do my best in whatever class I had next.
Finally when it was time for lunch I jumped into Josh's arms and he chuckled. I always loved lunch because I had a full hour to spend with Josh and my friends, which I don't get much of. I sat next to Josh in the Cafeteria with Vanessa on my other side. He got me my food and I started eating instantly.
"So, I suppose you were hungry?" he assumed.
"Super hungry." I said. He chuckled.
We had about five conversations going on throughout the lunch table which wasn't new but it was annoying. After I finished my lunch I put my head on Josh's shoulder and closed my eyes. I always loved being near him, it was breath taking and amazing. All my friends were jealous of my relationship with him, and to be perfectly honest I couldn't blame them.
"Em, what's wrong?" he asked abruptly.
I took my head off my shoulder and looked at him confused. "What?"
"Nothing babe"
I shrugged and laid my head back on his shoulder and returned to daydreaming. Mostly about me and Josh getting married and having kids but some were about family.
By the end of the school day, Josh had completely flipped me out because he kept asking if I was okay when there was absolutely nothing wrong.
When I got home I walked straight up to my room to do my homework. Within an hour of starting my homework Josh called me and asked to come over. Of course I said yes and he was here in five minutes. We went up to my room and sat on my couch. He took my hand and I saw him shudder as soon as he touched me. I pulled my hand away and glared at him.
"What?" I asked.
"Why are you so cold?" he asked. He put his hand on my forehead. "Now your hot, what the heck?"
I felt my forehead, it was hot but not abnormally hot. I took his face in my hands and he shuddered. "I'm fine, I promise"
He pressed his lips to mine but pulled back almost instantly. "Babe, your lips are like ice. Are you sure you're okay?"
I nodded. "Positive"
"Alright, if your sure" he said taking my wrists in his hands. He pressed his lips back to mine and shuddered but didn't pull back. I tried to get out of his grip but the more I struggled the tighter he held my wrists. I finally yanked my wrists out of his grip and put my hands around his neck. He winced and pulled back, shaking his head.
"Babe, there's something wrong. One second you feel ice cold and the next your boiling hot. What's wrong?" he asked.
I shrugged. "I don't know. Well, I do know that you won't let me kiss you"
"Sorry" he said getting up off the couch and went to my bed. "I'll see you tomorrow, try and be more normal, okay?"
I shrugged. "I still have no idea what your talking about"
He smiled and left the room closing the door behind him.
I frowned but got into my pajama's after taking a shower and finished the little bit of homework I had left.
I crawled into bed, turned the light off and closed my eyes. My mind was going through the conversation this afternoon with Josh and I couldn't figure out what he was talking about. Soon after I settled my thoughts I fell asleep.


About an hour after I had fallen asleep, I woke up again. After that I couldn't go back to sleep, no matter what I did, which way I laid. When it was about 10PM I picked up my phone and called Josh because whenever one of us couldn't sleep we called the other. He picked up on the third ring.
"Can't sleep?" he questioned sleepily.
"Be over in a minute" he said and hung up. About ten minutes later he was walking into my room yawning and rubbing his eyes. He climbed under the blankets and put an arm around me and pulled me so I was pressed against his chest. His lips pressed against my ear. "Good night"
I smiled and tried to go back to sleep. Within a minute I heard him sleeping but no matter what I did, I couldn't fall asleep.
After another hour I got up and sat on my couch, grabbed the glass of water on the coffee table and drank some. I climbed back into bed, being careful not to wake Josh but as soon as my head touched the pillow I was wide awake. I rolled onto my back and checked the clock, it was ten minutes before midnight.
Suddenly, I felt a fire burning through my veins. My eyes started burning and I heard a loud bang through my ears. My arms, legs and head went numb and I blacked out moments later.
The next thing I knew it was morning and I was on the floor. I got up and sat on the bed and glared at Josh and was surprised. He looked so much different. I could see every strand of his bed head hair, I heard his heartbeat and saw dust particles floating around. My eyes started to burn again, so I rubbed them with my fingers but that only made it worst. I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I remember screaming at something but wasn't sure what, considering I fainted.
When I got back up I realized why I screamed and fainted. My hazel eyes were no longer hazel and my slightly tanned skin was no longer slightly tan. My eyes a light silver and around the eyeball where white used to be was a dark navy blue. I pinched my arm to make sure I wasn't dreaming but I wasn't. My skin was pale and by pale I mean like vampire pale. I shook my head and went back into my bedroom to find Josh still sleeping. I shook him a few times to get him awake but once he woke up he didn't go back to sleep. He sat up and looked at me.
"Good morning, I hope you..." he trailed off when he actually saw me. "What the Hell?"
"I don't know, I woke up like this. " I told him. I found a pair of dark sunglasses and put them on before he could say something else.
"You're beautiful!" he exclaimed. "Well, you already were but that is just like the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen"
I slapped him in the back of the head causing him to groan. "Shut up, this is terrible"
"Yeah, because every boy at school is going to want you. Ha-ha they can't have you. I'm one lucky man" he said smiling.
I shook my head and got off the bed to brush my hair but when I looked in the mirror my hair was already perfect, not one strand out

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