» Fiction » A game of love, brea isomee [have you read this book txt] 📗

Book online «A game of love, brea isomee [have you read this book txt] 📗». Author brea isomee

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Latisha Jones . Their names were both based off mines and i was glad . I'd be a proud father even though i was still young .

I would be there for Demarco jr and Demarla and love them and care for them always . I wouldn't be like my father or any other dead beat father out there . I had bigger plans . Like walking them into the classroom on their first day of school , packing their lunch everyday , putting them to bed every night , protecting my daughter from dick heads , teaching my son to play ball .

I smiled as i watched the nurse wrap Demarla in a pink blanket , and Demarco jr in a blue one .

I said a silent prayer " god , i know your listening and i also know i havn't been the best person possible . But i promise to love my girl and our babies no matter what . I . . . . . I'm proud . Please . . . "

The doctor took a tube of Lisa's blood " we have to do some blood work to make sure you don't have any diseases or anything like that that could be passed onto the children . "

She shook her head and the nurses took her to clean her up . She was extremely tired . Her eyes were puffy , her hair was out of place and her face dropped . But even like that she was the most beautiful woman in the world to me . I mean , how could i not love her even more than i already ready did ? She had just given me the 2 things that would now dominate my life and make me happy .



I drunk until my vision blurred , until my words were slurred . Hell , i drunk until my body didn't function . I would never , ever commit suicide but believe me it was on my mind heavy . The past seven months had been hell for me . I cut my self off from the world , i was homeless , had no car , no life . What was going on in my head !

" i did it / it was me / i slept with them chicks / now i can barely breath /

how was i so stupid / how couldn't i see / . I couldn't see / see that they

would in the long run be killing me / . So as i look at this gun / the gun is

loaded with bullets / and my life and my lifestyle took my brain a long time

ago but i couldn't see that it took it / . Deep breath / no stress / my girl is

dead / & i'm next . . . "



" all of your tests results came back negative ."

I shook my head at the doctor and continued to rock Demarco Jr in my arms . He looked exactly like his daddy . I kissed his cheek and Marco entered the room holding Demarla . He was gonna be a really good father , i could tell . The way his eyes sparkled when he held either of the children said it all . I mean , i didn't expect to have my first child fresh out of high school , let alone have 2 fresh out of high school but , i was happy , could you blame me ?




I pulled my phone out my pocket . I could barely make out the number on the scream but i answered it anyway " yo ."

" is this Armillio jackson ?"

" y-y-yeah , why ?"

" my name is doctor even , i did your test results a few months back . Listen , i don't know how or why we are just now figuring this out but , you don't have aids ."

I jumped up but fell back down on the porch " WHAT ? !"

" our machines were malfunctioning at the time . I'm really really sorry about this but -"

I stopped listening . This whole time i've been falling apart and shit and these niggas were the ones who made a mistake , not me . Dumb fucks . I hung up the phone and just sat the . This can't really be happening .

The babies were beautiful . Little baby Demarla and little Demarco Jr . Demarla definately took after her mother in a lot of ways : Same color eyes , same fluffy cheeks , but she had my hair color , that brownish color . And i could tell she was definitely going to be a daddies girl . And Demarco Jr , well he took after me in every features he had , that made me even happier . Not only did my soldiers march but they knew how to double up . Twins ? Yes , twins .

A week after they were born we were able to take them home , and everything was good . . . . . for the first week and a half after they came home . Then after that shit start to get strained . I was at work mostly everyday and almost all day and when i got home there was less time for me and Lisa to kick back on our own . It was like , i was happy doing what i was doing , but a part of me was slowly dying in a way . If i wasn't at work i was changing shitty diapers and if Lisa wasn't making formula than she was trying to put one of 'em to sleep . It was hectic . There was never a quiet moment in our home and the twins were really starting to put a strain on me and Lisa's relationship . We argued - hell , we argued non stop .

At first the arguing was little and about petty shit like me not coming home from work on time or her being tired or waking up in the middle of the night to a crying baby . But then the shit started to escalate to bigger things . We'de end up in a shouting match because she'd accuse me ever night when i came home from work saying that i was cheating on her . I couldn't tell her enough that i would never do that and that i loved her too much . There was just no convincing her . After that we had arguments about the bills . Lisa wasn't bringing in any money to the house hold but i didn't say anything because she took care of the kids and i loved her a lot so i wanted to provide for her . But after we'd pay the rent , buy diapers , food for the house , and get Meisha the little things she needed my paycheck that i got every other week was damn near gone . But Lisa seemed to think i was hiding money . She was getting paranoid like no shit i'd ever seen . Then slowly as the weeks passed I'd noticed that Lisa started to leave the house at night while i was sleeping and wouldn't be back until the sun came up . So not only did i have to go to work everyday of the week , i'd picked up more days to get more money , but i also had to wake up and feed the kids in the middle of the night and change their diapers and not be able to sleep for a hour or two .

Before i knew it a whole nother month had passed , and i was down in the dumps .

I promise you , this is not how i imagined it . This wasn't supposed to be happening like this , we were supposed to be happy ! Why weren't we happy ? I was doing everything i could . And i slowly began to realize it wasn't my fault and it wasn't me who was changing , but it was Lisa .


"you gon' get all the girls ," i sat Demarco back in to his crib and went across the room to Demarla's crib " and you , stay away from boys ." I chuckled to myself . Since my mom had all of a sudden stopped coming home all together we ended up cleaning out her room and making it the twins's room . We'd even painted it half blue and half pink . But , of course i realized that one day we'da have to get a bigger place to live . Boys and girls over a certain age aren't really aloud / supposed to sleep in the same room . Man , finding a new place that was cheap but bigger would be a huge problem . And then i'd have to get people to check the house and make sure it was okay plus hire a moving crew . I know you're thinking we don't need a house , we just need a slightly bigger apartment but i wanted my kids to have a front and back yard to play in . I actually wanted so much better than the hood for my kids but , i'd just have to take it one day at a time .

The front door opening and closing caught my attention and snapped me out of my thoughts but i didn't move from looking inside Demarla's crib . I didn't have shit to say to Lisa . It was 4 a.m. on a Monday morning and i woke up to kicking and screaming from both Demarco Jr and Demarla and i had to be at work at 5:15 and i hadn't even showered yet . Plus i'd have to wake Meisha up so she could get ready for school , change the twins again before i leave , look at the bills that came in the mail a few days ago and i'd also have to do a whole bunch of other shit i didn't want to do before work . To say the least , i was exhausted .

" hey ," Lisa poked her head in the room and spoke in a raspy
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